a very messy shadowclan family adoption

Jul 9, 2022
  • I plan on introducing a new baby into ShadowClan so I figured I may as well make an adoption thingy!

    • First come first serve! Casual activity is fine. There will be 4 slots for kits. Names are free for all, except no negative ones please!
    • You're free to adopt the parents as well, and can even change the genetics so long as they match up with other kittens submitted so far (Quillkit is a fawn mackerel tabby with low white and green eyes)
    • I'd prefer they stay in ShadowClan until they are apprentices.
    • These kits will age monthly on the 1st and start at 5 moons. Double aging can be discussed for when they are apprentices.
    • You're free to intro them as soon as I accept them!
    • I was inspired by the Marq and Jay's idea to randomize kittens and give them names, as in the Blazestar and Little Wolf adoption thread! I am, unfortunately, not very good at drawing or coloring so I hope a simple description will be sufficient. You're free to change the names or just disregard them completely, I genuinely had no idea what I was doing.

    • MOTHER - Short-haired chocolate tortoiseshell with no white (Carrying long haired, cinnamon, dilute)
    • FATHER - Short-haired black mackerel tabby tom with low white. (Carrying long-haired, cinnamon, solid, and dilute.)
    • Kits can be short-haired or long-haired
    • AMAB kits can be black, chocolate, cinnamon, red, blue, lilac, fawn, or cream.
    • AFAB kits can be black, tortoiseshell, chocolate, chocolate tortie, cinnamon, cinnamon tortie, blue, dilute tortie, lilac, lilac tortie, fawn, or fawn-cream tortie.
    • Kits can be tabbies, but will carry solid.
    • Kits can have low or no white
    • Kits with white can have any realistic eye color - kits without white can have any realistic eye color except blue.

    I really hope that you can all understand that... I used a genetics generator because I don't know what I'm talking about ever and also this was an impulse thing that I must do myself so I can do it and go to sleep without bothering anyone.

    Shorthaired cream mackerel tabby tom with low white. Blue eyes.
    Carries solid and no white.

    Longhaired lilac mackerel tabby she-cat. Green eyes.
    Carries solid.

    Shorthaired chocolate tortoiseshell with low white. Golden eyes.
    Carries no white and long-haired.

    Longhaired cinnamon tabby tom. Green eyes.
    Carries dilute

    • Mom: Open
    • Dad: Open
    1. @QUILLKIT. played by @AnemoVictorious
    2. Open
    3. Open
    4. Open
    5. Open

— 'lavender' for the color of her pelt // 'paw' for her rank
— cisfemale \ she/her \ bi-sexual
— 5 moons? \ 1st of the month
— ShadowClan apprentice

— Quillpaw
— mother/father/parent to...?
— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ?

longhaired lilac mackerel tabby she-cat with green eyes.
— lavender is an lilac mackerel tabby with an average height and build. currently her fur is just slightly longer than average but will eventually grow out longer as she ages. her eyes are a swampy mix of green and brown. she has a longer triangular face that comes to a point at her muzzle.
— no scars or physical injuries
— no illnesses

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: friendly, warm, reliable
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: honest, loyal, forgiving
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: blunt, biased, people pleaser
— starting on a positive note, lavender is your average good girl. she loves making friends and will take in anyone with open arms. she is warm and welcoming and never wishes harm or pain on anyone (except her enemies). lavender could also be viewed as reliable in that she will always be there to have her clanmates backs and won't back down from a fight if it means protecting those she loves.
— lavender's neutral traits could be viewed as positive, though through her they are best placed in the middle. as of her young age, lavender is terrible at keeping secrets and is extremely honest. this could end up getting her and her friends/clanmates in (minimal) trouble when asked what they were doing and such. similarly, lavender is a very loyal she-cat... almost, too loyal. once someone is in her inner circle, that's it. she would do anything for them and believes that they can do no wrong. This could tie in with her forgivingness. because lavender likes keeping peace and isn't a big fan of conflict, she is very quick to forgive and move on, though she doesn't forget.
— as for negative traits, to pair with lavender's honesty, she can be perceived as blunt. she tells it straight as it is, but not as a way to put others down or be mean. more so in a way that she doesn't beat around the bush and will say what needs to be said. to compliment her loyalty, once she rides with someone, her bias for them is strong. like with her clan, she will go the distance to see problems in every angle except the one that proves her clan or her friends/clanmates are wrong. tying all of these up with a little bow is lavender's desire to be liked. she will do anything if it means that she is 'in,' and this people pleaser attitude could stem into some dark places should it ever come down to it.
no mental illnesses

not really good at anything (yet)
currently bad at stalking/sneaking (due to her long fur)
smells like decaying leaves
— penned by churro
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— 'lavender' for the color of her pelt // 'paw' for her rank
— cisfemale \ she/her \ bi-sexual
— 5 moons? \ 1st of the month
— ShadowClan apprentice

— Quillpaw
— mother/father/parent to...?
— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ?

longhaired lilac mackerel tabby she-cat with green eyes.
— lavender is an lilac mackerel tabby with an average height and build. currently her fur is just slightly longer than average but will eventually grow out longer as she ages. her eyes are a swampy mix of green and brown. she has a longer triangular face that comes to a point at her muzzle.
— no scars or physical injuries
— no illnesses

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: friendly, warm, reliable
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: honest, loyal, forgiving
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: blunt, biased, people pleaser
— starting on a positive note, lavender is your average good girl. she loves making friends and will take in anyone with open arms. she is warm and welcoming and never wishes harm or pain on anyone (except her enemies). lavender could also be viewed as reliable in that she will always be there to have her clanmates backs and won't back down from a fight if it means protecting those she loves.
— lavender's neutral traits could be viewed as positive, though through her they are best placed in the middle. as of her young age, lavender is terrible at keeping secrets and is extremely honest. this could end up getting her and her friends/clanmates in (minimal) trouble when asked what they were doing and such. similarly, lavender is a very loyal she-cat... almost, too loyal. once someone is in her inner circle, that's it. she would do anything for them and believes that they can do no wrong. This could tie in with her forgivingness. because lavender likes keeping peace and isn't a big fan of conflict, she is very quick to forgive and move on, though she doesn't forget.
— as for negative traits, to pair with lavender's honesty, she can be perceived as blunt. she tells it straight as it is, but not as a way to put others down or be mean. more so in a way that she doesn't beat around the bush and will say what needs to be said. to compliment her loyalty, once she rides with someone, her bias for them is strong. like with her clan, she will go the distance to see problems in every angle except the one that proves her clan or her friends/clanmates are wrong. tying all of these up with a little bow is lavender's desire to be liked. she will do anything if it means that she is 'in,' and this people pleaser attitude could stem into some dark places should it ever come down to it.
no mental illnesses

not really good at anything (yet)
currently bad at stalking/sneaking (due to her long fur)
smells like decaying leaves
— penned by churro

accepted! you can go ahead and start rping with her! let me know if you want a sibling thread ^v^
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