camp AND SIT UNSEEN ✧ guard duty

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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
The evening is quiet, a cloudless sky above the forest promising a bitterly cold morning ahead. SkyClan has fallen into an uneasy slumber around Orangeblossom, varying degrees of safe in the wake of the rogues' attack; but the deputy, who cannot escape into dreams as easily anymore, sits quietly at the edge of camp beside one of the other warriors.

Tiredness pulls the lines of her muzzle taut, but earthen eyes focus sharply outside of the brambles that guard camp. She's been restless since the patrol had returned with a trio of grievously injured apprentices, and her manners gained after twelve and a half moons as Blazestar's second are starting to splinter. The warrior sat at the other side of the camp entrance clears their throat, and the glance she spares them is somewhat sharper than ordinary. Blunt, but quiet enough that she hopes she won't wake a Clanmate, she meows with misting breath, "If you aren't well, wake the next guard up and see Dawnglare in the morning."

// any warrior clear for ordinary duties can be on guard duty with her!
He despised the cold and lately he'd begun to feel an itch in their throat. Most likely from the lack of good rest and often traversing the frozen territory. Yet, here he was volunteering to guard the camp with wavering vigilance and a sleepy eye. Clearing his throat to rid himself of his parched throat a voice sharply reached him. Blinking in surprise the scarred tom looked up to meet with Orangeblossom's gaze. Humility prickled his pelt at the realization of his inclination. Shaking his head the tabby called back in a soft tone. "No I'm good." A firmness enters their response as he hopes to convey their sincerity. "Just keeping myself awake nothin' more."Their tail waves absently as his mind wanders back into the territory.

Despite his lax attitude the scarred warrior was weary with caution and alert. There was no way in starclans name he'd allow any suspicious scents or characters make a fool of him again. After the gruesome scene of the apprentices Dogbite's heart had hardened significantly to outsiders. Knowing his own heritage there was no room for any that dared pose a threat even if it was no more than a snide comment he'd be the first to silence it. Looks like this is gonna be a long night. Praying that his companion for the night didn't send him off the scraggly cat sat a bit straighter and fluffed out his coat against the breeze. Had their moment been under any other circumstances he might have enjoyed the company of Orangeblossom but he knew when to switch into work mode.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

The cold dried his odd eyes, blinks against the snow more like teary squints as the statue sat close to the camp's entrance. It was one of the only parts of his body that felt exposed to leafbare, aside from the pink scars that ran down his face. Complaining about such things was beneath the Lead Warrior though, he knew he had it easier than most within SkyClan, his fur as thick as sheep's wool and seemingly designed for leafbare (much to his own chargrin in greenleaf). Condensation emerged from his nostrils like steam as he assessed the horizon, claws writhing at the ground with unease. Doing what he was told was hardly easy when he wanted to get revenge on the rogues, with so many on guard, they would have to be foolish to attack, but... his thoughts drifted to the apprentices and vulnerable warriors on the outskirts of their land, knowing that their lives were being gambled in the face of duty that he wished he could do. If I could split myself in too... be here and there... would they be safe? Would I feel more satisfied?' Orangeblossom spoke, and his heavy blinks turned rapid with the snapback to the present.

Dogbite and Orangeblossom, both the camp's guards for the day. Silversmoke was reminded that he did not need to be there, that he'd wordlessly volunteered to be the third, and shook out the white specks that had landed upon his fur. His duty... hadn't been to guard, but to not brute force his way onto a patrol he thought needed him. Tail sweeping the ground for a second, the Lead Warrior stood up and moved closer to Dogbite and Orangeblossom, each given a quick and firm nod as a greeting. "I am available to take over, should your eyes grow weary," he offered plainly.


Split from his mate's side and shivering in the leafbare night's air, Twitchbolt found himself surprised at the whisperings of other warriors in the night- until, of course, he remembered Orangeblossom and Dogbite were on guard duty. Ever a necessity in these crueler months, with beasts in the shadows waiting to tear their apprentices up, apparently...

It would be a tense night for them, he would bet. Even in the safety of the warrior's den, Twitchbolt was jolted awake again and again by ceaseless, irritating night terrors- he was surprised he ahdn't accidentally punched Quillstrike in his sleep, with how many times he'd startled at the shadow-cloaked images his own brain had decided to conjure up. Wide eyes lingered upon the group, keen ears tuning into their murmurs. Silversmoke gave his offer, and as he approached Twitchbolt mirrored his intentions with a nod.

"Likewise," he said, eyes darting between Orangeblossom, Dogbite and... and the outside, whatever was there. He'd bare his claws and fangs to face it, he knew that much- the rip in his ear was proof. And, well... maybe his sleeplessness was stemming that he wasn't actively protecting anything himself. "I think... I think I'm gonna be up all night, anyway." A hollow chuckle accompanied his words. It was funny, almost... or maybe it just was, that stress gripped him so fiercely for no good reason.
penned by pin ✧

The cream tom has not had a decent night's rest since the unfortunate accident that tore his kits asunder. Restlessness has been his portion, awakening to every little sound stirring around. Tonight it happened to be hushed whispers that pulled him from the warmth of Howlfire's side. Green eyes peer into the darkness beyond camp's bramble barrier, withholding a grimace for the ruffians that surely roamed the forest still. A single flaxen ear flicked in the group's direction, finally honing in on their conversation after some time. "You and I both..." Coyotecrest mumbled softly in response to Twitchbolt's comment, keeping his voice low to refrain from waking the other slumbering within camp. Besides, given everything that has happened it couldn't hurt to have a few extra eyes and ears guarding camp.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / nineteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
Beetleback has no apprentices so to speak, so he figured he should be on guard in order to give those who had apprentices already a break. However, it seemed like even those with apprentices wanted to guard camp. He can't say he'll argue with them about their decision, yet he can understand the choice. All of them were here to protect camp and ensure no once else would befall the same fate as Howlfire's kits. However, none of them were built (maybe not Twitchbolt) to be awake the entire night. Dogbite and Orangeblossom seemed to be doing well enough. How long have they stayed up already?

Everyone else seemed to be okay with not pushing the pair into resting, which rattled him. No one was doing anything wrong. After all, they wished, all of them that is to look after one another. I'll do what I want too then. "How long have you two been on guard?" The blue tom approaches and dips his head in greeting towards the group. The words are meant for Dogbite and Orangeblossom. "I don't mean any disrespect, but you both look exhausted. Maybe you should rest for a little bit while we guard camp." Beetleback means well, he does. However, that doesn't mean he knows that rest is not sleeping. Rest is finally being rid of those rogues.