and i am a material girl [open / collecting materials]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Quill didn't trust it.

When he'd awoken that morning to find the camp covered in frost and the air biting cold, he'd opted out of his usual routine workout and had waved a few cats over to join him for a bit of moss collecting. There were way too many kits in the nursery right now to risk any of them catching a chill, and even if this *did* only last a day or two because of some freak wind coming down from the mountains, he wasn't about to risk it.

Thankfully, when the time finally came for the patrol to meet back up, the chimera found he wasn't empty-handed. The frost had not succeeded in killing everything off, and he'd come back with a healthy chunk of fluffy green mass clamped between his jaws. "How'd everyone else do?" he asked as he set his collection down at his paws, waiting for the last of their group to gather so they could return.

OOC- rolled a 7, worth 1 point!

skyclan - male - 31 months (Feb 17th) - Twitchbolts mate - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

While Hawkspine has thick fur at the best of times, he's had no time to grow in his winter coat. He can feel the chill in his very bones, ricocheting up his legs with every step he takes. His ears and running nose fare no better, stinging in the chill; thank StarClan he'd been sent to gather moss today rather than prey! He doesn't know if he could track anything between the stuffiness in his nose and his intermittent sniffling.

As it stands, he barely has any luck in finding suitable moss to bring home. It's prey that can't run away, but the trees he noses along on his brief time apart from the patrol only have withered bedding at the roots. Some of the kits might find this useful, but it'd barely make a warrior's nest comfortable.

"I go-mm-oss!" He manages to verbalise around the scant mouthful of green, looking quite pleased with himself even if he doesn't quite manage to convey that he got some moss.

//rolled a seven</3
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The chill in the air is different than anything Kitestorm has ever experienced. In the Twolegplace Leafbare was different, there was always someplace for the tabby to shelter with her family. Regret for their decision to join the clan is out of the question for Kitestorm as they intend to help as much as they can. The early frost is a harbinger of what's to come, this much is obvious as the patrol spreads out in search of resources. Dim eyes skim along the surface of the territory, hovering at each sign of the frost wilting foliage. Kitestorm can positively say they're grateful for the Daylight Warriors- at the very least they may stay fitter in the midst of Leafbare as their clanmates wither.

Their breath bellows outwards into tendrils of fog around the ferns tightly clasped in their jaws, as though a breeze may come and wrestle them from Kitestorm's grasp. They circle to Quillstrike's side and lets their find speak for its self: Ferns. Short ears are pricked upwards as they hear Hawkspine's arrival and directs a curt nod as he incoherently announces his find of moss. The clan can take what they find, but Kitestorm is still plainly pleased by their find, evident through the way their eyes seem to glitter.

》Rolled a 15, found ferns!

  • gXTDwIo.png
    — a black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles. they're perceptive & clever and very in touch with clanmates. may appear unfriendly due to neutral expressions but is very sociable. very soft spoken and careful with their words.
    ✧ 39, ages every 21st ✧ they/them ✧ mate to Florabreeze
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed, all opinions IC
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She's a fan of the colder weather, granted she likes when the chill arrives on time and not early. It's easy to enjoy when you have a warm place to sleep in a cozy home, she never understood how her twolegs could control the weather but it was always warm on the more bitter days. Is it wrong to admit that she's excited to experience her first leaf bare in the forest? It's a serious concern and part of her does worry for the warriors that don't have anywhere nearly as warm to return to at night. There is a spark of excitement in her eyes as she spots each new frost covered fern or branch. The ground was no where near as slippery here in comparison to a frosty Twolegplace either, she found a fun game out of spotting the differences between these two environments.

It seems that herself and her clanmates aren't the only ones who weren't prepared to wake up to a sudden decline in temperature. The other creatures that inhabits the pines seem eager to shed into something thicker for the winter. At least that's what she assumes as she finds some particularly downy feathers on the ground during her wonderous walking. Can birds even shed into a winter coat? Can they grow even thicker feathers? What bird is this anyways? All pressing questions that she realised she doesn't hold an answer to.

Picking up the feathers delicately she makes a note to go ask a clanmate who is more avian inclined. Happily trotting up to Quillstrike and the rest of the patrol, she greets them with a raise of her tail. A particularly warm and slow blink of greeting given to her mate before she makes note of what everyone's found. Chuckling at the attempt of speaking that Hawkspine has, she pauses to tuck the feathers against the fur of one of her legs temporarily. "I found some feathers! I don't... Is this good to use?" She realises that she never really bothered to make a nest, the one attempt had been with Kitestorm and they hadn't used anything other than moss.

  • Rolled a 17 and found some down feathers
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
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Frustration nags Lionpaw, trailing after him like a personal storm cloud and intensifying as he went longer without finding any suitable materials for bedding. Why was it that today, of all days, he was having the worst luck? Lionpaw didn't want to blame it on the frost, either. He should have been able to scrounge up something, even if this cold stuff was blanketing the entire territory.

Embarrassment causes the chocolate torbie point's ears to heat up as the patrol comes together. Lionpaw's head is ducked low for the time being as the others share their findings. He finally murmurs, "I want to keep looking." The apprentice didn't want to return to camp empty-pawed. He wanted to help. He wanted to be an asset.

  • roll: 4, no materials found
    pts: 0

    optional mentor tag @CROWSIGHT
  • 85571681_SLofIqs1ogOtlez.png
    — lionpaw / 10 moons / he/they pronouns
    — skyclan apprentice / mentored by crowsight
    doeblaze x blazestar / hover for immediate kin
    — lh chocolate torbie point w/ blue eyes, diagonal scar across face
    click for full tags
⊹₊꒰ა𓆩♱𓆪໒꒱₊⊹ it was strange for the cold to be here so soon, the first snow seemed determined to arrive sooner rather than later. the dens would need patched to prepare, frostbreath was willing to take the excuse in order to escape a crowded camp.

it was quieter out here, the scuffle of prey was nonexistent and the patrol was mostly quiet while they searched. the conditions to lock down a good find were favorable, only frostbreath could not seem to spot anything besides the whiskers on her own muzzle. every patch of moss she found was lifeless and gray, each clump of needles cracked and broken beyond use. she had thought to see a clump of something warm hidden in the bushes, it proved to be nothing of note. a hint of twoleg trash caught in the forest.

she regrouped with nothing to show for her efforts, ears tilted downwards. at least the majority of the patrol seemed to find success, she was thankful for that much. when quillstrike asks what everyone had come up with, she can only muster a solemn shake of her head. perhaps next time she'd have better luck.
  • ooc ➺ rolled 3, found nothing
    an elegant longhaired blue silver tabby with low white and misty blue eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Sad
Reactions: mercibun

While Greeneyes is hoping the cold weather isn't already here to stay, Quillstrike has a smart idea — preparing early just in case this frost turns into something worse. Despite wanting to stay in the comfort of his nest, away from the chill that sets in his paws the moment he steps outside, the former lead knows better than to do so. Should something go wrong, SkyClan will be grateful for the extra supplies. Besides, Fluffypaw needs to get outside of camp too, and it'd be better for his mind to be out and about, instead of wallowing.

The forest is still quiet, and Greeneyes figures the prey they could be hunting right now is carrying the same mindset of curling into their own nests. Hopefully they'll make an appearance later in the day, at the very least. Hardly does the warrior find a sign they've been out already, that is, until he spots avian-borne evidence from the corner of his eye, scattered at the base of a tree — perhaps from a catch made from the previous night's hunting patrol? His gaze brightens at the sight, and the snow-masked tom leans forward to collect what he can carry.

Triumph surges through him as he returns to the group's meeting spot with his bounty. The feathers should be soft enough to line a nest or two, or at the very least, enough to keep the kits entertained in the nursery's confines. He greets the group with a swish of his tail. " More feathers! " he calls to them.

// rolled a 13!

With a heavy coat and a tendency to keep active, hunger was often the most pressing pinch he felt come Leafbare. Though Quillstrike had organised a patrol to gather nesting materials, the spotted tabby had kept his eye out for other, significantly more living things. It was not a failure to return with what was asked, but satisfaction escaped Silversmoke that day. "These were in an empty nest," he huffed through a slew of pigeon feathers, a few flying whimsically out of his mouth with each new syllable.

Though a heavy bundle of feathers was secured within the tom's maw, they were not the source of dryness within his throat. Elsewhere, his mind wandered to the Nursery, where difficult choices and difficult conversations may need to be had should this frost be more than a simple fluke.

His tail couldn't stop lashing in trepidation.

|| rolled a 13, earned 2 points.
Frost crunches under her paws, the chill forcing her mind to clear even as it elicits fresh anxieties. The morning's frost has not yet given way; it lingers in an unsettling fashion, and the air nips at her nose until it stings. It reminds her, strangely, of the mountains—the intermediary lengths between the flaking orange of the world behind and the snow-capped peaks ahead. A brief moon's tick they'd passed through, the ground frosted but not snow-coated and the air chilly but not frigid as the moon slipped from full to crescent. Regardless, it's far colder than it should be down here in the belly of the world when leaf-fall is still relatively young. And so, naturally, when Quillstrike had rounded up his band of volunteers, she'd eagerly joined.

Weaving her way back towards the group, a tickle announces itself in her numb nose—ah-CHOO! Her eyelids, which she's loath to admit have been drooping despite the bracing chill, snap wide and she scrambles to snag the cloud of white that escapes her jaws. Doeblaze scowls sternly at the pile of down-feathers as she gathers them up, doubtlessly the culprits to blame for her itchy nose. She sniffles thickly as she scoops them back into her maw, only slightly dewy with melted frost. It'll be worth it when the kits are warm and happy, she thinks, and fortifies herself with a vision of the little ones swaddled up in a pile of fluffy down.

" Hmf. " Her greeting is muffled by the wad of down in her jaws. She wonders what poor bird is waddling around naked to have left this behind for the taking, but she's hardly about to return it. Quillstrike himself boasts a hearty bundle of fluffy moss, and the fate of everyone's nests appears increasingly bright as the patrol gathers around to share their finds. A sniffling Hawkspine is adding to the moss stocks; Kitestorm boasts a healthy bundle of ferns, and Greeneyes and Silversmoke both appear to be shedding feathers of the regular variety with each word.

" I think together we can make a whole bird, " she remarks after she's set her clump of fluffy white at her paws, jostling Florabreeze in a friendly manner. The tabby warrior is also towing a flurry of down, and between the two of them, the kits should be nice and toasty through this (hopefully) brief frost. She starts to say something else, then her eye trails towards a distinctively dejected-looking Lionpaw. " You mind helping me carry some of this back? " she offers hopefully. The feeling of being useless ... yeah, that's familiar, but it squeezes at her heart to see her son looking so down. " I'll sneeze half of 'em into the wind on my own. "

OOC : Rolled an 18; 3 points, found down feathers!
The chill that had greeted Daffodilpaw this morning was unlike anything he'd ever felt before - even with the arrival of leaf-fall, words and stories can't quite do it justice, though it seems as though many of his clanmates seem equally unsettled by the cold. With short fur fluffed out as much as it can, he gladly finds himself swept up in a patrol set on gathering more materials for nests. Battle training with cold-stiff limbs sounds miserable right now, and hunting even worse; this, instead, feels like something more feasible for him to succeed in.

At first, he hangs back, following the lead of the others, though it's quickly clear that they're meant to split up. Probably a good idea, he concedes, even if his pelt prickles not just from the cold at the thought of searching on his own, Fawnwhisker having sent him off on the patrol without her assistance for a change. What if he can't find anything at all? What is he even looking for, really - moss is good and all, but should he also be keeping an eye out for something else? Daffodilpaw can still recall the cozy, lined nest he and his littermates had shared in the nursery, even if the memories feel like a lifetime ago, and he's pretty sure there had been...feathers of some kind in there.

Uh, feathers - yeah, feathers, he can work with that, probably. As his other patrolmates' chatter starts to fade into the background, Daffodilpaw finds himself truly alone, the forest having fallen still with the encroaching frost. Alright, where to start? He's certainly not catching his own bird, that's for sure; maybe he'll find some feathers scattered about the ground? The longer he walks, however, the colder his paws grow, and still nothing. Thoroughly disheartened, the idea of moss doesn't sound quite so bad anymore, if there's even any to be found that hasn't been blighted with frost.

The meager patches along the ground are all thoroughly soaked, and as his hopes begin to spiral even further, Daffodilpaw is suddenly met by a boon of a sight - a few scraps trailing up the trunk of a nearby tree. The higher it goes, the more untouched the moss appears, and he begins to heave himself upward, one clawhold at a time, until he's reached one of the lower branches. Breath steaming into the air in front of him, Daffodilpaw takes a moment to regain his bearings, and the apprentice is lucky he does, as before him lies not just the bits of moss that would have been embarrassing to take back. There, nestled in the crook a few branches above, is the remnants of a bird's nest, twigs already beginning to scatter in the wind, though that's not what really draws his attention; there, floating lazily down to the ground, is a feather, and he can see a few more sticking out.

A few minutes later find Daffodilpaw marching back to the meeting spot, head held aloft for once along with a mouthful of feathers. Not wanting to risk losing any of them, he keeps his jaws firmly closed, though he does jerk his head in Quillstrike's direction, a smile curling onto his features even as he tries to resist the urge to sneeze.​


  • OOC: Rolled an 11 - found feathers for 2 points!
  • DAFFODILKIT / DAFFODILPAW. He/him, apprentice of SkyClan
    .Chyrsaliswing x Honeysplash, littermate to Weaselpaw & Adderpaw
    . 7 moons old, ages on the 6th
    .An average, well-muscled orange-and-white dipped cream tom with mismatched eyes.
    .People-pleaser with a desire to do good - dedicated, but still fun-loving
    .Peaceful & healing powerplay permitted - brushing up against him, shoulder bumps, etc.
    .Penned by Hijinks - feel free to DM me on Discord to plot! ^^

Jupiterpaw 10 moons demi-girl she/they skyclan apprentice
Of all the things to search for, bedding is, perhaps, the easiest - no need to worry about where she is standing or what she might face, a simple task she can simply rely on her senses for without worry. Still, when she pads off, it isn't with much enthusiasm - listening absently to her mentors words not to stray too far. Because stars, is it cold. Jupiterpaw was born in leafbare, sure, but she'd spent her days curled up inside a warm twoleg den, unaware of all that went on outside in the woods until newleaf had come around once again. Now, she is not so lucky - whiskers shivering as the fluffy-furred molly gives herself a shake, hoping to keep what little warmth she still has.

Paws ache as she slowly plods along, nose nearly to the ground until a strong, sharp scent catches her attention. Amber eyes widen, and with self-assured steps she pads forwards until needle-sharp points prick her pawpads. There's a small, proud smile on her maw by the time she returns to group up with the others, a mouthful of pine her prize.

  • Actions && " Speech, " && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: 6 - found pine needles worth 1 point
    tw/cw: —
  • Jupiterpaw is blind, and therefore will not react or respond to visuals beyond some ability to differentiate light and shadows. Any visuals mentioned in her posts are meant for other roleplayers reference, and any events in roleplay that are disregarded are likely a purposeful choice due to her limitations.

*✿❀○❀✿* She was worried, not that there wasn't a warm den waiting for her or crunchy food in her bowl; was there enough for her clanmates? Does the cold really drive away prey? Will bellies roll in hunger with nothing to eat? Bella sighed as her mind raced; she had firmly kept her mouth shut about the whole refusing help from two legs thing, though she didn't agree with the stubborn belief. She knows very few twolegs that don't enjoy her company, and while some of her clanmates don't smell the most pleasant, she knows that at least her own wouldn't turn a cat away.

When Bella heard about a patrol heading out for more bedding materials, she jumped on the chance to help get camp ready for the cold. For some reason, getting up and moving keeps the cold from seeping into her body, though the occasional gust still left her shivering. The frozen ground being crunched under her weight was all that she could hear past the occasional chatter of cats, and she searched for anything to make a nest with.

As she walked, the pine trees got denser, and less light was able to pass through their branches. The earth was wetter here, and the cold clung to it. Bella was about to head back empty-pawed when the tip of a glistening leaf caught her green eyes. Ferns. She squealed in delight as she plucked the fluffy stems off of the main plant and headed back to meet up with everyone. "One lucky fellow is sure sleeping in style tonight."

Call it guilt or responsibility, but he decided to volunteer along with many others in order to find things to line their nests to stave off the bitter cold. Even though no one would say it, he was well aware that his kits added stress to the warriors. Five new mouths to feed and keep warm along with the other kits that had been born. The addition of mouths meant less for the warriors, as if leaf bare wasn't hard enough.

It didn't surprise him that Lionpaw had volunteered. Not that he asked his younger brother to or ordered him, the younger tom joined out of his own volition. Their mother had also decided to help, he merely offered a trembling smile and nod. Eventually they split off, and Crowsight was thankful of his love for birds. Ever the watchful, he knew of many nests within the area and what birds rested in them. He did not want to get into a fight with an owl, thank you very much.

However, it does take him some time to reach to his destination and try his luck. Unlike his younger brother, it seems his knowledge has come through and rewarded him with down feathers. I wish I could add them to my collection, but the kits and others need them more now. Maybe I could ask when Leaf-bare is over? With a maw full of feathers he arrives behind Bella.

A quick glance towards his apprentice is enough evidence to show that Lionpaw was not successful in his task. Their mother, who had the same luck as he it seems with feathers in tow, is quick to reassure Lionpaw. In turn, the hulking tom weaves through cats in order to reach his family. He has not set down the feathers, frowning as he hears his brother's frustration. Ever so carefully he sets down his feathers, placing a paw on them to ensure they are not blown away by a sudden wind. "I hope you don't actually sneeze half of them into the wind, mom." Hazel eyes land on his brother, "Look. Today was just unlucky. There's no use in beating yourself up about it. What matters is you tried. Who knows? Maybe after resting you might find more feathers than ma and I combined. Though, I'd say to help ma out before she actually does sneeze the feathers away."

Encourage wasn't something he was great at, so he hoped that Lionpaw took no offense or beat himself further for returning emptied pawed. Although, it may not have helped in Lionpaw's eyes that his older brother and mother were able to return with feathers.

rolled a 19; 3 points, found down feathers!

He liked it quite a bit when Quillstrike took charge on stuff- he was always switched on, especially with the upkeep of things. Oh, that attentiveness... few cats knew it better than Twitchbolt, he would bet, but he quite liked having that little window into his soul, and being one of the only pairs of eyes that got to witness it. He was dutiful in flocking forth amongst the fray, he and the rest of them splitting like spiderweb. Their undergrowth was a sparse, dull thing; Candorpaw at his tail, Twitchbolt's nose wriggled thoughtfully. Perhaps if he scented birds, there would lie a little collection of feathers, something like that... something nice he wanted, really, that he could give to Butterflytuft personally....

Ah, there- ferns swayes against each other, and Twitchbolt bowed his head, pinching teeth upon the stems. Gladness glimmered in wide green- he glanced then toward Candorpaw, asking, "Any luck? Some feathers mm-might be good."

As they made their way back, Twitchbolt blinked at the turn-out; the sudden onset of leafbare hadn't slowed them, thankfully. A hoarse purr of satisfaction trembled in his throat- approval glimmered in green eyes. "Pleased ww-with the turn-out, I bet..." he grinned toward Quillstrike, humour in his eyes.

\ @CANDORPAW (appy tag), rolled a 13 for 2 points!
penned by pin ✧
An early onset of frost has left SkyClan clamoring. The ranks of their patrols now swell with any able-bodied, their heads bowed not in search of prey, but mindful of the little things... Multifarious things that some fool may take for granted— and admittedly, only sunrises ago was Candorpaw one such... His paws are made for battle! Or so he would like to believe, anyhow... Sturdy haunches have been honed for climbing, and they quite lack the sense of adventure they crave, at the moment... It should not be surprising that his "hunt" is so far successful.

His mentor turns to him, mouth stuffed and relatively verdant, considering the time of year. Candorpaw gives a hefty shake of the head. Woe begins to outline itself on his tongue. " Alas— Oh! " But a story reshapes itself in real time! Held aloft almost divinely in his minds eye or budding shapes of downy grey. That keen glint of Twitchbolt's reflects in his own gaze now, and Candorpaw surges to hold what is so clearly the guiding paw of StarClan.

The warrior rises triumphant— Well, not quite a warrior, but in the nonliteral sense... " An so he sfoke it into exifstence! " He pays no mind to the muffling of his word. " StarCan smiles ufon us. "

Ruddy ears swivel at his mother's word. So feathers were common amongst them! he was quite pleased to contribute to their metaphorical bird. Was she in dire need? She need not rely on Lionpaw alone! " I'fe room fo' m'ore if you 'eed! "

OOC: too late to contribute to points but for flavor rolled a 12 and found some feathers :3!