private and the lawn is dead ⛧ flintwish

˚₊‧ ⛧ He’d made him promise not to tell anyone before they slipped out that evening. He didn’t know why he asked or why he wanted him to come. He’d always had trouble with secrets, though. It was like his body was a narrow tunnel—everything fluttered about inside it like a claustrophobic flock of bats, flapping leathery wings and shoving mousey little bodies into stone walls more and more frantically until they burst out into the open air. Not that this was a particularly important secret, but even still, he felt twitchy with it living inside of him. The little bat was panicking and sweating its wings off.

Perhaps he should wonder instead why she said yes. This was a matter that involved another little animal that lived in his body, something that felt around for something to hold onto, that twisted around for closeness. A constrictor, it was curled in on itself now, pressing and pressing until it turned itself into little more than a ball of knots. He tried not to think too hard about it, but the constrictor only grew tighter.

He kept asking. They kept saying yes.

The Burnt Sycamore always felt farther away when they traveled in silence. They got there eventually, the darkened sky an over-ripened plum canvas for the speckles of stars to peak through. ”Cicadaflight said he’d like shells, but the only shells around here are snail shells sooo….” Ashenfall breaks the silence to settle the thin, cleaned out husks along the edges of the resting place of someone they’d never met. He hardly batted an eye at that nowadays, maintaining space for strangers was in many ways much easier than the upkeep of those he knew. ”...It’s the thought that counts, right?”

It was a kinder sort of place, Starclan. Or so he was told. Prey and peace ruled a starry forest, and he assumed it gave its residents enough space in their hearts to find grace for humble offerers of empty snail shells. Even those who, in life, were referred to as “The Mad River King”. This was optimistic, yes. Ashenfall immediately feels bad for assuming the thoughts of a dead man, and steps back once more.

And once more, his flank finds theirs. The knot tightens in on itself. He looks out toward somewhere he can’t pinpoint, just past the designation of Shadowclan territory. Granitepelt’s body laid out there, tossed into a hole to rot. Well, this was technically the case for nearly everyone, but he could swear that the hole was colder in this case, less forgiving. Would there be grace to be found in the stars for him? No one could say. He supposed they hoped the answer was 'no'. It was easier to ponder upon Starclan in simpler terms, not think about the hypothetical line between those who were worthy and those who weren't. Anyways, Shadowclanners weren’t particularly known for their piousness in the best of cases. Better to just not think about these things.

The grave was unmarked—would remain that way, so it was easier to forget. Even now Ashenfall had trouble remembering whereabouts it sat in that middling place between the shrubland and marshes. It wasn't like he cared, not really. Ashenfall was as eager to forget the monster as any other clanmate, and he wouldn’t waste his energy concerned with the honor of the place his body resided.

If Flintwish asked, he would go, though. If only to see it. This he knew. The “why” eluded him, still. Well, no, it didn’t—he was just lying to himself in his own head, like someone would hear it.

She hasn’t asked, though.

Still, the feeling tightens ever more and he can feel it pressing against his lungs, shortening his breath like they were in the depths of leafbare and not the height of greenleaf. They were close and he hasn’t said anything all this time. They were close and he was being unfair. Secrets bothered him, yet he couldn’t seem to rid himself of them completely. He opens his mouth anyways.

”You know I don’t hate you, right?” this was… a low baseline to cross, it made him cringe knowing it was necessary. ”And… I didn’t hate you.” Before. During. If that made much of a difference. ”I’m just an asshole.” Yesterday, today, tomorrow. A perpetual state of the universe.

He wasn’t a liar, not usually. He hated a lot of things, but he said he hated more. He hated the sad hopeless look on Starlingheart’s face that day, the feeling of no one to hold onto, the empty space where he knew memory should reside, the relentless punishment he received from the heavens above in the moons that followed. He didn’t hate him, though.

  • OOC:
  • 29y3n1.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw . ashenfall
    — he/him. 16mo warrior of shadowclan. formerly mentored by smogmaw
    — smogmaw x halfshade. littermate to applejaw, swansong & garlicheart. older brother of thornpaw, halfpaw, and laurelpaw
    — a stout, longhaired blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — sarcastic, sharp-eyed, sulky, nostalgic, faithful, impulsive, candid, provocative, remorseful
    — "speech", thoughts
    — penned by eezy
Last edited:
  • Wow
Reactions: FLINTWISH
Ashenfall is his only friend.

It had taken a long time for Flintwish to realize this, and a longer time for him to accept it as fact. He has other acquaintances. Briarthorn, Poppyglow, Swansong. Maybe he'd consider Sharpshadow a friend if the lead warrior were closer to him in age; his family, of course does not count. Even if they did, he is not sure he could claim all of them as friends, anyway.

This pitifully small circle encompasses only one cat, then: the one he follows to the burnt sycamore like smoke follows flame.

He'd made Flintwish promise not to tell anyone about their excursion. Flintwish didn't know why, but he'd agreed, and then he'd agreed again, and again and again, until they finally moved out of camp and into the swamp in true. As they pick their way to the burnt sycamore (which, if he is honest, Flintwish has no desire to see), they say nothing, just like they'd done when Flintwish had been Flintpaw, when Flintpaw had curled in the belly of a long-dead tree and hidden there, and Ashenpaw had found him and sat with him until he could be coaxed back into camp.

If there is no other reason for Flintwish to follow Ashenfall now, then he supposes it could be a repayment of that favor. But really, he needs little reason other than to have company; to finally feel as though he is in on some clandestine secret rather than the one it is kept from. To feel wanted.

The moonlight washes them in deep burgundy bruises. Flintwish finds her seat at Ashenfall's side, silent while he works over the grave. The snail shells stand in perfect rows, their own sort of graveyard. The idea of swapping these for whatever shells coated RiverClan's banks was... silly. But it was all they had, wasn't it? "At least you're trying," the stone-pelted warrior concurs. At least Cicadastar's grave was tended at all.

If he's honest, he doesn't understand what compels Ashenfall to maintain the meager plot. Maybe he does not have enough practice in empathy; maybe he is foolish to question it when he had been so desperate to see Granitepelt buried, that murderer. He doesn't understand why Ashenfall had spoken up in support of burying him, either — except he does, he thinks. Ashenfall is his friend. It's an idea that feels foreign to Flintwish. A kitten who had always battled for his father's attention and praise, who ShadowClan had scorned for Starlingheart's poor choice, who has floundered and floundered and flounders still. A warrior with no drive, Smogstar had said. He is shocked every day that Ashenfall chooses to hang around him.

And when their pelts brush, it hardly even feels strange. Flintwish flicks an ear, bi-chromatic gaze sliding sidelong to the torbie beside him. They say nothing for a while. A long while. And then Ashenfall speaks.

"You know I don't hate you, right?" He feels himself tense; his jaw clenches. He is back in that hollowed tree, fear clinging to him like a second skin, arms slick with mud and eyes wild. You hate me, he'd accused the other then. He'd really believed it, too — mere sunrises after Granitepelt's exile, hot and sticky with hate and shame, Flintwish had believed he was the most scorned cat in the world. But when Ashenfall admits this now, he feels only his brows knitting together, the deep and watery relief of letting go.

"I know," he replies simply, because he thinks he does know that, now. His gaze, which had strayed horizon-ward, fixes on the other warrior again. "I — um. I don't hate you either." He is silent for a few heartbeats, patinated jaw hanging just open enough to indicate his intent to speak, but he seems to struggle to find the words. Flintwish has never been the most eloquent speaker in ShadowClan. He thinks he has never been the most anything in ShadowClan, except maybe the most pitied. But with Ashenfall, he does not feel pitied, not even now.

Finally, eyes closed and head shaking, he continues, "I think... I think you're — no, you are like, my best friend. I'm really, um, glad, 'cause.... Well." Because I know it's hard. Because I know it's a chore. Because I don't have anything else. The warrior swallows thickly, blue-and-green eyes locked to the muddy earth, counting each empty snail shell. "It means a lot."

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentored by forestshade & scalejaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 14 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can probe his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
˚₊‧ ⛧ ”I am trying…” Ashenfall nodded as the shells were placed in their neat little rows.

If someone asked why he bothered caring for this place, or any other, he would not have an answer for them. At first, it was only the simple reality that the graveyard was the only place he’d ever be able to find his mother again. After that long moon avoiding seeing her in what he didn’t know were her final days, it was all he could do to be a dutiful son after the fact. Too little, too late, he knew. And then Snakefoot had died in his place, for an immature apprentice on a territory they had no claim to protect, and it was only fair to see to his resting place too. And then Sabletuft died, across the Thunderpath and after telling him that he could win the war in his head, turn the fear into strength. He could not say if his war was won yet, if it was one that was even capable of being ended for good.

But he was trying.

He thought that eventually he would stop when the guilt ran out, but these days, the guilt was ebbing less and less, and he had no intention of abandoning this self-assigned post of his. Perhaps it was purely empathy, or perhaps it was an exercise in communicating that he did care, despite the perpetual assholery.

Flintwish knows he doesn’t hate him, and the relief that floods him is immediate. They are… staring at each other when she tells him that she feels the same. Or.. not exactly. That there is a mutual lack of hatred. And silence hangs between them for another moment, and suddenly Ashenfall is aware of the quickening of his pulse and the thing his brain refuses to face head-on burns a hole behind his eyes. And then Flintwish is looking at the ground, and he’s saying that he’s his best friend and Ashenfall feels bad all over again, because he can’t tell if the emotional charge behind it he’s seeing is real or a figment of his imagination. He doesn’t know if he wants to laugh or cry, but he does know that he wishes he was looking at him again.

”Oh, that-uh, means a lot to me too, I think, because you’re definitely my best friend and it’s always really awkward when there’s one but not the other but this isn’t the case so that’s good…” He runs his mouth instead. And kind of feels like he might explode a little bit, but that’s okay.

He stands up again, feeling antsy. And he knows that he should just leave this where this is and bask in the good-feelings of it all but he was never very good at letting sleeping frogs lie. He looks out again toward the nowhere places out on the horizon and wonders vaguely if he ran a circle around the moonstone-mountain and back again if he would still feel a fire beneath his paws.

Ashenfall looks back at him, searching for something he can’t assume is there and would probably actually blow up if he went another day without the truth of, “I’ve been scooting my nest closer to yours every night. I don’t-uhm know if you noticed, sorry that’s probably creepy.” He doesn’t really know why that’s what comes out of his mouth, but it does. And he doesn’t know why it’s so hard to say outright, the constricting around his heart threatening to burst, “I wouldn’t have trusted anyone else to come with me. I don’t think they’d understand.”

He still can’t face the actual words of it, but all that falls from him is the truth regardless, “I feel like- I feel- I don’t know. I feel like shit when we’re apart. I want… To stay close to you.”

He feels bare in a way he’s unfamiliar with. He just hopes he hasn’t ruined it.

  • OOC:
  • 29y3n1.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw . ashenfall
    — he/him. 16mo warrior of shadowclan. formerly mentored by smogmaw
    — smogmaw x halfshade. littermate to applejaw, swansong & garlicheart. older brother of thornpaw, halfpaw, and laurelpaw
    — a stout, longhaired blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — sarcastic, sharp-eyed, sulky, nostalgic, faithful, impulsive, candid, provocative, remorseful
    — "speech", thoughts
    — penned by eezy
A small wet laugh expels from his small wet lungs as Ashenfall blathers about best friends. It isn't cruel or dismissive. It is happy, maybe nervous, but ultimately in chorus with his sentiments. It is good that Ashenfall feels the same, because otherwise Flintwish would have probably run across the Thunderpath and never looked back in his shame. The thought that they really are best friends, that it is not a one-sided belief that Flintwish frivolously entertains, is truly comforting. He has someone. He has someone, someone who doesn't hate him, someone who never really did, and he believes it.

He is still looking at his paws, mostly because he is scared that if he looks at Ashenfall again he will tear up. He doesn't know where the impulse comes from. Flintwish never thought he was much of a crier, and yet. When the words begin tumbling from the warrior's mouth again, he has no choice but to look at him again, wide-eyed, lips parted, just barely smiling.

So their nests had gotten closer. He'd suspected it for some time now, but has always been too shy to ask, as if being caught wanting would sever their tie. "No," he rebuffs Ashenfall's mild apology, ears angling forward. "Um, it's okay, I, um...." His words die on his tongue. He'd not had the courage to move their nests together himself, but he'd dreamed of it before. A piece of him is compelled to thank Ashenfall for making it real. He cannot voice it yet, though, fearful that if he lets one tongue loose then they will all come crashing down after.

It really does scare him, the weight of all the things he never knew he was asking for. A best friend. A closer nest. Maybe the same nest, someday. Someone to confide in. Someone to love, if that was even possible. There's a million reasons he would never deserve such a thing — a million more that say he shouldn't even entertain the idea. But Flintwish wants like a wildfire, and Ashenfall's continued spilling only stokes that flame.

"I feel like shit when we're apart. I want... to stay close to you."

There is something like blood rushing in his ears, but all of the blood is markedly happier than it has ever been before, and Flintwish is compelled forward by something he cannot name. His white-dipped paws inch forwards, and then step, and then leap. Before either of them could take a full breath, he has pressed his nose into Ashenfall's spike-furred neck in something resembling a child's idea of an embrace.

"Okay," he murmurs, and already alarm bells are shrieking in his chest, the bell-arm hammering his sternum with increasing urgency. Oh StarClan what did I just do? But Flintwish tries to stick fast to this conviction, the one that whispers that it really is okay. He has no reason to doubt himself now, not in this, at least. "I, um. Yeah. I want that too. For a long time." And he can't get his mouth to say the words, either, but he can feel them in Ashenfall's pelt, can smell them in his scent.

His paws shake. His body is uncertain, but it is a body that has kept score; Flintwish wills himself past it, at least for this evening. "Sorry. I, um. Maybe the same nest...? Is that, uh... would that be weird?" It is a half-formed question, but one he figures Ashenfall can intuit the meaning of. Maybe it is remarkably poor of him to be able to ask to share a nest but not quite explicitly ask to be together, or mates, or whatever Ashenfall would like to call it — or maybe they don't need all the words. Either way, Flintwish has become a trembling burr in Ashenfall's pelt, and one that seems extremely keen to stick around.

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentored by forestshade & scalejaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 15 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can prove his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse