AM I WORTH YOUR TIME? ✘ gathering return/announcement

He has had a lot to think about the walk home, a lot to process. Now that he was no longer standing above a crowd of cats, now that he was closer to the earth, to the ground, he feels alarmingly small again and he despises it. There is a vulnerability with being in the crowd he had never noticed before, he had never even considered it - the whimsy of mortal folly, he understood now what it meant to give everything in a way he hadn't before. What would have happened if he died, what would have become of the clan? Would they have figured out a new leader without much fuss or would they have descended into lost chaos and been open for retaliation? Smokestar finds himself remembering wistfully the days after Buckgait's demotion, when his mate had become even more highstrung and paranoid - fearful that even cats he put his faith in had betrayed him, would betray him further. The more he thinks on it he finds he can not think of a single cat he would worry might betray RiverClan among them, even if he had his concerns of several he didn't suspect they might become something dangerous. He didn't suspect they would be disloyal. But he also didn't want to make such a risk, what they needed now more than ever was stability. Guidance. Cicadastar had gone several moons without a second-in-command, the burden was heavy, the work more than one cat could stand. He once admired it, but now he saw it for what it was; his mate breaking himself down further, whittling away at the bits and pieces of him left. Would he go mad one day? Would losing life after life send him into a spiral of insanity? He wonders if that was why Sootstar was too far gone, he worries that it's the fate of all leaders. The river phantom had been gentle once, not just to him, but to everyone - he had hardened over time. Sootstar had always been a bothersome nuisance who thought herself more than her worth, but she had not been this bad in the beginning.
They finally reach camp and he glances around, his mind moving faster than his paws that carry him to the river rock. He does not call a meeting, yet the clan sees him perched there all the same, weary from their walk home they still dutifully wait to see what it is he has to say.

"...we will be wary of WindClan's border going forward, no cat is to step a paw from the camp alone until further notice. Sootstar has fallen, who is to say what she intends to bring down with her, but it will not be RiverClan." He is mulling over choices in his head, in his heart, he knows what has to be done to ensure they have the advantage going forward. He hopes he makes the right choice. "...we will overcome what has befallen us, we will rise above the current. WindClan will not threaten us further. "
Snakeblink did not have the bite he needed, Willowroot's wisdom would be welcome but he worries her gentleness may be her undoing, Petalnose is dutiful and strong but lacks the cunning he feels may be more useful in the coming moons. There are so many cats depending on him, on this decision.

"I say these words before our ancestors, so StarClan may hear and approve my choice, Lichentail will be the new deputy of RiverClan."
There is passion there, untempered, he knows she will not hurt RiverClan but like claws they need to be sharpened and tended to. In time a proper blade will form. He remembers her speaking out against his mate, accepting his punishment with silent acceptance, adapting, learning to hold her tongue, learning when not to...
"...if she accepts."

  • Ooc: Already said as much in the Discord but here is the official promotion, congrats again to @lichentail on being chosen as deputy! Eden has been a welcome presence in the discord as well as to roleplay with in general and I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.



The trek back to camp is silent, at least for him. Nettlepaw can tell that his mentor is less than pleased about him, but the boy thinks he had every right to yowl his disapproval toward Sunstride. He keeps his distance from his mentor for now, unwilling to sit through a lecture. As they breach the island and flood into RiverClan's camp, a yawn parts his jaws as tiredness overtakes his mind. An ear twitches as Smokestar speaks into the darkness of the early morning. Suddenly, the boy finds himself uneasy. No cat was to step paw out of camp alone. Nettlepaw won't argue, but he's not pleased, either. His nightly walks along the river were important, for a number of reasons.

He's shaken from his misgivings, however, when Smokestar suddenly launches into ceremony. Sightless eyes snap toward the leader as the announcement is made. The new deputy of RiverClan would be Lichentail. A good choice. He tries to find the former Lead Warrior in the crowd, nostrils twitching as he sniffs, quietly wondering if she'll accept the new position. If she did, Nettlepaw would offer a congratulatory chant of her name, as was custom. He's tired, though. He wants nothing more than to go fall into his nest in the apprentice's den. For him, festivities would have to wait for tomorrow.
I know what you're doing Nettlepaw. He is not stupid to see that his apprentice is purposely keeping his distance. While Nettlepaw was not wrong in his outcry, it could have caused something more dire to transpire during the gathering. Thunderclan's angry yowls and then Skyclan's own, it was safe to say that the situation has escalated. It seems Riverclan is correct to place some trust in Skyclan, Blazestar's outcry was support alright. Everyone in the forest now knows that Sootstar has lost it and that there. Even Chilledstar was in agreeance that Windclan has crossed the line. What happens from this point forward is a mystery, but he hopes that they were able to meet their goals and by extension make their new leader Smokestar proud. None of them are given a moment of rest, their leader padding to the river rock. There is something to be said and all of them are to listen.

All of them are to remain in pairs or more until this whole situation is sorted out. None would argue about that, or at least he hoped no one would. The message is clear. They will endure and prevail. Smoke rises while soot falls after all. Just when he expects Sootstar to dismiss them, a new deputy is announced. He remembers how long it took for Cicadastar to appoint one, that it is almost strange that Smokestar has appointed one so soon. Or maybe their former leader didn't appoint one soon enough. Lichentail is a fine choice. Looks like you've proven yourself Lichentail! He's beyond thrilled for her. After all she's been faced with along with punishment, this is proof that she has prevailed in her struggles. I think Lichentail would do a good. If she wants to. Speaking of, he turns to look for her and when he does... There are no words, only a nod in encouragement. The position is daunting, but she is not alone. All of her friends would support her if she asked for it.
It feels like every gathering she goes to is worse than the last - and this time is no different. Smokestar returning from Mothermouth with his lives but also a tale of his near-demise was one thing, but having to hear the WindClan deputy declare that it was because they took the land, and was merely defending it? That is something else entirely. Brookpaw admittedly checked out mentally as the gathering erupted, figuring this to be an at-home discussion, once everyone's cooled off.

She sticks to Dipperpaw's side, trotting behind her mentor in easy silence. Smokestar makes his demands and shifts their rules, something hardly different from what his predecessor would've done (she thinks, at least.) After a wavering moment, he announces his choice of deputy. Lichentail themself. Brookpaw quirks a brow and for the first time in weeks, sneaks a smile for a moment. Lightningstone told her to be careful on who to trust - but surely investing her trust in someone befitting of her mother's former role is alright.

She leans forward, touching her nose to the tip of her mentor's broken tail should it twitch, "Don't be dumb," she whispers, before leaning backwards and allowing her mentor the spotlight. Only then does she turn her nose towards Dipperpaw and mumbles, "I guess we're going to every gathering now," to the other.​
⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

The walk back was one that hadn't managed to settle the bristling fur along their spine- Even sinking into the cool waters felt like it did nothing but reduce her frustration to simmering. It was nothing short of hubris that convinced the cotton-tailed cowards of their 'right' to an ancestral cavern. And for something as flimsy as 'hunting'? Her mind reels at the audacity of it... the sheer amount of lie-slick tongues that were willing to repeat such a weak explanation. It was not justified.. no matter how they tried to scream to the stars that it was.

The only relief to be found is in the company of her clan-mates, moving like a school of fish through the chilling river to make a soggy parade back to camp. They hadn't done much but notify the other clans... Would that be enough? They hardly take notice of the way Smokestar drifts from the front of their group to stand above them, a blazing ember sweeping over their pelts as if to assure everyone has returned home in one piece. He has to tell the rest of them.. those who'd stayed behind, including the rest of his council. The border she loathes becomes more of a source of fear than ever, rattled and encouraged to anxiety by the constant threats that linger on its farther side. At least... the gorge would separate most of the expanse, they'd be bottlenecked at the bridge should they try anything stupid and RiverClan had already proven that bridge was a more than suitable battleground for their skills.

He speaks with such certainty... it is not unlike a rock in its steadiness. Constant, unchanging... willing to weather storms. He was the center of their hurricane of claws and would tell them exactly where the path should follow. WindClan would not escape this unscathed...

It is so abrupt from the tune of the conversation that Lichentail hardly registers the words, glancing up from where she'd been glowering at the dirt (searching for an answer within the earth, perhaps) at the mention of StarClan. A ceremony? Her confusion sends a scouring look amongst the cats gathered- had he missed a warrior ceremony? But a name unchanged for moons is said instead and the words finally unscramble in her ears-

Me? Immediately she is made aware of just how many ways she could ruin this. Hazecloud... She looks to her, briefly, a nervousness growing in her belly that was not made smaller as clan-mates turned to stare, to wait. Pikesplash lingers on her, a smile caught in the side of her vision and it isn't until Brookpaw whispers from behind her that she recognizes how long she's left the air silent. "Don't be dumb."

If only it were that simple... She felt like the stars could probably see her most easily tonight... under the full moon, littered in star-like scales and a crimson declaration of her heart's desire. This... was everything she could've wanted. It was everything she'd hoped for in uncertain glances, in meek responses kept nipped at the behest of a spit-fire leader that had not left her thoughts as he had his physical body. "Until my dying breath," she answers, a promise shared and reaffirmed all the same.

"I accept, of course."


The gathering had left Ferngill's pelt a-prickle. WindClan's claim to high stones surely had more malicious motivations than simple hunting- he was trusting, sure, but not of them. They'd proved themselves willing to harm anyone and anything that dared look at them wrong in the past. They'd hurt Darkwhisker, had wrenched out Smokestar's eye- they'd descended on their camp and battered them within an inch of breath, leaving them weakened when ThunderClan had struck out for Sunningrocks.

No longer would he be a fool, though. Ferngill knew by now that picking fights with WindClan would only ever end badly, especially- as Smokestar had said- with a leader so mad with power at the helm. He couldn't believe that Scorchpaw, that Mouseflight, could have that same vindictiveness within them- it was surely a poison that was seeping out of her. That spread over to the warriors that had attacked Smokestar. But that meant all of them were dangerous.

Graveness gripped Smokestar's tone, and he spoke of something Ferngill had almost entirely forgotten about- the matter of deputy. He'd only ever known Cicadastar- had only ever known Smokethroat, and Buckgait before him. Part of him had forgotten this ritual, necessary for RiverClan's future but strangely daunting. A new lineage established meant that Cicadastar was truly sent to the stars; appointing deputy, appointing Lichentail, was merely the beginning.

A shiny grin was cast the new deputy's way as she accepted her new position. Ferngill's eyes glimmered with verdant glee, foraging for a spark even in the darkness of a time like this. Of course, Lichentail said. Of course they accepted. It was reassuring to know that someone who cared this much would be their deputy- although, he should have known that Smokestar would make a good choice. Deep down, he did know, really. A grin on his face, he joined the chorus of cheers for their new deputy as soon as they broke out. "Lichentail! Lichentail!"

RiverClan would always be there. Even in the dissolution of so many things he'd known, so many things he'd loved. RiverClan kept going, and would always keep going.
penned by pin
Iciclefang is silent on the trek back to camp, feeling the weight of the Gathering on her shoulders down to her aching paws. It’s as they’d feared—Sunstride, in Sootstar’s place, had confirmed their claim to Highstones, and though she had searched, she’d not seen a single other journeyer from WindClan in attendance. She’d wanted to look Scorchpaw or Mouseflight in the eyes, she’d wanted answers from the cats she’d hunted beside, fought beside… but she had hardly recognized the cats wearing moorland stench on their fur at all. They’d laughed, jeered, and encouraged fighting amongst the other cats. They were wild as the leader who did not deign to show her face.

She is still troubled when Smokestar ascends the River Rock, but her attention flits to the cat he names RiverClan’s deputy. Lichentail. She observes the blue-gray feline with half-narrowed eyes, then slowly dips her head. Personal misgivings aside—she has not forgotten the incident with Ashpaw—she has to admit Lichentail is a good warrior who will give everything she has to better her Clan. She brushes against Ferngill’s ginger flank, adding her voice to his. “Lichentail! Lichentail!

, ”

The call of being alert was of expectation, it seemed Windclan were back to their old ways even stronger than they were before. Although, a battle not being heard of was almost peculiar to her. Windclan had really proved to be unpredictable, however, she supposed the courage to state their claim infront of the four clans was admirable. Laughable to think their stance would be strong. Surely the clan leaders would come forth with a plan together.

The decision of deputy was rather quick to come, to say the least she was surprised by his choice. Petalnose remembered how Smokethroat looked down upon the pointed tabby during the call of punishment brought forth by his former mate. In her own opinion, she wasn't quite sure the lack of confidence from Lichentail wasn't what she would like to have in a leader. Although, Smokethroats judgements she had always trusted. She admired Lichentail for traits she lacked within, the patience she seemed to have more and the cunning nature. Lashes blinked once and then twice as she looked for the acceptance. It had come after a pause and she nodded swiftly before raising her chin to call within the crowd, "Lichentail! Lichentail!"

She was interested, this odd ball she had mixed of emotions for; she would have to serve underneath and see her character shine more forth. What would Lichentail have to offer? What did Smokethroat see in her? How curious.

As she had when Smokestar went to Highstones alone to speak with StarClan and get his nine lives, Moonpaw woke early to meet the cats back in camp when they returned from the gathering. She had a feeling there would be more things said about WindClan - how could there not be, when it was likely that at the gathering the moor-dwellers would be called out on their recent behavior - and so instead of waiting for everything to come to her eventually she had wanted to hear it all the second it was said. Waking up early as usual had been no issue, but biding her time while she had wait for them to come back had.

Ears pricked as she listened to the words Smokestar said, that they would be wary of the border and none were permitted to leave the camp alone until everything was settled. They were not things that particularly mattered to the white-furred moggie, she already didn't leave camp alone and she had been taught from the beginning that the borders were a place to be wary of - ThunderClan and WindClan's especially - so they were simply things that reaffirmed her own actions to her. Though as the bicolored tom continued to speak her eyes widened slightly as she heard the words that spill forth from the leader's maw.

She sought out the new potential deputy, smile cracking on her maw as the other accepted the position alongside Smokestar. It meant one day - and hopefully not soon - Lichentail would be leader, and Moonpaw could not help the thoughts that she would be a good one when it came to it - if it came to it. "Lichentail! Lichentail!" She chant out with the others as they congratulate the new deputy in the main way they knew how.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling

The start of the gathering had been a bright flame of dazzled excitement, engulfed in the moment of shared gossip between a friend she hadn't expected to see again so soon. Yet within the few weeks they were apart, enough had happened in both their lives with much to discuss. Shared in what Hazecloud has only seen as wonderful, conversational exchanges between her friend and her reclaimed mate. Lichentail had been rather short with the blue tabby but she found it a blazing glory that Lichentail had spoken at all to a ThunderClanner!

Of course it all had come to a screeching halt when WindClan tried to justify their blasphemy. The violence they committed in the most unreasonable, immoral ways. To try and leave RiverClan without a leader at all... Hazecloud had realized several things about their reality and the world of the journey.

That WindClan cats would always carry themselves on the same breeze. No matter how hard they had worked together, defending one another and feeding each other, it mattered little in their hearts. The molly wondered if it had been Milkpaw among them. Gathered with those that tried to kill Smokestar, already forgotten how only a few moons before it had been a RiverClan cat that saved his life. An uncomfortable crawl made its way down her spine the further she followed her track of thinking before abruptly shaking her head free of them.

She had been right to react so rigidly when Flamewhisker had asked for those to stay. She had been right to see that in the end, their help would mean nothing that would amount to anything between their Clans. RiverClan could have been responsible for WindClan receiving any lungwort at all and still have acted without a second thought.

Her eyes sought to connect with the pointed molly beside her, maw parting to whisper for her thoughts when she had seen Smokestar ascend to conduct un impromptu meeting. Hazecloud paused to listen, nodding at his rally. WindClan would not steal their ancestors away from them! Then he continued on, casually from their rowdy neighbors to the announcement of his righthand.

Fields of green shined like a greenleaf sun as she turned to face her mate. They catch each other's gaze and her heart has soared at the sight of the moonlights caress on sharp cheekbones. Red blazing with her declaration tucked in ragged fur. Take it! Say yes! She knows better than any other protecting RiverClan had fueled every fiber within Lichentail's body. Every breath they took, every dawn they rose was for their Clan. She does not fear for the situation they have caught themselves in. She would not let it distract her.

"LICHENTAIL! LICHENTAIL!" The misty blue shouted the loudest she could, voice full of pride and love.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
When Lakemoon shoulders through the camps entrance in suit of her leader, her expression in guarded, optics are painted almost black under the early mornings dim light and clouded with her own dark thoughts.
Sootstar, a once formidable solider with great potential that anyone could see, had spiraled into a maddened Queen of her precious moorlands, hungry for power and control. Keeping her apprentice close, even when the returning group has already trickled into the clearing, she knows Smokestar would be calling for their attention, there was much to be said.
The mottled tom begins with a warning, an order that Lakemoon agreed with. Who’s to say their neighbors wouldn’t feel boldened enough to step over that invisible line? To begin slaying any stray Riverclanner that got in their way?
Then, her stoic expression cracks with a spark of surprise that quirks at her brow bone for a fleeting moment.
Lichentail is named their new deputy, and while an arguably good choice, Lakemoon still remembered Cicadastar’s furious gaze scorching them from his perch, their streak of rebellion that put them under punishment.
Nevertheless, moons had passed, and Lichentail still was a cat Lakemoon could respect.
"Lichentail! Lichentail!" The silvery molly does not hesitate to chant her new deputies name alongside her clanmates.


When the cats who had attended the gathering return, Lilybloom is among the early risers to greet them. Really, she's there mostly to see her mate, but also to try a fish out some gossip from any of the returning cats. After Smokestar's previous reveal of WindClan's deeds she was especially keen to know how the other clans had reacted and also how WindClan had tried to defend their ludicrous actions. As Smokestar ascends the river rock to address the clan, Lilybloom seeks her mate, brushing against her in greeting before listening to what their leader had to say. He advises the clan to be wary and cautious should they have to patrol WindClan's border, even going so far as to insist no cat leave camp alone. It seems a bit much but then again if WindClan saw no issue in assaulting their leader as he went to claim his lives, there was no knowing if they wouldn't turn their ire on the riverlands again.

The announcement of Lichentail as deputy is sudden and brief. Lilybloom blinked in surprise at the sudden shift to naming a deputy, but nods approvingly at the choice. Although Lichentail had a few faults she had proven to be a good and decent cat, and if Smokestar had called upon her to serve as deputy then he clearly saw potential there too. "Lichetail! Lichentail!" Lilybloom cheered, joining her voice with the growing number of clanmates celebrating.
Bumblepaw's return from the Gathering had been filled with a mix of confusion, anger, and concern, her young mind processing the events she witnessed. It was the first trek to four trees she had ever made, and it had felt like a complete disaster. As she entered the familiarity of camp with the others, the weight of Smokestar's earlier announcements hung in the air, and her mind raced.

Dutifully, she trekked to the side of her sister @carawaypaw and the opposing side of Ferngill. Eternally thankful that in all the chaos her siblings were never far from reach. Easing into a cozy spot, she attentively looked at the black-and-white frame of the leader. Listening in to Smokestar's grave words, she wondered about the vulnerability of new leadership and the responsibility that came with it.

The mention of being wary of Windclan's border sends a shiver through her, realizing the potential threats they face. Her gaze flits between the assembled cats, searching for reassurance. Only to see charged fury and equally concerned grimaces.

Thankfully, not all of it seemed like do and gloom. Hearing the declaration of Lichentail as the new deputy, Bumblepaw's eyes widened dramatically. She had been witness to only a sliver of Lichentail's journey within the clan, the challenges she faced, and the growth she exhibited. The idea excited her, understanding the importance of such a role in the clan's stability. Something that they desperately needed.

As the question of Lichentail's acceptance lingers, Bumblepaw finds herself holding her breath. Recognizing the significance of this decision and the weight of responsibility for what lies ahead. Once the much-anticipated response falls from the molly's mouth, the apprentice's own maw bursts with cheers. "LICHENTAIL! LICHENTAIL!" Proudly, she held her chin high as her body was still a-glow from their earlier bedazzlement.

All earlier doubt washed away inside the apprentice. Riverclan was strong and with the sound support from the other clans, she knew Windclan stood no chance of keeping on the way they had been.
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