private ALL I HEAR IS SHREDDING WINGS [brackenscar]


dethroned royalty
Jul 6, 2024
༻✦༺ The season is harsh. The scrubland is barren. Berrypaw is hungry. Ribs show, bones cutting sharp angles beneath a snow-blanketed pelt. His stomach growls its displeasure, complaining about its emptiness. The prey that he manages to find is thin, weak, and hardly enough to feed himself, let alone Mizzlepaw. But crossing the forbidden scent lines… it could prove dangerous, but it could also prove fruitful. The past two times, he had found scent trails to go along with the cats attempting to defend their territory. And now, he finds one easily again, and treks along with nose pressed to the snowy ground. He's no outstanding hunter, but the mouse's scent is fresh and it has no way to escape once exposed in the snow. With a flash of motion and a snap of teeth, Berrypaw bears down on a mouse and emerges from the snow with the promise of a meal to fill his belly. He raises his head to celebrate, and mismatched eyes flicker around his surroundings once more.

The form of a lone cat moving closer is enough to set off the warning cries in his head—surely a WindClan cat, just like the two before. The others had put up a fight, but they had been smaller. This one, standing a bit larger and looking more experienced, could prove formidable. The tom hunches over as if to defend his catch from the other's gaze, but they don't stop advancing toward him. It quickly becomes clear that he'll either have to give up his prey, talk his way out of a fight, or shed more blood across this foreign territory. "This is mine," he snarls at the stranger, words garbled by the mouse that he clings to. For a moment he feels ashamed—he must look something feral, with wide eyes and teeth bared around a morsel of prey—but his stomach grumbles its displeasure once more, and Berrypaw's mind is made up. He will fight for this catch if he must.

  • ooc: @Brackenscar
  • 85265829_a9uA5CEfndTdXJ3.png
  • BERRYPAW ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she/he/they, apprentice of duskclan
    small white cat with a black dorsal stripe, black paws, and blue point markings fading up her forelegs. eyes are mismatched blue and green.
    child of edenberry and rumblerain ; sibling of mizzlepaw
    mentored by rumblerain
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

The relationship she has with DuskClan is perculiar. Honestly they wish that she couldn't call it a relationship, as much as they would relish sinking their claws into any non-WindClan cat bar ThunderClanners she does carry some hesitance. Only because it might upset Privetfrost, whom she has considered a project for many moons. One of forced passion, a project that she wills her heart to flutter for. An ebony pelt is one that she keeps a stray eye for while out on the moors alone, perhaps a dangerous venture given the latest death of the clan. That fox is dead though, and she is confident that she could find some tunnel to escape into, even if she was followed it wouldn't know the underground system as well as she does. There is a lingering scent of mouse around them, maybe a group of mice... a hoard? They could be trying to find some shelter from the cold, perhaps on the way to Horseplace but got lost? She can't say but they are never one to give up on easy to catch prey. Small but bountiful, it should maybe be enough to satiate Bluefrost's brood.

They scent the air, following the trail. Hoping to find something better, only to be bitterly dissapointed. As she gazed beyond the horizon it is clear there is a lone pelt out there by the scent lines. Not an ebony pelt that she expects to see, this one carrying far too much white spotting. Undeniably a loner, most likely from DuskClan judging by the jutting bones and immediate hostility. Her large ears flick in response, a gust of wind ringing out within the hollows of it. Her paws dig into the ground, glancing at the mouse caught and then to the stranger. "No one wants your scrawny mouse" she sniffs haughtily, as if she wasn't in fact vying for the same mouse.

"You're from DuskClan aren't you?" Their gaze is sharp, dissecting the body in front of her. Tail flicking in mild interest, Brackenscar finds their attitude insulting but his general frame pathetic. Being pathetic carries sympathy she supposes. "I won't fight you for that mouse, however if you don't get your paws away from my clan's scent line you will regret it." As much as she wants to rip the mouse from them that sliver of affection she has for Privetfrost doesn't permit it. They could threaten though, instill a fear within the younger cat so she wouldn't think she can freely trample over borders or hover too close.


  • ooc.
  • ZioVDCd.png
  • dDyYX4S.png
    Brackenscar They/she, Tunneler, 14 moons

    A scowling, tiny calico with large ears.
    Mentored by Scorchstar | Bluefrost.
    Speech, thoughts, attacking.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ( underline and tag when attacking ).
    All opinions are IC only.
    penned by Juice.