- Feb 29, 2024
- 106
- 7
- 18
ooc: pre-retreat + sorry this is so late
Blood. Its disgusting color dripped onto the form below him, its usually thick drops thinned by the tears that now cascaded down his cheeks. The warrior did not notice it -- the way it blurred his vision, dampening his cheek fur. Addersnap had been oblivious to the terror -- the regret -- that gripped him throughout this fight, head reeling as he kept his unsheathed paw at bay on the apprentice's throat. Was he really strong enough to kill someone, especially as merciless as this? An apprentice who could barely fight for himself, who probably had someone to go home to -- an easy pick. Was he just as horrible as them?
His hesitance allowed Basilpaw to make a move -- yet it was not one of maliciousness. Where he could have clawed into the delicate flesh of his belly with back claws, the boy grabbed for his leg, sinking his claws into tense muscles with that same fear reflected in his forest-green eyes. "Please, don't..." The plead struck him to the core, paws shaking as Addersnap fought to keep his heavy-weighted stance on his throat. The tabby squeezed golden-lit hues as more tears fell, breathing labored and ears flattened. He was taking the life of an innocent cat, wasn't he? The apprentice below him had done nothing wrong. He was only following orders.
But Addersnap pushed away the guilt that was now beginning to consume him, the tears that splashed onto Basilpaw now remnants of his own lost innocence. He had to do this. In order for them to survive, they needed to make sacrifices, even if it meant losing a part of himself for it. For ThunderClan.
"... 'M sorry."
Addersnap's gaze hardened over, adrenaline and resurfaced anger rejuvenated as he let his claws softly break the skin of Basilpaw's neck, blood slow in its arrival against his paw-pad. For ThunderClan.
A screech rang through the clearing, and the mighty warrior he now saw himself as did not react, eyes locked on Basilpaw's frightened expression as the boy pleaded and pleaded. They would reach unsympathetic ears, his cries muffled along with the rest of the battlefield. Addersnap was intent on finishing Basilpaw off.
Suddenly, searing hot pain billows forth from his shoulders as he feels the puncture of claws into flesh, unfamiliar and rough. What...? Snapping his neck to look over his shoulders with blazing anger and confusion, he makes eye contact with his attacker before he is pulled off of Basilpaw, claws retracting to ensure he doesn't cause harm to himself as the two tumbled through the dirt. He had taken too long.
Laying there to endure the pain for what felt like only a second, the tabby felt as every emotion seemed to wash over him at once. Regret, that he hadn't moved sooner and for the fact that he had even come in the first place. Guilt, for allowing himself to take so long to finish the boy off and for traumatizing him so now. Relief, that Basilpaw had not fallen under his claws. It was all unfamiliar, and he hated it. He had become weak.
Struggling to get himself to his paws which he constantly slipped on, the sound of his blood rushing through his body pounded through his ears as he fought to get up. He had to, he had to get up before that ShadowClanner got to him first. He had to--
Fear erupted from the pits of his stomach as Amberhaze immediately jumped to his paws, slithering over towards him with a menacing gleam in his eyes. But he was so... frail, so small and thin and weak. What was this ShadowClanner going to do to him? Nothing. The black feline wouldn't do anything to him.
But here he was, lying frozen on his stomach as the other finally came close enough to sink his claws into his shoulders once again, a cry leaving his maw as new wounds tear open. What was going to happen to him? Eyes darting back and forth as the ThunderClanner fought to keep himself composed, the slicing words from Amberhaze hitting him full force. The fear that had kept him down -- the horror of facing the consequences of his actions originally being too much to control -- was replaced with unbridled rage, flowing through his body as he spat at the ShadowClanner above him. "Ya- you're th' ones tryin' ta 'ake our terr-i-toory 'hen we're ou-numbered!"
Thrashing underneath the ShadowClanner, Addersnap would try to throw the warrior off of his shoulders by trying to get to his paws, the movement hopefully sending the other a few mouse-lengths away from him. If successful, he would spin to face his opponent with teeth barred and wide, terror-filled eyes. He didn't want to die, either. And he might as well try to defend himself before turning tail and fleeing like Basilpaw had. "'F ya wanna talk 'bout ffffair figh's, 'm righ' here."

Blood. Its disgusting color dripped onto the form below him, its usually thick drops thinned by the tears that now cascaded down his cheeks. The warrior did not notice it -- the way it blurred his vision, dampening his cheek fur. Addersnap had been oblivious to the terror -- the regret -- that gripped him throughout this fight, head reeling as he kept his unsheathed paw at bay on the apprentice's throat. Was he really strong enough to kill someone, especially as merciless as this? An apprentice who could barely fight for himself, who probably had someone to go home to -- an easy pick. Was he just as horrible as them?
His hesitance allowed Basilpaw to make a move -- yet it was not one of maliciousness. Where he could have clawed into the delicate flesh of his belly with back claws, the boy grabbed for his leg, sinking his claws into tense muscles with that same fear reflected in his forest-green eyes. "Please, don't..." The plead struck him to the core, paws shaking as Addersnap fought to keep his heavy-weighted stance on his throat. The tabby squeezed golden-lit hues as more tears fell, breathing labored and ears flattened. He was taking the life of an innocent cat, wasn't he? The apprentice below him had done nothing wrong. He was only following orders.
But Addersnap pushed away the guilt that was now beginning to consume him, the tears that splashed onto Basilpaw now remnants of his own lost innocence. He had to do this. In order for them to survive, they needed to make sacrifices, even if it meant losing a part of himself for it. For ThunderClan.
"... 'M sorry."
Addersnap's gaze hardened over, adrenaline and resurfaced anger rejuvenated as he let his claws softly break the skin of Basilpaw's neck, blood slow in its arrival against his paw-pad. For ThunderClan.
A screech rang through the clearing, and the mighty warrior he now saw himself as did not react, eyes locked on Basilpaw's frightened expression as the boy pleaded and pleaded. They would reach unsympathetic ears, his cries muffled along with the rest of the battlefield. Addersnap was intent on finishing Basilpaw off.
Suddenly, searing hot pain billows forth from his shoulders as he feels the puncture of claws into flesh, unfamiliar and rough. What...? Snapping his neck to look over his shoulders with blazing anger and confusion, he makes eye contact with his attacker before he is pulled off of Basilpaw, claws retracting to ensure he doesn't cause harm to himself as the two tumbled through the dirt. He had taken too long.
Laying there to endure the pain for what felt like only a second, the tabby felt as every emotion seemed to wash over him at once. Regret, that he hadn't moved sooner and for the fact that he had even come in the first place. Guilt, for allowing himself to take so long to finish the boy off and for traumatizing him so now. Relief, that Basilpaw had not fallen under his claws. It was all unfamiliar, and he hated it. He had become weak.
Struggling to get himself to his paws which he constantly slipped on, the sound of his blood rushing through his body pounded through his ears as he fought to get up. He had to, he had to get up before that ShadowClanner got to him first. He had to--
Fear erupted from the pits of his stomach as Amberhaze immediately jumped to his paws, slithering over towards him with a menacing gleam in his eyes. But he was so... frail, so small and thin and weak. What was this ShadowClanner going to do to him? Nothing. The black feline wouldn't do anything to him.
But here he was, lying frozen on his stomach as the other finally came close enough to sink his claws into his shoulders once again, a cry leaving his maw as new wounds tear open. What was going to happen to him? Eyes darting back and forth as the ThunderClanner fought to keep himself composed, the slicing words from Amberhaze hitting him full force. The fear that had kept him down -- the horror of facing the consequences of his actions originally being too much to control -- was replaced with unbridled rage, flowing through his body as he spat at the ShadowClanner above him. "Ya- you're th' ones tryin' ta 'ake our terr-i-toory 'hen we're ou-numbered!"
Thrashing underneath the ShadowClanner, Addersnap would try to throw the warrior off of his shoulders by trying to get to his paws, the movement hopefully sending the other a few mouse-lengths away from him. If successful, he would spin to face his opponent with teeth barred and wide, terror-filled eyes. He didn't want to die, either. And he might as well try to defend himself before turning tail and fleeing like Basilpaw had. "'F ya wanna talk 'bout ffffair figh's, 'm righ' here."
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