and it's so hard to confess | checkup

Life doesn't discriminate
Adderpaw limps alongside Sootstar and Weaselclaw on the way back to camp. A scowl paints his features, mixed with a hollowness the boy has battled the entire way back. He'd seen the way his father looked, his mother, and he couldn't blame them. A grand story that could have ended with him defeating a twoleg ended with him being marked for all time. What would his siblings think? Regret flared within his belly, anger broiled right beside it. If he hadn't chased that rabbit none of this would have happened. "Vulturemask." The silver chocolate tabby hisses through clenched teeth after spotting the dark furred tom across the way. He could only hope his voice carried far enough for the medic to hear him. Taking several more steps he finally stops, bruised ribs screaming in protest with every additional movement as he takes a seat. He didn't think any of them were broken, but that twoleg certainly packed a mean kick.

Crimson still bled from his ear. Dripping from behind a thin, shimmering, golden tag. Staining the off white cream of his chest and shoulder. His jaws part to speak further but he stops, voice dying in his throat as he looks to Sootstar and Weaselclaw. He would let them speak for him if there was anything to really say at all. The damage written across his body spoke for itself. (@VULTUREMASK)
Between the sinners and the saints
The scent of Twolegs struck him first. Badgermoon froze, his tongue sticking out from his half-parted jaws, golden eyes lifting from the foreleg he was grooming to find the source of the rancid stench. To his surprise - and relief - it was only a group of WindClanners, no hairless monsters in sight - though Adderpaw appeared to be injured. The black-and-white tom's face darkened as he pushed himself to his paws and strode closer, noting that both of the injured apprentice's parents were with him. Everyone seemed...empty, somehow, shellshocked, as if they'd just lost their son - but Adderpaw, while bloodied, seemed to have sustained only minor injuries. His frown deepened as he watched the child call out for Vulturemask, tracing the trail of blood up to his ear. Something hard and shiny flashed there, redolent with Twoleg-scent, and understanding finally dawned. It's like a collar.

"You survived. That's the important part." the deputy murmured in a low voice, whisking his dark tail back and forth; he opted not to even mention the shameful accessory. His eyes flicked to his superior as he inquired, "Have they been driven off, ma'am? Should I take a patrol out?"
( ) Filing in behind Badgermoon, Cloudedsky couldn't help but to nearly race over when the rancid musk of Two-Leg and mettalic twinge of blood twisted and festered within her nostrils. She had left her meal where it lay, half eaten along the edge if camp to catch up with the deputy. Her gaze lingered on her half-sibling, Adderpaw, noting his stiff movements and trail of crimson that blotted against silver chocolate fur. Her eyes widen with the utmost concern, wintry jaw slacking in surprise. What in the Stars happened to him? He looked as if he had been ambushed, and to her surprise, she then sees the vibrant color that was unusual upon his ear. From what she could see, it was hard and reflective, a piece punctured into his ear. A mark, she murmurs silently. A Two-Leg mark. Her heart drops into her abdomen and her mouth goes dry. Why? Why do that to Adderpaw? What did he do to them? Was StarClan punishing him? Punishing WindClan?
Her gaze flits to Sootstar and then Weaselclaw, silently pleading for an answer as if they could give her one. The young warrior moves eloquently, falling in beside Badgermoon as she watches them. She felt an urge to comfort Adderpaw, to reach out and press against him. If they only knew what that thing was, then they'd be able to remove it safely. Could the Two-Legs see it? Would they come and take him? A chilling dread settles in her paws like heavy stone, worry eating whatever hunger she had before as it leaves her now. "Adderpaw..." She murmurs, sunburst eyes softening in sympathy. Was he cursed now? No, of course he wasn't. The tunneler's gaze flits to her mother for a moment, studying her features. They're cold, stone-like; almost as if she was disgusted about this. Maybe she just doesn't know how to react, Cloudedsky tells herself; after all, this was definitely something that was unusual.
( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )

Azaleapaw had told her, she'd been a bit too far behind when the blue she-cat dashed off and her focus on her rabbit meant she returned to camp when they had all already come to the medicine cat den and her spoils were dropped on the freshkill pile unceremoniously as she shoved herself forward to her family; the scent of copper a worrying fragrance. Mintshade sees Adderpaw's bloodied head first before the tag, blood surging in a silent rage at what had dared lay a claw on her nephew. She didn't like most younger cats, had no patience for them at all, but family was family and whatever did that better hope she never got to sink her teeth in because she'd not let go until she took a chunk with her. After a moment of staring, both green eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed in disgust as she finally noticed what it was on the tabby's ear; some odd two-leg thing with their lingering scent. Some kind of mark.
"StarClan help me, what is THAT-what is it? Why have none of you ripped it off yet?" Was it stuck fast, did they really need that useless LEECH of a medicine cat's help when the solution was just a little bit of blood and pain; nothing a proper WindClanner couldn't handle. Seeing Sootstar and Weaselclaw's furrowed concerned took the fire from her gaze; of course they had already messed with, she'd be stupid to think otherwise.
"Vulturemask!" With no one else to take her ire she turned to snap around the camp for the dark tom, searching for him and wondering if he was huddled in his den out of sight or had wandered off; just their luck if he had. That crowheart had better hope he could fix this, her trust of the medicine cat at all was on the floor but if he couldn't even take off a two-leg contraption then why did they even keep him around. WindClan's medicine cat luck was atrocious, not a soul among them worth a flick of a tail. Should've killed the last two before they got to leave, maybe it would'be spared them this curse.

Apprentice tag - @Azaleapaw
Bluepaw had been in the tunnels still when Sootstar had burst toward the surface, and she'd only emerged after hearing a shriek of pain and foul hissing. She hadn't been there when Cottonpaw had almost died, and now she's missed the Twoleg assaulting Adderpaw. She looks at her brother as though he's transformed into something quite alien, and she can see her feelings reflected in Badgermoon's, Cloudedsky's, and Mintshade's gazes.

She'd never known her brother to show weakness. He frowned on others showing their pain, and even if something did really hurt him, he grit his teeth and bore the scars. But the thing dangling from his ear is more than painful. Bluepaw knows it's from a Twoleg, and the expression on her parents' faces tells her that's more important than the blood dribbling down Adderpaw's face.

He's her brother, but in this moment, she does not know how to approach him. Mintshade hisses that someone should have clawed the piece of trash off of his ear, and Bluepaw winces at her aunt's brutal suggestion. Part of her is admittedly surprised Sootstar had not done so already.

"Does it still hurt?" She asks her brother, her voice hushed. It certainly looks like it does -- the flesh around the shining object is puffy and swollen, and the blood leaking is still steady. Her own ear twitches uncomfortably at the sight.


If he hadn't heard his name been called out the first time he for sure would have heard it the second time, although he would admit would ignore the second call coming from a such lowlife being. Vulturemask didn't even acknowledge the black furred molly determined to just ignore her and pretend she didn't exist at all at this point. One day starclan would reward him and get ride of that thing - he was sure of that.

Instead he focused his attention on the main attraction and he would blink in confusion as he watched them. What on earth had happend to them?. What was that thing on their ear?. Adderpaw looked to be in intense pain by the looks of it. Vulturemask shared a look with Sootstar and Weaselclaw like he was expecting them to explain but his attention would soon drift back to where his focus should remain.

" do not mind to lose your ear do you?.." He would ask as he stared wishing to get ride of that thing off their ear but was nice enough to inform them about the cost. Whatever that ugly thing was he wanted it gone. Twoleg object would be his wild guess. Disgusting. Now he wondered how he should do this?. Just bite into it and rip it off?. Why hadn't his parents done so already?. Vulturemask looked over at his leader and lead warrior again waiting to hear them first. Starclan forbidd he hurt their only son without their permission first.

// sorry for the wait!
please let me know if adder has any other injures beside his ear! ( i think i read correctly that he hurt his ribs too )
Azaleapaw rejoined with Mintshade after she had left for camp, telling her of what happened. When they had finally arrived back, she kept her distance from the medicine den. She still watched, however. She watched everyone's reactions. Was she really the only one not looking at Adderpaw as if he had grown a second head, as if he had been disgraced?

He was fine. He hadn't done anything wrong. He was still Adderpaw, regardless of whatever that thing was. Adderpaw was strong, and he was strong enough to get through this.

She would remember this assortment of reactions, though. The way his parents looked at him especially. Surely that must hurt more than any wound could. A parents love only went so far, it seemed.

Which begged the question.... Did her own mother love her, or was she trying to discard her like trash?

She would never know.

Her thoughts were spiraling, and to break the descent she shook her head. She was over thinking everything. That's all this was. She should focus on what's in front of her, rather than where her mind seeks to take her.​


Her gaze is hollowed and cold as clan-mates gather to gawk and fret over Adderpaw. A sliver of guilt can be felt in her heart for feeling embarrassment in her son's time of need, but the feeling was rooted deep within her gut. Her son wore a twoleg object, something only kittypet's did. If anyone sought out her gaze she was looking anywhere but her tabby son.

"No patrol needed. They're gone." Sootstar answers the black and white deputy, quick and to the point. Her mind is stretched in every which direction. Vulturemask approaches and gives one quick look at Adderpaw's ear before meeting her gaze, he wanted her thoughts? She snorts, "I don't care how you get it off…shred it to pieces, pray to StarClan for a way, take his ear, just get it off! She waves a flimsy paw at her son's swollen and puffy ear, a look of disgust spreading across her face.

//I'd like to say Nazali did state they prefer for Adder's ear and the twoleg object to stay (Via conversation where i said Soot would request for it to be torn off). I'd appreciate it if we tried our best to compromise and find a way for ic realism to remain intact without going against the Rper's request
Life doesn't discriminate
The scrutiny of his clanmate is blatantly obvious as they fix their attention upon his ear. Both their concern and pity is unwanted by the as his lips twist in a scowl. He didn't wish to be babied, to be fawned over. It only added insult to injury, a deafening reminder of what those twolegs did to him both physically and emotionally. His uninjured ear flattens against his broad head, amber eyes flickering elsewhere as Bluepaw comes forth to question him. "I'm fine." He mutters, lying to his sister and perhaps he shouldn't have. Starclan knew he was far from okay. But to convince himself and the others he began to fabricate this facade, despite the pain and sidelong glances Sootstar and Weasleclaw were already embarrassed enough.

Mintshade shouts the medic's name, and shortly after the dark tom makes his arrival. Adderpaw stands, allowing Vulturemask to inspect him until he speaks. " do not mind losing your ear do you?" He stiffens, jaw locking as he weighs the possibility of losing an entire ear. If whatever those twolegs did to him hurt as much as it does now he could only imagine Vulturemask tearing into his still throbbing ear to shred it away completely. "I...would prefer not to lose my ear. If you can manage that." He grumbles, hunching over as he takes another careful breath. "My side, that beast kicked me too. It's painful to breathe..." Adderpaw adds
Between the sinners and the saints
  • Crying
Reactions: SUNNVAR
He comes to the den wearing a storm– between his fear and his rage, Sunstride has been drawn to the point of snapping. A thread pulled taut or a cloud fit to crush the world with a graceless flood, he can focus on nothing but the indignation of this having happened on his own watch. The wound that Adderpaw wears is a wound to himself, though not one so deeply felt. It is not his own flesh on the line after all. Perhaps it should be. Vulturemask speaks of losing his ear; he might offer to take his own as recompense. Had he only opened his mouth any sooner. Though Sootstar looks upon his mark with disgust and dismay, he understands where such venom had come from. To know that Adderpaw now wore the mark of what had happened...guilt is a burden that the lead warrior cannot set down.

"Is there no other way to remove it? Should not an incision work just as well?" To even think of harming the young tabby has a grimace rising to his face, and yet Sunstride cannot regret the offer. Try as Adderpaw might to deny his mother's desire to see it gone at any cost, he does not doubt that she will have her way. To be a good mentor...he knows that he must put himself between them at times, or step aside at others. There may be moments that he is to weather this alone. For now, all that is left is to wait.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-eight moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests. single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
જ➶ The commotion brings him because well, he is a nosy individual. Watching all the cats come back he can tell something is going on. His tail sweeps back and forth as he watches before he suddenly stands up and makes his way closer. Most of the conversation is missed but as soon as he sees Adderpaw he smiles and then he sees the thing attached to his ear. The loud gasp that leaves him makes him jolt and he scrambles forward with bo real intent but to stare at the twoleg object. "Doesn't it hurt though? And would you want to keep it in there?" Then again perhaps he too wouldn't be so keen on losing his ear either. Still a part of Mire thinks about his own twoleg object that he didn't get to keep. No, no, the situation is different. It's stuck in the other, causing actual pain. Maybe that is why twolegs ought to be avoided. He feels bad. Glancing to Sunstride then he finds himself nodding brightly before sniffing towards Adderpaw.

"Maybe, maybeeee, a really good tug will do it!" Ah, it'll just tear a little right? But he winces at the imagery in his mind. It definitely doesn't lool very grand and it will surely bleed everywhere.
Weaselclaw stands beside his mate in stony silence. While Sootstar's features are cold, Weaselclaw wears his trepidation on his face. He still believes StarClan has done this to punish Sootstar and him, and he fears the worst. The sight of his son's bleeding, swollen ear, the object glinting gold and reflecting light, causes nausea to bubble in his belly. He still imagines the stink of the Twoleg kits as they pawed over Adderpaw and marked him with their curse.

Sootstar demands the thing be removed, even if Adderpaw's ear has to be shredded off. Weaselclaw flicks his own tattered ear. His mate is upset—he can see the other cats' eyes widening at her tone and her demand, but Weaselclaw knows she is only looking out for their kit's well-being. "You are no kittypet," he tells Adderpaw, giving Mirepaw a displeased look. Keep it, indeed. "It has to go, somehow. Imagine fighting a battle against ShadowClan or RiverClan and some cat hooks you by that damn thing? Your ear will come off anyway."

His voice is stern, but jaded. He looks at Vulturemask hopefully after Sunstride's suggestion. A slit ear is hardly worth fussing over.

Commotion by Vulturemask's den is never a good thing - nevertheless in her short life, Cottonpaw's gotten used to it. More often than not she can provide the noise a cursory glance, or idle nearby and ask questions after. But this is different. This isn't some kitten with a thorn stuck between their toes, or a warrior kicked in the chest by an unruly rabbit. This is her brother. And he's been... marked?

She slips into the crowd with ease, her smaller stature giving way to the gaps between warrior paws and allowing her to get in rather close. She pauses near Bluepaw, tossing her blue gaze towards their parents. One stern but scared, the other frenzied in almost the same manner. Cottonpaw grasps the discussion with a wince as they offer different ways to be rid of the brutal twoleg piece that clung to her brother's ear - yet the first question out of her mouth is a quiet, curious, "Is it heavy?"

Cottonpaw hardly finds her question tactless. Perhaps if it were light, then it wouldn't inhibit her brother (though Weaselclaw is right; a RiverClanner or SkyClanner would take the soonest opportunity to yank it themselves.) If it were heavy, then maybe it would fall out on its own (but it looks to cling tighter as blood crusts around it.) The grey apprentice eases into a seated position, gaze flitting to Vulturemask for a second. She's tempted to ask him if he needs help, though she knows her paws the least capable among them all there. Instead, she finds her gaze to her parents, deputy, and other sturdy adults. She posits, "What if they mark others like that, too?" Fear isn't in her tone whatsoever. In fact, her head tilts, and she offers distraction by way of other realities - realities where fear is better placed, she thinks. "What if - what if they track Adderpaw with it? It doesn't... smell that much," though it certainly smells of bad decisions and yellow, two things she decides are twoleg triggers.​

They where annoying, all of them. Why couldn't they just shut their mouths for once and give him a moment to think undisturbed by their constant voices tormenting his ears. Vulturemask decided to ignore them all, to let them converse on how to get rid of that disgusting twoleg thing. His attention was solely keept on Adderpaw who confessed how fond he was of his ears, an attachment he couldn't really understand himself. If that ever would happen to himself Vulturemask wouldn't have minded to lose both of his ears to get rid of it. But this was a kit he stood in front of right now, and his patient wished always stood above anyone else. So he gave a nod to the young apprentice to let them know he had heard them. What hold more of his concerns now though was his difficulity to breath. That for sure was something he should focus on first. How to convince his clanmates about that though?....why should he even have to care bothering what they thought. At this point he was done with them thinking they knew his job better than what he did.

"No." he suddenly said, his eyes staring down at the crouched down apprentice who looked to be in an intense pain.He barely could stand up straight. Not good. It couldn't be. " That ear problem is gonna have to be an issue to deal with later his breathing problems are more urgent. It's not a good sign..." He let that sink into their brains not caring if he awoke alarm clocks to them all. If that could get them to shut up he would be satisfied for now. All he cared about was Adderpaw's health right now and despite how disgusted he himself was with that tag that was like a leech to their ear as a medicine cat his concern should always be his patient, their well being should always come first.

Vulturemask wasted no time to get himself to Adderpaw's side to allow them to lean into them if they needed to. " Come with me to lay down in one of the nests so i can take a better look at you. Also tell me where exactly the pain is coming from?, have you been coughting up any blood?. " he spoke only to them now. Breathing problems was a new thing to him so he wanted to know everything so he could try to come up with the best way to help them. Vulturemask would leave their side once he had lead them to the nest so he could go to his herb stock to start to get what he needed so he could at least start to clean his ear. That way it would be easier for him as well to know what to do with that ugly mark on his ear. What the best way would be to get rid of it.



Adderpaw meows that he would prefer to keep his ear, a reasonable desire in any other situation... but... that thing. The scenario of her son attending gatherings flashes in her mind, being seen on border patrols, what would cats say? What would they think of Sootstar's son fashioning a twoleg item? She could picture Blazestar flashing her a smug smile, for all she had detested about his clan, she had allowed her son to be made into a twoleg toy like his own warriors.

Sunstride talks of an incision, Mirepaw ponders tugging it, but Weaselclaw speaks her mind. Adderpaw is no kittypet, it must go, someway, somehow, surely with a bundle of poppyseeds they could knock Adderpaw right out? Take the ear before he even woke!

"Exactly," Sootstar hisses out of fear at Cottonpaw's mention of twolegs being able to track her son through it. What it they were led here?! Yet to Sootstar's amazement, the medicine cat claims that is not first priority, but Adderpaw's breathing. She scoffs, "He's fine, he's toughened it out so far and can continue to now! How am I suppose to rest knowing twolegs could be storming to camp as we weak?!"

//she'll need to be consoled but, be very careful LOL. unless youre fine with it having the opposite affect calling her wrong/abusive/that she doesnt have her son in mind (though true) wont help her rn. she'll be huffy but she can be convinced to defuse for now to her den
His daughters prod curiously at the tag, and Weaselclaw snaps with unusual bite in his tone, "Stay away from it. My son is already contaminated; must I watch my daughters be as well?" He rarely takes a harsh tone with his female children—especially Cottonpaw, who is a known favorite—but he can hardly contain his worries right now. And what if she's right—what if the thing is leading the Twolegs to them? There must have been a reason for the marking.

Sootstar reads his mind, and her reaction is an immediate hiss of fear. Weaselclaw delicately presses his flank to hers, sharing her trepidation. "That thing could be putting us all in danger," he asserts hotly. Though Adderpaw is their son, Weaselclaw and Sootstar have their first loyalty to WindClan. "The Clan's safety comes before an ear, surely?" He, like Sootstar, hardly hears Vulturemask's concern over Adderpaw's breathing. His mind is whirring, and his movements are jerky and almost unnatural.

Azaleapaw watches quietly, taking quiet glee in the frantic overreactions to the tag. If only one of Adderpaw's parents got tagged instead, oh, that would be hilarious to watch. She supposes its cruel to take joy in their misery, they are worried parents. Something she has no experience with. She thinks Vulturemask is correct in being more worried about Adderpaw's breathing. Something could be very wrong there, and she agreed that it was more important to check that first.

Sootstar thinks the tag could bring twolegs to them. She doesn't know how, but she didn't know anything about the tall lumbering creatures anyways. Maybe it COULD bring them. So, she decides to try and help out....Again. She doesn't know why.

"We could send out a patrol to check if there are any coming....?" She suggests.​
Life doesn't discriminate
Despite voicing the desire to keep his ear many opted against it, his parents both being a driving force in this conversation. His pride was already wounded, bested by twolegs and forced to wear their contraptions upon such a sensitive area for all to see. But to not have the comfort of knowing his parents were on his side was another wound entirely, Sunstride included. He, begrudgingly, understood why they cared less for his comfort in this situation. Twolegs were a dangerous adversary that no cat could truly beat and if their fears were true then he was placing everyone in danger by standing here alone. Mirepaw wonders if he wants to keep the piece of metal connected to his ear and he gives the tom an incredulous look. Of course he didn't. But at the cost of not enduring even more excruciating pain it made him sick to want to admit such a thing. Not with his parents already so distraught.

Glancing at his father he parts his mouth to speak, to defend himself. Sunstride had taught him well, he was confident no river or shadowclanner would be able to land a paw on him during a fight "I know I'm not." He retorts, disgusted. Cottonpaw makes her way forward just like Bluepaw with an inquiry on her lips. With the chaos of shouting adults all around him he hardly had time to process the feeling of the weight. "No, it's not. Just painful to the touch." He admits, attention snapping toward Vulturemask as he attempts to cut the conversation short. Although he does ask him about the condition of his ribs. Coughing blood? He didn't know that was possible and he hoped it wouldn't happen later on. "My first four ribs are the most tender...I-I don't think they're broken. No blood either, so far." Carefully the dark tom lends Adderpaw his shoulder to lean on, but he holds himself, not wanting to risk further damage to his withering reputation.

Sootstar however, is not satisfiyed with the thought of him having a full evaluation first and voices it fervently before they could get too far. Weasleclaw also snaps and Adderpaw finds his grip on this situation slipping as he, much like his parents, begins to unravel. Bristling he looks around the group "I will spend my time far from camp then, since safety is such an issue. If they do come for me. Well, at least you all can rest easy knowing windclan is safe." That's what they really wanted, right? Removing himself from the equation would ensure the safety of the clan. A necessary sacrifice. "I'll stay at the old badger set for three days. I will return if the twolegs cannot track me." Adderpaw hissed angrily, gritting his teeth as he begins to hobble towards the exit of camp. (/out)
Between the sinners and the saints
  • Crying
Reactions: AVA

"You little IDIOT!" The black she-cat lashes her tail, ignores Vulturemask's nonsense about not caring because this odd thing was obviously the most important issue here, "It's just an ear! Get back here and quit being a still suckling kitten about it!" The little whiny self-sacrificial nonsense was not wanted when the solution was so simple; stars above knew plenty of cats had their ear torn and managed to live perfectly normal lives so she had no idea why her nephew was being such a little kitten about it unless he liked the two-leg thing dangling from him. The tabby was already stalking off, acting like the royal brat she expected from her sister's litter but with none of the sense. Acid green eyes rolled so hard she worried they might pop out but she turned stiffly with a huff and a nod to the blue she-cat loitering nearby suggesting a patrol go out.
"Azaleapaw, come with me, we're going to make sure those little two-leg fools aren't still lingering around the area. Don't go near Adderpaw." If he was being tracked by them she wasn't going to lose her apprentice to his foolishness.

  • Haha
Reactions: AVA
Vulturemask arrives and acts as a judge's gavel, deciding the true importance of the situation to be her brother's chest. Perhaps Cottonpaw had been too preoccupied with the discussion of his new kittypet piece that she hadn't noticed his labored breathing…? She's not quite acknowledged her obliviousness prior to this, though perhaps it's something she should keep in check more often. Regardless, the stress of the situation only heightens, firstly with Sootstar agreeing to the potential danger of the tag - and then with her father, snapping towards she and Bluepaw for getting too close.

Cottonpaw straightens her posture as soon as Weaselclaw bites, his worry palpable in a minor way. She casts an apologetic glance towards her brother as she slips away from him, settling herself much closer to the brown tabby lead warrior, if only for his ease of mind. Adderpaw seems to grow upset, his temper boiling over as he becomes combative; he wants to stay alone? It makes sense, but… He leaves before she can think on it, though admittedly Mintshade's crassness aligns much with what Cottonpaw eventually decides. Perhaps it's because she trusts Vulturemask more than most other cats do. He wouldn't… shred Adderpaw's ear to rid of the thing. And even if he did - he would look more like their father! Isn't that an honor, even if in a childish way? At the end of the day, is this behavior even worth keeping that thing in his ear? Maybe Mirepaw is right in a way; maybe he wants to keep it.

She presses her lips together, a bit too inept to emotionally capture the situation properly. Cottonpaw settles on suggesting, "If he's to stay at badger set," something not quite agreed upon by their parents, though Adderpaw is often stubborn enough to get his way, "Bluepaw and I can use the tunnels to bring him meals and check on him…?" she offers her and her sister's services, though it'd be likely that elder tunnelers join them on the short trips over the next few days.​