- Jun 7, 2022
- 77
- 13
- 8
Still holding steady with a stranger's laugh ♡
It felt like a lifetime since he stepped back onto the familiar grounds of the pine forest, the sprawling underbrush becoming squashed underneath large, inky paws as they carried this hulking figure through the territory. There was a situation that had unexpectedly sprung up at the barn which made his short visit into an extended one and during his stay he had heard through the whispering chatter of other residents on the farm that some huge fight had broken out between the two groups but before he could even delve into it more, they all but disappeared over the expanding moors or beyond.After things have settled on his own end, Huckleberry had shared his farewells with his family and departed back to what he considered his second home without a second to waste in hopes everyone who he once knew was still around and safe.
Now here he stood, head held high with a warm smile gracing his maw before going ahead and clearing his throat to announce his arrival in hopes someone would hear him. " Ah, hello pine group? Rain? Haku? Ember? Anyone? It's Huckleberry, if any of y'all still 'member me! " After that was said and done it was time to wait in quiet anticipation on who was to heed his call first, would it be someone he was familiar with or maybe it'd be an entirely new face he has yet to give a name to?
// anyone is free to have their character [most likely any of those who were around at the beginning of everything] have a sort of pre-established friendship / connection with huckleberry before he ended up vanishing !