EDIT: May come back to edit this a bit later but for now... fimshed...

DEWKIT — alternative names: glimmerkit, asterkit, cavernkit

⤹ female ( she/her )
— unknown sexuality ⋆ mono or poly unknown ⋆ extra
⤹ from windclan, kit
— no previous affiliations
⤹ 0 moons ⋆ ages every 7th ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by Twitchtail

APPEARANCE — LH tortoiseshell with low white
⤹ carrying dilute ⋆ masking nothing ⋆ etc

Dewkit will be a long, lithe creature. She has long tortoiseshell fur covered in white "freckles." She has heterochromia, her left eye being a deep blue, while her right is a vibrant orange. Agile, made for running.

⤹ extra information
positive traits: Gentle, Kind, Loyal
neutral traits: Pacifist, Naive, Stickler
negative traits: Immature, Stubborn, Passive

Dewkit is a demure cat. She isn't necessarily one to hide in the shadows but is also not going to be putting herself in many situations either. She is very polite and will try to teach her peers how to be if the opportunity presents itself. Dewkit would rather try to talk things through than lift a paw against someone (would be a conflict come apprentice time). She would rather stand and get beat up than hurt another cat. This downfall extends to prey, though it is on thin ice since it's needed for survival. She will still be sad if they think about it too hard. She will let anyone do anything to them but is hesitant to let anyone do anything FOR them

RELATIONS & INTERACTIONS — Cottonsprig x Foxglare (would be fine with either)
⤹ littermate to tbd
— Cottonsprig, Bluefrost, etc
⤹ friends with tbd
— admires tbd ⋆ likes tbd
⤹ enemies with tbd
— dislikes tbd ⋆ loathes tbd

interaction information: She'd react the same to almost anyone. she isn't discerning in that way. She would greet them politely and probably ask something small-talk related. Her family/close friends she would relax a bit around but not much ⋆ She trusts way too easily. Willingly ignores red flags in favor of "benefit of the doubt" and absolutely will be walked all over because of it.
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will flee | will show mercy
excels at running, diplomacy, tracking ⋆ poor at fighting, standing up for herself, climbing
— sounds like Mipha (breath of the wild) ⋆ smells like lavender and moss

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Tracking + Rimekit's basics if anyone wants to use them for brainstorming :3c


✧ rimekit, named by her mother after icebreath and bluefrost
✧ dfab, she/her
✧ newborn, aging realistically; born september 7th, 2024
✧ kitten of windclan

✧ cottonsprig x foxglare ; does not know her true parentage and believes herself to be the daughter of bluefrost and thriftfeather
✧ siblings: tbd
✧ friends: tbd
✧ dislikes: tbd
✧ relationship: single, much too young for romance (she baby)
✧ unknown sexuality, will be discovered as she enters apprenticehood and beyond

✧ rime enters the world with a howl of declaration - for she is a rare and beautiful creature who was not meant for existence. cloaked in ivory downy fur with patches of intermixed shades of grays and soft orange atop her head, lower back and tail, and right front paw, rime is undoubtedly stunning. a perfect blend of her parents. a worthy grandchild of sootstar and weaselclaw's bloodline despite her mother's mistake. or perhaps it is in spite of her mother's mistake. for upon opening, rime's eyes are a near match to the medicine cat who bore her; brilliantly blue like the sky rather than grassy green like the aunt who will raise her. as many traits as she shares with cottonsprig, she also takes pieces of foxglare for herself. his hulking size reflects clear as day upon the large kit, as does the pattern of his markings upon his coat, even down to the splash of color upon their right forepaws.
✧ CURRENT INJURIES / ILLNESSES: rimekit has no current injuries or illnesses, she is safe in the womb
toyhouse link
pinterest link

( + ) compassionate, honorable
( / ) persistent
( - ) clumsy, reckless
✧ rime begins life as a curious kit, absorbing the world around her like a sponge. she may show early signs of being a leader among her siblings (cousiblings unbeknownst to her) given her larger stature. however as all youngsters must learn, the world can be a cruel place. do not worry, perseverance runs in her blood and she will push through, determined to live up to the legends who came before her… legends she may one day catch the eye of. until then she is ever curious, ever the daydreamer. clumsy to a fault and finding herself in the medicine den often (a blessing or a curse cast upon cottonsprig). rime tries without ceasing to earn bluefrost's praise and tries equally hard to not notice any subtle discrepancies between the treatment of herself and her siblings… four kits is a lot to look after, right?
✧ hobbies: tbd

✧ inexperienced in battle (she is a newborn); may or may not run in future fights, may or may not start a fight, may or may not finish a fight, may or may not kill unless absolutely necessary; everything is subject to change as she ages + her ic interactions
✧ healing and peaceful powerplay allowed
✧ penned by kerms


" Just one kind soul ; With a heart of gold "
AFAB ; SHE/HER | KIT OF WINDCLAN | 00 MOONS, born 07.09.2024

LH blue tortie carrying chocolate
As a kitten, this kit appears small, though eventually grows to be closer to her father's size, albeit with longer legs and a somewhat slender build beneath her thick pelt. Her fur is primarily solid blue in colour, broken up by patches of cream thus giving this kit her tortoiseshell colouring. In regards to the length of this kit's fur, it is something of a medium length, longer than most, but not to a point where it would be hard to maintain. More often than not, it will likely be speckled with dust or little leaves, however. Her tail is perhaps where her fur appears the longest, giving it a plumy, featherlike quality. Her ears will be slightly tufted at the top, which would only be noticeable up close. Her eyes, like both of her parents, will be green but hers will be much more of a yellowish green in colour. This kit was born missing her left back paw, leaving her with a slight hopfooted gait, and a slower run than most of her clanmates. Her missing paw will be something to overcome as she grows, but luckily it does not impede her too much.

Overall, whilst mostly taking more after her mother colouring wise, she is nearly all her father in the face, inheriting the same narrow face shape and almond-shaped eyes of Thirftfeather. Such traits won't be as obvious as a kit, but will become increasingly prominent as she matures.

This kit is first and foremost a very pure, kindhearted cat. She has a relaxed, go with the flow personality, and little troubles her. The term 'water off a duck's back' is very appropriate for her. She is a curious soul, eager to try things, and learn as much as she can about the world.Even her family, which has such a troubled past, provides her with more innocent curiosity rather than a desire to distance herself from her familial legacy. It should be noted her curiosity sometimes gets her into trouble, especially in her youth, as she inadvertently crosses boundaries in trying to sate it. Her cheerful, at times energetic personality, often gives her a childish air, though it is clear she means well. Sometimes it is hard to motivate her, but she always works hard when around her mother or other kin. Despite her occasional bouts of laziness, she can be inspired to push herself to the extreme if she believes her clanmates are looking at her with pity, or dismissing her on account of her missing limb. Unlike many of her kin, this kit is not ambitious at all, and is happy to serve as a loyal warrior. She doesn't really like making big decisions - or having to process big decisions - and can take too long weighing up the pros and cons unless someone intervenes.

Whilst this kit will remain kind and cheerful for most of her life, some traits are not set in stone, and would be beholden to certain events or would be shaped by the teachings of her future mentor.
  • Intended for the Blue/Thrift litter
  • Will be a moor runner; might have some mixed feelings about that if several of her kin become tunnelers though. As a young apprentice, I'd like for her to try and potentially sneak into the tunnels with a littermate. They would either be minorly injured or get caught and sent back to be punished (I'd be open to just playing this out and seeing how it goes)
  • Very conflicted feelings about her family legacy. Depending on her age when she learns about Sootstar, she may idolise her a little, finding it hard to believe a leader could be so bad and it would be hard for her to reconcile the dark legacy of her grandmother with the image of her she has created
  • Please ignore that the reference is that of a shorthaired cat, I couldn't find another that matched the appearance dead on/really wanted to use the design
  • Primary inspirations are: Penny Polendina (RWBY), Annette Fantine Dominic (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
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Any Cosmo girl would have known!
Silk-kit . Silkpaw . Silksong

↳ named for her soft, lustrous fur
— I am applying for Bluefrost x Thriftfeather solely because Silk is my prefix preference, but would happily take a slot in Cottonsprig x Foxglare, too! I’d be content in either litter.
— Backup names: Asterkit, Iriskit, Lavenderkit, Violetkit; if chosen for Cotton x Fox instead, my first choice is Asterkit, followed by Iriskit, Lavenderkit, Chamomilekit, Buttercupkit
— WindClan kit
— AMAB; will transition to female early in life; will end up pansexual
Bluefrost x Thriftfeather sibling to tbd

A beautiful longhaired white cat with a blue nose and tail and sapphire eyes. toyhouse
↳ Silk-kit is a white cat with a sleek, elegant appearance. She has a flowing blue tail and a blue patch on her upper muzzle that travels up between her eyes. Her eyes are a deep, sapphire blue. One look at her tells you that this kit exudes sophistication and grace. Her dainty and small build is that of any pure-blooded WindClanner. Her pelt for which she was named is always meticulously groomed, always shining and laying neatly across her slender frame. She always carries herself with poise and dignity, her head held high.
↳ Has an entire “wardrobe” of accessories and rotates through them often. Flowers, feathers, butterfly wings, she will collect them all! That flower she loved to wear in her fur wilted? Meh, it was so last season anyway!
↳ Wouldn’t be caught dead in “common” or “messy” accessories (ie leaves, berries, grasses). Her wardrobe will consist of colorful, shiny feathers, carefully picked flowers, and delicately plucked insect wings.


( + ) organized, charming, creative, generous ( / ) curious, perfectionist, proud ( - ) vain, stubborn Silk-kit possesses a natural charm and grace that almost immediately endears her to most cats. From a young age, she develops refined manners and sophisticated speech, which often impresses older clanmates. Ever respectful, she is proud to be the daughter of a clan lead warrior and every bit of this pride is evident in the way she carries herself. Her chin is never not held high, her eyes are never not fluttering when she asks for something she wants. She is her mother's princess, through and through. However, she's not all talk, no brains! This girl's creative flair comes out in unique ways, whether it be designing intricate games or crafting beautiful nests. It's evident early on that she has a keen eye for detail and aesthetics. Despite her confidence, she can have streaks of insecurity. She takes her looks very seriously, and if they are insulted, she is bound to come crumbling down from her ivory tower. A broken claw or splattered mud on her pelt is just as capable of making her cry. Don't worry - a quick compliment or two will help a smile onto her face. While Silk-kit cares about her appearance quite a bit, always remaining averse to stepping in mud or risking getting herself messy, she is not above getting her paws dirty when it comes to helping someone in need. Her sense of generosity will run her ragged if it means helping those she cares about.
mannerisms: absolutely NO scuffling or rough-play, she will be lightly batting at you with a sheathed paw thank you very much; will be frequently grooming herself and others, ensuring everyone (but especially herself) is always looking their best; she has very expressive body language, you will never have to wonder what she is feeling; thanks to mimicking her favorite words from adults, she has very articulate speech for such a youngster, always using well-chosen words and a refined tone when speaking. Bet you've never heard a child use "ravishing" and "exquisite," have you?
— will not start fights (always prefers diplomacy) | will attempt to end fights (once again, through diplomacy and charm) | may flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at weaving, tracking, diplomacy


— Though originally named a tunneler due to her tiny size, her absolute disdain for dirt makes her a poor candidate for the role. After much time with a tunneler mentor and virtually no progress, she is finally allowed to switch to the moor-runner track, where she does much better. This would effectively delay her warrior ceremony. (I am not set on this, as I may just make her a moor-runner to start out, but not quite sure yet).
— I'd love for her charm and natural ability to find peace to come into play, likely having her play the mediator role in small intraclan squabbles between clanmates. Nothing too huge, but a fun part of her personality!
— Did someone say MAKEOVER? She would become the clan accessorizer, always trying to ensure her clanmates look their best. "Oh my, that flower behind your ear clashes with your eyes! Here, try this one instead. Oh. My. STARS! IT'S GORGEOUS! I'M A GENIUS!"
— Silly interaction idea: meets a kittypet with a very expensive looking collar and thinks it just looks SO good. Her grandmother rolls in her grave.
— It should be noted that I am not planning many plots out well in advance for her and would love for RP to take her where it pleases.
— Inspirations: Daphne Blake, Rarity, Elle Woods
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wip still but i was getting NERVOUS

applying for a spot in either litter, with a preference for bluethrift.


i itch all the time. deep beneath my skin, where the bone sits, enshrined in flesh, i feel it. something, not moving but that wants to move. wants to be free. it itches, and i don’t think i want it . . I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO.
the hive, magnus archives .

sly and unstable son of the moorlands, accursed lastborn of windclan’s dusk - blooded founders — darkness upon darkness, the culmination of burnt - ash legacy and broken code . . forged and born into a shroud of secrecy he will learn to keep.

WHEATKIT. he & him. future windclan moor runner.
due up the glances his mother relieves upon his birth, he is swiftly named wheatkit . . for his fur spun startling gold, and the matching moorland hills. xx
BLUEFROST x THRIFTFEATHER ; applying to both litters with a heavy preference for bluethrift.
speaks in primarily whipertoned vocals, a lilting and aggravatingly overfamiliar verbiage. / vc : MAHITO, jujutsu kaisen​
wraithlike boy of the rolling hills, spun of gold - woven silk and kissed by the open sky. he resembles his mother, strictly so, straight - shouldered and taut despite the seemingly careless sway in his step ; instilled from even before consciousness erupted in young mind, leaving little room for speculation on a particularly similar looking father . .

dull cream cryptic tortoiseshell with unusual copper eyes ⋆ ˚ 𖧧 ˖ smells like dead crops and earthiness. swathed in thickets of smoke - curled barley and tallgrass, the ghost of forbidden love haunts the moorland nursery ; stem stick limbs, spun dull gold and ribboned a hazy, ornate curl of classic tabby at his flank, wheatkit is named in gut - punch reaction to his appearance and lives to it. where his siblings are shrouded in a haze of familial blues and blacks, she nestled alongside as dull blonde. looking close enough will reveal thickly - furred cheeks threaded in streaks of deep smoke silver, tips and ends like a cling of rot at his extremities as he grows, but upon first glance, he is but a curl of gold - pale tabby . . a fact that plants a blinding question mark over his head from the moment he meets this world. queens whisper, wonder, ask outright in playful banter until silenced by a frosted glare . . consequently, wheatkit is taught firmly in elegance and posture in order to avoid a thriftfeather's characteristic hunch. paranoia, maybe, or just wanting what’s best for him . .

age finds him an awkward and uncomfortably stretched creature ; refined and unhinged all the same, joints big and knobbed like the hinges of a wobbling lamb, swaying about just the same as if he were new to his body moons into life. eyes born blistering blue meld to a heady bloodlet, wide and wobble - pupiled. he grins as if barely restrained, rows of trembling excitement in shark teeth — veiled in some louche quality that hints at unspeakable depths of . . something. something familiar, something dark with potentials of depravity, wolf eyes beneath lamb skin. he is taught to balance himself, to stand prim and proper, as if her grandmother watches over them still. he takes to it despite the strangle twitchings in his limbs, bat of soft eyes and flash of too - long canines.

he begins with bravado, vanity preening him to a sleek shine, melding into the sway of heather and moorgrass. he is honed, a blade to the eye in the way her mother is, gilded in lieu of her cool silvers. for the majoirty of his teenage moons, he will be long and scrawny ; all sinew and stretched cartilage, veins popping stark against tall ears when the sun hits him right. from his earliest moments it can be told that he has a moor runners future — long, gangly legs wrung in silk like the wings of hillbird. built like a whippet, like a scepter, all points and edges and visible, run - heaving rib cage. like something built for running, he is sloped forward and thin, tautly strung where gold does not fall in thick, maned wisps of silver - cream.

at an alarmingly early point in his life, this will all be secondary to one primary trait.

should his parents story come to life, it will be whispered that starclan blinded him ; son of war-raised soldiers, killer-gened. or perhaps instead, that he can see past the clouds themself, and that’s why he hums and murmurs and giggles to himself the way he does. whatever is said, they will look at him with pity when at that certain point, his pupil blows. his left : a total eclipsing of darkness over a sky like shrouding dusk, splitting into separate and shockingly shattered portions in his eye. the world hazes into blurs and smears when his pupil finally detaches, spiraling black amidst a sea of iris like spilled blood.

longhaired cryptic blue tortoiseshell smoke with amber eyes, tall and scrawny ; max height, min weight. carrying chocolate and non-silver. able to carry kits. essential iris atrophy will disconnect his left iris in early adolescence.
design notes : long and sleek, with cool toned creams & sparse blues ; all thin, wiry muscle and visible ribcage ( almost painfully stretched - looking ). thickly tufted at the ears, cheeks, ruff and tail with feathery texture. overlong canines.
ELOQUENT. OBSESSIVE. FLAMBOYANT. WARM. CHILDISH. AFFECTIONATE. SUGGESTIBLE. UNSTABLE. PLAYFUL. PETULANT. VAIN. CRUEL. DECEITFUL. SECRETIVE. BIZARRE. CALLOUS. PERSISTENT. ˚ ෴ 𖥧 𖤣 some will call him a freak of nature. a fair and just observation, from an outsider's perspective ; some will not address him at all, favoring averted eyes and willful ignorance. most, however, will find that he is too warm a cat to ignore — a lazily affectionate, slow - grinning creature, tongue dripping some feathery quip . . and unperturbed by sharp rejection. strange as he may be, look, act . . from an early age, wheatkit assumes his peers like him ; assumes his clanmates will tolerate his casual touch and trilling playfulness, annoying as it may be. his mother teaches him the importance of stature, of primness and vanity and in it, creates a being that seems to repel and magnify in the same, trembling instance.

he is born with a prey drive like no other ; persistent, in all aspects of life. slow stalking, a forever - push forward. cursed with one - track mindedness and propensity for short - termed and ill - thought plans, he drives to the point of obsession in everything he does. feels his desires like an itch deep beneath his pelt, burns with a deep instilled sense of entitlement that comes with his bloodsoaked lineage. he wants what he wants and wants it now, early days of being stomp - pawed quickly whacked from battered ears and instead . . growing deceitful. more cunning, learning quickly how much better scheming will work in his favor. he is known as an easy kitten, after that. no tantrums, says his pleases and thank yous, woos his elders and curtsies in a way only his mother does. sweetly eloquent, caged behind sharp teeth.

his denmates know a separate side of him.

in youth, he will struggle to hide a distinctly cruel and callous nature. a shocking disregard for others will rear it's head between ditzy displays of kittish charm and theater. it will be hard to believe, to some, that he can be anything but the charming little kit he’d been raised to be. he wields sheep’s clothing like a weapon, cloaks himself in its shorn wool and smiles with overlong teeth . . he weasels out of trouble in a way that would be alarming, should anyone be able to peg him for anything more than the teary - eyed and purring child he makes himself to be. he learns showmanship even before he stops weaning. this does not prevent the other kits from witness him being him, before age conceals it entirely behind easygoing mask — watching pale - tipped paws stomp butterflies and tear the beating wings from their backs. turning into a thorn, waking to a worm on their face, feeling glinting and hazing eyes flash in the dark when he was to be sleeping . .

wheatkit will be the embodiment of break it because you can, with little reasoning or explaination if ever cornered ; at the end of the day, it seems born of boredom and . . because he thinks it's funny. he is bizarre, does not speak of his abuse like it is anything of the sort — leans overfamiliar on his peers, purring, grinning, grinning still when he is inevitably shoved away, delights in the curses and snips thrown his way. there is no telling if he attention seeking or just gouging for reaction, for a burst of anger of disgust as if it fuels him, struggles to conceal with glitter of adrenaline - pumping giddiness with each startled hiss. any longheld grudges will be met with petulant pouting and misty eyes, as if he cannot fathom what he's done wrong — or cannot fathom facing consequences for what he perceives to be such a menial event.

he never grows out of this childishness, his disruptive attitude and percieved instability. even as he grows, learns to mirror his mother and bow his way into a well - adjusted mask, he is a forever tittering, over - emotional, reaction - mongering cat . . peeking though slitted eyes where he does most damage.

MOTIVATED BY / a recurring taste for how power over another can make him feel. a highly suggestible and easily swayed creature when his vanity is played into, wheatkit can easily become a vessel for brutal familial ambition but will be repeatedly blinded by his own selfish desires and naivety.

MORALS / lacking. a severe absence, tampered only by structure and rules heavily ingrained into his mind. he follows the warrior code to strict, devout measure, but tends to find creative ways around them . . his morals are as surface - level as that easy smile.
MOTIFS : ❝ spiders. farmyard freaks of nature. still, silent cornfields and what lurks within. short - sighted goals and their consequences. dusk, eclipses, red moons.

wheatkit will be my first worm kit as well as my first character with visual impairment, going through early corneal disease progression that will severely affect his vision and depth perception. this will be shown in his general attitude and how he survives!​

& . I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE / wheatkit looks like thriftfeather. a simple fact, unknown to most but all too glaring for his sharp - witted mother ; while every glance and speculation is nothing more than playful rumor, and likely killed by a startling glare from bluefrost, it creates an air of secrecy that will continue to haunt his narrative. a story is spun of how his golden fur is meant to aid him in his moor runner future, and any hunch or slight of posture is trained from him ; kittenhood alone finds him a prim, proper creature, following in his mother and grandmother's pawsteps in strict image. this will lead into his high self image, vanity and smoothly taciturn nature.

& . I SEE THE SACRIFICE OF MAN / wheatkit is a blight. either bluefrost can be fooled by or be one of the first to know of his constant wooing and see the rotten pit he has deep within him. he is cruel for the sake of being cruel, and if his jig is up to his mother, he may push his luck and see how long he can get away with the ‘ poor me ‘ kit act. he is highly manipulative and i thought it would be interesting if she was one of the first to notice something was UP and maybe not be believed for a minute ( or maybe not want to bring it up at ALL )

& . I SEE PORTRAYALS OF BETRAYAL / wheatpaw will indirectly ( arguably ) cause the death of a clanmate in early childhood. while it will be known to be an accident, a foolish mistake, the prior plot may make for some kind of tension between him and his mother.

& . AND A BROTHER'S FINAL STAND / wheatkit is an attention hog. he does not like when his siblings get attention, he does not like when they gain their mothers favor, he does not like when the older warriors give moss balls to his denmates and not him. he is selfish and huffy towards his siblings, who will face the brunt of his initial outbursts and fits of unmasked . . something. he will pick a fight and lose, horribly, because he is not built for fighting — but he will learn. and from this, i hope to get him a ‘ protector ‘ friend that hangs around him, that wheat could charm into trailing after him like a lost puppy and use as a buffer between him and the ones he will inevitably aggravate.
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almost forgot to post app......

SOOTKIT / TOUGHKIT — named for her resemblance to windclan’s former leader / named for the trait that she is hoped to have

⤹ polygender ( any pronouns )
— tbd sexuality ⋆ tbd mono or poly ⋆ tbd extra details
⤹ from windclan, kit
— no previous affiliations
⤹ 00 moons ⋆ ages every seventh ⋆ birth date
⪼ penned by vulture

APPEARANCE — lh black smoke with low white ⋆ ref
⤹ carrying dilute, chocolate, non-silver ⋆ masking nothing ⋆ has fangs that poke out

kit is an imposing and regal feline with a powerful presence that commands attention. her fur is an intense shade of deep black, so dark that it seems to swallow any light that touches it. this color shifts in shade throughout, a shimmering undercoat of silver visible beneath the dark outer layer. his coat is thick and slightly wild, giving them a rugged, almost feral appearance. despite the untamed nature of their fur, it is sleek and well-maintained enough to give off an air of importance, indicative of kit’s natural elegance.

one of her most striking features is the stark white mane of fur that covers most of her chest, as well as the tufts of her fur that are on the side of his face. this mane contrasts sharply with his otherwise dark coat, giving them an air of majesty and strength. it almost appears as though they are wearing a royal mantle, adding to her imposing figure. her fur, dense and layered, suggests that kit is well-suited to the bitter cold of the upcoming leafbare.

their face is framed by large, tufted ears, reminiscent of a lynx, with the tips adorned in a darker shade of black. these ears give kit an enhanced sense of hearing, always alert and attuned to their surroundings. his eyes are a vivid, piercing green, glowing with a sharp, intelligent light. they are almond-shaped, and the intensity of their gaze suggests a creature constantly aware and calculating. these eyes are not just windows to her soul but also tools of a predator, always watching, always waiting.

kit’s fangs are prominently visible, even when her mouth is closed. they are sharp and gleaming, a testament to his strength that he will develop as she grows older and comes into her own as first an apprentice, and then as a warrior of windclan. her nose is a deep black, blending seamlessly with their dark face, while her whiskers are long and white, providing a subtle yet striking contrast against her shadowy visage.

her body is both muscular and agile, built for speed and power. his legs are strong, ending in large, powerful paws equipped with sharp, retractable claws. these claws are perfect for climbing, hunting, or defending themselves, making kit a formidable presence in any situation. her tail is long and bushy, with the fur flaring out towards the end, aiding in balance and agility as she moves through her environment with effortless grace. it’s a plumy, feathery texture, soft and gentle as opposed to how the rest of his appearance seems to portray him.

MENTALITY — isfp, ❝ the composer ❞ ⋆ phlegmatic ⋆ chaotic neutral
⤹ extra information
positive traits: intelligent, adaptable, courageous
neutral traits: observant, independent, mysterious
negative traits: stubborn, territorial, cynical

kit’s intelligence stands out as one of her most defining traits. she’s a keen thinker, quickly analyzing situations and devising strategies that maximize her strengths while exploiting the weaknesses of others. this sharp mind is paired with an observant nature; kit has a knack for noticing the subtle details that others might overlook, whether it’s a change in the environment or a shift in someone’s behavior. this attentiveness gives her an edge in almost any situation, allowing her to anticipate challenges before they arise.

courage is another hallmark of kit’s personality. she faces both physical and emotional challenges with courage that’s as steady as it is fierce. kit isn’t one to back down from danger; instead, she meets it head-on, driven by a deep-seated confidence in her abilities. this bravery is not about recklessness but rather a calculated willingness to take risks when necessary. her adaptability further enhances her resilience. kit thrives in changing environments, whether it’s adjusting her tactics mid-hunt or navigating complex social dynamics. she has an uncanny ability to turn situations to her favor, no matter how daunting they may seem.

yet, kit’s strengths are intertwined with traits that can make her challenging to understand. her independence is a key aspect of who she is—kit values her autonomy and prefers to operate on her own terms. this fierce self-reliance has made her incredibly resourceful, but it also means she often resists help or advice, even when it’s in her best interest. she cherishes her solitude, finding peace in moments where she can focus on her thoughts without distraction, but this also means she can come across as distant or unapproachable to others.

adding to her enigmatic nature is kit’s inherent mystery. she keeps much of her past and inner thoughts guarded, revealing only what she deems necessary. this secrecy makes her intriguing, yet it also creates a barrier that keeps others at arm’s length. coupled with her stubbornness, this can make kit difficult to sway once she’s made up her mind. she’s determined to stick to her course, even when compromise might be the better option, leading to both strength and friction in her interactions.

kit’s territorial instincts run deep, making her fiercely protective of what she considers hers, whether it’s her physical space, resources, or relationships. she doesn’t take kindly to perceived threats, often responding with a defensive ferocity that can create tension with those who don’t understand her need to protect her domain. on top of this, she is rather cynical, which seems to be one of the main influencing factors of her territorial nature. she is wary of others’ motives, often expecting the worst and finding it hard to trust new acquaintances. this outlook makes her cautious and calculated, but it also prevents her from forming deep connections or enjoying the positive interactions life can offer without constant, insistent effort on the part of others.

RELATIONS & INTERACTIONS — bluefrost x thriftfeather OR cottonsprig x foxglare
⤹ littermate to tbd
— other kin to be listed later
⤹ friends with none
— admires none ⋆ likes none
⤹ enemies with none
— dislikes none ⋆ loathes none

generally distant and wary with others, showing distant and fragile loyalty to her clanmates, cold suspicion towards outsiders, and fierce hostility towards enemy clans ⋆ finds it difficult to trust others, whether they are family, other clans, or outsiders, due to her inherent cynicism and guarded nature, which leads her to expect the worst and remain cautious about forming deep connections
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will start fights | will not flee | may show mercy
excels at nothing yet ⋆ poor at nothing yet
— sounds like tbd ⋆ smells like tbd

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This is CLOSED! Thank you to everyone who applied and made our lives hell trying to decide. We truly went back and forth on our choices for forever and honestly, it was CLOSE. We even had to debate about which litter got to steal that third slot! That being said…

The Cottfox babies are:
@kerms with Rimekit
@Archivist with Comfreykit
@SATURNID with Coltkit/Fillykit

The Bluethrift babies are:
@revelations with Sootkit
@Thorny with nameless kit