Bobbie has been abundantly careful since the discovery of her pregnancy, partially of her own volition and partly at the behest of her mate. However, she still wants to be helpful in the last pawful of days before she's stuck in the nursery once more, in part to compensate for the unfortunate timing of her litter-to-be; leaf-bare is hardly the time to be eating for so many, after all. There've been more patrols going out than ever since the return of the rogues, and you can smell the border from tree-lengths away—but that's not what Bobbie's interested in today.

"Keep an eye out for prey scraps, pawsteps, disturbances—anything out of the ordinary, pretty much," she instructs her patrol, half-tail swishing from side-to-side as they fan out across an area further inside SkyClan's borders. If the rogues are drawing closer to the vulnerable heart of their territory, she wants to be the first to know. Bobbie had been leagues away, coping with a whole different set of dangers, when the rogues had invaded—and she has no interest in seeing the incident repeat firstpaw. "Try to stay within eyesight or at least a shout of each other, just in case, and don't stray too far."

// feel free to have your character discover signs of the rogues! retro to final battle ofc
We'll need to send out multiple patrols to make sure our territory is rogue-free! Look for signs further inside our border.


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Eager to offer his well equipped sniffer the warrior joined their companion without so much as a fuss. Even with the awkwardness of their last interaction he would never deny the call for duty. If it meant ridding their home of the rogues and keeping cats safe he would do so. Knowing Bobbie's condition had him weary but they knew better than to question her. Dog Dogbite decided to trail out closer towards two-leg place where recent activity had occured. With his pale nose just above the earth a whiff of decay caused him to recoil. Shit. Wandering closer to the stench his worries were confirmed as a half-buried mouse stuck out like a sore pad.

Hardly any flesh remained on its tiny bones but the unmistakeable aroma of rogue lingered. Sighing audibly with anger he noted the stale scent was at least a few days old by now. Whoever had been there was long gone but the scarred feline would continue to scout the area for assurance. Rounding the trees and weaving by the border he followed the trail to a dead end that crossed into the river. Grimacing with frustration he rounded back and towards where Bobbie had been scouting.

Once he spotted her familiar tuft of brown fur they called out. "Hey! I found prey scraps near two-legs place. No sign of them now but it was well within our borders." His tone was heavy and coarse with little room for any positive emotions. Once he caught up to the molly his report flowed in a more controlled volume. "They've been gone for a few days now and I hadn't picked up any other scents." Dogbite wasn't sure what to do with the information but the desire to turn back and stand guard itched at him.

In their youth the pale cat had waited out many fights. Hiding atop buildings and fences before decending on his unknowing opponents but he was virtually useless in tree's. Still he had done his due diligence and would await another task if given.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

If this were WindClan they'd try to recruit these rogues and then he'd have bloodthirsty cats roaming around near his kits, he thinks inwardly with a small scoff. Dandelionwish trails along behind Bobbie and Dogbite with his head held high and his steps stiff from the cold and awkward from his efforts to match strides with the shorter limbs of his apprentice. He didn't want to walk ahead of her given the circumstances, wanted her in his perpipheal at all times if he could manage it but he was a cat who naturally took big steps because he was tall and looming of figure. He nods quietly to the orders, noting that Bobbie took to her new status as a lead warrior with the grace and dignity that Silversmoke and Slate both lacked; there was a clear difference in her kind demeanor as well as that of Twitchbolt's as opposed to the other two and it was a welcome change of pace to be on patrol with her instead of the more sour faced individuals.
"We've not seen anythin' yet." The chocolate limbed tom drolls with a lopsided smile, "But I-"
He falters, Dogbite appearing with a sliver of information to remind them of the ever present threat, he'd been so hopeful with his own lack of sightings and this made him frown with a roll of his eyes, "Reckon they'd just get bored and leave? That'd be nice wouldn't it?"
It was never so easy.

  • Apprentice Tag- @LUPINEPAW

  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

Cherrypaw vaguely understands that Slate would be reluctant to stay near Bobbie so long as he didn't have to, but he couldn't have withstood Dandelionwish's presence a little longer either? She rarely saw his apprentice, her best friend, these days. Everyone was always preoccupied with something about the rogues. Mouths became too full with fortifications to share tongues, while paws toiled endlessly at the bramble walls, the unyielding snow, and one another's pelts in the Sandy Ravine. With a start, Cherrypaw realizes Lupinepaw is more than a muzzle-length taller than her. It makes her want to bury her head into the crook of that black swan neck and feel her cheek fur tickle her ears.

Alas, the only thing she can do is flash a grimace-smile at her as she and @SLATE rejoin the patrol. The lead warrior's apprentice beats him to the punch. Her tail stands proud in the air, happy to be the one bringing the news despite their unsavory taste. "We found some little piles of nesting material veryyyy close to the border," she meows behind Dogbite's report. "There were a few bones there too; they were prey ones. It smelled like they were there a few sunrises ago also." A white-gloved paw, raised to comb through her chest, flicks dismissively.

Lupinepaw's mentor makes something of a joke despite the frown pulling at his good-natured face, and it provokes a snort from her. "Eugh, I wish. They just don't have anything better to do, huh?" she bemoans, narrowed yellows snapping to a distant point beyond the unclaimed trees.

ooc: retro to this thread​