When given the option of going to the gathering with the others, or staying home to guard the camp, Burnstorm would almost always choose the latter. The gathering is a waste of time, in his eyes. If the other clans really had something important to share why could they not just come to the borders and tell them? Why put on this parade every moon where they must go and pretend like they all liked each other when all of them knew that damn well if a clan was driven out, the others would not waste any time tearing each other apart for their territory. They were vultures, snakes. Not ThunderClan though, he thinks. ThunderClan was the strongest in the forest, the heart of it even. It's why they Sunningrocks and RiverClan didn't.

Besides, his mate and kits were here, and if any clan were to attack wouldn't it be during the gathering? When so many of their warriors and their leader and deputy were gone.. No. It was best he stay here. His fur brushes against his mate's and he turns to look at her with golden eyes. "What do you think they're talking about right now?" he can't help but muse. Surely, Lichenstar and Sunstar were exchanging jaunts. When did RiverClan and WindClan not fight?

Then, suddenly, the sky grows dark. Burnstorm looks up in alarm, only to see clouds quickly cover the moon. Thunder rumbles in the distance and the hair on the back of his necks stands in attention. "Whoa" he breathes, eyes once again trained on the silvered form of his mate "What do you think that's about?" If ever there was a moment that he wished Gentlestorm were here, now would be the time. Surely, the snow coated tom would be able to tell what was going on right now.

// @ROEFLAME . But no need to wait!
Retro thread, takes place during the gathering so any cats who went to that can't post here sadly


  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame had always been eager to attend gatherings, when her promotion had placed the choice in her paws, it wasn’t often she turned it down. Especially if there happened to be an apprentice at her side.
Not attending wasn’t the worst thing to be kept from, if anything it gave her a chance to properly relax with her family and be caught up later. Threads of ebony bury her silvery as Roeflame had herself tucked close into her mate's side, fighting a hefty yawn after a day of wrangling five busy-bodied kittens. Finally, the queen gives in, and her eyes are forced close behind the wide stretch of her jaws- she doesn’t see the exact moment the navy blue sky has churned charcoal. Thunder crashes somewhere in the distance, snapping Roeflames maw shut as her gaze flits upwards, in the direction of the four tree. Woah Burnstorm’s hollow hum makes the rosetted mollys ear twitch, woah was right. “Do you think it’s above the four trees?” Last time Starclan-borne thunder had crashed over the Great Oaks, a lighting bolt aimed at a maddened leaders paws had been soon to follow. Hopefully no one has gone ahead and gotten themselves burnt to a crisp- if her suspicions on Starclan’s might were true. “Oh no… do you think it’ll rain tonight?” If it was a simple act of nature, perhaps a rain-storm was heading towards them. The thought of cleaning caked mud from her children’s fur makes Roeflame’s nose scrunch, she could still taste the soil from last time.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

〕During her early moons as a Thunderclan cat, gatherings were something she absolutely despised. Coming from a life of solitude, simply just being in the camp had been overwhelming for awhile...but her first gathering? That had been a nightmare. The smell of all the clans mixed together, so many cats that she had to shuffle through to move had taken quite some time to get used to that. Even after being in Thunderclan for awhile, sometimes gatherings still made her uneasy. Perhaps that part of being a loner would never leave her.

For the final time, she had watched Howlingstar leave with Raccoonstripe by her side. Next moon, she would be back in her position, and the thought excited her. Of course, she loved her kittens to death, but she was ready to take her responsibilities back. To keep her mind and paws would be easier to distract herself from the pain with work. The queen drew her tongue over a front paw, when suddenly thunder rumbled in the distance. Her ears perked, and she glanced at the sky. Thunder? The gathering was going on, the last time there had been thunder at a gathering, Sootstar almost got hit by lightning! Whoa she hears Burnstorm breathe, followed by a question by Roeflame. The red tabby shifts herself into a sitting position from nearby, and shot a glance at her denmate. "It's cloudy wasn't when they left." her words were quiet...cautious. "Hopefully everything is alright..." she couldn't imagine Howlingstar upsetting Starclan, she just hoped their leader was alright. Now Shadowclan or Riverclan? Those two were the most likely to upset their ancestors.

"I hope not." The puddles had been fun several sunrises ago, but she swore the taste of mud still clung to her tongue. Its gritty texture was not something she enjoyed cleaning off her or her kit's pelts.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 33 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
Palefire could hardly remember her first gathering now, apart from the overwhelming excitement that had buzzed through her veins like adrenaline. Standing under the fourtrees, next to Nightbird, mingling with the other clans and hearing the leaders speak... it had been an awe-inspiring experience. She had been young and innocent then; hadn't understood yet how difficult the tenuous politics of the clans could be. Now, she felt very similarly to Burnstorm and Flamewhisker; the gatherings could still be interesting, sure, but they were often more trouble than they were worth. And from the look of the darkening sky, tonight would be no different.

The lithe warrior settled herself amongst her superiors just as another rumble of thunder rolled in the distance. Storms had always unsettled her, since she was a kitten in the nursery without her mother to comfort her. Now that she knew that the storms were not always as simple as they appeared, it felt all the more imposing. Her ears flattened against her head when Flamewhisker commented about things being alright, and she tried to look calmer than she felt as she inquired softly, "do you think Starclan is disappointed in us?" It was a grim thought, but the forest and its inhabitants seemed to be quickly spiraling into chaos the past few moons. She couldn't imagine their ancestors being pleased with how much fighting there had been recently. In her heart, she still often felt like that scared young kit, looking to her elders to tell her everything was going to be okay.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender, fast and agile.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment.
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // formerly mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
His mother wouldn't care about his late sneaking out; Shroudedkit knows this, as he creeps towards the mouth of the nursery. The warriors were gossiping about the gathering, and the kitten was keen to listen. Talk of the other Clans, what the leaders may be announcing. It is all interrupted as a shadow engulfs the stars and roars with monstrous thunder.

From where he sits, dull eyes grow round and wonderous, as if the kitten had just seen the star-pelted warriors with his own eyes. The talk of the warriors drown out into concerned whispers that he cannot hear, but he decides he does not need their speculation. Only the true gifted can read StarClan's intentions in this moment. What would Thundergleam think? the boy ponders hopefully. The darkness, the noise.. someone had to be unhappy. Perhaps ThunderClan was failing; perhaps the Gathering went awry. Perhaps.. it is reminiscent of the night that Shroudedkit was born, when the moon covered the sky and engulfed the territories in shadow.

Confident with this conclusion, Shroudedkit finally breaks his gaze away with a satisfied look, and returns back to the confines of his nest where his siblings rest. He has much to think about after witnessing such a spectacle.

// obligatory ic opinions :)
  • SHROUDEDKIT ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 6 MOONS,, ages every 10th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | generally healthy​

  • speech is #E4D6CE