sensitive topics All I hear are screams ☠ Return without Mercykit


Quieter than the dead
Dec 18, 2023
*+:。.。 As a man of few words, Bonechill cuts straight to the point - "Mercykit has been the graveyard...couldn't...can' after" he explains, @promisekit still swinging in jaws clenched a little too tight. It'll take a lot of coaxing to get him to loosen his teeth as the man stands, swaying, blinking hard. It's impressive that not a single drop of blood was shed and yet the man feels lightheaded enough to have lost liters of it. If it wasn't his failure and Mercykit's life on the line, he probably would've been more interested in analyzing what had been done to him. As it where, he boiled instead with rage - not only had he failed the girl who'd trusted him to chaperone her safely to her grandmother's resting place, but he hadn't even the ability to gather evidence with a swipe of his claw! Fuck!

Still, the man stood as best he could. He wasn't eager to face the punishment that'd surely rain down fiercer than whatever blow had knocked him out cold long enough to lose a child...but he didn't doubt he deserved it. Damn it all.
  • //Suffering from a concussion <3

    Continuation from This thread RIP Mercy <3
  • 88578365_0bDzPO167fzILmk.png

    Shadowclan — warrior
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    16 moons
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance
    Half-brother to Gigglepaw, Morelpaw, Branchpaw

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

Bonechill's return to camp promptly gains the attention of the camp, Bouncepaw's included. She looks away from her current task and allows the moss that had been in her maw to drop to the floor.

"Mercykit has been kidnapped." The tabby apprentice's jaw drops in shock, what?! How!? …Why? "We have to go get her back!" Bouncepaw yelps, they couldn't just accept she's been lost. Why couldn't Bonechill have chased after her? She doesn't get it, she has so many questions she wants to ask but by a miracle manages to refrain. Ternstar and Sharpshadow will know what to do. She waits antsy for their instruction.

female (she / her) / heterosexual, single
7 moons old / ages realistically, every 1st of the month
apprentice of ShadowClan
Myrtlefoot x Bristletooth / littermate to Juniperkit
mentored by Batchaser
penned by ava / message av.a on discord for plots!

Bouncepaw is a warm, brown she-cat with black tabby markings caging her fur. She has a broad muzzle and big, cream colored paws. White fur cascades from her chin and flows all the way down to pool at her underbelly. She has big, owlish, hazel eyes.
[ ༻❄༺ ] There was a reason kits weren't allowed out of camp, and Bonechill had proven that. Disappointment dripped into Snowlark's chest, he wasn't sure whar was worse, that it was Bonechill who managed to lost a kit, or the fact that these kits had managed to even be pulled out of camp without anyone noiticing. Boucepaw's squeak and usher to proclaim that they needed to get Mercykit back made him nod curtly yet, how can they find the cat who took her if Bonechill didn't even look the slightest injured?

"Bonechill... explain, everything. Someone ensure Promisekit is brought back to his fathers immediately and keep a better eye on these kits" he stated calmly. His bobbed tail twitched before focusing back onto his friend, he was upset, rightfully so. He doubt Bonechill even had the permission from those kits parents to even take them out of camp. For punishment, that would be for Ternstar to decide but he didn't know if he could trust Bonechill, not at this moment.

Did he willingly give Mercykit up? What happened exactly? Why didn't he attempt to fight off the attacker? There were so many questions that ran through the head of the lead warrior.

Trans FTM (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤBi-sexual/Demi-Romantic
ㅤ17 moons oldㅤ/ㅤAges on the 3rd
ㅤLead Warrior of Shadowclan for 3 moons
Hailfreckle x Mudsplashㅤ/ㅤN/A
ㅤmentoring Frozenpawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Mirestar
ㅤpenned by Rynnarooㅤ/ㅤmessage Rinnaroo on discord for plots!

A pale blue sepia lynx long-haired tom where the majority of his body is covered in white, pale yellow eyes that are normally unreadable by most. His sole blue ear was nicked from an accident that happened to him as an apprentice, something he carries with honor. Snowlark is considered strange by most due to his usual "stoic" tones underlined by his immaturity at times, be it pulling pranks on others, to making out-of-pocket jokes or moments of outbursts of anger, Snowlark is strange but isn't one afraid to be blunt and tell one how it is.
lostkit had been born outside shadowclan's lines, so she had found the no kits outside camp rule, well, a bit silly when she joined. not that she would ever say anything of the sort -- she had followed the rules quite strictly as soon as she had joined, an ever-naggling thought in the back of her mind that ternstar would kick her out if she set a single paw out of line. and after her own near-death experiences in the few days before joining shadowclan, she could begrudgingly accept that it was probably a rule that was, overall, good -- and she would be an apprentice soon anyways, so really, what did it matter to her?

so when bonechill rushed back to camp, the sickeningly cloying scent of bloodhurtpainterror stuck to his fur, lostkit's fur stands straight up in horror. she approaches with dread, and is relieved that promisekit is breathing, moving -- it had been hard to tell, with the limp body in an ironclad grip. "um -- bonechill, here, you can let go, don't hurt him -- i'll get his parents -- and marbleleaf, maybe? you don't look -- well, maybe both of you should get checked out?" she said hesitantly, unsure how to deal with the clearly distraught (and for good reason) tom. she'd let the warriors handle...the kitnapping.

  • ooc. backwritten as a kit for timeline sake.
  • LOSTKIT (she/her) is a five moon old shadowclan kit with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.

Bonechill stumbles into camp, a kit swinging from his jaws. Sharpshadow's head turns at the same moment Bouncepaw's and Snowlark's do. He holds his breath; for a moment, thinks he shouldn't assume the worst. But why shouldn't he? When -star's vanish into thin air, when cats wander to the border and get killed. Sharpshadow rushes forward, the points of her fur already end. One mercy Bonechill gives them is not leaving them in suspense.

" What? " Horror twists his maw into a grimace. There's dead silence where his tail should be lashing. He doesn't offer the scraps of kindness that Lostkit and Snowlark do. " Put him down! " is hissed from clenched fangs, not an order from a superior, but impatience for a Clanmate. kidnapped... by the graveyard. Sharpshadow blinks in bewilderment, eyes wide as moons. " Speak up, Bonechill. " Stars above, a clear explanation was the least he could give them.

Panicked breaths threaten to leave his chest heaving. Claws slip from their sheathes and root him to solid earth. " No- L-Lostkit, take Promisekit to the nursery and stay there. Both of you. " She hears Bouncepaw's cries of distress. Of course she does— the squeal is just one of a thousand thoughts Sharpshadow had now. Sharpshadow gaze lifts for a moment, flicking over the face he could bring along with him for a search party. But what the hell would they even be searching for? Her gaze returns to Bonechill, and burns upon him as she awaits his answer.
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Ternstar 26 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— " WHAT? " Ternstar moves with a jolt, heavy paws thudding as she pushes her way forwards, her words echoing her deputies. " What happened? " How could Mercykit have been taken right out from their noses? She nearly goes on to ask as much, when the scene before her really settles in - the fact that Bonechill had been returning to camp, a kit in his paws. A quiet rumble rises in her throat, visions of the past in her minds eye - of two kittens whisked away, unknowingly, by their own clanmates. Traitors. That's what Siltcloud and Granitepelt had been, taking Halfsun and Larrelgrin away. " What have you done? " she barks out - demanding. If he'd done the same, if he'd stolen them away himself, then she'll- she'll -

Ternstar isn't sure what she'd do, exactly, but stars know it won't be pretty.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y


Giggleflower feels the blood drain from her face when Bonechill comes back to camp one kit short of what he'd left with, his explanation leaving more questions than answers. She wants to believe that her brother wouldn't have done anything to hurt Mercykit willingly - there's no way that she can fathom the idea of Bonechill secreting kits away to give to someone else. After all, to prove that point, he still had Promisekit in his jaws. No, Giggleflower told herself, it was likely that he had been taken by surprise. StarClan, let that be the case.

"I- I'll vouch for Bonechill," Giggleflower steps forward before she can stop herself, mouth moving on its own. "I... I don't know how much weight my word holds, but I don't think Bonechill is capable of willingly hurting those kits in any way. I believe he made a mistake, with good intention." She shuffled awkwardly as she pleaded with Ternstar, her eyes drifting from the leader to Promisekit. It felt like it hadn't been that long ago that Promisekit and his littermates had been wriggling little creatures at Ashenfall's belly, and Giggleflower had been over the moon to meet her new kin. If Bonechill had intentionally hurt them... Giggleflower's paws trembled.

She'd take care of her brother herself, if that were the case. Mousebrain that he was, she already had a few choice words for Bonechill - like where had he been the many times that Ashenfall had made it clear that his kits weren't to be let out of his sight? The tom was protective, and the only thing that assuaged Giggleflower's thoughts was that as they grew older, kits grew more troublesome, through no fault of their own.

  • Sad
Reactions: ROTKIT

It's Bouncepaw's wail that brings Marbleleaf out of her den. Instinctively, she parts her jaws, tasting the air for blood — and there is none; it's the fear-scent that causes her pelt to spike. She rushes toward the camp's entrance, her paws skidding in the wet leaf-litter. It's Bonechill, pale and stumbling and rheumy-eyed, Promisekit dangling from his jaws… "Mercykit has been kidnapped… by the graveyard… couldn't… can't… chase after," he struggles to relay. The medicine cat's eyes stretch wide with incredulity, even as Sharpshadow, Snowlark, and Ternstar begin to bristle beside her.

"Does Ashenfall know you brought his kits out of camp? Does Flintwish?" Marbleleaf's voice is almost a murmur along the shouts and demands that emit from her Clanmates, but it's rich with grief raw enough to tear her whole. Starlingheart's granddaughter… she's gone?

Her role is not to investigate; her role is not to punish. That is not the duty of a medicine cat. Marbleleaf exhales, forcing herself to remain on steady paws. She brushes against Giggleflower, who does her best to defend her brother. She shares a sorrowful look with the young warrior, knowing she is fearing for her sibling's fate. "I doubt he meant for this to happen," she confirms, "but those kits never should have been taken out of camp. There's a… a reason we have those rules." And now, poor Mercykit would feel the crushing consequences of Bonechill's actions… Mercykit, and her unwitting parents, her trembling, terrified littermate.

Marbleleaf gets closer to Bonechill, sniffing at his pale fur. She sees no injuries, but he's acting as though he's lost a tremendous amount of blood… and the unfocused quality of his eyes begins to worry her. "Set Promisekit down," she echoes Lostkit and the others. "Let me take a look at him, and then you, okay? Tell us what happened." She looks at her gray-furred kin with pity that threatens to consume her. What have you seen, little one?

Marbleleaf is the ShadowClan medicine cat. She is thin, with a short fawn tabby pelt; the base color is a dull, almost-gray slate, and the whorling classic stripes are deeper shades of wet sand. She has white facial markings, chest, and paws, an angular face and build, and moss-colored eyes.

Lilacfur x Siltcloud / sibling to Sycamorebloom / mate to none / parent to none
mentored by Starlingheart / mentoring none
13 moons old as of 02/01/2025
penned by Marquette

The world has proven itself able to end many times over, each more crushing than the next.

Sleep was a curse, maybe. Sugar-spun nothingness to distract the mind from preventing a waking nightmare.

Ashenfall stumbles out in a panic when he's shaken awake, and gravity tears his heart to slam to the dirt beneath them. He can't breathe, it's happened again. It's happened again.

"Where's my Mercykit?!" The words are thrown uselessly at the culprit. Not here. He stares acid at Bonechill, and at the moment it does not matter whether the reason is malice nor idiocy. He wants him to rot away, he imagines a horde of ravens descend to feast on him until there's nothing again. There is little solace to be found in this daydream, though.

What of Ashenfall? He'd been asleep. Sick sits rotten in his abdomen.

The anger flashes again, whether he deserves this anger or does not, but the sight of so many cats standing and looking at them make him hiss, "What is this? We have to go GET HER!" Desperation at a fever pitch, his claws dig into the ground. Will the clan that has had Mercykit ripped away from his side be able to find her even if they tried?

"Bring her back..!" He implores, and realizes he'd collapsed into a withered seat, vision long-blurred with tears that had perhaps been there since he'd stumbled out of the nursery. Promisekit is here, a witness, a victim in his own right, and Ashenfall hisses once more, low, "Give me my son."

It takes all his will not to dissolve into a screaming wreck. Perhaps the clan moves around him, perhaps the warriors are departing on their search parties, and he could only remain, the sky too heavy to move. Mercykit was so sweet tempered, so good, her name itself a prayer. She was probably scared. He couldn't think of it.

"It was all I asked... It was all I asked…" he whispered to the ground, not daring to glance upward. The morning has crept forward all this time. Stars, he could not see, hidden behind the too-bright light-shadow of the Sun. He knew they were watching, though. They sat above them so smug.


  • OOC:
  • w9avqh.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw . ashenfall
    — he/him. 22mo warrior of shadowclan. formerly mentored by smogstar. mated with flintwish.
    — smogstar x halfshade. littermate to applejaw, swansong & garlicheart. older brother of halfsun & laurelgrin father of promisekit, tikki, mercykit, & smokykit
    — a stout, longhaired blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — sarcastic, sharp-eyed, sulky, nostalgic, faithful, impulsive, candid, provocative, remorseful
    — "speech", thoughts
    — penned by eezy
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