
site horror enthusiast
Jun 2, 2023

    Unlike most within Windclan's borders, the story of Rattleheart and Venomstrike is one of a strong friendship which blossomed into an even more formidable love. It all started when Windclan was still young, with Rattleheart joining the clan alongside his sister Scorchstreak. He was eager for a true home where he wouldn't have to constantly wander, and it didn't take long for him to realize that he was perfectly suited for work down in the tunnels that formed a web beneath Windclan's territory. In spite of this calling, Rattleheart found one of his best friends and closest companions in the form of a moor runner - Venomstrike.

    The two of them remained steadfast friends for many moons, gradually growing closer to the point where the both of them were rarely away from each other's sides. Venomstrike was Rattleheart's rock throughout Sootstar's eventual turn to madness, being the tom that he constantly turned to whenever he was injured or concerned. To many, it seemed inevitable for the both of them to end up together. Though things took a turn for the worse when yellowcough consumed the clans, and Rattleheart too found himself in the grips of the sickness. His original goal of joining the journeying cats was squashed, and he was forced to remain in the abandoned badger set in Windclan territory.

    Venomstrike naturally refused to leave his side, constantly bringing food to Rattleheart down in the set and often laying beside him through the sickness. Rattleheart was grateful for him, but also incredibly worried, and eventually his worst fear came true - Venomstrike also caught yellowcough. Though he thankfully only suffered through it for a short time before the journeying cats returned, it was enough for Rattleheart to feel incredibly guilty. He pulled away from Venomstrike, blaming himself and unintentionally shunning the moor runner as he believed it was better for the two of them to be apart.

    Sootstar's madness was what brought them together in the end, with her attack on Sunstride and the resulting chaos reminding Rattleheart of what was truly important to him. He sought out Venomstrike in the crowd, urging him to come along with the rebel cats and flee. Once the fighting had died down and they were in relative safety, Rattleheart finally admitted his feelings for Venomstrike, with the other responding in kind. They were officially mates through thick and thin, remaining together even as they looked towards an uncertain future. It was a relief when they were finally able to return to their home, though things within Windclan were still far from perfect.

    It wasn't until flowers overtook the moors that Rattleheart finally brought up the subject of having kits to Venomstrike, believing that the new abundance of life and prey would make for a perfect backdrop to them starting a family together. Venomstrike agreed without hesitation, and it didn't take long for Rattleheart to end up expecting their first litter of kittens together. However, the moors were recently unexpectedly overtaken by fire, the blaze destroying all of the growth that had prompted Rattleheart's confidence. Now the kits are approaching fast, and although Windclan is still hobbling back into a respectable state post-fire, Rattleheart finds himself praying that his little ones may bring all of them a sense of hope for the future.
    • The apps for this litter are FFA, but not FCFS. Please make sure to include basic information such as name, appearance, personality, etc.
    • There are two slots available, though this may change based off of interest.
    • The choosing date for this litter is May 29th, with the birthing thread coming on June 2nd to allow those chosen a few days to create accounts!
    • Kits will start out at 0 moons, but their aging will be double timed until their apprenticeship, so they will only be played in the nursery for 3 months.
    • Although Rattleheart is very active as my Windclan main, the only activity requirement for this litter is at least five posts a month.
    • Players without currently active Windclanners will likely be prioritized, but please don't feel discouraged to apply if you have a character in Windclan!
    • We reserve the right to rehome your kitten if needed due to inactivity. If you end up wanting to rehome your kit, please contact myself or BossTaurus.
    • It is preferred that these kits stay in Windclan until at least adulthood, as both of their parents will adore them and ingrain a sense of loyalty to Windclan in them. However, feel free to contact either of us if you have plot ideas that may conflict with this.
    • Characters with physical or mental disabilities are allowed, but please make sure you do research what you want to portray in order to do so respectfully.

    slot one​

    slot two​

  • 79396606_Zd1T2sftjBt7BA9.png
    Sire: SH lilac (carrying point; longhaired)
    Dam: LH black w/ high white (carrying point; chocolate; dilute)
    Kits can be black, chocolate, blue, lilac, seal point, chocolate point, blue point, or lilac point

    Kits will be longhaired or shorthaired
    Kits will have low white
    Non-pointed kits may have any realistic eye color; pointed kits will have blue eyes
    Black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; non-pointed kits may or may not carry points; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired

    Rattleheart is gen 1 | Venomstrike is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 2
  • 81593114_rtGDStPsggrsB7T.png
    Names related to family: Bouncekit, Rabbitkit, Bunnykit, Dappledkit, Harekit...
    Names related to clanmates: Thistlekit, Breezekit, Wolfkit, Singingkit, Brightkit, Weaselkit...

    Names related to flowers: Asterkit, Bloomkit, Bluebellkit, Wisteriakit, Valeriankit, Tulipkit, Stemkit, Primrosekit, Privetkit, Nectarkit, Lotuskit...
    Names related to tunneling: Skunk-kit, Badgerkit, Burrowkit, Burrowingkit, Mudkit, Stonekit, Shrewkit, Raccoonkit...

    Names related to appearance: Peregrinekit, Lavenderkit, Violetkit, Cinnamonkit, Honeykit, Viridiankit...
    Names he generally likes: Vinekit, Tinykit, Tadpolekit, Plumkit, Spicekit, Gentlekit, Dawnkit, Cherrykit, Apricotkit...

    Absolutely not: Sootkit, Firekit, Smokekit, Cicadakit...
  • kCyuYcX.png
    Names related to Rattleheart: Rattlekit, Flutterkit...
    Names related to Windclan: Harekit, Thrushkit, Mousekit, Gorsekit, Heatherkit, Brackenkit, Stonekit, Boulderkit, Gustkit, Breezekit, Lark-kit...

    Names after fierce predators: Harrierkit, Hawk-kit, Owlkit, Foxkit...
    Names related to things he likes: Beetlekit, Butterflykit, Caterpillarkit, Beekit, Dandelionkit, Daisykit, Poppykit, Lavenderkit, Mosskit...

    Names that are descriptive: Fuzzykit, Warmkit, Whitekit, Black-kit, Ivorykit, Ebonykit...
    Names he generally likes: Swiftkit, Cloudkit, Snowkit, Spark-kit, Lightningkit, Wildkit, Meadowkit, Talonkit, Stormkit...

    Cursed names he would give: Wormkit, Squishkit, Slugkit, Twigkit, Mudkit, Splatkit, Splinterkit, Horsekit, Frogkit, Slimekit, Scalekit, Snifflekit, Sneezekit, Bubblekit, Runningkit...
interested track

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open to any names!
she/her, they/them | 0 moons, birthday 06.02.24 | related to scorchfam
pinterest . reference

lh lilac point w/ low white, sunflower yellow eyes
↳ born a gentle lump of fur, and for the first several months of her life, this kitten proves to be nothing substantial. she's quiet, falling behind the loud thrum of her siblings. her legs are characteristically short, her cheeks round and plumed with too-fluffy fur - a newborn kitten of no real circumstance. however as she grows, her size rivals that of her siblings. her legs become long and spindly, her body lean and well muscled; she is effectively a well mix of her parents, erring on venomstrike's larger size, but holding fast onto a thin framed body not unlike Rattleheart.
colorationwise, she is born as pale as sand. days wear on and venomstrike's lighter undertones fill in the spaces of her face and paws - albeit with negative space cut out still. if her color points were any darker, she'd be a seal snowshoe - however her rabbit soft fur rivals that of the prey-beast, blending more closely to dry heather grasses than the tunneling mud.
shy, quiet, observant, push over, follower, fearful, anxious
↳ wip

although her demeanor and apt to lean away from attention favors the life of a tunneler more, this child will grow too quickly and exhibit that they will be better fitting as a moor runner. as a child holding fast to rattleheart's tail for comfort, they will struggle with the news tremendously. however they will find comfort and solace in their cousin, scorchstorm, for she has gone through the same troubles.
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BIG track..
Thinking singingkit simply for like, warrior name being singingsting/claw
Other names: CloudKit /cherrykit

— black and white chimera with differing fur lengths
— sharp-tongued, clever, outspoken, trouble maker, loyal, energetic, snotty and has an ego

Rattlekit Jr <3 Alt names; Valeriankit, Flutterkit, Singingkit

chocolate with low white
will be born with tongue-thrust so they'll have a lisp

Optimistic, easygoing, cowardly, emotional, curious, compassionate


Minus any white markings, Vinekit is without a doubt Rattleheart's child. Possessing a small, yet athletic build, with powerful muscles and long legs to propel her to wherever she needs to be. Vinekit could be considered plain with her singular-toned pelt but she's pretty in her own way. At the very least, her pale green eyes draw attention away from her monochromatic pelt. Vinekit would be considered a longhaired cat, with soft, plush fur that is groomed often. Despite frequent grooming, her fur tends to spike up in places, especially if she has been out for a run semi-recently. As a kit, she will be quite frail and weak looking, traits which ultimately she will struggle to shake on account of her meeker personality.

First and foremost, Vinekit is a gentle soul. She prefers to be seen and not heard most of the time, more than content to melt into the background and not make waves. Vinekit is shy and often seeks out her family for comfort, feeling as though she can only truly be herself around them (and hopefully one or two friends in the future). Will be a firm believer of rules and maintaining order and will dislike those who willingly incite violence for no particular reason. She tries to think the best of everyone, even making excuses for those who have done her or her kin wrong. Regardless of how shy she is, she will do her best to help those in need and stand up for those weaker than her - even if such an intervention would leave her feeling like she might pass out.
  • Future name ideas: Vinetwist, Vineleaf, Vineleap, Vinetail, Vineheart - or to be left up to the leader!
  • Preferably the baby of the litter, will regardless mother the heck out of her littermate(s)
  • Most likely will become a tunneler despite initially being opposed to it
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tracking.... need me a windclanner
splinterkit, tinykit...

  • gentle-wind-rushing-grass-eqdflqobx755azal.gif
    splinterkit ㅤ
    PREFIX- splinter; sharp piece of wood or glass
    -SUFFIX of kit rank
    AMAB he/him. will change to strictly they/them pronouns.
    0 moons old. ages entirely realistically.
    kit of windclan ㅤ
    ↪ Mentoring N/A
    ↪ Previously mentored by N/A
    best known for being a kit of rattleheart and venomstrike
  • 3a690396d092e7efac11b4bad8d3e64b.jpg

    small short haired lilac point kitten with blue eyes
    ↪ as it stands, or rather crawls, splinterkit is a small soft lilac point kitten with eyes that will only grow to be more blue. very soft to the touch, the kitten fur giving him very gentle fur that's perfectly used to cuddle with his littermates. he has rather big paws to showcase how much he will grow.
    ↳ further more, when he grows he will be of average height but his legs will be long and lanky, perfect for that of a moor runner. he will become quite the looker with a sharp smile and the softest blue eyes
    smells of milk, and suntouched grasses
  • ad3261549698d5be1016114fa0c66a0c.gif

    ↪ clingy, quiet

    ↪ dependant, worm-like

    ↪ pushy
    there is nothing to the worm but being a worm. he searches for food and often will crawl atop his littermates to find it if he so needs to in order to get it. he will sleep right on top of them if he is not stopped, or right in the middle of them. there is nothing more this little wiggler hates more than being cold.
    ↳ as he grows, he will struggle a lot with his gender or rather his lack thereof. it will be a prominent development throughout his kithood and even into his warriorhood because though he may accept it then, it will still be a back and forth battle. he puts his family first, always, and his clan next. he will be a cat of little word, speaking when spoken to unless it's with his family and closest of friends where he turns into a real chatterbox but only if he is comfortable. he looks up to both of his parents and does most everything to impress them and win their praise.
  • q-B_VN.gif

    gen 2
    littermates tbd
    no current relationships other than kin

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ no close friends ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
    friends with no one ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
    dislikes the cold, being hungry, super loud noisesㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
    hates being hungry, being cold
  • d02b1578ebf76993449b28415ca45b11.gif

    no current hunting skills ㅤ
    ↪ may or may not be a very good hunter with time and practice
    no current fighting skill ㅤ
    ↪ may or may not excel in defensive fighting with time and practice.
    no current mental difficulties
    ↪ will mostly grow to be neutral of those outside of windclan. may be difficult to get extremely close with
    start physical fights / MAY start verbal fights / will NOT flee / WILL NOT kill.
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deceptively long, her legs and tail account for most of breezekit's size. despite it, she will never match up to her peers in height, likely leaving her destined for the tunnels. born with icy white kitten fluff and a dark grey dorsal stripe touching from her forehead to her white tipped tail, cool grey points will develop as she ages. narrow features, long whiskers and triangular ears that end in feathered tufts.

" polite, restrained, sensitive, ambitious, loyal, affectionate, malleable " breezekit is not nearly as carefree as her namesake. a reserved child, she is easily regarded as 'boring' by her peers. games rarely interest her, it seems the only thing that does is hanging to rattleheart's flank. quiet, even as a newborn breezekit rarely cries or fusses. it is not some ailment or a lack of energy that holds her back. in truth, she is more nervous around others her age than she'd ever admit. concerned highly by their opinions on her, when their playful jabs do meet her ears she has a tendency to take them to heart. a sensitive child, much to her own disdain breezekit is likely to be regarded as a crybaby.

she is an easy target to peer pressure, despite her love for rules and structure she can be convinced to bend. a bit of a pushover, her fear of saying or doing the wrong thing in front of others manifests in meekness. she is more than willing to go with the crowd rather than pursuing her own desires. however, that is not to say they are absent entirely. her ambition is thinly veiled by naivety. big dreams that she doesn't quite have the strength to will into reality will only grow more restless through her suppression.

breezekit is a quick thinker on her toes. she has a knack for conjuring creative solutions and plans. however, she lacks the independence for this to be of any real use. mostly, she uses her adaptability to fit into different social dynamics. she may mirror the behavior of those she perceives to effortlessly fit in as well as those she admires, susceptible to fleeting opinions and ideals until she finds one that sticks. in turn, this has the possibility for her to be viewed as spineless or two-faced by her peers.

silently affectionate, breezekit is not very good at putting words to the emotions she feels. those close to her will have her undying loyalty, she will enjoy showering them with gifts. a sweetheart, buried shallowly under a hard exterior. breezekit takes manners very seriously. she is gracious and polite to those older than her, almost uncomfortably so at times with a tendency to be excessively thankful for small deeds.
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a plush-furred child born of the soft petals of moor blooms. he takes more after venomstrike than rattleheart, lacking the slim tapering of his dam's body in all but the delicate muzzle upon his face. his features bear a noticeable roundness to them, cherubic childish curves softening all of their harsh angles. he resembles a twoleg's rabbit moreso than anything wild, what with how silken his fur is. it forms a fuzzy coat of down, cloaking him in earthen tones. warm and sunlit brown paints him against an endless landscape of meadows, a perfect picture of windclan. if only his legs were a little longer; in comparison to the sleekness of his family, he appears quite unimpressive and stumpy-limbed as he bounces around.

bunnykit's gait is quite distinctive, a wobbly sort of movement uncoordinated in nature. his limbs seem to move every way except where he wants them to, with the kit being known to trip over himself. he has a mild form of cerebellar hypoplasia, making it difficult to maintain balance.

( + ) blissful, curious, kind, gentle, empathetic
( / ) ditzy, whimsical, emotional, trusting, ritualistic
( - ) timid, dishonest, forgetful, immature, explosive

— a cat both blessed and cursed by the naivete of youth. easily trusting and easily impressed, a blissfully simple sort of child. he will hold onto his innocence long past when it should fade, a strange everchild whose mind is home to little but petals and wishes. does he cling to childishness on purpose? is it an unavoidable truth, or a shield against the world around him? it gives him a sort of avoidance, an out from harshness and responsibility - but of course, bunnykit is far too oblivious to understand anything like that... right?

— marked by an inherited sort of timidity. lets himself bleed into the background, always hesitant to take up space. his voice is soft, his features delicate. when he speaks, it always seems apologetic, perpetually wrong-footed. looks to others for guidance, sticks close to rattleheart's side in youth.

— strange and ritualistic, his actions often do not make sense to others. he is very particular about his habits, insisting on the powers of protective trinkets (to be collected and discarded as needed) and finding pattern in the world around him. his actions are often governed by some invisible force decided upon on a whim. however, due to his forgetfulness of his own rules, they are liable to change from day to day, a nonsensical game of telephone with only one player.

— poor at managing his emotions. they tend to come out in bursts, though he always seems self-conscious of this. his mood can change in a manner of heartbeats, and he will likely be seen as something of a crybaby because of it. bottles up his emotions in an effort to avoid explosions, ironically only leading to more.

— bunnykit struggles to understand consequences at all. no care for responsibility, he would rather spend his days frolicking with his friends than serving the clan. he never seems to take anything seriously; this will likely lead to conflict once he has a proper mentor. will become somewhat of a troublemaker, though he always seems surprised when he actually faces consequences. cannot properly distinguish between right and wrong, finds most rules arbitrary and pointless.

— may have an infestation of ear mites during early kithood, causing bunnylike lop ears. he will cry about having bugs in his ears a lot at first, but may eventually attempt to befriend them.

—bunnykit will gradually gain more confidence, becoming more willing to let himself speak up - and act out. this may not be a good thing, as it will make him more assured in bringing out all of his worst traits, and less likely to listen to others' criticism.

— in time, bunnykit will discover the fun in lying. he likes to make things up, and others often don't believe him even when he tells them things he thinks are true (such as clouds being made of shed fur, for instance). before long he will begin making things up on purpose, finding joy in crafting elaborate lies. he gets so wrapped up them that he often forgets what is true and what is a lie - though he makes little effort in maintaining consistency, often forgetting his own stories and laughing it off when he's caught tangled up in his own falsehoods. he cannot grasp why other cats would disapprove of this.

— bunnykit's gentle nature will land him in trouble during training, being initially unwilling to fight or hunt. he can't stand the idea of hurting another creature, and will be heartbroken as a kit about having to eat dead animals. his hesitance to fight will also make him unable to defend himself when he's put in danger - which could lead to injury further down the line...

— even after bunnykit puts aside his reluctance, he will find himself struggling. his wobbliness makes the coordination needed for hunting difficult, and he will need extra help from his mentor in order to adapt to it. it is very likely that his warrior ceremony will be held back by a moon... or several.

█ #885d65 █ #b57c7c █ #e9a2a2 █ #f3ba98 █ #f3d4ad █ #ebdccd
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Hey everybody! Thank you all for your AMAZING applications to this litter, BossTaurus and I loved going through every single one of them, and their high quality and everyone's activity made it extremely hard for us to choose! Which is actually why we decided that we'd go big for the first Rattlevenom litter and expand to four slots alongside Crunchykit, instead of just two!

So, congratulations and we're so excited to see you all to:
@nocthymia with Thistlekit
@Thorny with Vinekit
@scar with Splinterkit
and @vayle with Breezekit!

June 2nd will be the birthing thread proper to give all of you some time to set up your subaccounts, and we'll have a family discord set up similarly sometime soon! And just as a nudge for Rae, Sat, and everyone who didn't get to officially apply to this one, there will very likely be at least one more Rattlevenom litter in the future, so be sure to hold onto any ideas you may have!