AFTER THE STORM ♡ owl attack

"They said they were going to the owl tree."

Palepaw's voice was tight with concern and more than a little annoyance as the group she had gathered hurried out to find her fellow apprentices. In spite of her best efforts to convince them otherwise, the younger members of her den had still insisted on going out to hunt down that owl. They didn't seem at all worried about the fact that the bird had already killed one of their warriors; they were convinced they could bring the beast down themselves and somehow prove to Howlingstar that they were capable of handling themselves outside of camp. The whole idea was completely mousebrained, and it was going to get one of them killed. As much as she hated to be the stick-in-the-mud, she couldn't just sit back and allow them to come to harm. And, she'd be lying if she didn't admit she was also a bit worried about having her warrior ceremony delayed if it were known that she had anything to do with this ridiculous scheme. So the lilac-furred molly had gone straight to Nightbird to inform her mentor of what was happening, along with Howlingstar and Flamewhisker. Now she only hoped they were going to reach them in time.

"They should be somewhere around here," the girl panted breathlessly, her piercing blue gaze scanning the darkened forest as she ran alongside her mentor. It was hard to make out anything other than shadows in the pitch blackness of the night-laden trees, and she slowed to a trot as her ears strained for any sign of them. Only a few seconds passed before a sharp shriek pierced the silence, and she could faintly make out the sounds of shouting nearby. "Over there!" she called out to the older warriors, her feet kicking up dirt as she launched herself in the direction of the large oak tree. The moonlight shining down on them lit the forest around them like a dream, but the fear pounding in her heart made it feel more like a nightmare as the cries grew louder. Starclan, please let them be alright.

[ this takes place immediately after this thread - she grabbed @nightbird , @HOWLINGSTAR and @Flamewhisker to help the apprentices but the thread is open to everyone <3 also tagging @FOXPAW , @lovepaw , @joypaw , @sunshinepaw , @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ , @vixenpaw. ]
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. ° ✦ As talons poke and prod to keep its hefty meal from escaping, Bravepaw still shrieked and howled for his denmates, his Clanmates, for his mother. The pain is white hot as it seared across his body, a pain he has never in his short-living life felt before. Nothing compared to the too-sharp playful bites and swipes during play.

Bravepaw wondered if this was what dying felt like. Terrifying and agonizing in every way. Piercing shock and adrenaline lanced down his spine as he felt powerless against such a creature. Even with the help of Joypaw and Sunshinepaw it still bared its aggression, its desperation to protect its territory and fill its belly with something in this frozen forest.

In all his writhing and helpful distractions Bravepaw managed to slip through its grip. It's not entire unscathed, though, as one last attempt to keep him still sent its talons shredding through his pelt on his thigh. Uncharacteristically the boy is silent as he collided with the cold ground, an ungracious thud following the impact. He's fallen unconscious from the pain, left in a sorry state of shattered hopes and blood-matted fur.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — this would've been my final post in the priv so im putting it here instead! bravepaw is unconscious, with deep talon scratches across his shoulder and a deep gash covering almost his entire left hind leg ^^
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
Leopardtongue had not been asked to follow, had not been sought out to tell of what was happening, of where the apprentices had gone, but she'd heard the names of her children as Palepaw looked for someone to tell and so quietly she had joined the patrol that was on their way to the owl tree. Heart pounded in her ears as they moved forward in the darkness, too many thoughts swirling within her mind as they moved closer and closer to the tree. She'd knew that Bravepaw and Foxpaw had been upset by the new code that had been added, which she understood to a point but when it had been announced that ThunderClan would be following it at first she'd been relieved. Her children would remain safe within the forest, would still be able to train but wouldn't be able to leave camp, and she thought that would be enough for them. She never thought they'd do something as mouse-brained as heading off in the middle of the night to fight a stupid owl.

Palepaw's call brought the warrior to her senses and quickly she followed before breath hitched in her throat and Leopardtongue found her fur bristling in alarm as she saw the crumbled bloody form of Bravepaw on the ground. Nose reached the other's side and the mother couldn't help the sigh of relief as she realized he was still breathing. For now she'd say nothing, she just wanted to make sure her children were okay, and as she tried to pick up Bravepaw to the best of her ability she was looking around to see where Foxpaw was as well, praying that she, too, was alive.

  • 66370681_ZKFiQjB8RKuI67u.png
  • 74598874_4e8bHlzZFEFADh0.png
    ⊰❣⊱ LH chocolate rosette tabby with yellow eyes
    ⊰❣⊱ 39 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    ⊰❣⊱ heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    ⊰❣⊱ mother of Bravepaw, Cougarpaw, Hazepaw, and Foxpaw
    ⊰❣⊱ easy to interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    ⊰❣⊱ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⊰❣⊱ hard in combat, focuses more on defensive tactics/protecting
    ⊰❣⊱ peaceful powerplay allowed
Lightpaw's fur felt like it was crawling as she followed Palepaw to tell the others. She didn't say much, mostly looking in between them and nodding to corroborate Palepaw's story. I should've stopped them... she thought. Ears swiveling on a constant search for anything to find the apprentices. Nearly at the same time as her friend's alert, she heard it. The yelps and screams of her younger clanmates chilled her blood.

The grey femme ran to support Lovepaw, seeing him standing over Foxpaw. The blood that covered Foxpaw's shoulder nearly made her gag. She was so tiny. She braced herself in front of them, forcing her gaze to the predator above, ready, waiting for it to attack.
Did it leave...?

Sunshinepaw struggles to his paws, the adrenaline in his veins running dry. He staggers sidewards, hardly catching himself, before prying open his eyes. The world spins indefinitely and much of his vision is blurred, reddened by the blood spilling forth from the talon marks on his face - but he looks about, craning his neck to try and see the owl. Where did it... Sunshinepaw hears shouting, rustling of undergrowth and thrumming of paws. He tries to remain standing, remain strong, but as soon as the troop of elder cats break through the bushes, he just...


I did it... We did it... Did they? Bodies are slumped around just like his. Though pain blooms effortlessly around his bruised body, Sunshinepaw finds it in him to smile - because at least, at least, he tried. Maybe now Mousenose will be proud. Maybe now, he can amount to something.

Sunshinepaw closes his eyes, a gentle, lazy smile holding fast on his expression - shortly before exhaustion takes hold and he passes out.​
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird's fur bristled as they arrived to the scene, drawn out into a dangerous situation by the utter stupidity of their apprentices. she had half a mind to ignore palepaw's request for help. if they wanted to get themselves into such a predicament then they would have to find a way out. it was selfish, to purposely throw yourself in harms way during leafbare- when the threat was minimal to begin with, when gentlestorm's herb supply already ran low.

the lead warrior didn't voice it, she let the words simmer in her chest, manifesting in narrowed eyes and pinned ears. it looks like a damn battlefield, like they had taken on twenty rogues instead of one owl. bloodied bodies littered about, all bleeding. if any were to die, it would be meaningless. she flicked her gaze upwards to look for the predator circling high above before settling on sunshinepaw, passed out and reddened. sunshinepaw, who you could barely get to chase a mouse, mustered enough disobedience to fight a damn owl.

"get them under cover, we'll waste time fighting it. they need to see gentlestorm." her words were clipped, and while usually she would have waited for howlingstar or flamewhisker to give word, there were too many just standing around. sitting targets, they were no match. quickly, she approaches sunshinepaw, grabbing at the apprentice's scruff with a strong grip to drag him back into safety.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
When the cinnamon molly had stumbled upon Palepaws interaction with Howlingstar, her mentor, and Flamewhisker, there were no words to describe the way her blood had begun to boil. It didn’t take a genius to guess who had been at the head of that mission, if not a much-too-eager participant.
There was no time to steep in her rage, however, not when her overzealous apprentice was out there somewhere, taking on an owl with her denmates.
The lead warrior is flanks her other apprentice, Lightpaw- sparing the pale tabby a lecture on not playing the hero. Unlike her younger counterpart, Roeflame could trust that she knew better.
The shriek that rings through the forest is bone-chilling, but much to Palepaws credit, she is fast on her paws. Spraying loose soil, the lead warrior is not far behind.
The scene the warriors ran head-first into is nothing short of a horror-show. Bravepaw lays sprawled on the floor, same as Sunshinepaw- as most of the apprentices that had so eagerly ventured here.
Lightpaw springs for Lovepaw, Nightbird for Sunshinepaw.
As narrowed celadon optics follow her apprentice, they lock onto the russet scrap that lays under them, bathed in vermillion.
Lightpaw braces herself, and Roeflame lunges forward, aiming to knock her own shoulder against Lightpaws, ”Help Lovepaw out of here, and find cover, now. You’ll do no good as a sitting duck.” The mentor barks through gritted teeth, aiming to use her nose to nudge both Lovepaw and Lightpaw away as an extra push.
There was no way to assess just how much damage was done to Foxpaw, but her flank still stirred. Bundling her scruff up within her jaws, Roeflame would follow Nightbird’s lead in dragging her apprentice to safety. Her anger palpable in the way her ears clasp to the back of her skull, and the way her upper lip curls into itself as she works to bring Foxpaw to safety.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-one moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw, Lightpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The closer they got to the Owl Tree, the more frustrated she became. It was taking all of her will power to not allow her fur to prickle. The dangers of the Owl Tree were not a secret...kits were raised on stories of the predator even during their time in the nursery, in hopes to prevent this very situation. She hoped that they would arrive in time before anything horrible happened to their apprentices...they were fortunate that Palepaw had spoken up. If Nightbird's apprentice hadn't shared their plans, then the outcome of this 'patrol' could be catastrophic.

"We need to try to kill this Owl." she grumbled to Howlingstar as she flanked their leader. It had already killed one of their warriors, and now it had a gang of unexperienced apprentices teaming up on it. It wasn't as big as the Eagles that had hunted them in the mountains...perhaps with the right technique, it too could be exterminated. It would be risky, but maybe it would save them from more future attacks.

Palepaw's call echoed through the air, and she joined Nightbird, Roeflame, and Leopardtongue in running forward. The heavy smell of blood filled the area, and as her gaze settled on the limp apprentices' bodies, she felt sick to her stomach. She was brought back to attention as Nightbird barked orders. The deputy nodded in agreement, and shot forward. She hurried to the body closest to her, Vixenpaw. Her gaze quickly lifted to the sky, scanning it for any signs of the owl. Even with the moonlight, the owl could sneak up on them with ease. She sunk her teeth into Vixenpaw's scruff, and attempted to begin to drag her backwards towards the safety of the undergrowth.

  • grabbing @vixenpaw.

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

Rabbitnose felt his heart sink when he heard the news, apprentices running off to fight an owl. What in the world were they thinking!? What was worse, Sunshinepaw was among them. He could be hurt or worse, and he couldn't bear to think of worse. He rushed along with the patrol heading out to find them, Worry and fear evident in his eyes. He was terrified of what they might find. Why did they want to do this? Did they truly think they could take an owl down, one that has already killed one of their own?

Foolishness, he thought. Untill they came into view, and he saw the damage done to them. Saw Sunshinepaw laying there.

"SUNSHINEPAW!!" He nearly screeches, but Nightbird gets to him faster. He's safe in Nightbird's paws, he believes. There are other apprentices who need help, and though it pains him, he tears his gaze away from Sunshinepaw and rushes to grip Joypaw's scruff in his teeth. A glare is sent the owl's way, and when Flamewhisker mentions killing the owl, he's filled with an eagerness to do so.

That bird needs to pay with it's life for what it's done here. He'll decorate his nest with it's feathers. But first, He has to help bring these apprentices home. The owl will still be there.... But the apprentices need medical attention, or else they wont be.​
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Palepaw wasn't entirely sure what she expected them to find when they finally arrived; she had been actively avoiding thinking about it, not wanting her imagination to run away from her. But the carnage that greeted them when they burst into the small clearing made her absolutely sick. The bodies of her denmates, her friends, littered the forest floor, bathed in moonlight and terrifyingly still. How had this happened so quickly? She'd gone to alert the warriors as soon as she left them, how had there been time for all of this? Was it her fault that her youngest peers were painting the earth red with spilt blood? Had she not acted fast enough?

But there wasn't time to assign blame right now. Guilt had no place in her mind when there was still something she could do to help them. Nightbird's harshly-ordered command brought her back to reality. In the moment she'd stood still in shock, her elder clanmates had rushed to the aid of the other apprentices. Most had already been grabbed and were being dragged away, though her eyes immediately flew to Lightpaw, who was standing protectively over the fallen form of Lovepaw. Roeflame had told her to run, but she hadn't moved yet. It was then that she saw it; a shadow drifted across the moonlit ground, and another chilling screech made her blood run cold.

Her paws trembled as she instinctively dashed towards her friends. "Get down! It's coming back!" She cried out to the others, sprinting to reach Lightpaw first. A cool breeze battered her from above and her hackles rose as she slammed her belly into the earth, ducking out of the way just in time for the owl's talons to narrowly miss her head. She felt the draft of its wings beating against her fur as it passed over, her heart hammering in her chest like a war drum. After a few seconds she found the strength to stand once more, not daring to look up at where the owl might be now, and finally reached her friends. She frantically nudged Lightpaw's shoulder in the direction of the trees, the shelter that the rest of their clanmates were now heading for. "C'mon, we have to go now. Help me carry him." Without waiting another moment for the foul creature to return, she aimed to grab Lovepaw by the scruff and begin pulling him to safety.

[ trying to help @Lightpaw and @lovepaw ]
I'm ready, come on you stupid- she thought, only to be interrupted by Roeflame knocking into her side. Her gaze broke away for a moment, the protective shell she'd formed, shattered, and in front of her was the danger again. She snapped her gaze back up to the owl, seeing it just as she heard Palepaw's cry. The enormous bird was horrifying, how could they possibly think this was a good idea? Lightpaw kicked herself mentally for not being proactive enough. Not doing enough. She went to duck, though the talons of the creature sliced her ear. She hissed in pain, blood already running into her ear and down her face. It hurt, StarClan it hurt. It's fine, I'm fine, get him she told herself frantically. Palepaw's nudge brought her back to reality and she lunged, also trying to push Lovepaw to safety.

"Lovepaw, c'mon, wake up, please," Lightpaw whined, stealing a glance behind her to try to gauge what was happening. She caught sight of Roeflame and Foxpaw again, and another twist of guilt threaded her gut. This was her fault. She had known better.
Flowers grow along Joypaw’s face. Petals of pain kissing over his ear, light rivers trickling down his head. It’s sluggishness for many, uncanny stillness posing small bodies. Joypaw, however, has never been more aware he’s alive, and the one yellow eye not squeezed shut darts rapidly.

The shame of mostly-hearing, somewhat-seeing his clanmates scatter across the group to save them almost outweighs the relief. He had still been ready to fight, and he still craves the hollow bones of the owl between his jaws. This meant ceasefire, for now. Joypaw’s pupil narrows on the bird as it swoops out of claw’s reach. This was not a loss. This was just a “wait for me next time”.

Hearing his littermate’s name brings his attention back down, going from skyward to the ground. Numbness grips him, but he can hear the blood roar in his ears. He can’t tear his eyes away from the blood painting Lovepaw’s dappled pelt, and a sickening wave of nausea crashes into him. Before he can move, Joypaw feels his scruff held in a tight grip, teeth pinching his neck and dragging him.

At first, he allows it. Rabbitnose begins to move him to safety, though he tries to use his legs and assist. Swallowing, Joypaw lets out a hoarse mutter. “‘M sorry.” He should have told Lovepaw to stay back. Should’ve blocked them all from trying to face the owl.

He plants his paws lightly in the ground, but not so much as to be bull-stubborn. Just a little tug in the opposite direction, his gaze flitting between the apprentices being helped.

“Let me help- I can walk. I can carry one of them. Please.”
How no one had seen a group of apprentices leave camp is beyond her. She races towards the Owl Tree alongside her clanmates, eyes wide with panic and fur bristled. It had to be just about the most mouse-brained idea she'd ever heard. Taking on an owl? On purpose? It's a suicide mission. She says as much in response to Flamewhisker, round eyes glancing her way. "We would be fools to try such a thing," She wisely tells her. Owls are monstrous creatures that can carry a warrior off with no problem. They wouldn't stand a chance. It's why they're always smart around this tree. It's why they're trained to use the undergrowth to their advantage, to know the shadows of birds of prey and listen for their wings and know their scents. It's why apprentices that are this young cannot be trusted outside of camp.

When they arrive, Howlingstar lays horrified eyes upon the bloody scene. Apprentices lay strewn about the clearing, bloodied and limp. At first, she fears the worst. They're dead. They're all dead. But no- some are stumbling to their feet with the help of clanmates, and the rest have rising and falling chests. She trembles with fear, for who wouldn't be afraid? Even still, she forces courage into her narrowed eyes as she barrels forward to stand protectively in front of the apprentices and the clanmates that help them to safety. If anything, with her numerous lives, she can be a shield. A ferocious snarl leaves her as the owl screeches and circles overhead, seemingly rethinking its hunt with so many cats joining the fray.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ after pulling sunshinepaw, nightbird pokes her head out once more from the growth to see the same treatment of the other injured apprentices. howlingstar ferociously stands guard over them all, with the leaders nasty snarl the owl seems to decide upon a less difficult meal. but through it, she hears pleading. joypaw practically begs to help them carry, nightbird doesn't hold back a disdained scoff.

now he wished to help? after aiding his peers on this senseless mission, more incapacitated than not. the time to help was long past, her mind was practically made that the only thing joypaw wanted was to be assuaged from their guilt. "you have 'helped' plenty." she snapped with a coldness that rivaled leafbare's chill and teeth that snapped like brittle twigs. her gaze didn't linger, sweeping over to her apprentice. "palepaw, is this all of them?"
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
As Lovepaw is pulled away from danger, his leg is dragged along the ground, and he can't help the near scream that jolts him back to awareness. His jaw clenches tightly, tightly, so hard it feels as if it may break from the strength of it. He thrashes his head, trying to get loose, trying to get them to stop pulling. He's breathing through his nose--shaky, huffed breaths as he tries to breathe through the pain that has been exacerbated by being moved. It was necessary, surely, and yet in the moment he can't think that. He can't think about anything but the all-consuming hurt coming from his hind leg.