Mistmoon gazed at NPCpaw as they spoke, her dull eyes emotionless as she listened to what they had to say. Perhaps that was the way the world should be, a young apprentice lamenting to an older cat, hoping they provided wisdom, but alas, Mistmoon was barely 3 moons their senior, her knowledge, her wisdom barely that of a bird who was just tossed from the nest to find they had their flight feathers. "Perhaps," She answered, her soft voice barely above a whisper as she turned her eyes downward to the prey between them, their hunt interrupted by NPCpaw's insecurity. "But... you shouldn't fret so much... we all will catch the wind eventually, some just... developed their feathers faster than others," She mused, continuing her little analogy she had in her head before leaning down and picking up the prey they had caught and, without another word, she wistfully walked off, eyes toward camp. Perhaps NPCpaw will understand or, more than likely, they will just brush off her weird words. Nonetheless, she felt assured in her own words that she, too, was figuring it out.