Jun 17, 2024
𓇢𓇢 A hot, dry afternoon has descended upon ThunderClan’s camp. There is no breeze in the air, stifling any energy that the average cat might have on such a dry, windless day. Even the kits seem more tired than usual. But there’s one cat who could never have his shine dulled, even when the day seems too hot to do anything. Through the afternoon stillness, the tom’s cheery voice lifts above the quiet chatter of the camp. "Well, look at that! A perfect subject…" What shiny fur, what bright eyes! They're truly an exquisite model for a makeover. The tom doesn’t hesitate before trotting closer to door in front of the other cat, bringing a bundle of freshly-picked flowers with him.

"Sit very still," he advises, squinting as he leans closer to place a flower into the other ThunderClanner’s fur. Then another, and another, and another bloom join the first within the other cat’s pelt. Then some single petals are tossed into the air with a paw—hazel eyes follow the petals as they float down, landing in the dirt below as well as the fur of Laughblossom and any other clanmates nearby. "Now, doesn’t that look great? Just wait ‘til all the lovelies get a look at you. Irresistible, you’ll be!" Never mind that his newly-beautified clanmate may have greater, more important things than attractiveness in mind. In the chocolate tabby’s eyes, everyone deserves to feel that they’re pretty, regardless of whether it is admired by anyone other than themselves.

  • ooc: anyone can be his “victim” !!
  • 48119206_GNnfgzwRa1HHppG.png
    LAUGHBLOSSOM ❯❯ he/him, warrior of thunderclan
    𓇢 silky-furred chocolate tabby with white spotting and hazel eyes. joyous and loud, but deeply protective of his clan.
    𓇢 brother to lovelight, joywing, wrathpaw
    𓇢 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇢 penned by foxlore
Mousenose has never been described as beautiful by anyone other than her fathers; the best most can come up with is "cute." Her fur is long and mussed at the joints and neck, and the length of is littered with tiny bits of tree branch and bramble after a long day patrolling. Her green eyes narrow with suspicion, initially, when Laughblossom approaches her, jaws loaded with flowers. "A perfect subject," he calls her, and she scowls with mock-indignation. "I know I need a good grooming, but I didn't think I was that bad," she mews. Nonetheless, she sits obediently in front of him.

There's a blossom tucked into her fur, and then another, a succession of them. She can smell the nectar; it tickles her nostrils. She's never been so colorful before. "Just wait til all the lovelies get a look at you," Laughblossom says, and Mousenose grins. "Really? You think so?" She preens a bit, wondering if she can catch Thundergleam's eye before the flowers fall out of her fur.

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.


-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
There were very things that had been woven into Roeflame’s brassed pelt, and only with the paws of those she considered close. The sight of Mousenose getting prettied up in the middle of camp is one to behold, for a moment at least. The lead warrior had no ill-will towards the calico molly, she was Freckleflames' littermate after all. Still, Roeflame couldn’t say she’d pass up the opportunity to humble the slightly obnoxious other if she could, even if just in a competitive sense- or perhaps that was just the tabby queen holding a small grudge. Although, the warrior had been in desperate need of eating her own words for most of their young life, in Roeflames profession opinion. Drawing forward with a near-sly grin, the queen takes a comfortable seat nearby, head tilting as though examining Mousenose’s appearance, celadon hues catching when the others' expressions seems to light up at the prospect of the lovelies getting a look at her. With a curious flick of her ear, the rosetted molly lets out a soft ‘hmm.’
“Any ‘lovely’s’ attention in particular you’re trying to catch there, Mouse?” Roeflame quips from where she still remains seated in a good-natured tone, wondering who could have been caught in the others demanding green hues.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Doepaw isn't really sure she agrees with this identity of 'lovelies'.... as far as she's concerned, most things she can see are lovely to some degree! Hadn't Fallowpaw called Bravepaw ugly once or something? To the fawn she-cat, that didn't make much sense when all her clan-mates looked like nebulous, earth-toned blobs with moving parts.... Roeflame seems more keen on investigating the nitty-gritty of personal feelings and romance, which does steal some of her interest, perking fluffy ears forward to listen for Mousenose's reply.

If Doepaw had to take her pick of her clan-mates... hmm.... She already missed the spot in the apprentice's den that Sunshinespot used to lay in. Darkpaw maybe...? Wrathpaw was kinda nice, like Bravepaw but they weren't exactly close pals either. It shed some light on the fact that she, in fact, apparently struggled at really getting to know the other cats her age here. "Roeflame, were you decorated all pretty when you and Burnstorm were pining after each-other?" Better to take some of the attention off Mousenose maybe...​

Was this some sort of ritual? Mousenose certainly looked wonderful, an assortment of wildflowers woven through the patches of her locks- Thundergleam's rosy-pink gaze met hers for a moment, a smile brightening her face. Oh, how wonderful! It was as if she were one with the forest, bearing the joys and bounties of greenleaf across her pelt. "You bear flowers like the night sky carries stars," she purred- oh, the sheer number of them! It was like the milky veil of Silverpelt, written in bluebells, in buttercups, in daisies.

White lashes blinked in the light, and mallow-flower eyes found Laughblossom's gaze then. "Do you accept appointments?" Oh, she was certainly interested in experiencing this.. this lifting of the spirits, this weaving of the fur! What would she look like, fur like noveau fallen snow? Would she paint a sad picture, of flowers dying in leafbare- or a hopeful one, of blooms living through the snow no matter what? "I am a blank canvas!" A giggle twinkled after her words. The idea that this was for attractiveness was hardly a thought in her mind- simply, it had to be what Laughblossom enjoyed. And she was compeltely willing to help Clanmates express their creativity!
penned by pin ☾
  • Wow
Reactions: Marquette
"You've always been so good at that, Laughblossom," Lovelight purrs, a warm compliment directed towards his darker-furred brother. He'd been the target of his brother's makeover once or twice in the past, and it was always fun to see the results, how the flowers entwined with the fur to make a beautiful production by the time it was finished. He comes closer, brushing his shoulder against Laughblossom's in an affectionate motion before taking a step back to sit and admire Mousenose's new look. His eyes turn upon Thundergleam, volunteering to be next, and excitement glimmers in his chest. She would be such a perfect canvas for this! He glances from her to his brother, smiling brightly in agreement with the suggestion given by the pure-white cat.​
Palefire couldn't ever remember being called 'pretty', but she wasn't sure she'd ever really tried before either. When she was a kitten she could remember sticking feathers from the birds she was brought for food behind her ear or in her tail fur, but that was about the extent of it. She particularly enjoyed blue-jay feathers, because they stood out nicely next to her pale fur and blue eyes. They had quickly become a favorite of hers and she... Oh, stars above.... maybe she did care about how she looked? As the young warrior approached the group, she couldn't help but wonder if she would look as nice with flowers dancing in her fur. Could she be considered irresistible too...?

"You look lovely, Mousenose," she murmured softly to the tortoiseshell molly, offering a quick smile. She didn't much care for how the other warrior liked to put herself on a pedestal, but as far as clanmates went, she was otherwise pretty tolerable. And the flowers really did compliment her white-splashed fur very nicely. Palefire settled herself beside Lovelight, humming in amusement as her friend watched his brother's makeover endeavors. Lovelight and Laughblossom were lucky; they had a big family with lots of siblings to brighten their lives. "You should definitely do Thundergleam up next, Laughblossom. I'm sure she'd do justice to your beautiful work!"

  • PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes. tall and slender, fast and agile.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic and likely spur-of-the-moment.
    single, open to relationships / / mentor to no one // formerly mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
𓇢𓇢 Now, Laughblossom wouldn’t call any cat ugly, but of all the cats in ThunderClan Mousenose is certainly not the worst looking. Easy on the eyes, the pale calico is, and the roughness of her pelt accentuates her beauty, rather than dampening it. A warrior is expected to have twigs and other debris littering their pelt, and on a cat like Mousenose such debris appears perfectly natural. The result of a hard day’s work, tending to the clan’s needs. Laughblossom certainly thinks that the she-cat deserves to attract whatever lovelies she’s after—and hazel eyes subtly flicker to Roeflame and then back to Mousenose at the queen’s question. He shouldn’t get himself involved in anyone else’s romantic prospects, but he loves to see love happening around him. "Of course I think so! And see?" His tail flicks in Thundergleam and Palefire’s direction, both she-cats taking turns complimenting Mousenose’s appearance.

Doepaw’s question draws the tom’s eyes to her, interest igniting in his gaze. He’d like to know the answer to her question as well—and selfishly, he wonders whether he should be doing some of the decorating on himself. If this many cats have arrived to see his work, then perhaps he could… use this to his advantage. Ah, well, not right now, of course. He does tuck the idea into a safe space in the back of his mind, however; for later use, and all that. He’s pulled from that train of thought by Lovelight’s appearance, and his tail flutters cheerily as the other brushes past him momentarily. "Thank you," he responds, voice filled to the brim with joy. His dearest littermate has been the subject of a few makeovers, and if he’s amenable, he’ll certainly see himself the target once again. But for today, it seems that Thundergleam is offering herself up. Palefire vouches for her as well, and the tom’s muzzle lifts in a grin, one of its sides rising higher than the other. His smile slumps a bit as the thought crosses his mind—there is beauty in imperfection as well, he tells himself. Now, if only he could believe it. However! Laughblossom has greater deeds to do than criticize himself. Surely none of his clanmates have even noticed the way that his smiles are an ugly sort of lopsided when they’re real, and those who have certainly won’t say anything.

"Appointments? Oh yes, indeed!" With a deft paw he sweeps aside a pile of leaf litter, dropping into a slight bow and gesturing for the moon-pale she-cat to sit down. If she does, the tom will pop back up to his full height once again, grinning brightly at the other warrior. "Now, there’s no such thing as a blank canvas—not for me, never. Why, look at the shining of your fur here, and here…" He blinks once, dazed as he admires the silky-soft spilling of snow that graces the delicate warrior’s frame. She is a beauty in its truest form, the grace of StarClan come down to join them upon land too dirty to possibly suit her. He clears his throat, tearing his eyes away to begin plucking up more blooms from the ground. Around the intrusion of a stem he manages, "To business, though. Have you any preferences, m’lady? Or is the oh-so-humble beauty specialist free to do as he pleases?"

  • ooc:
  • 48119206_GNnfgzwRa1HHppG.png
    LAUGHBLOSSOM ❯❯ he/him, warrior of thunderclan
    𓇢 silky-furred chocolate tabby with white spotting and hazel eyes. joyous and loud, but deeply protective of his clan.
    𓇢 brother to lovelight, joywing, wrathpaw
    𓇢 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇢 penned by foxlore
Roeflame watches with amusement from across camp. "Any lovelies' attention in particular you're trying to catch there, Mouse?" Mousenose's lips tremble into an uncertain smile. "Well... actually—" she begins, but stops short when a gleaming white pelt catches her eye. She twists — carefully, so as not to dislodge the blossoms — and her green eyes glimmer with unabashed pleasure. Thundergleam gives her a compliment, one heavy with poetry, with clean lines and lush prose. She blushes beneath her messy, well-adorned pelt and skips meeting both Roeflame, Doepaw, and Laughblossom's eyes. Palefire is not far behind Thundergleam, and her compliment follows, but — oh, it just doesn't compare!

"Thank you," she murmurs, almost shyly, to both she-cats. "Laughblossom is a natural!" She blinks, friendly, at Lovelight, who is the tom's littermate. "I don't think Thundergleam needs any help looking pretty, but..." She grins, self-conscious under the petals woven through her tortoiseshell fur.

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Shroudedpaw ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.


Mousenose's gratitude was met with a gracious blink, a soft nod of the head- it was nothing to compliment beauy as it naturally appeared. And she meant every word of it, absolutely ... that could not be misconstrued, for there had not been a day n Thundergleam's life that she had not been earnest. Her voice was drenched in sincerity, completely ... kissed with the certainty of the Stars' judgement.

I don't think Thundergleam needs any help looking pretty, said Mousenose- Thundergleam could not hold back a small giggle, flattered flutters flitting from her maw. "Oh, you are too kind..." purred, genuine... though she would appreciate help, nonetheless. Yes, she would love to be a canvas for Laughblossom's inspiration, and if it made her prettier then that would be a wonderful boon!

Laughblossom gained all of her attention, then. Her laugher still twittered a little, moving delicate shoulders, as he observed her- and the shining of her fur! It was impossible not to blush beneath the veil. Preferences, ah... in truth, she could not say. "Your humble paws may walk their own path," she murmured to him with a knightly dip of the head. Yes, her wish to see Laughblossom's talent truly expressed, plaited through her pelt, overrode any preference she might have had. If indeed there was anything at all... in truth, she had never the chance to learn.
penned by pin ☾