- Jun 7, 2022
- 169
- 42
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( ᴛᴀɢs. ) ❝ Life in camp'd never suited Hound. For all the love he has for RiverClan, most'f his time in it had been spent out wandering. Patrolling, they called it now. As long as it kept his paws busy, he didn't care for the words that they used. Being out and about was all that mattered– taking in the glory of this home of theirs, memorizing every nook and cranny of it. But he realizes now that he'd left a grand part of it completely undiscovered: the very camp he called his home. He knew the important parts of it, of course. The layout. The paths that he regularly walked. How much of it was just a passing thought to 'im, though? It feels good to be here again, even if the reasoning for it's not what he would hope. His shoulder still aches now, throbbing dully when he moves wrong.
It's a manageable pain, though, an' all he does is shift himself a bit to clear it off. It helps that Peachkit's as small as she is. Flat on his belly to be closer to eye level, Hound's lounged low to the dirt, chin nearly brushing the ground where it's tickled by the ruff of his fur. This way, Dog looms over him. He finds it more than a little hilarious, try as he might to keep chasin' off the smile twitching at his maw. "Go on, then," he demands of the other warrior, though it comes out laced with a laugh. The man's a good father, if a bit overprotective. It makes his heart ache where it shouldn't. (He tries, really and truly, to tamp it down.) "Peach an' I'll have an easy enough time, you need to get out'f camp a bit more." Seeing as he couldn't at the moment, it seems a fair enough trade. One freedom for another. He waves his paw at him, gesturing for Peachkit to mimic it as well. "Shoo."
It's a manageable pain, though, an' all he does is shift himself a bit to clear it off. It helps that Peachkit's as small as she is. Flat on his belly to be closer to eye level, Hound's lounged low to the dirt, chin nearly brushing the ground where it's tickled by the ruff of his fur. This way, Dog looms over him. He finds it more than a little hilarious, try as he might to keep chasin' off the smile twitching at his maw. "Go on, then," he demands of the other warrior, though it comes out laced with a laugh. The man's a good father, if a bit overprotective. It makes his heart ache where it shouldn't. (He tries, really and truly, to tamp it down.) "Peach an' I'll have an easy enough time, you need to get out'f camp a bit more." Seeing as he couldn't at the moment, it seems a fair enough trade. One freedom for another. He waves his paw at him, gesturing for Peachkit to mimic it as well. "Shoo."

──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.
──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky, with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself. - "speech"