APOCALYPTICA | chrysaliswing

Jan 1, 2023

"Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither... Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man."
- Zhuangzi,
The Butterfly as Companion
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  • b0rOCnt.png
    His prefix is named after his chimaeric pelt, as if he were going through a transformation akin to a butterfly in a chrysalis. His suffix comes from his agility and stealth. Ironically, it is also his father's suffix, a constant reminder of the mirror he so despises.

    — Also known as Chrys (by many), Chrys-topher, Chrissy/Chrysie, Chrys-alicious, Bug Boy (by Honeysplash), Cricket(wing) (by Howlfire)
    — Warrior of Skyclan / Formerly an Apprentice & Kit of Skyclan
    — Demigender Male / He/They, prefers he/him and confused by the use of others not listed
    — 30 Moons / Created 1.1.23 at 8 Moons / Realistic Aging
    — Spotify Playlist / Pinterest Board / Toyhouse
    ↳ Penned by @tempest
  • A boy crafted from butterfly wing and quilled plume. A cyclical tragedy built upon wires and wishes, a beating heart beheld by the marble hand that deigns him. / Reference

    Chrysaliswing is an average-sized feline, with his height blending in with his fellow misfit clan. He stands eye-to-eye with many of his peers, with his glare looking both downwards and upwards, and his ire burning all. He bears an average musculature that leans on the more lithe side, with a supple state that clings tight to fragile hollow-bone, like he exhibited an avian grace upon each step and stand. His glossy coat hangs from angular features, twined frailty dripping candlewax glims, a nature-worn body masked by pretty and prim. A budding musculature hides behind a wispy pelt, primed for climbing and running, crafted in the image of many generations of wildcats past. Small, unnoticeable clefts of scars and skin intersperse fur, but not enough to be noted as part of his visage. With the figure of a dainty kittypet and the soul of a time-hewn colony cat, he looks almost like a living paradox. Tallow features and spindly skeleton make up the porcelain-pawed feline. With the sanguine swagger of a bird and the extravagant plume of paradisiacal Elysia, he is a creature to be marveled at, despite the glare of burning coal he harbors.

    Chrysalis has a build that many describe as 'ethereal.' A gracile face points downwards, as though continually scrutinizing any who lay in his sight, a perpetual edge hewed into otherwise impressionable visage. Narrow eyes carve into plush sockets, with eyelids always half-lidded and half-posed, yet never inattentive and impotent. He has a rounded snout, with dainty imposition veiling wildcat's fangs, and a satin prison to enclose serpentine tongue. He has somewhat small ears, stoutly placed as a crown upon his head, keenly surveying every surrounding. Wiry, long whiskers spiral from his muzzle, almost kinky if not for the care that he extends to groom them. He has longhaired and willowy fur that feels as soft as a gosling's newborn down, a sophomoric thing untouched by the weather. Accented features point from such a pelt, bone and sinew that only peeks from hills and clouds of coat. His paws are slightly stocky, prominent in many of his fellow Skyclanners, built to latch onto tough bark. Sharpened claws of war lie just beneath peach-fuzz foot, acuminated as though unbrushed by the future it holds, of battles fought and won and lost. A prudent bush of a tail lies upon his rump, sylphlike and supple. In general, he carries a rather fey demeanor, as though made of faerie whim and will. King of clouds, ruler of the fledglings, and apex predator of nonsense.

    Chrysaliswing's pelt is the most remarkable thing about him, and it is what most cats recognize and remember about him. It looks as if he were rendered in twain, as if black night erupted from the wounds of evening sky, as if the new moon eclipsing the molten sun. A chimaera coat makes him appear as though he is inn the midst of a transformative rebirth, though cut short in the heart of it, and stuck upon the haphazard varnishes of a malformation of a normal feline. The leftmost half of his body is solid black, a sable gloom of indiscernible shadow, complete with a glowering yellow eye. The rightmost half of his body is mainly orange with black splotches, and is where most of the escaping reddish hue nests, complete with a cold-steel green eye. He has a rosy-pink nose.
    ↳ Generation 1 / Moggy​
    ↳ Genetically, he is a longhaired black/red tabby chimaera that breeds black.​

    ↳ Vertical stretch of scars upon the right side of his flank, nearest his shoulder. Obtained after a vicious owl attack.
    ↳ Multiple scrapes and scratches line his battle-weary pelt. Obtained from moons of fighting for Skyclan.

    AESTHETICS: The turmoil of transformation and the pain of metamorphosis, butterfly's wing, wasp's sting, last scarlets of a fading sundown, sharp spines of the holly-bush, wildfire's wrath, soot and cinder ghosts,
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●●●○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Charisma ●●●●○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●●○
    Empathy ●●●○○○○○○○
    Humor ●○○○○○○○○

    For better or for worse, Chrysaliswing is his father's son. Dragonflywing's most lasting legacy was his sardonic judgment, graciously gifted to his favorite child. Chrysalis is nothing but doom and gloom, for pessimism and his soured tongue go hand in hand. His criticism is often unfairly directed towards those he perceives as weaker or lesser than he - especially those he considers 'outsiders' and their ilk. He is also often vocal about his distaste, to the point where he has gained a notorious reputation in his clan for being one of the loudest against what Skyclan is known for. This prominent personality point tends to make the man insufferably unpleasant to be around, driving away even those that have dared to care for him in the past. Humor rolls from his mouth wry and dry, if he is even in the mood to joke about. Those around him are quick to serve him deserved rectitude.

    Chrys does what he has to and makes sure to do so efficiently. Bravery comes somewhat easy to the chimaera, for he knows that his life is in devotion to his clan. He would throw himself onto the frontlines of battle if it meant that his clan stayed safe. He would hunt until his bones ached if it meant one more of his clanmates could eat. Though, he would hardly consider himself heroic - it is merely a product of the culture that he grew up in. He only wishes to live up to the definition of a warrior, at least his version of it. He is undyingly loyal to the home that he grew up in - thus, his cynicism towards kittypets and others seems to stem from twisted conclusions of what it means to truly be a warrior. He sees those joining from the outside as cats that have not suffered as much as him, those that take the easy way out and those that do not deserve what he does. Viewing sustained pain and sacrifice as a marker of worth, he believes internally that he is owed respect and sympathy due to his own agonies. Of course, this is untrue of what happens in reality, and thus only embitters the man more and more. Still, he fights for his home, for it is the only home he has known.

    Chrysaliswing was not born with his contempt, though he has never known anything but what he is now. Motionless in cyclic trauma, much of what he spouts stems from his father's own hatred of outsiders. Despite his best attempts to avoid becoming what his father is, he is his truest mirror. Dragonflywing's words ring perennial in his son's mind, and with that comes the insecurity that was instilled into him at a young age. Truthfully, Chrysaliswing feels as though he is inferior to his peers. Jealousy runs through his veins as easily as his own scarlet blood, and he often wishes that he had an adequate support system like so many other cats. However, he is unwilling to allow any cat to come even a fox-length close to his truest feelings, as he projects a prickly persona and pretends to be someone who has no use for friends or family. This conceited character does a great job at keeping prying noses away from his business - too great, for he finds at the end of the day that there is none he can lean on. He builds himself up with twine and thistle, but hardly realizes that he is is own undoing.

    His animosity and temperament often blind him, but Chrysaliswing is also quite resourceful and intelligent. As he moves away from allowing anger to bleed into verses, he is capable of keeping up in bouts of wit and repartee. Clever and bright, his skill was not the problem in question during his adolescence and warriorhood. If given the adequate chance to show it, Chrysaliswing is able to think through situations for a viable option. His quick thinking make him an adept strategist and a skillful hunter. It is a shame that he often does not even allow himself the grace of it.
    ↳ Mannerisms: Chrysaliswing's tail is a good indicator of his true emotions. He tends to keep his tail off of the ground. When sitting, he curls his willowy tail on top of his paws. When angry, it tends to thrash behind him.
  • Dragonflywing [NPC] x Earwigtuft [NPC]
    Brother to Termitehum and Katydidcry | Member-in-Law of the FruitFam
    Formerly mentored by Silversmoke | Formerly mentored Zappaw, Jaypaw | Unofficially mentored Owlheart and Emberfall
    Mate to N/A | Father to Weaselpaw, Adderpaw, and x [via Honeysplash]
    Widower to Honeysplash
    — Admires Blazestar, Orangeblossom
    — Close friends with none
    — Friends with Sunpaw, Howlfire
    — Likes Honeysplash, Howlfire, Sunpaw, Owlheart, Robinsky
    — Dislikes Slate, Silversmoke, Dawnglare, Termitehum, Katydidcry, Florabreeze, Thunderclan, outsiders in general, most people he's met
    — Loathes Firefang, Snakehiss, Windclan, Spiderpaw
  • strength ●●●●●●○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●●●●○
    swimming ●●○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●●●○
    grace ●●●●●●●○○○
    Single / Bisexual (no pref.) / Crushing on N/A
    — Physical Health [ 80% ] | Mental Health [ 60% ]
    — Will often start fights | Will sometimes flee
    Excels at climbing, hunting, and agility.
    Poor at running, endurance, and swimming.
    Sounds like Chris Patton as Gintoki Sakata ( Gintama ) as an adult. A somewhat high-pitched masculine voice, drawling low in dripping sarcasm.
    Smells like the crisp leaves of autumn, the exposed stomach of the tome, the faint hints of spring's dawn.
    — Healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
  • — Alternative prefixes include: Butterfly-, Wasp-, Hornet-
    — Alternative warrior's names include: Chrysalishiss, Chrysalisbite, Chrysalisflight, Chrysalisfang, Chrysalisclaw, and Chrysalistalon
    — Has quite a bit of knowledge on insects due to him listening to Termitehum talk about them. He is somewhat more adept at identifying them than the average cat, though is certainly not as well-versed in entomology as his sister.
    ↳ Knows of a secret grove where the coolest, most beautiful insects can be found.
    — Leaf-bare is his least favorite season, as his long fur gets caught in unseen knolls and his vibrant fur is increibly visible against the snow while hunting.
    — Secretly admires Riverclan for daring to swim in the river...
    — Has tried kittypet kibble before, and is not immediately repulsed by the taste. It reminds him of stale prey, though not necessarily rotten or having gone bad. Ultimately prefers fresh meat, as all wild cats usually do.
    — Has an irrational fear of Twolegs (anthrophobia) and dogs (cynophobia). Views Twolegs as completely alien and fully believes that they are born from plastic, hollow, yolkless eggs.
    — His favorite color is orange, specifically the shade that is present upon a sunset's dying breath. He thinks of sundown as quite beautiful.
    — He wields his anger where he holds his words - his mouth. If he's pissed, he will have no problem expressing it outwards. Though, his tail tends to lash when angered as well.
    — His fighting style is one of grace, retaliation, and calculation. Using his opponent's move to dictate his own, he relies on his agility and fast, brief hits to win over his opponents. He tends to utilize the advantages that being a skillful climber comes with, using height to drop down and incapacitate opponents.
    — He values freedom of speech and honor of the code above all other values.
  • Backstory
    Chrysaliskit was born alongside his siblings Termitekit and Katydidkit, to young parents Dragonflywing and Earwigtuft. Chrys' life was rather uneventful in his kithood... He played with his siblings and doted on his mother. He loved his father, too, but the other seemed not to echo his sentiments. If he did, young Chrys couldn't see it. He only ever appeared to criticize him and his brood, it seemed.

    Chrys was then promoted to apprenticehood, becoming Chrysalispaw. He was assigned to Silversmoke, of which he was less than enthused about, considering the warrior's past before he came to the clan. (huge wip)

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  • OOC:
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 30 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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[tabs][slide=𝘯𝘰 𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦]OOC:
[slide= ⚠︎ ][img]https://i.imgur.com/eUVAhNL.png[/img][/slide]
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—— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 30 Moons
—— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
—— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
—— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
—— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.
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↳ "I feel stupid, ugly, pretend it doesn't bother me."
↳ "I just turned fourteen, and I think this year I'm gonna be mean."
↳ "Don't message me 'cause I won't reply, I wanna make you cry. Ain't that how its s'posed to be?"
↳ "I'm a dumb teen boy, all I wanna do is quit. My mum told me that she's worried and I couldn't give a shit."
↳ "And if you wanna cry, make sure that they never see it. Or even better yet, block it out and never feel it."

AUTOCLAVE — The Mountain Goats
↳ "Maybe it's the heat in here, maybe it's the pressure. You ought to head for the exits, the sooner, the better."
↳ "I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam, and no one in her right mind would make my home her home."
↳ "And I reach deep down within, but the pathways twist and turn. And there's no light anywhere, and nothing left to burn."
↳ And the dream went on forever, one single static frame. Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name."

NO CHILDREN — The Mountain Goats
↳ "I hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us. I hope we come up with a fail-safe plot to piss off the dumb few that forgave us."
↳ "And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down. And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again."
↳ "I am drowning, there is no sign of land. You are coming down with me."

↳ "A place to put your pain, your consequence. When you look into the mirror, are you even there?"
↳ "I don't wanna know all your secrets 'cause I'll tell. It's hard enough being alone with myself."
↳ "So go the fuck away, don't come again. I'll see your face in the fire and burn it out."

I'M GONNA WIN — Rob Cantor
↳ "My life is a constant entrapment of tunnels which tangle and wind and beguile. And regardless of where I may tumble or funnel, I wonder what's really worthwhile."
↳ "Sometimes it can seem like a merciless dream and I'm falling with nothing to hold. Sometimes I get flustered and beaten and blistered, abandoned outside in the cold."
↳ "But I'm gonna win, I'm gonna try. I'll never lose, I'll never die. You've seen me before, you'll see me again. I'll never give up, I'll never give in."
↳ "How do you feel? You've been concealing your worries from the world."
↳ "I'll be bloody and bruised. I'll be breaking my bones. I'll be paying my dues. I'll be laughing alone."

I'M GONNA WIN — Rob Cantor
↳ "You can even smoke it if you're desperate. We do get desperate now and again."
↳ "I am not the first to follow the plan, just a cog in the machine. I'm just here to run interference, dancing like a fly on the screen."

BREAK STUFF — Limp Bizkit
↳ "It's just one of those days where you don't want to wake up. Everything is fucked, everybody sucks. You don't really know why but you want to justify rippin' someone's head off."
↳ "No human contact and if you interact, your life is on contract. Your best bet is to stay away, motherfucker!"
↳ "Damn right, I'm a maniac. You better watch your back 'cause I'm fucking up your program."
↳ "I feel like shit. My suggestion, is to keep your distance 'cause right now I'm dangerous."
↳ "And if my day keeps going this way, I just might break something tonight."

POPULAR MONSTER — Falling in Reverse
↳ "I wake up every morning with my head up in a daze. I'm not sure if I should say this, fuck, I'll say it anyway."
↳ "And it's probably 'cause my demons simultaneously rage. It obliterates me, disintegrates me, annihilates me."
↳ "I think I'm going nowhere like a rat trapped in a maze. Every wall that I knock down is just a wall that I replace. I'm in a race against myself, I try to keep a steady pace."
↳ "And what if I were to lie? Tell you everything is fine. Every single fucking day I get closer to the grave, I am terrified."
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