private as that pain whipped around — azaleapaw

──⇌•〘 INFO Death has touched WindClan, and it is not the first time one of their own has been taken without the peace of their elder years. Dazzlepaw was young, and though Wolfsong had found his behavior...irritating at times, buried in a tunnel is not the fate he would have wished on him. It is worse still that they do not have a body, as in the cases of Sunsetbreeze and Juniperfrost and, most recently, Tigerfrost. A ceremony for the dead without their presence is discomfiting at best, for as disheartening as it is to see the physical evidence of their loss, it is a form of closure. The last anyone saw Dazzlepaw, he was alive.

He has seen Azaleapaw's condition worsen in the days since the collapse. It is another loss, but one he hopes can be remedied, even regained.

"Azaleapaw," he murmurs, his sole-eyed stare soft where it rests on her disheveled fur. "Would you join me for a walk, or shall I speak with you at your nest?"
Dazzlepaws loss hit her hard. Loss of life isn't so easy to take when it's someone close to you. This, she has learned, and this is what has weighed heavily on her soul ever since it had happened. She had slowly been recovering, but the ache was still there. She had not grieved for Tigerfrost as she did Dazzlepaw, having not known the other very well, but she found it shocking nonetheless.

Wolfsong's presence was always a welcome one. He was the first cat to show her kindness, and so she developed an attachment to him. She looked up at him from where she sat, eyes red from rubbing tears away.

"We can walk.."
She said. It would probably do her good, anyways.

Maybe a quiet walk with someone she was comfortable with and trusted was all she needed to get past this emotional hurdle.​
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──⇌•〘 INFO He nods slowly, and though he does not smile, there is a softness to the angles of his features. "I'm glad." Stretching her legs may do her some good, and time away from the place where she's hidden her tears should be a similar balm. Eager as he is to lead her someplace quickly, he keeps the pace unhurried, passing through camp steadily. "What do you believe in, Azaleapaw?" Wolfsong asks, glancing over at her, head turning for his remaining eye's benefit.

It is quieter here, at the fringes of camp, at least for the time-being. "WindClan as a whole? Yourself? Any of your peers? Your mentor?" He pauses, then huffs quietly. "This is not a test. I will tell no one what we discuss."