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astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


OOC- I’m gonna try and RTA this guy, but for now he’s been out with an injured shoulder after falling from a tree while hunting. He was just recently cleared for light work again. Timeline-wise this takes place after Twitches return.

Quillstrike was rather well known for his physical prowess. A hard apprenticeship under Thistleback had seen to it that by the end of his training, he was nothing short of capable. Hell, his final assessment had been defending his catch -a bluejay- from his mentor in the highest bows of Tallpine, the mock battle only cut short when Thistleback nearly fell from the tree. After that he was ‘Quillpaw’ no more, and his prowess at navigating the trees like the best of them hadn’t waned.

Which was why he was kind of pissed that his current shoulder injury had come from taking a fall from one of the pines during a hunt. Something he’d done a thousand times by now, to the point where he felt a familiarity with every branch in every tree, that it seemed like such a rookie mistake. It’d put him out of commission for a while- long enough for him to feel like a damn stranger in his own home. But he supposed that was his own fault, too, wasn’t it?

Frustrated by his condition and anxious to be back to the routines he was so familiar with, Quill had spent a lot of time avoiding his clanmates.

Luckily though, his injury wasn’t bound to last forever.

While the chimera still moved with the faintest of limps that proved there was still some bruising that was healing, the medicine cats had finally cleared him for light work so long as he didn’t overwork his bad shoulder. He wondered if his sulking and shitty attitude had helped rush along their decision at all. He doubted it. Those two were a different breed entirely.

”I’m heading out to collect some moss for the nursery nests.” he called in an unenthused monotone, less of an invitation and more of a ‘if anyone needs me, too bad, I won’t be here’.

He needed to get out of camp for a bit or he was gonna go stir-crazy.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie

Kurt was no fool - he knew well enough how to tell tone, and although this tom's indicated that he'd rather go alone, Kurt wasn't going to let go of the opportunity to get to know one of his new Clanmates, however tough their meeting might be.

"Mind if I join you on this escapade?" Kurt asked as she sidled up next to the tom, offering him a smile. The other was walking with a limp, and Kurt could only imagine how his fellow SkyClanner had gotten such an injury - perhaps it was while he was up in the trees, jumping from branch to branch, living out a life that a housecat could never imagine. Kurt wasn't as agile as SkyClanners, but he knew he definitely had a one-up on more than a few kittypets, having lived life in a circus that required him to be agile and swift. It was only a matter of time before he got to test out his skills against real warriors.

”Ah . . . Be safe. . .” Palemoon would respond softly as her ghostly blue gaze shifts from Twitchbolt's mate and towards Kurt, who was inquiring if they could join them on collecting moss. The fawn lynx point settles haunches and observes the two tom-cats through her blurred vision, her ears giving a small flick. Kurt had a scent that she wasn't particularly familiar with yet compared to Quillstrike. The former deputy and the chimeric warrior shared a similar scent from where they laid together, a more seasoned weight to their step.

The newcomer to Skyclan often seemed willing to assist or socialize with others of Skyclan, easily adapting to the life of a clan cat as it was easy as taking a deep breath. What an interesting cat. . . The small beautiful woman would ponder as her pale gaze flicks across the clearing of camp, wondering how the Stars would plan her day. Would they ask her to join them gathering moss? Perhaps, they would guide her to check on Honeysplash or those in the nursery? There was so many options yet the sun still held high in the sky, there was still much before the day was over.

  • ooc.
  • PALEMOON ⋆ she / her / hers
    ✶ lh fawn lynx point with low white and pale blue eyes, blind in the left
    ✶ 36 moons old; ages the 20th monthly
    ✶ bisexual demiromantic; currently single
    ✶ currently mentoring none; formerly mentored by NPC
    ”speech”, thoughts, attacking
    ✶ all opinions are in character only


”Nope.” he replied, popping the 'p'.

Which was mostly true. So long as Beetleback didn’t harp on him about taking it easy on his bad leg, Quill couldn’t care less what the other cat decided to do with their time- which included following him out to collect moss. Maybe on another day the dark tabby would have had a few more stipulations for being followed around, but today he was just eager to get out of camp for a while. Hell, company might not be horrible either depending on whose it was.

Hopefully Beetleback didn't blow it.

Mismatched eyes flicked toward Palemoon as she spoke, nodding a brief thanks for the kind words if he knew they alone wouldn’t protect them out there- only cunning and strength would do that, and something not even that was enough.

”If you're staying back, can you tell the Queens I’ll be in to freshen up the nests in a bit? Unless you want to come too.” Which would technically meet the same standards of ‘don’t bug me about my leg and I don’t care’.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

Slate, Silversmoke, and Quillstrike all shared a parent, as far as Cherryblossom was concerned: too cold for their own good, with a solid stick up all their tails. How Twitchbolt put up with the chimera's unruly guard was StarClan's guess. Maybe it was because their fur spikes matched? (Yeesh, she wouldn't be able to stand her own fur stiffened like that all the time.)

The deputy strides past the newly-recovered and his outgoing posse, an ashen-backed ear angling towards them with faint curiosity. Normally, she'd scoff at Palemoon's nebulous wishes. She opens her mouth just to do so before the weight of the past moons presses it shut again. "Don't fall out of a tree again!" she purrs, tail curling cleverly over her back. Lemonade eyes give Kurt an amused glance, as if to say, "Watch out for him!"

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags