⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the patrol raged on at snakerocks, still they were empty pawed. with a furrowed brow, her eyes flicked up to the sky. greed cornered thunderclan on all sides, they would starve at the rate they were going. but nightbird would do anything in her power to ensure her kits did not go hungry.

"come on," she directs her patrol, a new determination set in her narrowed eyes. skyclan was the closest, half of their warriors licked food from the hands of their twolegs anyways. a while ago she would have turned her nose at this opportunity, out of respect or friendship or whatever remained between the two clans after howlingstar's death. such frivolities died in her throat the moment she heard of the things they had said to her mate, the way they sent him back with blood coating his striped pelt over a petty argument. "we're paying skyclan a visit."

"stay alert and be quick. if you catch something, get it back across the border. we're here for prey, not a fight." the contradiction of her final statement is not lost upon her, in this situation those two things would more than likely coincide. with that, she gives signal to cross, instantly dropping until the silvered fur of her underbelly brushes the ground. it is not long until she finds something. her eyes nearly widen at the cherry red head of a pheasant plucking at the brittle ground. there is a weight off her shoulders as its neck snaps between her jaws, the nursery would feast tonight, all other prey caught could go to the warriors without worry.

it is unfortunate she is not a bigger cat. nightbird's catch drags against pine needles as she makes her way back to the border. her ears swivel backwards to keep watch, she does not look backwards at the sound of paws arriving, it would waste too much time. instead, her paws move quicker, desperate to secure her catch.
  • ooc ↛ rolled 18 for large prey & 18 to engage over prey & win. feel free to attack, but please note that she will be escaping at some point with the prey. @PALEFIRE @TALLSTEP
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 38 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Impatience picked away at chickbloom almost as much as his half-empty stomach. The Scottish Fold found it difficult to stay focused, anxiety over the practically empty prey pile making the spineless whelp sloppy. He'd been sniffing the air almost continuously, tracking nothing but his own pain as stinging air invaded his nostrils.

What if there was no more prey? Their numbers not just diminished, but gone completely? What would they do then? Chickbloom was in no hurry to go back to eating kibble, but the way things were going all of Skyclan might have to move in with a particularly generous twoleg soon enough.

He was overblowing things. He always did. Stiff shoulders sagged slightly as Chickbloom finally scented something beside the breeze. Buttery paws picked up the pace, anxiety replaced with excitement at the prospect of providing for Skyclan in such lean times. Unfortunately, that fatal flaw came roaring back as amber eyes spotted figures carrying away what he'd been tracking.

Chickbloom's first reaction was to turn around, egg-battered fur fluffed up not in rage, but panic. "Did I cross the border and not notice?" Those were definitely Thunderclan cats in the distance, but he hadn't smelled any scent markers. And this area looked familiar, too. But if he was still on Skyclan territory, then that meant…

"H-Hey!" The baby bird chirped, drawing the interloper's eyes to him. "That's - that's - uh - a-against the rules!" He squeaked, motioning to the pheasant with his tail and complaining like a kit losing at mossball. Muscles stiffened but the coward stayed still, anger turning inward towards his own inaction.

Slowly, ever so slowly, rarely-seen claws unsheathed even as Chickbloom took a half-step back. "If - If you don't g-give it back, I-I'll be f-forced to - to stop you…" Words said one thing, but posture said another. Whether the whelp would really fight for the pheasant was something only he knew.​
Tallstep moves carefully through the undergrowth, his paws barely stirring the pine needles as he watches the others in the patrol with wary glances. It's strange, patrolling on SkyClan's side of the border. He can't shake the prickly feeling creeping up his spine, the sense that they're being watched. His thoughts tumble as he creeps along—ThunderClan's desperate for food, but this... this feels risky, maybe even reckless. He bites back his worries, focusing on the ground ahead as he presses himself close to the earth. A flicker of movement catches his eye. A mouse. Tallstep freezes, his breathing low and controlled, his whole body tense. This is fine, he tells himself, a nervous murmur echoing through his mind. He feels his muscles bunch, his instincts guiding him as he pounces, closing his jaws around the small creature. It's a meager catch, but even something this small will help ThunderClan.

The moment of quiet triumph is fleeting. He lifts his head and stiffens, hearing rapid pawsteps that definitely aren't part of their patrol. Just his luck. Up ahead, a small SkyClan tom stumbles into view, all wide eyes and nervous energy. It's a rather jumpy warrior, if his scattered movements and anxious look are anything to go by. The younger cat looks torn between retreating and speaking up, his amber gaze darting between Tallstep and the others, unsure and… honestly, Tallstep thinks he looks a little scared. As Chickbloom speaks, Tallstep's head lifts slightly. "Oh! Oh, really?" Tallstep says, blinking at the other, his voice rising in pitch as he stumbles over his words. "Uh, you sure? 'Cause… I mean, I'm not saying it's not, it's just…" He trails off, his mind racing. He tilts his head, looking at Chickbloom as though trying to piece together an answer from thin air. "Look, uh, I'm… I'm not looking to cause any problems here, alright? I mean, it's just—" He glances down at the mouse in his jaws, feeling an awkward prickle of guilt. "Y'know, times are tough right now, and, uh… I think we're all just kinda… doing what we have to?"

Tallstep's ears flick as Chickbloom's claws unsheathe, though the other warrior's stance is anything but aggressive. "Stop me?" Tallstep echoes, his eyes going wide. He lets out a short, strained laugh, more of a nervous hum than anything. "I mean, if you want to, sure? But—wait, no, that's… I don't… really want to fight you? That's, like, the last thing I want to do. Fighting is, uh, messy. And I've got this thing where, y'know, I'm just... not a fan of getting into messes, and I'd prefer if, um… you just forgot you saw us, actually." His words rush out in a flustered jumble, his paws shuffling awkwardly as he glances back at Nightbird, then back at Chickbloom. "Look," he finally says, his tone softening, "I know it's… against the rules, or something, alright? I get it. But we need this food, and I don't think… I don't think anyone wants a fight over it, right? So, uh… maybe let's pretend this whole thing just… didn't happen?"

[ rolled a 15 to catch and keep prey and a 3 for prey size ]​
  • Haha
Reactions: Chickbloom
Ivorypaw keeps close to Palefire's side. Nightbird leads them straight through the undergrowth to where it thins at the SkyClan border. The white she-cat nervously tastes the air; she remembers her first time here, when her mentor had introduced her to this strip of territory. SkyClan's scent is overbearing. It fills her with trepidation. We aren't supposed to be doing this, she thinks as she picks her way over the border.

But her stomach is cramping. It's difficult to keep up with her daily chores when there's a gaping hole where her belly should be. Everything expends so much energy, and there's been little to nothing to replace. She knows Nightbird wouldn't be doing this if she didn't have a good reason to...

Her breath steams as she departs from Palefire's flank. Hunting here is different. She has to be on high alert, for one, and it's so spacious here that it's hard to hear the intricacies of approaching pawsteps. She's not the best climber, either, and most of SkyClan's prey is caught in the trees, isn't it? Dark eyes sweep the pines for a moment until she catches some movement against a tree trunk. It's searing auburn against the wood; its tail twitches, bushy with energy.

Ivorypaw salivates as if on command. It's a squirrel! That could feed one of the queens! The white she-cat crouches and, though her paws crinkle the pine needles a little, the squirrel remains just oblivious enough until her immediate approach. By the time it tries to run, it's too late; she's dropped its stiffening body to her paws.

There's commotion, now, though; she flicks her curled ears, turning frightened dark eyes toward a bristling yellow-and-white cat. He looks almost as scared as she feels, though... and Tallstep is trying to convince him to just turn a blind eye.

Ivorypaw grips her squirrel in her teeth, steadfast. She won't be leaving SkyClan territory without it, no matter what they try to do.

  • ooc: rolled a 17 to catch and a 10 for size :] 2 points
  • Adora . Ivorykit . Ivorypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 8 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by Palefire ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan apprentice. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Like her clanmates, Palefire was beginning to feel the effects of the lack of food the early frost had brought. Her stomach growled viciously as the patrol trekked through the snakerocks, coming up with another disappointing batch of nothing. The situation was growing dire, and if they did not bring home food for their too-full nursery soon, she feared the toll they would face.

Normally the young warrior would express some amount of distaste for stealing from the one neighbors they had that were not openly antagonizing them, but today her mindset mirrored Nightbird's. They needed prey, desperately. There were too many young mouths depending on them, Badgerstripe's brood amongst them, so she wordlessly followed her former mentor's lead as they swiftly infiltrated Skyclan's territory.

Her body still ached from her numerous scuffles with Shadowclan, but she pressed onwards, ignoring the sharp sting of her wounds pulling as she walked. Normally, she was sure that Gentlestorm would demand they all rest and recover. But that was a luxury they could no longer afford. Just like Nightbird could no longer stay home in the nursery with her kits, as unfair as it was. The lilac-furred she-cat flicked her tail across the flanks of her apprentices, ushering them to begin searching for whatever they could find.

Palefire herself soon found herself on the trail of a small but welcome scent, one she soon tracked to the scurrying of a shrew through the decomposing leaf litter. The lynx-point dropped quickly into a hunting crouch, her tail lashing eagerly behind her as she began to stalk up on her unsuspecting prey. She was nearly close enough to strike when, infuriatingly, an unfamiliar voice shouted at them from a distance she sent the shrew skittering off. With a frustrated hiss she pushed to her paws, turning a narrow-eyed glare on the Skyclanner that had ruined her hunt.

How adorable, the trembling little kitten thought he could intimidate them into leaving. A quick glance at her group told her that the rest of them had been successful in catching their own quarry, and they could not afford to give up such precious resources now. Now that her own paws were empty, thanks to the loud babbling of this poor creature, she had nothing to protect but her clanmates.

While Tallstep went about his usual rambling, her lip curled into a venomous snarl and she stalked towards Chickbloom, indignation burning bright in her icy gaze. "That's enough, Tallstep." The pale warrior lifted her head in challenge. "There are no rules when your clan is starving. We're taking this prey with us, and you are going to run along home, unless you want to get hurt." She truly didn't want to fight a Skyclanner, not the same way she wanted to rip into Shadowclan and Riverclan; but she would if he made her. Hopefully her patrolmates would take the opportunity she was giving them to escape with their catches.

  • [ apprentice tags @ivorypaw @Meadowpaw // rolled a 14 & 2 (loses small prey) ]
  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 20 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

"Oh, no, that's where you're wrong, I want a fight," Howlfire began, speaking towards Tallstep, as she came to stand beside Chickbloom. Her tone is level and calm but her pelt bristled with anger and her tail lashed side to side. Her amber eyes trail over the rest of the patrol, spotting a couple of apprentices skulking about between the warriors on patrol. She's oddly surprised to see Nightbird among the warriors, expecting the lead warrior to have more a little more respect for not crossing borders and stealing another clan's prey.

Palefire told her clanmate not to talk and Howlfire turned to look at her, snorting in disbelief when she tried to justify their actions because they were starving. "Stars, ThunderClan must always be starving," Howlfire quipped sarcastically. "I'm certain my uncle used that same excuse the last time you stole prey." A small part of her felt pity for them if they truly were struggling to eat but they likely weren't alone. Already, the cooling weather was beginning to affect the forest, and they hadn't even reached leafbare yet! Since the ThunderClan cats were already over the border, Howlfire had no problem striding over to Palefire and standing mere inches away from her, baring her teeth. "You're not taking any more prey without a fight!" Howlfire hissed, claws flexing into the earth. Regardless of if Palefire rose to her bait or not, Howlfire was determined to give her a good smack with unsheathed claws when she dared to move. Howlfire was not about to let ThunderClan walk all over them without punishment...again.

/ speaking to @PALEFIRE
ThunderClan's pungent, oaky scent was usually enough to make Slatesnarl gag; the indication of their neighbors' presence usually meant trouble nowadays. And, lo and behold, he was right to assume so. The patrol had stumbled directly across a group of trespassers, headed by one of ThunderClan's lead warriors at that. First Raccoonstripe, now Nightbird? Slatesnarl curls his lip in distaste. His mate's council members demonstrated more honor than these empty-headed fleabags. ThunderClan's leaders obviously had little standards for who they chose to represent their clan — Howlingstar and Flamestar both!

The large warrior visibly teeters on the edge of restraint, his dark hackles raised and his ivory daggers digging into the earth more and more with each pathetic excuse for trespassing they made. The lilac lynx pointed warrior was right about one thing. There were no rules in leafbare; if ThunderClan wanted to steal from SkyClan, then Slatesnarl would defend what was rightfully theirs.

The journey was a distant memory now; they had once worked together for the sake of survival and for the sake of the clans' fate, but that temporary alliance was no longer. Not even Blazestar or Howlingstar was here to keep the peace between the two forested groups. He was done with ThunderClan, completely.

With Howlfire in Palestep's face already, Slatesnarl focuses on the lead warrior, a particularly juicy-looking pheasant dangling from her jaws. That kill could feed the nursery — Butterflytuft, particularly, who was nursing his and Orangestar's kits. He, as a father, could not let his family starve. With no patience to wait for official commands, Slatesnarl charges forward. Letting out a guttural growl, he aimed to lift a heavy paw and hook Nightbird across the jaw.

  • attacking @nightbird
  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    — slatesnarl / 44 moons / he/him
    — skyclan warrior & former lead warrior
    — mate to orangestar / father to lambkit & ramkit
    — lh solid black maine coon w/ rusting, amber eyes. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
    click for tags

Constantly-strained muscles sighed with relief as Howlfire appeared at his side, only to stiffen right back up as Slatesnarl made his approach. In truth, Chickbloom might not have joined the duo if Tallstep hadn't been silenced. A head topped with folded ears cocked to the side at the other's stuttered speech, feeling like he'd found a kindred spirit across clan lines. "I - I mean, I g-get it, I guess, I - I don't l-like fighting either, but…"

Dinner plate eyes winced at Palefire's patronizing words, announcing the end of negotiations. Claws stayed unsheathed even as the boy backed up further, watching Slatesnarl charge past. As chaos erupted around him, though, the tomcat's eyes were once again drawn to Tallstep. He didn't want the cat to get hurt (even if they'd just met), so the Scottish Fold decided he'd be the one to engage.

Awkwardly trotting forwards - giving Slatesnarl and Palefire a wide berth - a buttery tail waved the bichromatic boy down. "I D-Don't want to h-hurt you, b-but…I can't let you - y'know - t-take that…" With a sidelong glance at his savage clanmate, Chickbloom sheathed his claws, holding up a harmless paw to Tallstep. "I won't - y'know - use claws if - if you d-don't."

With that, Chickbloom stepped back and aimed to bat Tallstep across the face, hoping to disorient the other.

// attacking @TALLSTEP with sheathed claws
  • Crying
Reactions: vayle
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird pulls back just enough so that slatesnarl's fast approaching swing collides with her kill. it was better for it to go flying than her. she parts her jaws enough for it to easily fling a few fox-lengths away, her silver gaze narrowing onto the attacker.

"fucking brute," she hissed between her teeth. of course it was this one. she recalled his burly frame surrounded by snow, hunched over a thrush with a bristle of black fur running down his spine, a feral warning rumbling in his throat at those who dared to step too close. "looks like they still haven't taught you to share," nightbird patronizes with a wryly placed grin. she didn't mind doing it herself, what was one more after guiding five kits through the same lesson?

the lead warrior slashes her claws through the dry grass, aiming the projectile dirt and pine needles towards slatesnarl's eyes. she didn't have time to entertain his attack and leave the pheasant vulnerable for another skyclanner to sweep up and claim. nightbird darts back towards the prey as soon as she can bring her paw back to the ground.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 38 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
The situation escalated rapidly with the arrival of Howlfire and Slatesnarl. Palefire, well-versed enough in the ways of Skyclan warriors, knew that the task was no longer simple. Without averting her gaze from the fierce lead warrior, she motioned to her apprentices. "@ivorypaw, @Meadowpaw, gather what you have and go home. Now." The preservation of their food was of utmost importance, and time was of the essence.

"Stars, ThunderClan must always be starving."

Unfortunately, in recent days, it was true, although she would not admit as much out loud. Their nursery had been packed for moons, and every time a new batch of apprentices was named, it seemed another litter was born. Even in the wake of the mutiny, their numbers continued to swell, and now they were once again thrust back into war.

For a brief moment, Palefire faltered. She didn't want to fight Howlfire, nor did she wish to further strain the already tense inter-clan relations. But the thought of Nightbird's kits and Badgerstripe's, as well as the impending leafbare, weighed heavily on her mind. She cared for them, even if they were not her own.

The season was always hard to survive, but it would become nearly impossible now that they had lost territory on two fronts. They had a chance here and now to ensure their nursery was fed, and she could not give that up over a matter of principle. Even her apprentices were going hungry, which fueled her determination. Her brow furrowed as she frowned apologetically back at the lead warrior. "I'm sorry," she wanted to say. But she didn't.

Unsheathing her claws, Palefire quickly lunged for the older molly, aiming to strike a blow across her muzzle. The young warrior was not likely to win this fight. She was already battered and bruised from border scuffles over the past few days, but she could at least give her apprentices time to flee with their prey. Unfortunately, Nightbird and Tallstep were locked in their own struggles, but she was confident they could manage independently.

  • [ engaging with @Howlfire <3 ]
  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 20 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
  • Like
Reactions: Thorny

Howlfire had to give the other warrior credit, even in the face of a fierce rival, she did not cringe and look away. Her brows crease into a deeper frown at the instruction for Meadowpaw and Ivorypaw to gather what they had and flee. Annoyingly, Howlfire realised she would have to let them go, lest she wanted to turn her attention away from Palefire.

She is aware of Slatesnarl and Chickbloom engaging Nightbird and Tallstep respectively, but her gaze does not waver from glaring at Palefire. Perhaps the only shift in her expression comes when she catches the somewhat apologetic frown the other she-cat gave her. She is ready for Palefire's quick lunge. Howlfire does not move fast enough to duck completely out of the way of Palefire's attack, feeling the she-cat's claws scrape against her muzzle. She pulls her head back and gives it a quick shake, trying to ignore the sharp sting from the fresh wound, before taking her chance to strike. Howlfire would aim to rush forward, making it appear as though she was going to swipe at Palefire's own muzzle, before swerving at the moment and trying to grasp her rival's scruff.

/ attacking @PALEFIRE
Tallstep stands his ground, his tall frame taut with uncertainty and the weight of the moment. His mismatched eyes—one full of calm calculation and the other flickering with nervous energy—focus on Chickbloom as the Scottish Fold approaches. The chaos around them feels distant, like muffled thunder, but the tension in his chest is sharp and immediate. He shifts his weight from paw to paw, claws itching against the ground, unsure if he should unsheathe them. When Chickbloom speaks, stuttering and earnest, something softens in Tallstep. It's rare for someone, especially across clan lines, to mirror his own hesitation in conflict. His ears twitch at the faltering words, and for a fleeting moment, he feels a pang of understanding. "You're scared," he mutters under his breath, almost inaudible, not as an insult but as a statement of fact. It's not judgment—he knows that fear well.

As Chickbloom raises a harmless paw, Tallstep takes a step back, his tail flicking nervously as he slides his prey further away from the SkyClan warrior. "You don't want to hurt me, and I don't want to hurt you," he says, his voice low, a little wobbly but firm enough. His claws stay sheathed for now, though his muscles are coiled like springs, ready to act if things go sideways. He knows Nightbird wouldn't hesitate, nor would Palefire, and the knowledge burns in the back of his mind. When Chickbloom's paw swipes toward his face, Tallstep jerks his head back, just barely dodging the hit. "Uh—okay, okay, that was fair," he says, a nervous laugh slipping through his teeth. "Guess I have to play along now, huh?" His paws shift again, and he lifts one in a mimicry of Chickbloom's gesture, aiming a tentative bat toward the other cat's leg. Perhaps to unbalance him? He's not sure. "I just—" Tallstep pauses, swallowing his nerves. "I don't think this is going to solve anything."

[ engaging with @Chickbloom ]​
Ivorypaw snaps her head up as more SkyClanners begin to emerge from behind the bristling pines. She recognizes the brown torbie pelt of Howlfire, and the hulking brute known as Slate; one had served Blazestar on his council, and Howlfire currently serves Orangestar. They're a little more formidable than the jabbering golden cat who now tussles with Tallstep, and Ivorypaw begins to back away, her hackles bristling.

Sure enough, Howlfire responds poorly to their theft; she flings herself toward Palefire, and Ivorypaw's mentor shouts for her and Meadowpaw to escape with their catches. Ivorypaw gives her a desperate look, wondering if she should disobey and help, but then Slate launches himself toward Nightbird, too, and she resolves it's best to obey.

Ivorypaw grips her squirrel and flees, back toward ThunderClan's border, hoping her patrol has secured at least one piece of prey for their troubles.

  • ooc: she runnin away <3
  • Adora . Ivorykit . Ivorypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 8 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by Palefire ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan apprentice. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

Brute, she calls him. A deep-rooted wound is open, memories of the journey flooding back into his mind — he had been a different cat then, one who was still torn between two worlds. That had been before Orangestar, before his kits, before the plague of rogues upon SkyClan's territory. Before he had decided that he was a clan cat and nothing else.

Enraged by Nightbird's insult, a hiss splits through the Maine Coon's broad maw, "Don't call me that—" Debris is sent flying into his eyes, prompting a snarl from the dark warrior. He stumbles back, shaking his head and reaching a paw up to flick as much dirt from his face as he could.

ThunderClan was far from those StarClan-sent saviors that they claimed to be all of those seasons ago. They were arrogant, thieving rats and they were making off with his clan's prey.

Invigorated, adrenaline pumping, Slatesnarl snorted like a maddened bull and charged forth again in Nightbird's direction. His paws slip out awkwardly as a result of the icy ground, though, and his hind legs hyperextended. What feels like a jolt of lightning wracks Slatesnarl's bad hip and the Maine Coon yelps, his body contorting in midair and causing him to crash onto the floor. Frost sprays upon impact, the former lead warrior now cringing into himself and gritting his teeth tightly.

  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    — slatesnarl / 44 moons / he/him
    — skyclan warrior & former lead warrior
    — mate to orangestar / father to lambkit & ramkit
    — lh solid black maine coon w/ rusting, amber eyes. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
    click for tags

The idea of stealing from another clan feels wrong to her. But it was SkyClan, they had their twolegs right? What did they need prey for if they could just get their food handed to them by those strange creatures? What was stopping them from doing that? Absolutely nothing! At least, that's how she rationalizes it in her mind. Her clan needed it more than them and that was what made it right. Right? Still, she cannot help the eyeroll that comes when Tallstep and Chickbloom talk. Holy stars it was like a match made by their ancestors themselves!

Battle is quick to errupt around them and Palefire orders herself and Ivorypaw to go home. She watches with relief as Ivorypaw obeys, but she herself stands her ground "No way! Im staying and fighting!" she says, teeth pulled back in a snarl as she shoots Howlfire a weird look. The molly looked oddly familiar... "I'm certain my uncle used that same excuse the last time you stole prey." Her uncle? Meadowpaw tries to rack her brain, only to realize she must be talking about Raccoonstripe. That must mean... No. No no no. She did not have any family in SkyClan. She refused to let her mind dwell on that thought. "He's my uncle, not yours!" she snarls childishly before she leaps to the assistance of her mentor batting at Howlfires ankles with unsheathed claws, trying to distract the much older warrior

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 84967382_V32sMk7nP8HRBgb.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
  • Wow
Reactions: Thorny

Any attempt to try and force Palefire to the ground is shattered, when Howlfire feels claws swiping at her ankles. Relinquishing her grip, she shoves away for Palefire, turning her attention to the cat attacking her, recognising it as one of the apprentices the ThunderClan warrior had told to flee.

Howlfire had to give some credit to the apprentice for her bravery in staying but found her foolish for ignoring the orders of her mentor. She thinks the apprentice was attacking solely to defend her mentor, but the mention of her uncle throws her. Is she talking about Raccoonstripe? Amber eyes glance over the younger cat in front of her, realising this was likely one of Burnstorm or Moonwhisper's kits. A dull ache flared in her chest, upon the realisation that she didn't know which of her siblings called Meadowpaw their child. "What's the matter?" She questioned in a harsh tone. "Don't you like the truth staring you in the face?" The truth...your kin.

Regardless of shared blood, Howlfire was not going to let Meadowpaw get away easily, and quickly lashed out with her claws, aiming to clip her right ear if she could. "Leave!" Howlfire hissed in her face.

. ° ♡ . . ♡ °


♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
How many lives at been lost over small fights like these? Over frozen prey burrows and frozen grass?
Thoughts like these and more echoed in Sorrelsong's head as she watched movement from the tree branches. She'd seen the patrol of cat she did not recognize a few heartbeats before her clanmates had. She hadn't called out though, she hadn't raised any warnings. At first she thought it cowardice that kept her maw shut, but really it was pity. Pity for murderers. Pity for thieves. Pity for their kits.
How horrible it must be, to grow up with cats such as those for role models.
Despite the hot anger that ran through her, she couldn't find it in herself to move. To help her clan mates until the hot-stink of iron hit the air. Yowls and claws painted the air below her with emotion she couldn't help but fear. She wasn't a fighter. She wasn't a killer. But she wouldn't be a coward, either.
A flash of white grabs her. A young cat. A coward - or rather - someone more interested in the prey then the fight. Thank the Stars.
Sorrelsong follows the apprentice, echoing her shadow as she pads from branch to branch. It's not a quite, sneaky motion like she's used to. No tracking prey this time, only a race. To what? She's not sure. Resolution maybe. Hopefully.
With a huff, Sorrelsong launches herself from the branches, pelt on fire with uncertainty as she spreads her claws hoping to land on Ivorypaw's back to stun the molly.
"I don't want to hurt you," She hisses, eyes weary and pity filled. "Give me the squirrel and I'll let you go,"

↪ OOC: Attempting to stop @ivorypaw