Annoyance And Paralyzation // Froggy

Dawnpaw ~

Jun 27, 2022

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

The battle seemed to rage onwards, leaving behind not a single soul to be picked up and carried off the field. Not a body had been moved from where they had fallen and no one seemed to even notice the dead ones around the grass. Blood was splatterd upon green grass, slowly turning brown as the oxidation of the blood started and yowls could be heard echoing through the ground. A cinnamon mink point had been off to the side of the throng of it, sitting down under a fern bush that had crimson splattered on its leaves. Gorse lay not too far from him, lifeless and growing cold almost instantly, and a soft sigh escaped a cinnamon maw.

Dawn couldn't wrap his mind around it. Couldn't even begin to think that he had killed a cat, let alone someone so old. She didn't deserve to die, she didn't need to die, yet her blood stained his paws and this coldness warped through his chest. There was no sense in any of this. Dawn got to his paws, his right back leg shaking under his weight before it gave out. He gave an annoyed growl at the fact his back leg no longer seemed to work, and he couldn't feel anything. There was an aching pain in the right hip on the tomcat and he wondered just how hard Gorse had gotten him when she collided down on him.

Still, he wasn't about to stick around here much longer. There was no sense in it, sitting around waiting for someone to come for him and take him out. He'd rather get back to camp and forget this whole ordeal. Get back to Dusk and Eventide, let them know that something had happened to his leg and he wasn't sure what it was. How could that be done when he couldn't even get up enough to walk? Dawn pushed himself up once more, favoring his back leg above the ground, and moved slowly away from the battlefield. There was too much too see and he just wasn't here for it.
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Froggy stares at the lizard with a blank expression. Someone had insisted that he needs to eat, but he isn't hungry. The thought of forcing food down is unfathomable, his stomach churning. The image of his ravaged mother is too fresh on his mind... He could swear that her blood still stains his paws, no matter how much he's cleaned them.

No, he couldn't eat.

There's rustling at the camp's entrance, and Froggy's hackles rise. He stares at the shadows of the entrance, nearly expecting the beast who killed his mother to barrel into the clearing, his muscles tensed and ready to flee. Instead, he's met with the sight of Dawn. Froggy lets out the breath he'd sucked in, and with a glance at the lizard at his paws, an idea begins to form. He grabs the lizard by it's tail and trods over to the golden tom.

"Do you wanna share?" The tortie point asks as he sets down the lizard, one paw scuffing the dirt. He has no intentions on actually eating; he'd much rather let Dawn have most of it.

[ SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY OMG i hope it's okay that i assumed dawn had just arrived back at the camp in my post! since froggy is a kit he isn't allowed to leave </3 ]

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Never before had Danw felt so happy to be back into camp, even though he was bombarded by Dusks' 'mothering' behavior directly after pushing through the camp entrance. Still, it made his fur lay flat and his shoulders sagged a bit with a breath releasing he didn't know he had been holding. The golden mink looked around camp, Dusk had finally stopped pestering him, and was about to just take a seat some where and relax. Get the whole battle off of his mind, get back to reality, but yet he couldn't. The yowls still echoed through his eardrums, the blood still stained his nose, and his claws felt heavy with blood from Gorse. He had killed someone and he wasn't sure how or what to do about it.

Yet as Dawn stood there, mind racing at a million miles a second, a tiny voice broke through the barrier. Those blue eyes blinked a few times to register whom was talking to him, what they had wanted, and the smell of frog made his stomach churn a bit. Dawn hadn't eaten before the battle, and suppose he could do with sharing with a young kitten like Froggy, "Oh, uh, sure," Was his brilliant response, to which he cursed himself a bit for. Dawn wasn't sure about conversations, he had too much on his mind and no one to really talk to about what he had done.

Looking to Froggy once more, Dawn wondered if he could talk to the kit about it. They were old enough right? No, thats stupid. Problems belonged to adult cats, not young kittens like Froggy, even if they were a few moons behind himself, "Ah- sorry, I- got a lot on my mind," he muttered as he went to pick up the lizard he was offered and gestured for the kit to follow him. Settling beside the camp entrance in the shade, albiet difficult to walk with prey and a lame leg but he managed to do it.
Froggy lets out the breath he'd been holding when Dawn agrees. "Okay, cool — yeah, cool." An awkward silence befalls the pair. Froggy glances down at his paws, one ear flicking backwards. Dawn doesn't move, doesn't speak further, and the kit has no idea what to do next. Should he take the lead? Or should he wait for Dawn? Oh, stars... Maybe this was a bad idea?

Dawn's voice startles him. The golden-furred tom apologizes, saying that he has a lot on his mind... And Froggy feels rather self-absorbed as he suddenly realizes that other cats are grieving, too. He's not alone in his pain. The kit clears his throat, his tail tip flicking over the dirt. "Oh, it's okay; I mean, there's — there's a lot to think about." He frowns at his own words. Was that the right thing to say?

He's quick to follow on Dawn's heels when the older tom limps off with the lizard. Froggy notes the uneven gait, his brows pinching together. What had happened to Dawn, he wonders? He wants to ask, but he feels as if now isn't the right time to.

They end up settling near the entrance, and Froggy tucks his paws underneath his chest as he gets comfortable. He'd watch Dawn expectantly, waiting for the golden-furred tom to take the first bite. Another bout of silence follows, lasting for a couple of heartbeats before Froggy blurts, "Do you wanna... talk about it? What's on your mind, I mean."

Dawn ✧ he/they ✧ Marsh Group. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

It took Dawn a moment of shifting around with his lame leg before finally getting comfortable enough to finally take the first bite of the frog. It was leathery and tasted like the marsh, but it was a decent meal after all. He nudged it towards the kitten and allowed silence to befall them as he didn't mind quiet. There was a lot to talk about, to think about, but he wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to lay it all on a kit. Sure Froggy was also grieving losses from teh group, or well now clan, but he didn't want to layer further upon that with his own gripes.

Until that is the kitten asked if he wanted to talk about it. Of course Dawn did, he wanted to relay everything on his chest to someone, anyone but a kit like Froggy? He'd feel terrible piling on his own issues onto that of a sadden kitten, "I don't want to bother you further," He murmured around his mouthful of food and gave a small shrug. Would Froggy be able to handle him murdering another cat? His broken leg?