Floppie's Bestest and COOLEST Storage

Jun 6, 2022

All of my characters are open for peaceful powerplay (healing, friendly touches, etc.)
You are always welcome to ping me in threads where i am wanted without advanced notice!
Feel free to pester me to reply to any urgent pings!
While I do not say this in every characters tags, all of them write in ic and ic only!
I don't like sharing prefixes with my actively played characters, especially within the same clan.
characters of mine that are dead, dropped, or otherwise very low activity are perfectly fine.
aside from the links in the following post of this thread, nothing in this thread is f2u.
Feel free to contact me about plotting & badges!

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GHOSTPAW: small, albino tom with sickly blue-pink eyes
LAMBCURL: small, curly-furred albino tomcat with a glassy pink gaze
WOLFWIND: a small, lean - muscled grey molly with a white-painted muzzle, chest, paws, and tail.
APPLEJAW a large, cream tabby she-cat with a blue tabby streak down the side of her head.
DAWNGLARE a large, handsome, auburn-and-white tom with piercing blue eyes and a heart between the eyes.​
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Tagline here

  • On the horizon, you see a brand of fire in a ruddy mane, thick with the blood of their father. Even if you do not know him, you know he's someone. He asserts it to you in the way he breathes, in the way he stands. If that alone can't convince you, each ensuing word will only further stuff it down your throat. Unknowingly, he'd carefully crafted his own self, inserting the phantom of an impossible picturesque warrior into SkyClan's ranks.

    " H-How do you do it? " Chickbloom asked suddenly while tilting his head to the side, tone more curious and inquiring than desperate or jealous. " Y'know— be… you. You called out to me and— and started telling me what to do. You're always really loud— not in a bad way— and assertive. You seem relaxed, too. I could— could never do that. So, how— how do you? "

    Chickbloom on Candorpaw as he gives him unsolicited advise..​

    Candorflight is a a striped, brown and red pointed tom with tawny paws, a white face and belly, and bright green eyes. He is taller than average with an athletic build.

    Candorflight is a newly-named warrior of SkyClan underneath Orangestar's leadership. Candorkit was born to Bobbie and the late Blazestar who passed before his litter's birth, along with his littermates Lionkit and Hollykit. Candorkit had been a name Blazestar had expressed wanting for one of his kits before he died. He later became an apprentice named Candorpaw and was mentored by Twitchbolt. Despite a few minor hiccups in his apprenticeship, Candorpaw passed his assessment and was newly named Candorflight for his spirit and climbing ability.

    1. Detailed Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 Played​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks​
  • 89843410_TEETPUex3ilTVbO.png

    Candorflight by Floppie
    Candorflight sports much of the typical build of a SkyClanner. Though not towering like the largest of SkyClan's brutes, nor his late father for that matter, he stands at an above-average height. Moons of rigorous training— namely flying through branches, seen most prevalently in his powerful haunches— have honed him with a healthy, athletic build. His brawn is not overbearing, but lean muscle ripples clearly beneath his fur with each step.

    His large paws took some time for him to grow into. As a warrior, he wears them and their unique tawny coloring, reminiscent of his mother's pelt, well . In another mimicry of her, lain over with bright new paint, is a pair of vibrant green eyes, seemingly always agleam with love for the world and dedication to his cause. His fathers legacy crowns his his head in auburn-reds, Ragdoll heritage spills over his shoulders in a thick, fiery mane, though perhaps it would be more impressive with more time spent tending to it... Evidently, grooming is not a priority for Candorflight. All manner of foliage and leaf-litter can be found within his pelt if one searches hard enough. When asked, Candorflight may deem himself too busy for such things, despite this being far from the truth.

    Unfamiliar to either of his parents, but undoubtedly uncovered in his litter, are the thick, brown stripes adorning his tail. Even still, glimmers of Blazestar's blood lays in its pointed visage and thick ruff. Topping the rest is his white belly and lower face, forming a "mask" that leaves only the red of his forehead, nose, and ears on display.

    Technically: Longhaired lilac / chocolate torbie point chimera w/ low white. Genetically lilac. 50% Ragdoll.

    Scars gained:
    • None yet.
    Body Language

    Well-honed in Candorflight are his mannerisms, rigidly adopted in kithood and perpetuated to a point where he carries them out effortlessly. His posture is perfect, with a straight spine and tail nearly always lifted high in the air when not making any gestures— which he often does animatedly. His chin is always held high regardless of who he's speaking to, with exceptions made only for the sake of poignancy, wherein the lowering of his head will be (typically unnecessarily) dramatic. Something about the way in which he carries himself shouts ready for action. Something as simple as standing will not be done with four paws neatly tucked together, but rather, paws splayed or one lifted, as if halted mid-step.

    Candorflight is an active listener, often nodding, flicking his ears, twitching his whiskers, curling his tail, etcetera, to show that he is engaged in whatever conversation he is in (or even those that he is not apart of...) Shining example of his namesake, Candorflight wears his heart on his sleeve. No effort is ever made to conceal his expressions, even in the face of his enemies. With enough attention paid to the minute twitches of his body, one could likely see every thought as it forms in his head.

    His gait is nothing if not purposeful. No movement of his looks unintentional— not in the way that is stiff and awkward, but in the way that there is weight in all he does; an emotional sort, if not literal. What he wears is not a mask... Maybe once upon a time, it had been, but moons of reinforcement have melded it into his very being.

    Expressions too, feel practiced on a face like his. His smile is a winning one, a well-practiced quirk of the lips that should soothe crying kittens, assure even the bravest of warriors, and instill humility in the most downtrodden of foes. Charm is the intent, and for the most part, he is successful in doing so... Though a different type could find it irritating for the very seem reason. Even his other expressions, those of thoughtfulness, surprise, and sadness, seem to be thoughtfully crafted to suit his face.​

    • Empty
  • Candorflight is remarkably loud about what he is. Immediately noticeable is his boisterous nature, his optimism, and his passion. Naturally, his overwhelming sense of passion leads into his emotional proclivities. He feels self-important in a way that isn't obvious, most commonly displayed by his overbearing and insistent nature. Somewhat bluntly, Candorflight tends to be oblivious, and a staid nature since kithood has formed him into a rather black-and-white thinker. Despite being a warrior, in many avenues he is naïve. Candorflight is extremely loyal to his strong morals, and will be outspoken against all that opposes them.

    The scribble of a name on the cover of a storybook, Candorflight was— and still is, undoubtedly shaped by stories, both fictional and non-fictional. Since kithood, he has stubbornly stuck to his ideal, black-and-white image of the perfect warrior, and seeks to fufill it to his fullest extent. To say he crafted this personality would be inaccurate; after all, only someone already-encapsulant many of these things would take to the perpetuation of them so insistently. In following his role models, he is earnest, though those role models themselves are fake.

    Included in this margin, at least to him, is his father, Blazestar. Not given the chance to meet him himself, Candorflight's perception of his father is largely rooted in unseemly amounts of exaggeration, to the point where he is viewed as more of a more a "character" than he is a figure in recent history to him. Blazestar had essentially been the ideal warrior, he's fairly certain. Large and looming, impressive in battle (surely?), kind to his clanmates but cold to outsiders. Caught up in his perfect images, Candorflight can at times lose sight of reality.


    Today, there are still (seemingly) few in SkyClan who could not say they had been touched by Blazestar. His image looms large, in a place where his death could have potentially been an unhappy ending... Candorflight chooses to find new light in his own blood! Yes, he's quite convinced it is his destiny to live up to the standard Blazestar had set, Candorflight puts little pressure on himself to do so, for he simply believes that he will! And belief can be plenty enough, in his eyes.

    Though Candorpaw claims self-awareness of his experience, he sees himself as a shining beacon of warriorhood already, and is eager to offer his personal advice on things without anyone asking him to do so. He takes initiative to extent that, bluntly, can be quite annoying. A passing comment or complaint from a Clanmate may inspire odd resignation to a problem that isn't (and perhaps, should not be) his to solve. Better yet, perhaps there is no problem at all, but Candorflight in all his glory has decided to assist you, anyway.










    • Item
    • Item
    • Item
  • Bloodbird is lesbian and monogamous. She is somewhat easily infatuated by others, and current objects of her affection include Doeblaze and Florabreeze, though it is hardly serious.

    Bloodbird holds the same generally low opinion of everybody by default, though this does not by any means translate to dislike. She is her version of "friendly" to all she meets. For now, she holds no sense of distrust toward anyone.​

    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, friends, enemies, romance, injury Closed to severe injury, death.

    Sounds like: Yap.

    Smells of: Yap.

    speech is #9CDCA0 Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.

    • Poor stealth and hunting. This would likely remain true even with training. Her bright coat and heavy paws do little for her in these areas.
    • Moderate speed, with a for the most part, sluggish form able to whip itself into surprising quickness, if needed.
    • Impressive stamina and constitution. She does not tire easily, and can take a hefty number of blows before being put out of commission — though her body may scream at her for it later.
    • A competent climber, though the branches creak beneath her paws. She may struggle with climbing down due to her below average sense of balance
    • With a nose like a dogs', an exceptional tracker.

    Combat difficulty is medium-high. Now with two moons of Doeblaze's training under her built, Bloodbird is more well versed in the realm of combat. Still, she throws her weight around with reckless abandon, flinging herself at her opponents with clumsy, but brutal blows. Being large and bulky, she is difficult to take down, and will allow adrenaline to pilot her farther than her body would normally allow. Fights extremely recklessly. She is likely to be left in a state equally as terrible as the one she has left her opponent in.

    Holding a distinct lack of care for her wellbeing, may start fights, though it will hardly ever be for a good reason. Bloodbird will most likely not flee conflict unless ordered by someone with importance to her. Though she will hardly ever intend to kill, she is naturally a rather brutal fighter makes no active effort not to.​
  • NPC x NPC • Generation 1 • Mated to None
    ⤷ Has a few unknown siblings that she does not recall, being separated from them early in life

    Close to N / A
    Admires N / A
    Friends with Edmund
    Likes Doeblaze, Butterflytuft, Florabreeze
    Dislikes N / A
    Loathes N / A

    Kin ✎

    Parents ✎

    Her parents have taught her what she vaguely understands of Clan Life, their stories mostly fantastical and notably negative skewing. Bloodbird likely did not interpret it quite the way they had hoped that she would.​

    Other Cats ✎

    TBA ✎
  • Backwritten

    Bloodbird was born to a kittypet couple nestled within Twolegplace. She spent much of her formative years with her parents and has thoroughly soaked up their ideals, including information regarding the Clans that they've picked up through means she has never bothered to question.

    Her tail was amputated in August 2024. She claims to not recall the reason why, but it is unclear if she's telling the truth, or not. In July of 2024, she had scuffled with Florabreeze of SkyClan, and this inadvertently led to the loss of her tail. Bloodbird claims not to care much at some times, and that she will never forgive her for this at others. This scuffle of hers was her first taste of battle. It's quite possible that it is what has her convinced that she could be capable clan cat some day.​
  • If you couldn't tell,,, she is my unofficial official Mallowdawn fankid <3
    Aesthetics are rotting meat, mold and mildew, plant rot, burning red sunrises, apocalypse skies, zombies, three - eyed cats, abandoned city homes, & vampire bats
    Brat summer is over, its weirdgirl autumn​


    ▶ Butcher Vanity - Vane Lily Lacking genuine energy of her own, Bloodbird primarily feeds off of other people, unconsciously searching for the answer to her problems within the dissected minds of others. If given the chance, she could quickly become overbearingly cannibalistic (In metaphor only, that is).

    ▶ Dead Man - Self Bloodbird believes that life is inherently meaningless, and if there is any meaning to me found, it would be in death.

    ▶ Nothing Man - Sodikken She is more content with her life than she truly knows! Wouldn't it be pointless to yearn for anything more, anyways?

    ▶ Eat You - Caravan of Thieves Bloodbird is prone to becoming unusually enraptured by those that take her particular interest. Her affection can take on undertones that sound unkind, on paper.

    ▶ Yes to Err is Human, So Don't be One - Will Wood She has not learned to be human quite as much as the others have — her intrinsic desires are perhaps, problematic

    ▶ Sick of the Silence - Mother Mother Beneath the mask of nothing and nonsense, she has a few inner turmoils that she tries quite vehemently to ignore — though unbeknownst to this, they affect her subconsciously regardless. She's someone wary of her own inner-workings, a nd will try to scream over them with her nothingspeak.

    ▶ People Eater - Sodikken . . .​

    Theme Weeks

  • Code:
    [box=65%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [outline=black][color=#9CDCA0][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color][/outline]
    [tabs][slide_header][outline=black][color=#9CDCA0]THEY SAY I CAN'T KEEP MYSELF FROM TRYING[/color][/outline][/slide_header][slide][color=#c4c4c4][quote][outline=black][color=#9CDCA0][b]OOC.[/b][/color][/outline][/quote][/color][/slide]
    [slide_header][outline=black][color=#9CDCA0]⬪ 𝒜 𝐵𝐼𝒯𝐸 𝒪𝐹 𝐸𝒱𝐸𝑅𝒴𝒯𝐻𝐼𝒩𝒢 𝐼𝒩 𝒮𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯 / ( 12 . 05 )[/color][/outline][/slide_header][slide][color=#c4c4c4][fleft][img width=250px]https://i.imgur.com/ectPk8F.png[/img][/fleft][outline=black][color=#9CDCA0][b]BLOODY MARY[/b][/color][/outline] ⬪ DAYLIGHT APPRENTICE. SHE  - HER - HERS.
    [quote]A dog-like woman. Large, with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near-always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and recently-chopped tail.[/quote][/color]
Scroll for more information!
decor here
decor here

Cisgender Male
He / Him
Biographical Information
Ages Every
Starting Age

13 Moons
3 ☾


Mentor Twitchbolt
Roleplay Information
Penned by
Last Update

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My characters are all fucking dead in the water rn because I am brewing so many f2us ya'll... I'm here today with a a storage code meant for displaying all of your characters! Jay asked me about this literally like over six months ago OOPSIES LMAO BUT I FINALLY FINISHED IT! Ever since I found out tabs can be images now I was absolutely fiending to use it, so I made some little clan buttons just for this code!

Jay specifically wanted a place to store litter genetics and naming lists, but I know not everyone would want to use a thread like this for that, so I've included a versions both with and without those sections! I hope you guys enjoy <3

mobile compatibility is pretty good. It isn't the prettiest but everything is completely legible!

breakage difficulty is moderate-high if you're not paying attention while adding / removing sections. tabs and accordions are a deadly combo that mean you WILL be killed on the spot if you forget to close a tag. be extra vigilant with this code. Notes were left in an attempt to make the editing process easier!
  • Use Ctrl + F or a find and replace tool to do the bulk of your color editing! Color codes used should be as follows:
    background: #252B34
    boxes: #313742
    accent boxes: #3B414B
    box shadows: black
    body text: #C4C4C4
    accent color: white​
  • Images were done in a way where square images should fit perfectly, and non-square images can be easily adjusted. if you cannot achieve the position you want with basic keywords, you may want to use background-size or Xpx Ypx syntax after the url to get more specific.
  • You can jump to different clan sections by searching for the clan name.
  • Fontmeme was used to create the banner for this! click here to jump to my Fontmeme tutorial.
    • the font Xander Swordfish was used for the example preview, and Working was used for the blank copies.
    • If you don't care to use Fontmeme, you can insert [box=65%; color:white; font-weight:bold; scrollbar-width:none; font-size:NUMBERpx;]TEXT[/box] where it should go, instead!


she/her timezone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum. Nullam venenatis velit eget purus molestie fermentum. Maecenas mattis lorem eget aliquam cursus. Phasellus felis eros, laoreet a ligula in, consectetur suscipit odio. Donec vel nisl lobortis, posuere enim sed, lobortis urna. Quisque eget consectetur ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

    Post Tracker
    Naming List
    Post Tracker
    Naming List
    Post Tracker
    Naming List
    Post Tracker
    Naming List
    Post Tracker
    Naming List
    HE / HIM | KIT
    Post Tracker
    Naming List
    Post Tracker
    Naming List
    Naming List
    Naming List
    Naming List



  • Free space.


<!------------- PERSONAL IMAGE GOES HERE ------------->

pro/nouns timezone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum. Nullam venenatis velit eget purus molestie fermentum. Maecenas mattis lorem eget aliquam cursus. Phasellus felis eros, laoreet a ligula in, consectetur suscipit odio. Donec vel nisl lobortis, posuere enim sed, lobortis urna. Quisque eget consectetur ante.

Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.


    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.
    Post Tracker

    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.


    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.


    Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.




  • Free space.

[box=100%; color:#c4c4c4; background:#252B34;]
[box=63%; line-height:1.2; box-shadow:0 0 3px black][box=100%; background:#313742; padding:20px; text-align:justify;][fleft][box=100%; outline:1px solid white; padding:9px;][box=160px;
height:160px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]<!------------- PERSONAL IMAGE GOES HERE ------------->[/box][/box][/fleft][img width=360px]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250122/b5dd63bc6f5f95a97b99777dadb8e0c1.png[/img]
[box=65%; text-align:right; letter-spacing:3; word-spacing:3; font-style:italic; font-size:12px; border-bottom:1px solid white; margin-bottom:-10px; scrollbar-width:none;]pro/nouns timezone[/box]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum. Nullam venenatis velit eget purus molestie fermentum. Maecenas mattis lorem eget aliquam cursus. Phasellus felis eros, laoreet a ligula in, consectetur suscipit odio. Donec vel nisl lobortis, posuere enim sed, lobortis urna. Quisque eget consectetur ante.[/box][/box]
[box=63%; background:#313742; padding:20px; text-align:justify; box-shadow:0 0 3px black;<! ------------------- RP PREFERENCES ------------->
][box=7%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]ONE.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=7%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]TWO.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=9%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]THREE.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=8%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]FOUR.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=7%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]FIVE.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.[/box]
[BOX=64%; margin-top:-10px;][tabs]

[ !---------------------------------------- RIVERCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/aKQduwX.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- RC CHARACTER 1----------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- RC CHARACTER 2----------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]

[ !---------------------------------------- WINDCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/DFnplLC.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!-------------------------------------------------- WC CHARACTER  1------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------- WC CHARACTER 2------------------------------------------------------>; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]

[ !---------------------------------------- SHADOWCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/12SkLr6.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!------------------------------------------------- SHC CHARACTER 1------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%; <!-------------------------------------------- SHC CHARACTER 2 ----------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]

[ !---------------------------------------- THUNDERCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/VnXfzob.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!-------------------------------------------------- THC CHARACTER 1 -------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------- THC CHARACTER 2----------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]

[ !---------------------------------------- SKYCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/XiNPIcJ.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!------------------------------------------------- SKC CHARACTER 1 -------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------- SKC CHARACTER 2----------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]

[ !---------------------------------------- OUTSIDE OF THE CLAN CATS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/ip8ZqHl.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!----------------------------------------------- NONCLAN CHARACTER 1----------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%; <!----------------------------------------- NONCLAN CHARACTER 2 ------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]

[ !---------------------------------------- DECEASED CATS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/9xUUAgC.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%;<!------------------------------------------------ DEAD CHARACTER 1 ------------------------------------------------>; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=110px; height:110px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=75%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/take-me-back-to-younger-dreams-—-tags-storage.109/][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%;<!------------------------------------------------ DEAD CHARACTER 2 ------------------------------------------------>; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=110px; height:110px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=75%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/take-me-back-to-younger-dreams-—-tags-storage.109/][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]
[/accordion][/box][fright][box=100%;<!------------------------------------------------ DEAD CHARACTER 3 ------------------------------------------------>; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=110px; height:110px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=75%][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/take-me-back-to-younger-dreams-—-tags-storage.109/][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box][accordion width=100%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold; ]Naming List[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Content[/box][/slide]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px;font-weight:bold;]Genetics[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;]Genetics[/box][/slide]

[ !------------------------------------------------------------------------ INACTIVE CATS -----------------------------------------------------------------------]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/xD5JI6F.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][box=100%; <!------------------------------------------------------------------------ INACTIVE CHARACTER 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------->; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=LINK][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------------------- INACTIVE CHARACTER 2 -------------------------------------------------------------->; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=LINK][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------------------- INACTIVE CHARACTER 3 -------------------------------------------------------------->; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=LINK][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]

[ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE SPACE --------------------------------------------------------------------------]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/jkg6HSf.png[/img][/box][/slide_header][slide]
[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px]Free space.[/box]

[box=100%; color:#c4c4c4; background:#252B34;]
[box=63%; line-height:1.2; box-shadow:0 0 3px black][box=100%; background:#313742; padding:20px; text-align:justify;][fleft][box=100%; outline:1px solid white; padding:9px;][box=160px;
height:160px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]<!------------- PERSONAL IMAGE GOES HERE ------------->[/box][/box][/fleft][img width=360px]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250122/b5dd63bc6f5f95a97b99777dadb8e0c1.png[/img]
[box=65%; text-align:right; letter-spacing:3; word-spacing:3; font-style:italic; font-size:12px; border-bottom:1px solid white; margin-bottom:-10px; scrollbar-width:none;]pro/nouns timezone[/box]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum. Nullam venenatis velit eget purus molestie fermentum. Maecenas mattis lorem eget aliquam cursus. Phasellus felis eros, laoreet a ligula in, consectetur suscipit odio. Donec vel nisl lobortis, posuere enim sed, lobortis urna. Quisque eget consectetur ante.[/box][/box]
[box=63%; background:#313742; padding:20px; text-align:justify; box-shadow:0 0 3px black;<! ------------------- RP PREFERENCES ------------->
][box=7%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]ONE.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=7%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]TWO.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=9%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]THREE.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=8%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]FOUR.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.

[box=7%; background:white; color:#313742; float:left; font-weight:bold; margin-right:4px]FIVE.[/box]Roleplay preference here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer interdum posuere tellus, sed rutrum velit pretium ut. Nam tristique lobortis ipsum accumsan bibendum.[/box]
[BOX=64%; margin-top:-10px;][tabs]

[ !---------------------------------------- RIVERCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/aKQduwX.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- RC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- RC CHARACTER 2----------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]

[ !---------------------------------------- WINDCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/DFnplLC.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- WC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- WC CHARACTER 2-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]

[ !---------------------------------------- SHADOWCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/12SkLr6.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------------- SHC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- SHC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]

[ !---------------------------------------- THUNDERCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/VnXfzob.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- THC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- THC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]

[ !---------------------------------------- SKYCLAN CHARACTERS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/XiNPIcJ.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- SKC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- SKC CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
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[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]

[ !---------------------------------------- OUTSIDE OF THE CLAN CATS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/ip8ZqHl.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!-------------------------------------------------- NONCLAN CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
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[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- NONCLAN CHARACTER 2-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=160px; height:160px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=66%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=66%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box][accordion width=66%]

[slide_header][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:white; color:#333641; padding:10px; font-weight:bold;]Post Tracker[/box][/slide_header]
[slide][box=100%; text-align:justify; padding:10px;][table][tr][td]Jan[/td] [td]Feb[/td] [td]Mar[/td] [td]Apr[/td] [td]May[/td] [td]June[/td][/tr]
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[tr][td]July[/td] [td]Aug[/td] [td]Sep[/td] [td]Oct[/td] [td]Nov[/td] [td]Dec[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td] [td]00[/td][/tr][/table][/box][/slide][/accordion]

[ !---------------------------------------- DECEASED CATS ]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/9xUUAgC.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- DEAD CHARACTER 1-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=110px; height:110px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=75%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=75%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- DEAD CHARACTER 2-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=110px; height:110px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=75%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=75%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box]
[fright][box=100%; <!---------------------------------------------------- DEAD CHARACTER 3-------------------------------------------------------->; padding:9px; outline:1px solid white;][box=110px; height:110px; padding:9px; background:url(https://placehold.co/400) center/cover; color:transparent;]CHARACTER IMAGE HERE[/box][/box][/fright][box=75%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px;
margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] RANK[/fright][url=LINK TO TAGS][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=75%; text-align:justify; height:70px; scrollbar-width:none; padding-right:2px;]Short blurb here. This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse rutrum augue non velit gravida sodales. Ut a egestas diam, eu mollis ipsum. In luctus lorem diam, id malesuada justo aliquet quis. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec luctus a, mattis a turpis. Sed iaculis tortor quam, ac feugiat risus euismod sed. Nulla hendrerit leo ac viverra dapibus.[/box]

[ !------------------------------------------------------------------------ INACTIVE CATS -----------------------------------------------------------------------]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/xD5JI6F.png[/img][/box][/slide_header]

[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][box=100%; <!------------------------------------------------------------------------ INACTIVE CHARACTER 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------->; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=LINK][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------------------- INACTIVE CHARACTER 2 -------------------------------------------------------------->; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=LINK][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]
[box=100%; <!--------------------------------------------------------- INACTIVE CHARACTER 3 -------------------------------------------------------------->; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px][fright]PRO / NOUNS [color=white]|[/color] CLAN RANK[/fright][url=LINK][color=white][b]NAME[/b][/color][/url][/box]

[ !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREE SPACE --------------------------------------------------------------------------]

[slide_header][box=100%; padding:4px;][img width=50px]https://i.imgur.com/jkg6HSf.png[/img][/box][/slide_header][slide]
[box=98%; margin:3px 0; box-shadow:0 0 3px black; text-align:justify; background:#313742; padding:20px; color:#C4C4C4;][box=100%; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; padding:10px; margin-bottom:-10px]Free space.[/box]

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Theme week cheat sheet.

cartoon theme week: the devil (the cuphead show)
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: the devil (cuphead)
pokemon theme week: delphox
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: badeline (celeste)
pokemon theme week: zoroark
movie theme week: dwayne (little miss sunshine)

cartoon theme week: lola bunny (the looney toons show)
anime theme week: patty (soul eater)
video game theme week: callie (splatoon) *tentative
pokemon theme week: dedenne
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: vera from monster prom
pokemon theme week: scolipede
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: rusty (bluey) *tentative
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: prince sidon (botw/totk)
pokemon theme week: growlithe
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: ?
pokemon theme week: ?
movie theme week: ?

cartoon theme week: ?
anime theme week: ?
video game theme week: ?
pokemon theme week: bonsly
movie theme week: anxiety (inside out 2)
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orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eleifend consequat tempus. Fusce at gravida ante. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam posuere ultricies risus eu dictum. Curabitur vehicula turpis vitae aliquet tempus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse augue justo, congue a efficitur a, dictum non purus. Integer vel quam diam. Nam mollis porta augue eget euismod. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris viverra tellus in pretium fermentum. Nunc pharetra lectus a purus vehicula, non condimentum nunc lacinia. Phasellus eu porta augue. Maecenas suscipit turpis quam, non aliquam libero facilisis id. Pellentesque tincidunt id erat vitae suscipit. Aenean faucibus vel velit vel efficitur. Nunc sit amet neque justo.

Etiam bibendum lectus id tortor cursus laoreet. Nullam ultricies sapien eu orci tincidunt pretium interdum eu diam. Integer commodo, neque eu sagittis ornare, nunc diam luctus orci, a varius dolor eros sit amet sapien. Cras vel felis rutrum, aliquam nunc volutpat, placerat mi. Nulla nulla justo, ultricies vel pharetra fringilla, laoreet a neque. Nam vehicula lectus mi, id fringilla dui aliquet vitae. Nulla vitae sodales ligula. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur congue erat sed sem feugiat rutrum. Phasellus in lectus porta, dignissim mi non, malesuada nisi. Ut venenatis consectetur lacus quis posuere. " Vivamus felis orci, ultrices vel orci ac, viverra rhoncus tortor. Phasellus ornare mi finibus lobortis aliquet. Phasellus at metus eros. "
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec semper mi mi, nec viverra erat blandit molestie. Vestibulum eu facilisis dui, et consequat augue. Etiam varius nulla vel sapien euismod venenatis. Aliquam molestie auctor libero sit amet pretium. Sed iaculis augue nec tortor vulputate condimentum. Integer pellentesque tempor libero, ut rhoncus metus commodo elementum. Aenean tempus, neque ac rhoncus sodales, est urna aliquam arcu, aliquam consequat velit odio non augue. Ut id faucibus lectus, eget ornare enim. Ut mollis leo convallis justo consequat tristique. Aenean vel libero porttitor, aliquet magna at, consectetur orci. Donec erat leo, ornare sit amet leo at, sagittis hendrerit enim. "Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos."
a title he is used to, and embraces with a certain fondness.
↳ named for the stark paleness of his albino coat and unsettling gleam in his eye
— kit of shadowclan;
— cisgender male, will respond to he / him or they / them; sexuality undecided
— created mm.dd.yy at x moons / ages every ?
↳ penned by Floppie
a small, short - haired, albino kit with unblinking, blue - pink eyes / irl reference
Ghost is a small, wiry thing. His pale fur clings thin to his frame, doing little to help his already - present sensitivity to the sun. With time, he will grow into himself more, though small paws already tell a certain story. His fur is typical of an albino, blank as a freshly lain sheet of snow, but unsettling, bug - eyes set him apart from others. His eyes are a dull blue, shifting into a brighter pink as you near pupils and rosy tear ducts, the former of which, are a bright, unsettling pinkish - red.
↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever​
neutral good
Intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○
Confidence ●●●●●○○○○○
Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
Creativity ●○○○○○○○○○
Empathy ●●●●●○○○○○
Humor ●○○○○○○○○○

(+) curious, observant, immovable (/) idiosyncratic, forgiving, (-) dull, unimaginative, pessimistic. Ghost is rather unreactive for a kit, he lives his life with a straight - face and steady paws, though his childlike naivety isn't something to be overlooked. He struggles to think outside of the box, solutions to him are either straightforward, or you die. Any problem presented to him will be met with ideas of only sad consequences in his mind. He images the worst - case scenario, though doesn't seem particularly affected by it. To the detriment of other kits, his morbid commentary may prove more unsettling to them rather than himself. He's kind and well - meaning, but a sheltered life and strange thought process leaves him with his moral compass slightly askew. He does his best to listen, taking in the criticism of anyone older than him, and doing his best to ingrain it into his psyche (while he still remembers, at least). This leaves him rather easy to manipulate, whether for better or for worse.

↳ mannerisms ghost seems to maintain the same stance near - constantly. Legs spread evenly apart, tail hovering but a whisker above the ground, ears pricked and strange eyes all - encompassing. He never seems to blink in anyone's presence. Perhaps he's merely blinking at the same time you are.
PARENT x PARENT sibling to whoever | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
Mate to no one | Parent to no one |
— Admires
— Close friends with
— Friends with
— Likes
— Dislikes
— Loathes
strength ●○○○○○○○○○
stamina ●●●●○○○○○○
agility ●●●●●○○○○○
hunting ●●●○○○○○○○
swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
grace ○○○○○○○○○○
single, too young; sexuality undecided, crushing on no one, not looking
young and impressionable, ghost will automatically trust anyone who holds seniority over him.
— physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at night - vision, will grow into a talented hunter
poor swimming and stamina, thin fur and pale complexion often leaves him tired during the day
sounds like a small, childish voice, capable of lowering to a mere whisper on the wind
smells like a strangely lacking scent, barely more than the hint of fog on the horizon
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
— speech is #ffffff
Backstory / simplified history
just a babey <3

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──── brief description.
──── brief description.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia risus sem, ut malesuada mauris egestas vel. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum rutrum lacus sem, ac iaculis arcu condimentum efficitur. Morbi pulvinar eleifend mi, vel varius neque accumsan posuere. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. "Quisque ornare odio condimentum, feugiat libero sed, tincidunt nulla."

[box=55%][color=#9C9EA1][font=verdana][justify][size=11px]TEXT TEXT TEXT."[color=#D1D4D8][b]SPEECH.[/b][/color]"[/size][/justify][/font][/color][/box]
☞ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula mi, venenatis vel ultricies et, molestie nec felis. Pellentesque sodales consequat leo, et fringilla ligula aliquam sed. Praesent mollis dolor justo, et aliquam neque ornare ac. Mauris tempor vitae nibh in varius. Sed lacinia erat sed risus porta tincidunt. Suspendisse aliquam condimentum eros, vitae cursus metus. Proin vel consequat justo. Nam vehicula pulvinar orci non semper. Vestibulum eu facilisis dolor. Aenean molestie massa urna, sed accumsan velit sollicitudin id. Sed fermentum risus in erat rhoncus imperdiet. Praesent arcu orci, laoreet sed scelerisque eu, pretium eu neque. Vivamus ut sem sed ligula accumsan iaculis ac eget libero. Suspendisse elementum urna id mauris ullamcorper commodo. Sed vel diam vitae ante vulputate euismod in sit amet turpis. "Curabitur risus turpis, euismod ut elit ut, volutpat auctor mauris."
Last edited by a moderator:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce odio augue, faucibus id nisi id, efficitur dignissim arcu. Maecenas quis sapien augue. Suspendisse vitae egestas est. Phasellus sollicitudin sit amet nunc vel venenatis. Sed fringilla tempus erat vel cursus. Quisque faucibus, orci placerat molestie elementum, mi massa sagittis odio, ut facilisis lectus erat ac elit. Fusce rhoncus quam diam, at accumsan nisl imperdiet sit amet. "Quisque porta erat purus, id rutrum erat blandit id."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in elit interdum, porta nisi eget, faucibus ex. Sed at odio vel lacus finibus tristique lobortis at arcu. Suspendisse pulvinar elit tortor, quis varius diam aliquet eu. Phasellus varius enim dui, nec fermentum sem ultricies quis. Nullam convallis eu nisi non rutrum. Etiam sed justo sodales, congue quam eu, varius erat. Phasellus eleifend elit varius libero egestas, a consectetur nunc lacinia. Nullam vehicula, libero sed ornare scelerisque, libero ex hendrerit libero, vitae pretium nulla arcu vitae mauris. Phasellus lorem magna, lacinia sit amet vehicula nec, condimentum vehicula mi. Mauris semper justo sit amet justo egestas posuere. "Sed vel ligula rutrum mauris pharetra feugiat."
Last edited by a moderator:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin efficitur lorem metus, in imperdiet nunc lobortis quis. Sed auctor sapien in sollicitudin convallis. Vestibulum lacinia semper leo, sit amet convallis libero. Sed id ante dolor. Suspendisse dui ex, interdum eleifend sollicitudin aliquet, pellentesque vel mi. Fusce et leo at nisl commodo volutpat eu ac turpis. Vestibulum eget risus vitae nunc mattis lacinia. Nunc lectus turpis, feugiat sit amet elit ultricies, lacinia pretium massa. Duis consectetur, tellus a pretium placerat, justo lorem imperdiet erat, varius ullamcorper ligula lorem nec purus.

Vivamus eleifend arcu vitae ligula sollicitudin venenatis. Sed ipsum erat, vestibulum sed metus eget, commodo sagittis dolor. Praesent lorem quam, gravida ut nisl non, ullamcorper mollis metus. Maecenas vel semper arcu, nec elementum nisi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam vitae purus mollis, faucibus nunc eu, semper lacus. Etiam turpis felis, sollicitudin eu interdum sit amet, suscipit nec justo. Praesent ultricies nisi in dapibus interdum. Suspendisse semper nulla non augue posuere vestibulum a eu magna. Nullam ut ullamcorper enim, et consectetur nibh. Maecenas tincidunt, metus in consectetur sollicitudin, lorem augue ornare sem, ut imperdiet justo metus eget diam. Vivamus scelerisque, tellus elementum tincidunt accumsan, metus dolor aliquam sem, sit amet maximus lectus diam in sem. " Mauris gravida enim at risus efficitur, ornare varius urna sagittis. "

OOC. things go here
NAME: Floppie (Flop)
AGE: 19
CLASS: Trainer
DISCORD: ghostspie

All of my characters are open for peaceful powerplay (healing, friendly touches, etc.)
You are always welcome to ping me in threads where i am wanted without advanced notice!
Feel free to pester me to reply to any urgent pings!
While I do not say this in every characters tags, all of them write in ic and ic only!
I don't like sharing prefixes with my actively played characters, especially within the same clan.
aside from the links in the following post of this thread, nothing in this thread is f2u.

Feel free to contact me about plotting & badges!

5 / 1


12 / 15


11 / 1



15 / 1


29 / 1


5 / 1


MOLTFACE Lean, patchwork albino and black smoke feline with sickly pink eyes
oncedewdropblinding starfrog's croakrainshade

GHOSTPAW: small, albino tom with sickly blue-pink eyes
LAMBCURL: small, curly-furred albino tomcat with a glassy pink gaze
WOLFWIND: a small, lean - muscled grey molly with a white-painted muzzle, chest, paws, and tail.
APPLEJAW a large, cream tabby she-cat with a blue tabby streak down the side of her head.
february post total: 86
march post total: 86
april post total: 63
may post total: 86
june post total: 82
july post total: 92
august post total: 61
september post total: 109
october post total: 103
november post total: 140
december post total: 101
january post total: 82
february 2024 post total: 89
march 2024 post toal: hiatus
april 2024 post total: 110
may 2024 post total: 83
june 2024 post total: 82
july 2024 post total: 67
august 2024 post total: 49
september 2024 post total: 80
october 2024 post total: 77



  • T I G E R K I T
    Named by her father; after the warriors of the ancient clans of old.


    Trans Female
    07/08/2024 at 2 ☾


    5 Moons

    ❝ I need a whole personality, something inordinately sweet ❞​



  • E X T E R I O R

    A scruffy brown tabby with white paws and mismatched eyes.​

    Black tabby fur paints the picture of her father - but without the broad shoulders or anything else that makes him, him. It paints the picture of Howlingstar, but without her kind face and stout build. Like her father, she has a muzzle painted white. Like several cats, she has a matching set of pale mitted paws. Perhaps the only thing setting her apart from the rest are her odd eyes, one of them a deep, rusted copper, and the other matching her mother's pallid gaze.
    LH black tabby w/ low white ( carrying dilute, solid )

    Perfectly average in every sense.​

    All in all, Tigerkit views herself rather unremarkably. It's unfair, she thinks, that her mother and father's respective feathers did not make her into an interesting combination - but rather, a cat that is perfectly average. Just the right amount of whiskers, an unremarkable set of ears. Tigerkit, when fully grown, will not inherit either her fathers tall stature, nor her mothers petite form. Rather than the two coming together to form a stark combination of a cat, their traits essentially neutralized each other, crafting Tigerkit into someone unremarkable both in childhood and in adulthood.​
  • I N T E R I O R


    + Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat, arcu at mattis blandit, turpis magna sollicitudin sem, at accumsan leo tortor sed leo. Praesent molestie mauris tellus, nec egestas magna pretium vitae. Donec posuere leo vel nisl auctor, at aliquet ante eleifend. Vestibulum bibendum sem et metus volutpat, sit amet mollis dolor imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse lacinia pharetra justo, id scelerisque purus gravida eleifend. Sed venenatis ultrices lectus eget pellentesque. Nulla eu porta lacus, id placerat diam. Nulla id molestie nisl. Quisque sagittis vehicula risus, non molestie ipsum lobortis ut. Quisque malesuada in nisi at facilisis. Pellentesque vel est a mauris placerat eleifend eget eu enim. Nullam at nibh diam. Curabitur sagittis nisl vel justo vestibulum, et sagittis lacus consequat. Aliquam et purus ac leo finibus ultricies. Aenean luctus metus et lacus hendrerit efficitur.​


    = The simplest of things can become grand, sentimental gestures in her mind. If the stick she and her friend played with the day prior ended up accidentally stepped on, she would likely throw a fit. Similarly, is likely to put far too much weight on things such as the title of "best friend" and take issue with it being used loosely.

    As she learns about her clanmates more and more, she'll begin shifting her personality to accommodate for whatever she thinks they would like better - which she will not always accurately assess - this could get to the point that her "true" personality becomes difficult to discern for others, and perhaps even for herself later on.​


    Tigerkit was born into a slew of circumstances she never asked for. A sprawling family tree, one heavy with Lead Warriors, and the weight of the leader herself. A face that bears unfortunate resemblance to her father. Expectation that would be dropped onto her shoulders regardless of either of these things... From a young age, Tigerkit shows signs of insecurity. It starts small — perhaps hidden in innocent, kittish remarks like wishing she had the whiskers of someone else, or feeling shunned in nursery games.

    It isn't enough to simply live up to the status of her parents; to just be another Lead Warrior, or even another Medicine Cat. She needs to be something entirely new, and that'll be...

    Well, it'll come to her naturally, once she figures out everything else first.

    She has a lot of little tricks to figure it out. Little white lies - maybe that she caught a mouse in her sleep, but she can't show anyone because she ate it already, or that, perhaps, she is the leader of a secret sixth clan - will be the name of the game in kithood. It makes others like her – whether that is older cats laughing at her antics, or her own peers finding her impressive for these things... She'd like to be impressive. Her parents would look her to be too, wouldn't they? She'll stick to this then – even if it seems to go away at some point, it never will. Only the nature of what she says will be different.

    She likes the attention, just a little bit. Even if she's scolded for it... Someone was noticing her, right? She has a sibling, a dozen cousins, a dozen other kin... Why would anyone notice her? Maybe negative attention is all she'll ever get, and maybe she's happy with that.

    ...That's a lie, too. She'd really really like everyone to like her. For anyone to like her! So much so, that she'll bend herself to what she thinks others will like. Some cats may know a sassy, backtalking kit. Others may know a sweet one that does everything she's told. She thinks that's okay, so long as it's getting her somewhere. Anywhere. And if she's rejected... well, she isn't sure that she can handle that...​


    At a young age, Tigerkit will make a habit of lying to make her life seem more interesting. As she grows older, she'll eventually learn how to make these lies less obvious... or perhaps she won't. habitual lying may turn compulsive or pathological in life depending on ic.
    If she perceives that you looked at another cat longer than you looked at her... there is a decent chance she will instantly assume that you like them more, and may keep this to herself... or instantly cause a scene. Her swiftness to jump to conclusions will apply to all things. a whiff of otherclan scent anywhere it shouldn't be, and she may begin telling others that a full - scale invasion is coming.
    Though she is mostly piloted by her insecurities, she will occasionally remember that she is the daughter of two prestigious cats, and will randomly gain an ego. Suddenly, she is the daughter of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird, and demands to have your mouse!
    Somewhat unconsciously, Tigerkit will sort of... ignore many aspects of warriorhood/apprenticeship. Prey is less of a thing she needs to catch and that the clan needs to survive, and kind of just a thing that is here now, and is something she brings to clanmates to get them to gossip with her. Patrols are just something she goes on and talks during. Training... does happen? Yeah, my assessment is soon. How about that weather, huh? If pressed upon, it becomes quite obvious that it is not her favorite subject

  • R E L A T I O N S H I P S





    CLOSE TO None.
    ADMIRES Raccoonstripe, Nightbird, Howlingstar
    DISLIKES Skyclaw
    LOATHES None.
  • I N T E R A C T I O N

    OPEN TO healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, minor injury, friends, enemies, crushes, short-term relationships CLOSED TO serious injury, death

    By default, seems to believe that most cats find her unremarkable. Her own assumptions of others keep her from forming many genuine bonds, though she is keen to search for superficial ones.

    SOUNDS LIKE A childish, medium-high pitched feminine tone. Generally speaks quietly and with an occasional rasp
    SMELLS OF Dead oak leaves and wet bark

    Speech is #B86442. Thoughts are italicized. Actions are underlined.

    Combat difficulty is extremely easy. Tigerkit is a kit with no formal training, nor real interest in it.

  • Code:
    [box=56%][justify][color=#c4c4c4]TEXT TEXT TEXT. [color=#B86442][b]" SPEECH. "[/b][/color][/color][/justify][/box]
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The purpose of a census is to keep track of active characters within the Clan! You may sign your character up on the census after one (1) roleplay post has been made with them. They will remain on the census unless they pass away or if you have not posted with them in over 2 weeks. If your character is removed from the census, no worries! Just fill out the form again and they will be added back. / [ 5 ] female ; [ 11 ] male ; [ 1 ] non-binary
LEADER / BLAZESTAR / ♂ / a longhaired flame point Ragdoll with dark blue eyes @BLAZESTAR
DEPUTY / DAISYFLIGHT / ♀ / blue calico molly with a distinct half-grey face and green eyes. @Daisy Flight
MEDICINE CAT / DAWNGLARE / ♂ /a longhaired cinnamon sepia tom with high-white and sky-blue eyes @DAWNGLARE




/ ♂ / REDSTORM / a flame point tom with short fur and bright blue eyes @RED !
/ ♂ / TUGGER / a longhaired solid ginger tom with a flat face @TUGGER
/ ♀ / DEERSONG / cream ticked tabby with low white and turquoise eyes @~Deer~
/ ♂ / VERMILIONSUN / long-legged flame point with blue eyes @VERMILION
──── apprentice: COSMOSPAW
/ ♂ / SQUALLMIST / a long-haired silver tabby tom with green eyes @SQUALL.
/ ♀ / BATSHRIEK / black and white cat with mismatched eyes @BATSHRIEK


/ ♀ / CHURRODREAM / dusty brown spotted she-cat with tired yellow eyes and curled fur/ears @CHURRO
/ ♂ / HARPYFALL / a fluffy cream-ticked cameo with a white stomach, dull blue eyes, and a green striped bandana. @HARPY
──── apprentice: BASILPAW


/ ⚥ / BUG / a small, fluffy white cat with chocolate calico patches and green eyes @BUG
/ ♂ / COSMOS / a small white tom with ginger ears and sky blue eyes @COSMOS.
/ ♂ / BASIL / a black white and gray tom with short fur, one green eye, and one brown eye. @BASIL


/ ♀ / DAISYFLIGHT / blue calico molly with a distinct half-grey face and green eyes. @Daisy Flight


/ ♂ / CENTIPEDE / a sickly, floppy-eared black smoke tom with white toes, tail, and chin. @CENTIPEDE
/ ♀ / GAIA / a tiny, fluffy tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes and a yellow bandana @GAIA
/ ♂ / TWITCHKIT / A messy-furred chocolate and white tom with green eyes and amber sectoral heterochromia @TWITCHKIT


if you would like your character to be added to the census please fill out this form!
Name [♀/♂/⚥] - Rank - Short description @Subaccount
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget massa vitae quam egestas ornare. Sed eget porta magna. Donec metus eros, euismod ut quam sit amet, dictum facilisis enim. Quisque tempus luctus diam, eget ultricies ex tempus nec. Nulla vulputate libero lorem, et porta sem consequat at. Mauris efficitur lacinia posuere. Proin auctor tristique lectus, et malesuada nisl. Integer a elementum felis. Donec eleifend, arcu quis scelerisque efficitur, dui risus mollis lacus, efficitur cursus urna orci a nulla. Suspendisse sed tortor eu mauris dignissim varius ut iaculis mauris. Pellentesque non nunc faucibus, gravida diam a, volutpat ex. Aenean quam sapien, lacinia a urna nec, gravida mollis risus. Maecenas pharetra magna et mauris porttitor molestie.

Morbi sit amet congue felis. Pellentesque pulvinar ipsum quis neque aliquet, quis malesuada justo convallis. Curabitur molestie nibh dui, in cursus massa pulvinar id. Curabitur ullamcorper, lectus et sagittis egestas, dolor dolor dictum leo, at eleifend ligula quam vitae urna. Vivamus sed turpis dignissim, tincidunt neque eu, volutpat nunc. Cras aliquet urna neque, lobortis tempus est aliquam non. Fusce et vestibulum sapien. Nulla id bibendum purus, nec pharetra dui. Ut et ante iaculis, volutpat risus a, vestibulum lectus. Pellentesque eu iaculis metus, pellentesque iaculis nibh. " SPEECH. "

OOC: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam placerat pretium nulla eget lacinia.
Last edited:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ligula mi, venenatis vel ultricies et, molestie nec felis. Pellentesque sodales consequat leo, et fringilla ligula aliquam sed. Praesent mollis dolor justo, et aliquam neque ornare ac. Mauris tempor vitae nibh in varius. Sed lacinia erat sed risus porta tincidunt. Suspendisse aliquam condimentum eros, vitae cursus metus. Proin vel consequat justo. Nam vehicula pulvinar orci non semper. Vestibulum eu facilisis dolor. Aenean molestie massa urna, sed accumsan velit sollicitudin id. Sed fermentum risus in erat rhoncus imperdiet. Praesent arcu orci, laoreet sed scelerisque eu, pretium eu neque. Vivamus ut sem sed ligula accumsan iaculis ac eget libero. Suspendisse elementum urna id mauris ullamcorper commodo. Sed vel diam vitae ante vulputate euismod in sit amet turpis.)

* [ Curabitur risus turpis, euismod ut elit ut, volutpat auctor mauris. ]
Last edited by a moderator:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam volutpat nisl eget mauris aliquet pretium. Etiam iaculis ligula ut nisi semper lacinia. Donec molestie metus sit amet leo sollicitudin, nec gravida magna rutrum. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur sagittis, ante eu porta cursus, eros tortor congue nulla, sit amet molestie nulla ex non dolor. Aenean id tincidunt enim. Aliquam aliquam rutrum libero sit amet dictum. Mauris ut neque a ligula lobortis elementum in vitae neque. Pellentesque sed leo nec est rhoncus sollicitudin a a tellus. Donec mattis, felis nec viverra rutrum, arcu lorem congue nunc, in dignissim orci ex in urna. Sed sit amet lectus magna. Vivamus tincidunt eleifend lacus eu imperdiet. "Donec efficitur, ipsum nec sollicitudin commodo, urna felis condimentum urna, eu ornare tellus odio et nisl."

Tagline here
THIS IS DESIGNED FOR PEOPLE THAT DO NOT HAVE IMAGES ALREADY CROPPED TO AN IDEAL RATIO! If you already have a very wide image to use, delete this box and use a plain img instead.

  • Intro to character here

    Quote about CHARACTER here

    Who on CHARACTER as something happens.


    CHARACTER is a RANK of CLAN. Use this section to give an overview of your character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In congue metus in dui consectetur fringilla. Quisque vehicula turpis volutpat mauris fermentum aliquet. Praesent ullamcorper viverra nisl nec pharetra. Vestibulum ut dolor non sem dictum sodales. Ut at mi urna. Phasellus pulvinar convallis velit ut posuere. Vivamus a auctor metus. Sed porttitor erat sed nibh malesuada laoreet. Curabitur eget lacinia ex, et pulvinar nisi. Nam dignissim nibh eget neque commodo finibus. Vivamus lorem velit, mattis eget ante vel, viverra luctus est. Etiam placerat tortor et lorem placerat egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat.

    Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut libero ante, rhoncus eget tincidunt ac, posuere id eros. In eget pellentesque arcu, tempor scelerisque erat. Proin metus est, tempus et justo quis, porttitor fringilla magna. Aliquam ornare mi in ante gravida, ac porta nulla viverra. Donec ullamcorper mauris eros. Maecenas imperdiet magna sit amet mauris maximus molestie ut nec velit. In sit amet diam orci. Phasellus sem mauris, posuere et lectus auctor, pellentesque maximus ante. Pellentesque ligula leo, auctor sit amet varius at, pretium eget metus. Aenean dapibus, massa vitae pellentesque gravida, sapien ligula semper turpis, in placerat lectus neque blandit augue. Aenean sodales finibus justo, nec tincidunt urna vestibulum ac. Suspendisse nulla tellus, eleifend sit amet lacus in, tincidunt condimentum diam. Aenean non metus vel nulla vulputate elementum.

    1. Detailed Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 Played​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks​
    7. Gallery
  • Main Article: CHARACTER/Toyhouse


    Describe your character's appearance in depth. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.

    Duis rutrum interdum risus sit amet tempus. Praesent fermentum varius tortor, non suscipit metus sodales placerat. Maecenas feugiat aliquam erat, placerat vulputate nibh venenatis non. Vivamus lobortis maximus luctus. Quisque interdum elementum libero, sit amet pharetra turpis fringilla eget. In sit amet urna vel tellus lacinia luctus. Nulla nec nunc non neque interdum dignissim vel eget massa. Suspendisse congue quam eu nibh euismod, quis ullamcorper arcu malesuada. Integer a eleifend eros. Mauris feugiat erat non lorem ullamcorper, et condimentum libero venenatis. Vestibulum euismod purus et felis efficitur, ac pharetra ante auctor. Sed fringilla nibh est, et varius elit dictum quis. Mauris at ex quis nunc ultrices dapibus ut ut nunc. Aenean porttitor id tellus nec placerat.

    Technically: Genetic description here.

    Scars gained:
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Talk more about it if you want.
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Talk more about it if you want.
    Body Language

    Describe your character's posture / demeanor / body language. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.​

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
  • CHARACTER is trait, trait, and trait. They love traiting all over the place. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.​

    • Trait 1
    • Trait 2
  • CHARACTER is SEXUALITY and MONO/POLY. Talk about their love interest(s) here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.
    • How easily do they trust / make friends?
    • Other things if you want
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, etc, etc. Closed to severe injury, death, etc, etc.

    Sounds like Voice description, be as detailed as you want! What does their laugh sound like, what are their voice quirks? Voice Claim is VOICE CLAIM

    Smells of description of scent.

    speech is #C5C5C5 Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.

    • Poor skill. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Excels in skills, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Combat difficulty is easy/medium/hard/etc?. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.

    PREFIX SUFFIX will/will not start fights. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not flee. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not show mercy. Be as descriptive about these as you'd like! Aliquam ut auctor odio. Nunc in auctor felis. In eget nisl at velit semper molestie. Suspendisse augue magna, placerat sed cursus at, mollis interdum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent hendrerit euismod diam ac interdum. Quisque maximus ligula sed est ultricies rutrum et sit amet neque. Donec tempus ultrices leo, eget cursus neque sollicitudin sed.​
  • Main Article: CHARACTER/Heartchart

    PARENT x PARENT • Generation ? • Mated to Character
    ⤷ Sibling to who, who, and who?
    ⤷ If raised by someone other than bio parents, put them here
    ⤷ Other family specifics if you want!

    Close to Character
    Admires Character
    Friends with Character
    Likes Character
    Dislikes Character
    Loathes Character

    Kin ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Other Cats ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​
  • Backwritten

    History here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.​


    History here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.
    • Silly fun facts! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    Theme Weeks

    Theme: Content ( Source )
    Theme: Content ( Source )
    Theme: Content ( Source )​
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She / He
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31 Moons
6 Moons
Lead Warrior

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IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ♡ ) Interaction ( ❤ ) Development
♡ 6.14.22 DREAMWALKING AGAIN chatting with blaise about the forest
❤ 7.27.22 LACKING APPEAL "joining" Skyclan
❤ 7.29.22 WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW journey to the moonstone
❤ 8.3.22 DON'T CARE, DIDN'T ASK medicine cat ceremony, informed of his destiny, given his name
♡ 8.14.22 CONGRESS OF THE DAMNED Skyclan high-position meeting
❤ 9.3.22 SEEING STARS Twolegplace prophecy
♡ 9.8.22 MISERY LOVES COMPANY gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people gay people
♡ 9.10.2 CITY OF STARS twolegplace patrol, lost
♡ 9.15.22 SUPERORGANISM regrouping in twolegplace
❤ 9.22.22 LINGERING THING reminiscing on the gathering. He doesn't understand
♡ THE NIGHT IT BEGINS first medicine cat gathering
♡ 10.2.22 REGRET IN YOUR EYES thunderclan visit
♡ 10.5.22 DIG UP THE GARDEN immobilized by bugs LOLOL
♡ 10.6.22 THAT HEAVENLY MELODY gay people gay people ga people gaay people gay people gay peopel
♡ 10.14.22 CURE ALL fixing up deersong
♡ 10.17.22 I GRIP THE WHEEL BUT IT WONT TURN FOR ME birth of blazestar's litter <3
♡ 11.1.2022 THE BACKYARD'S FULL OF BONES second medicine cat gathering
♡ 11.1.2022 APEX PREDATOR being stalked
♡ 11.2.2022 OH THE DARKNESS GOT A HOLD ON ME smart cookie learns about infection
♡ 11.4.2022 NOW I'LL STRIKE BACK Skyclan council, discussion of Vermillionsun
♡ 11.1.2022 SET IN STONE agreement made with Berryheart
♡ 12.1.2022 IT'S HAPPENING Deersong gives birth. Dawnglare is less than enthused
♡ 12.3.2022 RAGING SICKNESS Crimsonbite is ugly LMAO
♡ 12.6.2022 GOD SENT ME RIGHT TO VOICEMAIL First medicine cat gathering at the moonstone
♡ 12.9.2022 BANDAID ON A BULLET HOLE tending to Mushroomkit
♡ 12.9.2022 IT'S ALL TOO SOON Dawnglare laughs at a crying child ermmm
❤ 12.11.2022 TREAD LIGHTLY ON MY GROUND Dawnglare becomes mates with Mallowlark <3333333
❤ 12.13.2022 SHINE, BRIGHT MORNING LIGHT Morningpaw's death.
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