camp ASH TO ASH, DUST TO DUST ✧ patrol assignments

Raccoonstripe exits the warrior’s den and fills his lungs with crisp dawn air. The sun is a pale smudge against a reddened horizon; a breeze ruffles luscious dark tabby fur as gently as his mate would with a paw. He tastes opportunity, hope, on the wind that sings of newleaf. Despite their hardships, ThunderClan remains strong and united, he tells himself. He slips into the clearing and lifts his voice skyward. “ThunderClan, it’s time for daily patrol assignments.” It feels strange, to be the one to sit in Flamewhisker’s place and bark orders, but it doesn’t feel bad. He quite likes it, actually.

The tabby warrior searches the cluster of cats who gather. “Stormywing, take Lightstrike and Toadhop to the SkyClan and RiverClan border this morning.” He shakes out his pelt, letting the morning sun seep into every stripe and burn warmth into his bones. “I know Smokestar said RiverClan has dealt with the rogues, but let’s be sure they didn’t deal with them right into our territory.

He turns toward Leafhusk next, who has proved herself surprisingly capable and level-headed despite her kittypet background. The lead warrior dips his head toward her. “Leafhusk, I’d like you to lead today’s dawn patrol toward ShadowClan and WindClan. Take…” He flicks his dark gaze out to the crowd again and decides, “Ravenstrike and Skyclaw. Keep an eye on things over there. ShadowClan has been too quiet for my tastes lately.” He flexes his claws, turning to the next assignment.

Flycatcher, I’d appreciate if you’d lead the dusk patrol toward the ShadowClan and WindClan borders.” His whiskers quiver as he picks cats from the thinning crowd. “Take Copperfang and Mousenose. Speaking of things being too quiet…” He lets out a quiet mrrow of laughter, shaking his head. “Leave strong markings. We don’t want them getting any ideas about how weakened we are.

Raccoonstripe sits back, contemplative. “I’ll lead the dusk patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan border. I’ll take Badgerstripe and Cormorantswoop,” he mews, turning his attention to his apprentice. “And you’ll be coming with me. I’d like to show you the borders now that the wolves have been dealt with.” His voice is flat with relief, though he cannot help the tinge of sadness that cloaks it still. It will be many moons before ThunderClan can move past all they’ve lost.

Tufted ears swivel. “Palefire, Falconheart. You two organize some hunting patrols for the day. Take whoever you like, but be careful. Scout for any lingering signs of trouble.” He has his doubts about giving Palefire and Falconheart assignments after the way they’d behaved during the wolf invasion, but… they are ThunderClan warriors, and they’d need to learn some responsibility one way or another.

Shiningsun, you are in charge of today’s training session.” He yawns, showing too-white teeth that reflect the pale dawn sun. “Choose something we haven’t gone over in awhile. It’ll do us all good.

Lightflower! You’ll be assisting Gentlestorm today.” He tucks his thick tail around mismatched paws. “Help him with anything he might need.


    DAWN PATROL TO SHADOWCLAN: @leafhusk @ravenstrike @skyclaw


    DUSK PATROL TO SKYCLAN: @RACCOONSTRIPE @badgerstripe @cormorantswoop @THISTLEPAW



  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

Dovekit had been trying their best to catch some of the pieces of fluffy fur that float through camp every now and then, the longer-furred of the ThunderClanners proving to be good entertainment while they shed off their leafbare coat, when the very important sounding call came from Raccoonstripe. He called for ThunderClan instead of the specifics that were often called during meetings and since Dovekit fit this criteria, quickly they found themself abandoning the fur that had just been caught to sit down in front of the other, ready to listen and hope that their name was called, that there would be a very important patrol for Dovekit.

No Dovekit was named, however, and the lynx point's face screwed up in exaggerated thought before standing and stomping closer to the other, looking up at Raccoonstripe's face before a paw reached out to try and tap the other's, even if he had already been looking down at Dovekit, they needed to make sure he knew they meant business so attention would just be double-gotten in that case. "You didn't say my name, but you said ThunderClan, so I think I should get to go to one of the patrols... or, or, have my own. Can I have my own? Like a big important one!" Because Dovekit was clearly a big and important cat.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
Cormorantswoop's massive, gray-black tabby form carried her across the camp clearing to stand beside Raccoonstripe as the warrior called her name. ''SkyClan and RiverClan at dusk, if I heard you correctly?'' The ThunderClanner sat down and lifted a huge forepaw, swiping her tongue across it. A purr welled in her throat. She'd like to stretch her legs. The she-cat gave a yawn, settling down onto her belly in a loaf position as she waited on Badgerstripe and Thistlepaw from where she lay beside Raccoonstripe.

[ Mentions ]
@RACCOONSTRIPE // @badgerstripe // @THISTLEPAW
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leafhusk blinks sunlight from her eyes, exiting the warrior’s den and towards the crowd as routine. the cat standing in the middle of camp seems to change every time, now, she’s unsure she’ll ever get used to any of the booming voices. as the stand in deputy lists of who’s to where, leafhusk idly washes her face, pausing mid scrub when he unexpectedly turns to her.

lead a patrol. she heard him correctly, right? there’s no other leafs in the clan as far as she knows, and he’s looking right at her. she straightens her posture, stiffly returning the bow.

"of course. i’ll keep an eye on them." she responds, raising to her paws once the mini meeting’s concluded to gather her clanmates.​
It's strange having Raccoonstripe giving out patrols now. But with Flamewhisker in the nursery, she supposes it makes the most sense. He is the leader's son, after all, as well as being a respected lead warrior. She eyes him curiously as the smaller she-cat comes to stand alongside her clanmates, waiting to hear the day's patrols.

Her ears prick up as she hears her name leave his mouth first. Lead a patrol? Like...lead it? Her golden eyes light up as it sinks in. She gets to lead a patrol! She knows it's not the first border patrol she's ever led, but she really doesn't get to lead a ton, being as young as she is, so she feels very honored to puff out her chest and nod. She gets Lightstrike and Toadhop, and shes grateful she'll have a good friend with her. Especially when she hears where they'll be going. SkyClan and RiverClan.
She feels a mixture of anxiety and excitement in her gut as she tries to hide any nervousness with a grin. "Sure thing, Raccoonstripe," She affirms before quickly turning away to try and hide her jittery expression. Calm down, mouse-brain. It's not like you'll even see her. She's in the nursery. But she could see Ferngill, and that's still enough to freak her out.
Palefire drifted over to Raccoonstripe upon hearing the call for patrols, not expecting much to come her way. She knew how little the clan trusted her right now, and she figured it would still be a while before she were deemed responsible enough to go out and represent their clan again. But much to her surprise, at the end of the long list of cats going out on patrols, her name was mentioned. Not only mentioned; she was being given the opportunity to lead a hunting patrol. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she was quick to eagerly nod at the stand-in deputy's order. "Of course, i'll get it organized right away. Thank you." Was she being given the chance to start proving herself to her clan? A quiet sigh of relief pushed from her lungs as she stepped back from the crowd.

Her ears swiveled as she caught @Dovekit 's demands that they be given their own patrol assignment, and Palefire barely managed to hold in her snort of amusement. She manoeuvred her way to the kitten's side and leaned down, conspiratorially whispering in their ear in a very serious voice. "You know what, I noticed that our beetle supply has gotten dangerously low. Maybe you should organize a beetle-hunting patrol with the rest of the kits, so that the warriors don't have to worry about it. I think Raccoonstripe would be real proud if you caught a lot of them." It couldn't hurt to give the clan's youngest members something to keep their paws busy, and she was sure they'd have fun collecting bugs, seeing how much they had already been tormenting their clanmates with them. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and she cast Dovekit a small smile before she headed off to get her own hunting patrol put together.

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 13 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender. built for speed and agility.
    currently emotionally volatile, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Like the other warriors, he gathers in the clearing while the temporary deputy names who is to go out on patrol. His name is called, and he's glad to hear it, dipping his head to Raccoonstripe in acknowledgement. With the weather now so pleasant, it would be nice to get out of camp and feel the fresh newleaf breeze rush through their fur. The birds were singing in the trees now more readily than they had been when the branches had been full of snow instead of buds and insects, and the pleasant scent of new flowers and growth would be much welcomed after everything that the clan had endured. He did wonder, though, what they would encounter at the border; likely, there wouldn't be problems, as like Raccoonstripe had said, things had been quiet, but it was hard to guess. They would find out at sundown.


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Oh not again… not again!
For the second time now, Roeflame’s head count had resulted in two- this time the ticked queen could’ve sworn she had only let her gaze stray for a heartbeat.
Roeflame had vowed not to be the mother that hovers, but that was before the wolves had traipsed into their camp, before the last time Dovekit had escaped her peripheral Howlingstar had end up with a cricket on her nose.
Somewhere in the background, Raccoonstripe calls for the clans attention, it was time for patrol assignments.
It didn’t take long for Roeflame to connect the dots, and even less time for her to make her way over, just in time to spot Dovekit poking their distant kin for a task to take on themselves. Admittedly, Roeflame can’t bring herself to be upset. Her child was already showing work ethic, and an eagerness to help. Palefire’s suggestions earns a grateful blink from Roeflame before the queen closes the gap between her and her eldest kit, aiming to nose Dovekit just behind their ear. “Now that sounds like an awesome idea, we should go get your siblings.” The Queen encourages, attempting to slowly nudge Dovekit away from the group of warriors with a sense of delicacy.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ For something that had made her nervous at first, it certainly felt strange not assigning the daily patrols each morning. As the fiery queen padded over to lay down just outside the nursery. A bouncing white and brown figure followed behind her, and she smiled as he began to play. She couldn't help but watch as Raccoonstripe assigned everyone to their patrols, and chose her son to lead a hunting patrol. The deputy gave the brown tabby a nod of approval, though she wasn't sure if he would see it from where she was currently. Her paws itched to leave the camp, to get some fresh air and stretch her legs on a nice walk...but she knew better. Just because the wolves were gone, didn't mean that there weren't other dangers out in the forest. For now, she would just have to stay here and wait for the kits to be born.

  • [bimg]View attachment 1621[/bimg]
    FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 31 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    currently mated to Flycatcher / / mother to: Falconheart and Stormfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Even the flat remnants of grief in Raccoonstripe's voice cannot smother the vibrant determination in his apprentice's eyes. Fiery amber is filled with conviction and excitement, but his seriousness can't break even now. The wolves are gone. He was going to go see things for real, without the worry of slavering jaws. Their dead are buried, their camp was beginning to repair. Even if those holes would leave an eternal scar, warriors are supposed to carry those with pride, aren't they? They'll be stronger for what they went through. "Of course, Raccoonstripe," he answers obediently. He glances sideways at Cormorantswoop, wondering how on earth she could be so still in a time like this. "What will we do before then? Do you want me to help in camp?"

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. there's still recovering to do before his clanmates see him as anything more than a weak, sick kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. though with a blocky, nearly bulky frame, thistlepaw has been softened, rounded, and stretched thin by his uncertain life. without work or play to thicken the pads of his paws or add strength to his limbs, his skin plays like canvas stretched taut over its frame, his fur a hazy cloak to cover the sickness. he seems soft and unwell in equal measure. certainly not an apprentice to be. . .
𓍊𓋼 The call for patrol assignments brings Falconheart trudging over on tired paws. The thought of having to get up and go out on a patrol after the tragedy of the past few days makes him cringe; how are things just supposed to go back to normal? So many clanmates died due to the wolf pack, it feels wildly wrong to just go about everyday tasks as though nothing happened. Of course, he can understand that the clan still needs to be taken care of—his mom and the other clanmates in the nursery need to eat—but it just seems so soon. Still, he settles to listen to Raccoonstripe rattle off patrol assignments with a flicker of his bushy cream-striped tail.

His name isn’t called until nearly the end of the older tabby’s speech, and when he finally hears his name, it is because he’s been chosen to lead a hunting patrol. Hes only led one patrol before, and it’s been months since then; to be given such responsibility once more is an honor. What has he done to make Raccoonstripe believe he deserves it? "Thank you," he says to the lead warrior with a warm smile and a flicker of a tan ear. He has an idea of which cats to gather for a hunting patrol, so he only hopes that they’ll be agreeable.