camp ANATOMY OF A TIDAL WAVE \ bad news

The dragging, slow, agonizing sound of footsteps being forced from a battered body made the fur on their spine stand on end instantly. How many times had Ripplesnap gotten into trouble and come stumbling home in a state not too far off from Iciclefang's battered body? Sharp, blue eyes watched in a frozen dismay as the young girl practically fell to the ground in a fit of tears, injured and alone. Those tears were both new and old and the sheer amount of misery that she was feeling practically emanated a miasma of distress to the surrounding cats. The crowd that formed did so quickly and with a pang of sadness, Ashpaw's own kin were among them.

She was gone but not dead... at least... not confirmed to be.

That trap didn't sound like a half-measure and the fact one of their finest couldn't break that apprentice free didn't bode well for the rest of them. The likelihood it was just one seemed slim and Twolegs weren't often just wandering around in isolation. Their brow furrowed, paws kneading the ground anxiously as the situation proved to have more questions and fears than answers and reassurances. Even with the gracious forgiveness of the missing's family, they knew better than to accept it at face value.

They were heart broken... as was anyone who got close and heard and knew what was happening. One of their own was missing and not in any regular teen runaway fashion. Stolen.

Cicadastar himself seemed hesitant to send out a search party, it was a defeated all had admitted to in their minds but were unwilling to accept in their hearts. Ashpaw had to come back... right?

Perhaps the most agonizing part was the Brightkit had assigned herself to the challenge of seeking out her missing clan-mate. A fruitless offer, being one so small and frail... but that bravery was something that desperately needed. The chill that had held them imprisoned to their spot dissipated and with a small growl of frustration, Lichentail moves past those still grieving, casting a small glance at Cicadastar to acknowledge his concerns... and willfully ignore them.

They wouldn't abandon Ashpaw to whatever fate was in store for her without at least trying to get her back... and if the angry bristling that came off of Dogteeth was any indication... Lichen wasn't the only one with that mindset.

[ out! ]​