apostles' creed ꕥ lambcurl


  • LAMBCURL; born in light, born in shadow
    — cisgender male, he / him; gender apathetic, not opposed to other pronouns; gay
    — tunneler of windclan; former barn cat
    — created 1.15.2023 at roughly 38 moons
    — penned by floppie ; toyhouse
  • ꕥ blissfully ignorant; small, curly-furred albino tomcat with curled ears and half a tail. sickly pink eyes consistently glassy &. watering Unsettling, ever-wavering gaze. Thick lashes & heavy-set eyebags from strange sleeping habits

    ꕥ the voice of angels, heavens gates; he's hard to describe with words. little else has drawn him from his comfortable life but a fascination with the stars. Deeply religious, and somehow instilled with the ever-occurring theme of sacrifice. He does not fear death, nor anything, for that matter. He's resolved in the idea that all will die someday, and the many of them are but cogs in an ever-turning mechanism. In the end, his desire is to help others, but it manifests strangely. He is all too eager to put himself at the forefront of things, offering himself - or others - as nothing more than a means to an end. He will always be the first to put himself forward for a cause. there's an alarmingness in just how trivial life is to him. of course, he appreciates people. friendships are hard to form, but not impossible. Should you befriend him though, you may find yourself offered up for unfavorable positions without any say. It is difficult to place what exactly is morally sound in his mind. Certain issues may be met with soft preachings of love and loss, life and death, whilst other things (including, sootstar's cruel reign) he nearly seems to *not notice*. He considers himself a caregiver, yes, he loves each of his neighbors equally. Sincerely, he would tell you... Though his words rarely make any semblance of sense, he sees himself benevolent, with the wisdom he offers.​
  • npc xx npc ; brother to unknown | mentoring no one, previously mentored bunnywhisker
    single; gay; does not quite trust. he falls into things, and falling into him would only be a mistake. develops surface-level crushes easily. not looking (but floppa is)
    — tentative voice claim: fox mulder
    — smells of dirt and heather, cool to the touch
    — admires sootstar, badgermoon, sunstride, weaselclaw, tigerfrost
    — lightly crushing on badgermoon, sunstride, mallowlark, tigerfrost, houndthistle
    — likes nearly everyone.
  • I'd like you to know me. Is that alright?

    [box=65%][justify][color=#DCD8D7]TEXT TEXT TEXT. "[color=#E9B6A4][b]SPEECH.[/b][/color]"
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