private Anywhere else but here || Carrion Patrol


[ ༻❄༺ ] His nose wrinkled while the smell of the carrion place wafted through his nose, he hated this place. He knew some enjoyed this place since they find some pretty good trinkets here yet, Snowlark could not stand the order or the risk factors that this place, and not only that, Frozenpaw was still freshly out of the nursery and he yet had a chance to get the boy's first lesson in on fighting, so the kid will have to be the first made to retreat if anything came down to it. Standing close to his apprentice his gaze scanned the clearing before looking to the other members before him. "Lets make this quick, find what you can. Split into pairs, Halfsun you'll be with Frozenpaw and I, Singeglare and Ferndance, check the other half of the carrion place. Bring back whatever you find. And call for help" he quipped to them before twitching his ear to Halfsun and Frozenpaw to follow.

He spotted something in the pile... of... trash and was quick to pluck it between his teeth while his nose wrinkled a bit, a dead crow, still some what fresh too, the tom felt his stomach churn at the thought of even eating it. But, the clan needed it more than he did and Snowlark tended to be on the pickier side, even if they couldn't really afford to be like that. "Better than nothing I suppose. Frozenpaw, stay close to me. Its dangerous here and you do not know how to fight, if you spot a rat tell me and Halfsun immediately" he stated, setting down the dead crow in a clean spot before pushing some snow over it and looked towards Halfsun checking if she had found something before scanning for Singeglare and Ferndance if they were further up ahead for any hints of danger.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 17 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Prompt: Someone on your patrol finds something that may or may not be edible. When you're having a Leaf-Bare as bad as ShadowClan is, you need to take what you can get... Cats who take a chance with a bite, roll a dice! If you roll a 7 or lower, whatever the hell you just ate will not be sitting well in your stomach

'We're here to hunt.'

It wasn't a reminder spoken by Snowlark, but one that Ferndance had to remind herself of in the absence of a friend to speak to. She trotted along on delicate paws, trudging through patches of mud like a wading bird until they reached the Carrionplace and the smell of freedom reached her nose for the first time. As for why freedom smelled sour and three-moons old, she would have to blame it on the influx of new trashes, likely carrying all manners of things that would make her heart flutter with anticipation.

She turned her head, hardly paying attention to the young Lead Warrior, her pupils wide as they focused on oddities that she had never seen before. Foods discoloured in certain ways and fancy things of all red and whites threatened to spill out of new black leaves, but before she had a chance to rip into them, she heard her voice and blinked back into reality. "Oh... ok." She moved off, pretending she had heard Snowlark's directions, presuming she was right when the other did not call her back to the centre. 'There's too many nice things...'

Ferndance spotted Singeglare lingering close by. Had Snowlark told them to team up? She waited for the boy, her eyes contracting to a normal size as she considered her daughter at that moment. "Bloodwing speaks highly of you. She calls you her rock... personally I think you look more like a fire in a sandpit... all... red and stuff." Little about the young warrior reminded her of his mother, but he imagined Singeglare must've felt the same about Bloodwing and her. If Ferndance's voice raised above a whisper, there was a problem, whereas for her daughter, being loud seemed like a state of self. She'd never minded the other tabby's volume, now more than ever though, she was learning to appreciate the little things about someone that'd only be a memory once they were gone.

Something squished between her toes and, instinctively, Ferndance looked down. Between them was a golden rock, and as she moved her vision, she spotted a purple box that it had tumbled out of. As she sniffed the mystery item, there was a faint avian smell to them, swallowed by a scent Ferndance could only describe as false. It was as if someone was trying to tell her it was a bird, when it in actuality was a glob of mud.

So, naturally, she ate it. Chewy meat separated from crunchy skin and, though all her teeth needed to be used to tear into it, eventually, she was able to gulp down the mystery meal. She followed the orange boulder to its source, lifting the lid to eye remnants of a carnivore's meal - some untouched, others with missing chunks, and fruit-scented blood. Whatever it was was weird, and she liked it.

She held the box open with the back of her paw and stared down at Singeglare. "Did you want some? It might be deadly," she urged with a polite smile.

[ rolled a 19 <3 ]


The stench of Carrionplace makes Frozenpaw's nose scrunch as he trails close behind Snowlark, his white-and-ebony paws crunching on the frost-covered ground. He keeps his head low, black ears flicking nervously with every sound…the rustle of wind, the faint squeak of a rat. This place doesn't feel like the rest of ShadowClan's marshy territory; it feels foreign, hostile, and wrong. When his mentor mentions pairing up, Frozenpaw instinctively steps closer to him. He isn't sure if it's the smell, the eerie silence, or the constant shifting of shadows among the trash heaps, but every part of him screams to run back to camp. Yet he stays, determined not to let Snowlark, or himself, down. "Okay," He murmurs softly. "I'll...keep my eyes open."

He tries to focus, scanning the ground for anything useful, but his paws fidget anxiously. When Snowlark unearths the dead crow, the sepia's stomach churns at the sight of the limp, black feathers. Is this really food? He swallows hard, biting back a comment. He isn't here to complain - he's here to learn. His mentor's words about danger make the young tom stiffen and he casts a wary glance around the clearing. "I'll call if I see anything," He promises, though the idea of spotting a rat (or worse) makes his fur prickle.

As Ferndance sifts through the rubbish nearby, Frozenpaw hesitates, unsure if he should help or stay where Snowlark has instructed. "Should I...look over there?" He asks tentatively, gesturing with his tail toward a small pile of debris. He wants to prove he can be useful, but he isn't about to wander off without permission. Despite his nerves, Frozenpaw's amber eyes gleam with determination. If ShadowClan can survive leaf-bare by braving a place like this, then so can he.


The unique stench of carrion-place is something she's certain she'll never grow accustomed to. Her nose wrinkles in disgust as it assaults her senses, instantly making her nose blind to any other smells. Great. she thinks as they pad past the shiny cobweb wall I won't get this smell out of my fur for moons but at least she wouldn't be alone in that particular misery, she thinks as her eyes drag over each of her patrol mates in turn. Snowlark, around the same age as her but elevated to lead warrior status. Ferndance, who she was certain was dropped on her head a few too many times as a kit, and an apprentice fresh out of the nursery. At least Singeglare is here she thinks, not for the first time as she brushes against him, blue mingling momentarily with cream before she pulls quickly away when Snowlark begins his spiel.

Splitting up isn't something she would choose to do here, personally, but neither would she have brought an apprentice so young. She's glad she's going with Snowlark and Frozenpaw though, if only so she could have their backs if there was any trouble (stars forbid). "Stay safe.." she murmurs softly to Singeglare, watching him leave with Ferndance a moment too long before she turns to Snowlark and Frozenpaw, watching as the former kicks snow over a bird she can only hope has just died. She knows they cannot afford to be picky in the frost moons but still, her nose wrinkles in disgust as she reluctantly paws through the black leaves surrounding them. "I will never understand twolegs." she declares as her paw dips into some mystery garbage-juice.

Her ear flicks in Frozenpaws direction as the apprentice asks a questions but her only response is a noncommittal hum of acknowledgement, her gaze flickering to Snowlark in indication that the tom should answer. He wasn't her apprentice, after all. But if he was, he would be glued to her side in a place such as this that was for damn sure.

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 92528053_f44AT9rnOVan08p.gif
    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter