༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — The chilly air of leaf-fall is enough to make the tomcat to bring along a few warriors with him to search for any herb or even warmer nesting material, he knows that it won't be long before leaf-bare arrives and hits them with heavy snow. He kicks away a small pebble away from him as he slips through the mouth of camp with the warriors trailing behind him and his eyes search around on the ground "Keep alert..." Gentlestorm says only to notice how the sky begins to grow darker as the sun starts it head behind the mountains to switch places with the moon, he tries not to let out a frustrated hiss as he manages to find some moss along with feathers from a few birds that had flown by. His large snowy paws continue to push onward though he can't help but frown through his bundle hearing the sound of wings flapping and his ears twitch before angling forward to the direction of the noise, these sounded a lot more different than bird wings and its enough to make the fur along his spine begin to raise in discomfort.

Gentlestorm tenses up deciding that he could ignore whatever it is that's flying around in the air and takes a step forward, suddenly, a shriek and something dives down towards him causing the fur on his body to ruffle completely but whatever it is takes to the night skies once more. The medicine cat drops his bundle from the sudden scare and his eyes widen before he hisses out to those that are currently with him "W-what... was that?" His ears press flat against his skull as he squints through the darkness trying to make out the shape of what had just dove towards him and listens to the loud noise of its wings beating in the air before small claws attach to a branch belonging to a tree. It's then that Gentlestorm realizes that there's more than one of that thing and they're all hanging from the tree, it causes him to step back with distaste on his expression. A dozen or so were hanging out on the tree while others were airborne catching every small bug that's currently in the air but none of the clan cats were aware of that for all they knew, these things were messing with them.


  • ooc — its looks like we have some bats currently hunting for some bugs! is your thundercat brave enough to get a closer look/startle the flock of bats or scramble away drawing attention to themselves & possibly attracting them towards camp ;] please wait for one of them to post before replying ; @TALLSTEP @TOADHOP @STAGSNARL.
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ BREATHING ISSUES
    ✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ TRAVELING HERBS
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ KITTING
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • fglpSzG.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and copper eyes, several scars cover his body from previous fights that he somehow survived
    gentlestorm is rarely ever a warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he proceeds with more caution and he's less likely to trust any strangers that come from outside of thunderclan. he tends to be jumpy if suddenly approached or flinches away from swift movement with his claws unsheathed when it occurs, he apologizes for it. his kindness reserved only for those closest to him otherwise anyone else can expect the cold shoulder from the old tom
    60 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf ; currently interested in no one
    semi-difficult to befriend/interact with ; quick to strike/attack first if he feels threatened ; peaceful powerplay allowed but proceed with caution
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
  • Like
Reactions: STAGSNARL.

life is unfair. and then you die. that's how the saying went, didn't it? it seemed pretty unfair to them, right now at least, because why is it that every single time they had a patrol, they were never with houndshade? the one cat in this clan they could tolerate worth a damn without getting agitated quickly. their tail lashes as they walk, paws heavy in each step until their ears perk up when gentlestorm advices them to tread lightly. they look up towards the sky with a tilt of their head, with a snort. they rolled their eyes and only kept going. no silly darkening of the clouds was going to scare them.

as she continues on, her gaze moves to that around her as the sound of wings flapping against cold air makes her gaze narrow. this would quite literally be the worst time for something to come out and attack them, given that she's surrounded by mostly useless cats, in her own opinion. gentlestorm used to be a warrior but how much of that does he hold close to him? besides, is it wise for their only medicine cat to fight when he's got no successor? a low growl leaves her as she stands protectively near him, narrowed eyes looking upwards as she saw... what the fuck?

"what the fuck...? what are they... doing?"

now, they were unsettled. this somehow would be a lot easier to deal with if houndshade were here... they wonder if she's close by? they hope so. maybe they could talk about whatever the hell is happening right now, and they wouldn't have to explain it to her later.



Scarletpaw, flanked by Raccoonstripe as always, keeps her head high, pretending not to mind the chilly leaf-fall air biting at her thin fur. The patrol feels uneventful at first, with Gentlestorm leading them quietly through the forest, his focus on gathering moss and feathers for the coming cold. Scarletpaw's mind wanders, still buzzing from recent training sessions. She's focused, of course - always focused - but the quiet of the forest has her thinking of ways she could show up the other apprentices. There's always some way to prove herself, and she's always looking for it.

But then the noise starts. At first, she barely registers it, just the flapping of wings in the distance. But when Gentlestorm freezes and that strange screech pierces the air, her attention snaps to it. The sound grates against her nerves, making her fur stand on end. She sees the medicine cat drop his bundle, and her eyes follow the dark shapes swooping through the trees.

The apprentice's split eyes narrow, her heart speeding up - not from fear, of course. Never fear. But the strange sight above makes her uneasy. There's something unsettling about the way those creatures dive and weave in the growing darkness. They don't look like birds, but what else could they be? She flicks a glance toward Raccoonstripe to see if he's as perplexed as the rest of them.

Stagsnarl's low growl catches her attention, and for once, Scarletpaw silently agrees with the prickly warrior. This was...unnerving. But there's no way she's going to show it.

"What does it look like they're doing?" Scarletpaw mutters, trying to keep her voice steady and unimpressed. "They're hunting or something." Her words come out with more confidence than she feels, and she lifts her chin defiantly, as if daring anyone to challenge her explanation. She casts a quick look at Gentlestorm. "They're probably owls or something." That's why they're out at night, right? They have to be owls. And babies are nothing to worry about, they look about as big as Raccoonstripe's kits back at camp.

But as she says it, her tail lashes with agitation. Something about the creatures doesn't sit right with her, and the way they cling to the trees, so eerily still between their dives, sends a chill down her spine. Not that she'd admit that.

Still, she takes a step closer to Raccoonstripe, just in case. Not because she's scared, though.
The evening is eerily silent if not for the patrol's quiet chatter. They accompany Gentlestorm on a hunt for herbs before they all start dying during Leaf-bare, and hopefully their efforts would be repaid with a kind season without many troubles. Hopefully. No illnesses to eat at Gentlestorm's herb storage. . . SHRIEK!

Something flies past them, and Roaringsun feels his entire pelt bristle in alarm. He's startled out of worrying about Leaf-bare by the noise, by the shadows looming above. Suddenly everything feels scarier than it should be, and he wishes he was back camp right about now. Ugh, get a grip! is funnily enough all the motivation he needs to get his nerves under check. Amber eyes stare at the things flying all around them, watching carefully. I want to catch one of them.

And so he crouches, waiting for the moment one of them swoops too dangerously close. The warrior leaps, reaches up with his paws and catches it mid-air. The fall is not graceful, but the bat is stunned and luckily remains grounded ( even if for a few moments - or had he wounded it so it couldn't fly? ). "Can we eat it?"


  • ooc.
  • ROARINGSUN —— warrior of thunderclan , mentor to none . npc x npc . littermate to npcs ✦ penned by nocthymia
    male / he/him / 12 moons & ages every 14ᵗʰ
    single / orientation & poly or mono / open/closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord (hypmic) for plots — toyhouse
  • reference image here
    a longhaired flame sepia with low white and amber-brown eyes.

"I'll cover any patrols or chores you want me to for a moon if you try to eat it" she whispers lowly to Roaringsun's side. Glancing over at Raccoonstripe to make sure the lead warrior wouldn't be hearing this little bet that she's trying to arrange. Knowing him and his moods lately he might try to ruin it for them. With a pointed look back towards the warrior to see if he would take them up on this or not she nods politely towards Gentlestorm and Scarletpaw. The screeching was less than ideal, they were loathed to admit that they'd flinch at each new piercing cry. "They don't sound like any baby owls that I've ever heard of before" she hums in thought, tail curling as she approaches Stagsnarl's side.

"Maybe this is some kind of... I don't know, courting thing?" She shrugs at the suggestion but can't help but smirk at her friend nudging her shoulder against theirs. She tries to not be overly affectionate but stars above they could practically feel the chimeras stress and fear over this unknown circumstance from where she had been hunting. "Or maybe they're looking to taste thunderclanners" it's mentioned nonchalantly with a shrug, glancing over their shoulder back at Roaringsun. Clearly they can't be that much of a threat since they were so easily caught. In a mood to test this theory they decide to creep closer towards where the main gathering of the strange creatures are. Steps are cautious in case they actually intend to strike her, they were just feeling particularly adventurous today.
  • Wow
Reactions: STAGSNARL.
"Definitely not baby owls," the molly confirms, ears swiveling in an effort to make up for a complete lack of sight. If there was one thing she could promise, it was that she knew sounds pretty well... and didn't struggle to distinguish them half so much as her clan-mates did. These shrill cries are far more grating... a screeching different from a hungry chick's screams. Houndshade is right... and she takes solace in another pair of good ears by standing next to them. Her nose scrunches disgustedly at the mention of courtship... What the hell are you guys seeing? If that's the case... why are they still watching? Wouldn't it be best to move on, quickly?

It isn't until the chocolate warrior departs to wander closer, crowing about becoming this things next meal that she grows truly concerned. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" She supposes if anyone has to do something stupid... at least it's while Gentlestorm is around to stitch them back together...

    fourteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes

Softsight is always one to offer up her services when it comes to helping Gentlestorm, and after some extended time in the wake of Skyclaw's leadership of her leaving him alone to focus on his duties, she finds herself more than happy when she's invited to go out on patrol with the medicine cat and several others in an attempt to find some herbs before Leafbare crept in with its prickling claws. Though it would be ideal that they would have no sicknesses during the Leafbare, it was more practical to know that it would be better to be prepared, just in case.

She lowers herself towards the ground when the first creature dips and weaves through the night, stark black against the dampening sky and in contrast to her own snowy pelt. At first, she can't get a good look at the things as they seem to tease the cats overhead, and though she listens to the theories that come to pass at what they are and what they're doing, she's only half-surprised when Roaringsun dares to knock one out of the sky. She approaches the stunned creature carefully, sniffing at it curiously.

"It appears to be some sort of... rat. Or perhaps a mouse, with wings." Softsight suggests as her pink eyes scour the thing's body. It sounds like she's describing some sort of fantasy creature. She wouldn't want to eat it, but she's definitely overheard the exchange between Roaringsun and Houndshade.


Toadhop isn't quite sure how he got tasked with joining ThunderClan's healer in searching for supplies, but he doesn't think he minds it all that much. It's a nice change from borders and hunting, though part of him wishes he'd been chosen to accompany the older tom in warmer moons. The cold has never been his friend, and the brown tabby can tell it's only going to get worse from here, from the shortened day's air against his equally short pelt.

Though Gentlestorm gives warning, Toadhop knows by now to keep alert in lack of sunlight. Beasts are bound to be as desperate as ThunderClan is about to be, hungry and searching for supplies, just like them.

But that doesn't stop the tom from being startled by a swift blur, a swooping figure across his line of sight. Toadhop leaps back, eyes wide at the sudden movement as he searches the sky. That wasn't a bird — that wasn't a bird he's ever seen before.

More find their way into view in the same fashion, and it's Roaringsun that makes a move for it before he can even think to, reaching into the swarm and batting downward to knock one off course. It stays put, and Toadhop can't help but to follow his clanmates toward the shocked critter.

" Looks like something that would live in ShadowClan, " he decides at the jagged, shadow-furred form. Peculiar and off-putting — it sounded about right, didn't it? " If it's anything like the rest of the prey over there, I wouldn't eat it. "