camp barrel into a tidal wave ࿐࿔ july '24 meeting


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • Hazecloud had roused early that morning, just before even the flittering dawn light could peirce through the thin, wavering leaves of the willow den. She'd murmured something too quiet for sleepy ears to bother to hear, flicked away like a buzzing fly with no regard for its greater meaning. Had it been an 'I'll be back'? Or 'Don't wait for me'? There is no smell of breakfast abandoned in front of her, only the half-damp moss left behind to soothe a dry throat.

    When songbirds finally disturb her peace, Lichenstar knows that she cannot delay this day any longer- without the gentle touch of a fitful, dutiful mate, the lynx point struggles to find her footing where scar-tight skin pulls uncomfortably against her movements... where a cobweb bound paw begs in Moonbeam's voice not to be disturbed. It is graceless, the awkward shuffling gait that carries her to exit her den and when pale eyes find the river stones that might hoist her above the masses, the blue molly can't help but frown to think of the effort involved in getting there.

    But StarClan would need to be able to see her clearly today...

    Her summons is as usual, a grating, hoarse call that pulls in those old enough to gather as she mounts the podium of her forebearers with a heavy breath. An exhausting feat.. but not even the half of what must be resolved on this bright summer afternoon.

    "Troutsnout..." Her eyes find the ruddy, battle-bruised pelt of a young warrior plagued by her fears and continues in hopes of fulfilling a promise, "StarClan knows... every cat by name... so I ask you... to take away the name... given to the molly... before me. It no longer... suits her... With the approval... of my ancestors... and by my authority... I give this cat... a new name."

    There are no do-overs... And Lichenstar had dedicated time to sculpting a name that might better represent the future she wanted for Troutsnout. Something that might free her of her burdens... and invigorate her with new-found strength. "From this moment... on, she will be known... as... Gladefrost... in honor... of her resilience." That should do... nicely. Glades had their moments of great beauty, their moments of withering in preparation for the next great phase of its life. Frost too, was temporary in the opposite kind of way... sharp and bitter cold when most necessary, until warmed by circumstance, by the gentle touch of paws. She would be great in all seasons... and thrive despite hardships.

    "Three of our kits have reached their sixth moon," she begins, eyes round with pride finding the fussing forms of her children where they sit uniformly beside their mother. "It's time... they become apprentices..."

    "Eveningkit, Horizonkit, Twinklekit.... come forward." She wonders if their brother can see them clearly... if he is bursting with excitement on their behalf, if he might hold their hopes close to his chest and live vicariously through them in the coming journey. "Eveningkit..." Dear, brave Eve, "from this day... until you're given... your warrior name... you will be known... as Eveningpaw." The name of her mentor would remain in question, for now, as the choice tilted back and forth in her head even now... "Horizonkit," howling son, "from today onward... until such a time.. that you earn... your warrior name... you will be known... as Horizonpaw..." The choice of his mentor is simple to her, plain... though maybe it is Cicadastar's inspiration of her own pairing with Brookstorm that alights this mischevious fire in her now, "Salmonshade will be.. your mentor. She is a devoted... caring and competent warrior... I trust," and she hopes beyond hope that the sunrise colored molly sees the unwavering faith in her gaze, "She'll make a great... warrior of you." Her attention fixates on her last, her glimmer-dusted girl, "Twinklekit," starry-eyed wonder, "from now on... until your warrior name... you'll be known.. as Twinklepaw." She find a relieved face once more, nods as if to reassure herself this burden is a true test of her newfound identity, "Gladefrost.. will mentor you... and Eveningpaw." No further justification necessary...

    She watches with a pinched smile as they reach to touch noses with their mentors, and cannot help the quiver of anxiety that comes in a surge of paranoid pain in tattered wounds- Please... please keep them safe...

    "Magpiepaw," she continues, "Your mentor has... dutifully served... but is ready... to join the elder's den... So to continue.. your training, Hawkcloud.. will be your mentor." She beckons them to go about the tradition of touching noses, greeting eachother and coming to terms with their new arrangement before finding the next on her list of reassignments, "Frecklepaw... your mentor... has served you well.... but their recent injury... means you'll be needing.. a new teacher. I would ask... Driftwood... to pick up... where they left off." Young warriors in a small parade, receiving their firsts... Hopefully they would prove apt in mentoring and not need to have their charges relinquished from them soon.

    There are only a few more matters to attend to... before she can return to the comfort of her den, rest her aching body and waste away another few hours. So long as no one contributed any chaotic contributions of outcry... "Bumblepaw... Minnowpaw... Carawaypaw..." Willowroot's own... her youngest (for now, though she can't help but wonder if Poppysplash will hanker for more kittens to coddle soon, before the winter can sneak upon them). "I, Lichenstar of RiverClan... call upon my... warrior ancestors... to look down on... these apprentices... They have trained hard.. to understand the ways... of the warrior code... and I commend them... to you... as warriors in their turn."

    "Bumblepaw... do you promise... to uphold the warrior code... and to protect... and defend... your clan... even at the cost of your life?"

    And while she lets the apprentice summon her strength to confirm, she asks the same of her sibling, "And you, Minnowpaw... do you... promise... to uphold the warrior code... and to protect... and defend your clan... even at the cost of your life?"

    And there is still one more to pose the question to- "Carawaypaw... do you too.. promise to uphold... the warrior code... to protect and defend.. your clan... even if it costs... your life?"

    Their affirmation does not take much searching for, bright-eyed and eager to fulfill their roles in the paw-steps of their mothers, who've served as tireless supporters and leaders of their clan. She thinks of Willowroot's soft words... the way she implored for faith, trust... to rely on ones kinsmen... She hopes their eyes never stray from the proudly presented young warriors in front of them-

    "Well... then... under the eyes.. of StarClan... I give you... your warrior names. Bumblepaw, from this moment on... you will be known... as Bumblenose! StarClan honors you... for your resilience... and loyalty. And we proudly.. welcome you... as a full warrior... of RiverClan." The corners of her eyes crinkle, and though she is unwilling to dismount the stones to touch noses with them just yet, she will find them when the meeting is over to share it, "Minnowpaw... from now on... you will be known as... Minnowtail!" A perfect suffix, if you asked Lichenstar... "StarClan honors your... independence... and spirit... and we happily... welcome you... as a full warrior... of RiverClan." Then finally, "Carawaypaw... from today forward.. you will be known... as Carawaysong! StarClan honors... your loyalty... and sense of duty. So... we welcome you too... as a full warrior of RiverClan."

    She allows for the cacophony of eager choir to sing out their new names so loudly that the heavens might truly hear them clearly. Waits as the crowd collects to exchange congratulations and greetings... and once the clamour has died down just a little, she raises her tail for complete silence,

    "There is... one more thing..."
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦ LETS GOOOO!!!! RIVERCLAN NATION!!!! June was a great calm down after an insane May... thank you to everyone for making the fish-lover clan so lighthearted and fun !! Here's to another great month, let's go crazy go stupid !

    Activity shout-outs! [Those on the census that made 10+ posts in June!]
    I know I'm behind on the activity shoutout rewards but i PROMISE im gonna do it i SWEAR...
    if i forgot u feel free to show up at my house and beat me up (let me KNOW PLEASE!!! i owe u my life...)
    @Moonbeam , @iciclefang , @FERNGILL , @FOXTAIL
    @willowroot , @LAKEMOON , @Troutsnout , @SANDPELT , @BEEFANG , @CICADAFLIGHT , @claythorn , @hazecloud , @robinheart
    @turtlepaw , @PEBBLEPAW , @MIDNIGHTPAW , @shellpaw , @splashpaw , @Mothpaw
    @TWINKLEKIT , @EVENINGKIT , @CRABKIT , @Pinekit ⭒ , @Graykit , @Shimmerkit.
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

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Blind eyes shimmer and tail tip twitches. Nettlepaw's ears are alert, though his face is wrapped in a neutral scowl that mimicked the cold neutrality of stone. There was a change in name for a warrior, and new apprentices were granted to various mentors. The mink tom isn't looking forward to sharing the crowded den, and this displeasure flickers across his vision for mere moments before the ice returns. Then, new warriors... and a bitterness rests upon his tongue.

I'd already be a warrior if it wasn't for the new code, he thinks sourly to himself. He tells himself that it'll be his turn soon enough, though impatience had always been one of the boy's flaws. Nettlepaw cheers the new names regardless of his own displeasure, for that spark of jealousy which clawed at his heart did not make him any less proud for his clan-mates. I wonder what my name will be.
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The queen had an endlessly busy day from the moment she peered from the willow den. Patrols may have filtered in and out of the reeds, fish dragged across peaty soil in every direction that led to a den, but her paws had been set to pace between the safety of the willow tree and behind the depths of sedge.

Her soon-to-be former denmates had earned their gifts graciously from her and the apprentices that had lent their aid had all her gratitude. Even Splashpaw had surprised her with how quickly she took to learning something new, perhaps Lichenstar had truly plucked the best RiverClanner from whatever litter she appeared from.

Now she found herself on a battlefield in the lands she shared with her mate, and only such after this night. She must have dried the tear streaks from her face three times over while she wailed and sniffled about how proud she was over her children. They were ready to join their older siblings now, as impossible as that felt. How had they grown so quickly?

"Here, your lucky friend. Try not to keep too many in your new den?" Hazecloud wiped a stray tear from her eye as she planted a snail on her sons shoulder. His fur, sleek as if had been ruffled from his earlier nap, now lay flat and neat. Enough that she did not mind whatever effort his snail friend would undo across his shoulders. "And don't grow any taller! That goes for all of you."

Her gaze swept over to her daughters with a shaky smile, nuzzling Twinklekits ear and Eveningkits cheek.

"Do they feel all right? I plucked them from a salmon caught just this morning." Hazecloud leaned to the side to look over the shining speckles that dotted her pale coat, hovering in worry they were not to her daughters liking. "They will surely shine under the starlight tonight." Where her forebears would sparkle as the Clan chanted their names.

At last her eyes fell onto Eveningkit, who's smile beamed with starlight and mischief. "Are you ready? I have this for you." She pulled out a clam shell, wrapped in ribbons of pinks and white ridges. It was gently placed between the she-cats ears, and she stood back to look at them all.

"Oh, get out of here! Or else I'll start crying again." Hazecloud ushered them out as Lichenstar called the Clan forward, keeping herself tucked behind to clean herself of any evidence of her cries and only appearing once every speck of moisture was clear from her fur.

Quietly she took her place beside the other queens that had stepped out of the nursery, steadying her breath with each slow inhale. Lichenstar took to her announcement's like a slow ease into water, sounding off a multitude of name ceremonies. Her eyes searched for Troutsnout- Gladefrost now- in the crowd. When had she requested the change? No matter, Hazecloud found she preferred this one more. It was far prettier!

"Gladefrost! Gladefrost!" Hazecloud cheered for the warrior. "Eveningpaw! Horizonpaw! Twinklepaw!" Hardly reigning in her bias, their names shouted the loudest of them all, of course. "Bumblenose! Minnowtail! Carawaysong!" Willowroot's second litter finding their warrior names, she could hardly imagine the swell of pride when her day came to see the same. In no time they may ponder the titles their mother would gift them, but that day would come soon enough.

... one more thing...

Hazecloud perked up once more, searching Lichenstar's eyes. Was this finally it? Had she listened to her plea?


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

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Today is the day every kit dreamed of.

Today, Twinklekit was going to become an apprentice. A 'paw, a warrior in-training! The excitement in her paws is electric, she can't seem to keep them still as cats begin to gather for the meeting. Next to her stands Hazecloud, her mother had been fussing all morning about this and that. Twinklekit didn't feel sad to be leaving the nursery, but she understands the gray she-cats grief. All queens were sad when their kits at last left the nest, and though it was obvious her mother cared for her, she was touched to know she felt sad Twinklekit and her littermates were leaving to the apprentice's den.

Horizonkit is given the snail he's insisted on keeping around the nest. Twinklekit has familiarized herself with it by poking and prodding it when her bother wasn't paying attention. "The snail is becoming an apprentice too, I guess." She smiles with humor, and really it might as well be if it was riding upon Horizonkit's shoulder during the ceremony.

Upon her ear being nuzzled she looks fondly upon her mother and nods, "They are comfy and very pretty." She assures, imagining herself from the third person and how pretty the scales made her fur look. Even if they did make her extra smelly with fish, she'd wear them until they eventually fell off before the night was over. "Thanks mom." Twinklekit appreciated the thoughtful gesture.

Then, Eveningkit is addressed. Hazecloud sets the shell of a clam gently upon one of her ears. Twinklekit's eyes beam as if to say 'you look pretty' to her sister.

Hazecloud ushers them away, proclaiming if they do not hurry she'll begin to cry again. Twinklekit lets out a loud, joyous beam of laughter. Giving excited shoulder bumps to both of her litter-mates and bounds for the meeting place. She can hardly bring herself to sit through Troutsnout's renaming, but she does listen and does her best to honor the she-cats new name through her excitement. She is now Gladefrost. Twinklekit cheers her name, her voice blending in with the voices of RiverClan.

Then, the time was upon them. She stands with her siblings and faces Litchenstar, a grin she cannot contain plastered on her face. Horizonpaw. Eveningpaw. Then, her. Twinklepaw

Her mentor was the newly named Gladefrost, who was also mentoring Eveningpaw. An unexpected surprise, but it's not necessarily an unwelcomed one. She looks at her sister with a grin, and then to Gladefrost. Leaning forward she touches her nose to the warrior's, her blue eyes as big as the moon, filled with awe for the mentor she now had.

'It happened! It finally happened! I'm Twinklepaw, RiverClan apprentice, and soon I will make my clan proud!'
  • » Twinklepaw
    » RiverClan Apprentice
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A new apprentice, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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He finds it funny, how he seems to always hover on the precipice of changing his name. Horizonkit hardly remembers his days as Howlkit, red-nosed and screaming, but the identity clings to him as stubbornly as Hazecloud seems to in this moment. ”Here, your lucky friend,” she says, the teary-eyed sentiment accompanied by a small, cold touch to his shoulder. Stormy brows lift, the ghost of a smile beginning to shimmer on his lips.

”Thanks, mom.” A throaty purr blooms in his chest. The snail, though slightly rattled, continues determinedly making its way up towards the nape of his neck. The mirror of Hazecloud’s eyes flush with sudden warmth: it had to have been no small feat of his mother’s, tolerating a snail upon her silken fur long enough to surprise him with it. He leans in to rub his cheek along hers, whiskers static between storm clouds, as he answers, ”I’ll try not to,” and then, with a lighter grin, to Twinklekit, ”Maybe it’ll be better than you.”

Twinklekit is showered in salmon scales, and Eveningkit earns a clamshell laurel behind her ears. It drags a genuine smile out from the boy, the kind that squeezes his eyes and presses against the inside of his ribs. ”You guys look… good.” He can’t think about how, only half a moon ago, he thought half of them would never come back—no, he can’t think of that, or else he’ll cry. And what more embarrassing than crying at six moons old, right in front of the entire clan?

Luckily, Hazecloud is okay with crying for them all. Not abruptly enough, he is ousted from the familial bubble and stumbling into the wider clan. Besides him, his blue-eyed sister erupts with laughter, and suddenly it is jarring. He tries to laugh too, but the effort only earns them a smile. Apprentice, he is reminded. Everyone is watching. So he sits by his sisters as the meeting begins, fighting the urge to hunch over, to straighten so that Hazecloud may see him.

He is not first—another lucky thing. A warrior is; her name is changing too. Well, he supposes everyone’s names are changing; that was the whole point of ceremonies. And then it’s Eveningkit, Eveningpaw, and he’s so caught up inside himself that he misses the fact that she doesn’t have a mentor, and then it’s him.

StarClan, it’s him. He walks towards his mother on legs that are hopefully not shaking, towards the familiar rose-faced stranger at her side, and lets the sound of his new name wash over his small ears like rainwater. Horizonpaw, on his mental tongue, it’s not so different from Horizonkit. But this Salmonshade is different, and she’s looking at him, which means he should look at her too while they get way too close to each other’s faces (he tries not to look too apprehensive but he does, wrinkling his nose and squeezing his eyes shut), and then mentor and apprentice go back to wherever mentor and apprentice go.

He sags into his seat as Twinklekit goes next, a flounce in her sparkling step. She gets the renamed warrior, the brown one with a scar across her nose, and so does Eveningkit…? Immediately, he frowns, and he can’t keep it off his face even as other names begin to roll. Why do they get to be together? distantly, he wonders, and lets everyone else’s names fall right out of his head.

riverclan apprentice | "speech." | tags
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A moon had passed quickly and once more, a meeting was called by their leader. It had been about two or three moons since Lichenstar came into power after the disappearance of Smokestar and the sight of the blue lynx point upon the wet rock was more familiar now. It didn't feel foreign nor wrong, it felt right. Lichenstar was a wonderful leader who only wanted the best for her clanmates, friends and family— those who believed otherwise were ignorant. The River Queen seemed simple yet she was a complex person, you could never really tell what she was thinking but she valued Riverclan above else. Ever since Cicadastar, she always seemed to keep her real thoughts to herself but sometimes you could read them on her face. Smokestar was nowhere near as blunt or domineering as the deceased River King, but she felt repressed in herself to speak up at times.

For example, when Smokestar allowed Windclan to settle in the Beech Copse when the moors were aflame. You could tell with the expression in her eyes that she disagreed, she never offered assistance nor wanted to give more than the old River King gave to them. It had changed some now, it was subtle but she was more open with her words and opinions. No longer it seemed she was shackled behind a punishment claw that would lash out if she disagreed in a way or the suffocating presence of a higher power, but it came at a cost— really. There where times where she seemed to care more about Riverclan and everyone else before herself, willing to bite her tongue if it meant the best for Riverclan.

Even when her son had gone missing and mate had been kidnapped by the twolegs, she never pointed a claw at others in rage or blamed anyone. Lichenstar was the perfect embodiment of someone real, a true leader. None was perfect and mistakes were made, she knew how unexpecting life was and the tragedies that life brought with it. When Foxtail and Salmonshade blamed themselves for not being able to protect Riverpaw or Hazecloud, despite the sadness that filled her chest— this woman comforted her clanmates. It was not their fault and she always allowed herself to be placed in last, wanting to protect what she had. Her clanmates and family disappeared one by one, yet she never faltered in the moments of grief and allowed to keep a steady head and save us all.

Where would they all be if Lichenstar crumbled? Would they be forced into submission by the twolegs and made to wear those thick snake-like objects around their necks, forced to forever be locked in an eternal cage as they were ripped from their homes? The thought made her lip purse and chambray eyes closed, the nightmare fuel of being captive and away from her home— large claws always attempting to grab her or Slateheart. They trashed and destroyed their home as if life meant nothing to them. She felt helpless and sometimes, she wondered if she would ever be freed until she saw Riverclan on the horizons with an enraged bear. It was a sight she never seen before and it made her want to laugh, not in a positive nor negative manner, but the sheer fact the lengths their queen would go to save them.

Did Lichenstar ever wish that her life could be back just as a regular warrior? Did she wish that she didn't have to bear the crown of Leader so she could spend more time with her children and mate? Has she ever regret making choices, not speaking up or anything else? The thought swirled in her head as she hears her name echo across by the lynx point, her gaze flicking up to meet sturdied ocean blues. Tall ears perked as her full attention rested upon the molly on the wet rock, watching her name be officially stripped from Starclan and Riverclan's roster. No longer was she named after her chocolate spotted coat that reflected a trout nor her keen sense of smell that made her a great tracker.


Hadn't Lichenstar lived in the Marsh Colony before? Ah... she did. Lichenstar had named her after her former home that reflected the marshes and the rivers, a name that would follow her for the rest of her days. You're not a failure because bad things happen. It seems as their conversation earlier from the previous moon echoed in the back of her mind, and she can't help but feel a faint smile on her lips. Yeah, she couldn't help feeling as if she was useless before. But now? She would do better than anything, her loyalty was pledged to Riverclan and to their gracious queen. She would brand herself as the sword to shed blood and kill for her home, a shield to use her body to protect the weak, young and elderly and her home. A name that reflected her resilience and that she would overcome everything, even if she had to repent for her sins.

”Thank you.”

Her voice is nothing but a ripple in the ocean, something under her breath towards the molly and her 'rebirth'. A path to penitence and to becoming a fierce and stable warrior that the lynx point believed her to be. The meeting continues on and it was time for the kittens to become apprentices— Twinklekit, Eveningkit, and Horizonkit. Was it an emotional affair watching your children grow up remembering just moons ago, they were just tiny animals that were reliant on both parents? ”Eveningpaw! Horizonpaw! Twinklepaw!” She joins the cheers alongside many, though the next words surprise her at the end of the apprentice ceremonies. She would be mentoring Eveningpaw and Twinklepaw? Trout- no, Gladefrost feels a lingering gaze to notice that the queen was staring at her and gives her a nod of affmiration. Was this a test or a to reassure her of the first steps of her new life?

Haa... you've surprised me once more, Lichenstar. The scarred warrior thinks with a smile of her lips, a faint chuckle leaving her lips in surprise. She would not fail their home once more, and she would do the best to train the children of Lichenstar and Hazecloud to become prime warriors. She leans forward and touches noses with both of the recently graduated kittens, offering them a proud smile. There seems to be a note of hesitation from their leader as she notes the faint difference in her smile, and she can understand why. Life was unexpecting and she's already lost enough close to her. They would no longer be in the safety of the nursery and none could ever expect what could happen next, but she would do her best to train and keep the apprentices from harm.

Magpiepaw and Frecklepaw were given new mentors, and she knows they'll do well with Hawkcloud and Driftwood. She wants to congratulate them but she can't bring herself to look them in the eyes still, knowing that she was the fault they were injured and had scars because of her. If she hadn't hesitated and moved faster, they would be the pure children they still were. The fact that their father and mother died because of her was already enough guilt for her and the fact after changed her. It would be best to just watch afar and let them grow on their own, they couldn't rely on her anymore. They would soon be warriors and she shouldn't spoil them anymore. The closer they were to her, the more bound they were to getting hurt.

The warrior graduations happen next and the three of Willowroot's children step forth, and she watches as Lichenstar bestows them their new names. Bumblenose, Minnowtail, and Carawaysong. The names suited them for their qualities they were trained, and she joins the crowd once more; ”Bumblenose! Minnowtail! Carawaysong!” Gladefrost believes this to be the end of the meeting until a tail for silence raises, and her ears twitch. There was another piece of news? What would it be?
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( ) the gravely voice of riverclan's leader rings low across the bustling camp. faces tilt and turn towards the sound, felines of all shapes and sizes dropping their tasks to approach her beck and call. willowroot is no different, angular head lifting from the quick grooming job she has begun to find the blue point's wiry shape atop the river stones, meeting icy blues with verdant green. as her leader begins their speeches, the smoke tabby hustles over to her gathered family on light paws, finding her three youngest already shuffled into place. "oh my lovelies," she murmurs, swiping a lick across minnowpaw's head and nuzzling carawaypaw and bumblepaw's cheeks. "today's the day. you've all done so well, sweet tadpoles. it's time you grow into frogs." nestling herself in poppysplash's velvet fur, the former lead recognizes mosspool and hazewish as they approach to join their younger siblings. all five of her children will be warriors in only a few heartbeats. anxiety chews at her stomach even as she knows nothing can go wrong.

one tufted ear pricks up as lichenstar addresses troutsnout, and sage eyes find the scarred brown tabby among the crowd. poor girl, parentless, having adopted a motherly role to her own siblings. stepping forward, the river gaze of the young warrior is steady, and lichenstar renames her something fitting and lovely. gladefrost, for her resilience. images of sunlit leaves and spiderwebbed crystals enter willowroot's head, and she lifts her voice to cry out the warrior's new name. "gladefrost!" a new start.

next, her leader addresses the mentorless apprentices, appointing them to hawkcloud and driftwood respectively. the smoke's tail raises in congratulations to her former apprentice, driftwood, who now takes on a charge of her own. horizonkit, eveningkit, and twinklekit are all called forth immediately after, and there's a soft amusement in willow's gaze as they glance back up at their leader. she is no doubt suffering through the anxiety of her children graduating onto their next steps. still, as she calls their names and appoints them mentors, her voice is as steady as it can be. salmonshade recieves horizonpaw, and vaguely willowroot hopes this one sticks. her fellow warrior had lost one apprentice to the path of medicine, another to twolegs and river waves. that lichenstar trusts the earthen feline with her son speaks volumes. twinklepaw and eveningpaw both receive gladefrost as a mentor, something odd as there are several other warriors willowroot thinks she'd consider to mentor either of the girls. still, it's nice to keep them together. their mother has made a good choice.

"horizonpaw! twinklepaw! eveningpaw!"

now comes the part of the meeting the smoke has been anxiously awaiting. as her three children step up to their places, silken fur slicked to perfection, she feels adrenaline coursing through her veins. she doesn't know if this will be the last time she gets a ceremony like this. there's been no conversation of a third litter... maybe in the distant future. for now, she takes in the moment. her kits chant 'i do,' and their new names roll off of lichenstar's tongue. bumblenose, for her resilience and loyalty. minnowtail, for her independence and spirit. carawaysong, for her loyalty and sense of duity. three perfect names for three of her perfect children. relief and joy glow in equal measure across the former lead's face as she stands to congratulate. "my loves! bumblenose, minnowtail, carawaysong!"

the crowd mills about in celebration, exchanging purrs and calls of gaiety. it is only when the infamous blue striped tail of their leader snaps like a flag in the wind that they settle back down. lichenstar has one more thing to do. willowroot curls her tail over her paws and wonders if finally, they'll be blessed with a deputy. her leader looks exhausted alone.

  • // "#91A26C"
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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.
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Iciclefang heeds her leader's call with the rest of her Clanmates, hovering just outside the nursery to where her own eager, overgrown kits rustle. Hazecloud has been as antsy as her kits this morning, and for good reason—the nursery is becoming less crowded today. The tortoiseshell queen gives Twinklekit, Horizonkit, and Eveningkit a proud smile as their mother fusses over their fur, their trinkets. "You'll make wonderful apprentices," she purrs. She can hardly wait for the day to come for her own brood to approach Lichenstar's perch on River Rock, and with camaraderie, she brushes her tail against Hazecloud's gray flank. "They will do wonderfully," she murmurs.

Troutsnout is the first to be addressed, however, which Iciclefang finds odd. The she-cat must have requested a name change—before the eyes of StarClan, she's stripped by her mother-given name and bestowed Gladefrost. Iciclefang blinks her confusion away. She can't imagine wanting to get rid of the name her father and Cicadastar had given her, but she supposes not every cat is as proud of their warrior name as she has come to be.

Next, the leader's kits tumble forward, well-dressed and with gleaming gray pelts. Iciclefang's confusion melts into a look of Clan pride, of queen's pride, as they are each given their apprentice names. "Eveningpaw! Horizonpaw! Twinklepaw!" She cheers for them, for those she'd known since they were barely discernible from scraps of loose gray fur clinging to Hazecloud's belly.

Magpiepaw and Frecklepaw are assigned new mentors, and then Willowroot's youngest brood steps forward, ready to receive their warrior names. Iciclefang purrs again, this time cheering, "Bumblenose! Minnowtail! Carawaysong!" RiverClan grows stronger with each ceremony, she's pleased to find. Someday she will be in the smoke-pelted femme's paws, watching her children become anointed with StarClan's blessing, and she thrills for the day.

But before they can disperse and Iciclefang can go to congratulate the new warriors, Lichenstar declares there is one more order of business. The queen's lips purse, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "StarClan, what is it this time," she mutters. Had Lichenstar decided to take in a few ThunderClanners? Was SkyClan joining them in their camp? Stars knew what mousebrained ideas their leader will have come up with this time.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

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〕Lichenstar calls a meeting on a warm, sunny day and her call echoed through the camp by it was odd they supposed. Suppose they weren’t quite use to hearing it yet or they just hadn’t paid attention before to it. Still, they look up from where they had been seated outside of the apprentices’ den trying to catch a minnow from the river beside it. The black and white cat watched with striking blues as the leader settled and cats began to gather, so they too stood to join their clan mates. There was many things to happen today surely right? They knew some kits where becoming apprentices, and maybe some warriors but they hadn’t been involved enough to know for certain. Still, they looked forward to the meeting and looked up at Lichenstar as she starts- by calling their sisters name.

Magpiepaw blinked a few times with round eyes. What was going on? Was she to be promoted? Did something happen? Surely Lichenstar wasnt going to punish Troutsnout! They readied themselves upwards and narrowed their eyes, as if ready to object to whatever their leader had to say about their sister. Yet something more surprising happens as their sister is renamed into something different. But for what reason? Is it cause of me? they think suddenly as they sit up straight and their tail lashed behind them.

Did- did she speak to Lichenstar about a name change? Gladefrost is named for her resilience and they swallowed thickly, but yet couldnt bring themselves to find the spotted cat in the crowd. Many questions circled their mind but the young apprentice stayed put where they stayed. No one came up to them either so suppose the feeling was mutual.

Next is the apprentices, and Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw and Twinklepaw are announced with their mentors. Gladefrost is made a mentor to Eveningpaw and they feel their chest tinge slightly. Jealousy maybe? Still the young cat chimed in slightly at the calling of the names part of ceremonies, and expected it to move onto new warriors. Their own name was far from now but they had hope one day they’ll receive one.

Instead, theyre reassigned- to Hawkcloud. A furious sense of emotion coursed through their body as they were shifted to a different mentor. Magpiepaw, defiant as ever, didnt move to meet their new teacher nor touch noses. No all they could do was stare down Lichenstar as if she had lost her mind. Why them? Their mentor- joined the elders den! Before they even got their name! Fury pooled in their stomach and they glared at the tree Lichenstar sat on instead of at her. The black and white apprentice swore softly to themselves and looked down at the ground, burning as Frecklepaw is also reassigned.

The name of the warriors’ passes, and they didnt wait for the next bit of news. They didnt care too anymore. They were too mad. There was no reasoning behind it, there was no rhyme or logic, they just felt angry. Like every emotion defaulted into this rage. Whether it be negative or positive, it only lead to rage and pettiness. Magpiepaw lashed their tail as they returned to the side of the apprentices den while everyone else cheered for Bumblenose, Minnowtail and Carawaysong. Whatever, who cares? They now have to relearn to trust a new teacher and they were not okay with it. Change was hard. As always.

  • ooc.” “
  • Magpiepaw —— Apprentice of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . NPC x NPC . littermate to Gladefrost and Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AFAB Agender Masculine / they/it/ze / 10 months & ages every 23ʳᵈ
    single / Demisexual Homoromantic(femme leaning) & polyamorous / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 57858877_QpMTdTTa199ZmQ5.png

    a longhaired black and white cat with blue eyes. write a short description detailing appearance including necessary information.
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she never thought that this would be her life. from the young angry irate young she cat with an uncle who wanted nothing more than to see her suffer, to a feline who has nothing but love in her heart for her family. she's loyal to riverclan, sure, but she doesn't like riverclan. she's never liked anyone, and that didn't change for anyone but for willowroot and her kits. she gently brushed against her mate as the meeting went on, ears twitching back and forth. quietly, she chanted the names of the apprentices to be made and then her heart soared hearing what time it was. once again, another meeting if her babies becoming more. warriors. damn good ones if anyone asks her. purring loudly, she stands from where she was sitting, chanting as loud as she can manage.

"bumblenose! minnowtail! carawaysong!"

before she csn even realize what's happening, she's crying. she pays little mind to lichenstar saying that there is another announcement. she doesn't care. whatever it was, time still pushes forward. gently she moves to lick each one of her kits on their heads. they may be warriors now, but they'd always be her babies.

"i'm so proud of you, my little guppies. oh, you've grown so big and made me so proud. i love each and every one of you so much."

she sniffles. what wonderful kids she's raised.

‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. Moonbeam knew little of the exact happenings of meetings, she could assume some things were to happen - warrior ceremonies, apprentice ceremonies - but other than kits turning to apprentices there were no sure thoughts within the medicine cat's mind. She did not know if the older apprentices had passed their assessments, she did not know which names they were going to get or which warriors were to be tasked with training each of the apprentices in need of their first or sometimes new mentors. All she knew is that the kits named to be apprenticed today were healthy, that they were ready to leave their home in the nursery behind to become something more and that they were in for a surprise when they found out how quickly life would change when they were allowed outside the camp walls, off the island that RiverClan made it's home.

She thought of it fondly.

She couldn't help but favor the trio of kittens that were to be apprenticed today even if she didn't mean to do so, the first kits she'd been witness to being born, carefully guided under Ravensong, the litter that officially started her journey to being able to see life start as nothing but small scraps of fur slowly grow sentience and personalities, their minds shaped by the bustle of clan life, and she could only hope that they would be going to good mentors, cats that could be trusted, for though there were very few in the clan she held to that regard she couldn't help but hope that Lichenstar wouldn't pick them to mentor her own children.

Before ceremonies there is name change and the pale moggie called out "Gladefrost!" Just as others did, for she understood the want for change, no the need for change as there was a time where she, too, had asked her leader for a different name, one more befitting of her than "Rat" and though it was not the leader she had gone to pleading her case that had changed her name to what she had been known as for a while now she had still received that gift and she lived every day without regret.

Then it comes, they're apprenticed and she cheers once more with the crowd, "Eveningpaw! Horizonpaw! Twinklepaw!" and eyes catch their pelts as they move forward to greet their new mentors - two new mentors for three new apprentices, it's not something Moonbeam would have chosen to do especially to a cat so new to mentoring another but she was not leader and did not question the motives of hers (or tried not to at least) - and soon enough there are two new mentors for two apprentices already having had some before, the meeting quickly delving into warrior ceremonies and she watches as they receive their names, ears pricked as she listened to why the names were given before she's cheering once more "Bumblenose! Minnowtail! Carawaysong!"

With that she is sure the meeting is over, usual news of happenings she's used to being first so there must not be more, and then Lichenstar speaks of just one more thing and with baited breath the medicine cat looks around to see if anyone else knew what this could be about before eyes land on the star-blessed once more and she is waiting.


  • --
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    14 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; mated to beefang
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
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she is hovering, an anxious butterfly flutterbeat pacing around the back of hazecloud's plumed tail, watching close as she puts the finishing touches on sleek glossed fur. this had been long awaited ; by all of them, she knows. the ash - curled molly at her front frets and cries but time has worn her ragged beyond the milkthistle lining of riverclan's nursery. squandered tales of harrowing adventure, of quick - footed stealth and cunning had lead her to believe hazecloud must be losing her mind. the same as she had when moons ago, a white - dappled face had peeked between swaying sedge and announced that blazestar had sentenced them to an extended stay. twice the time to sit and waste and rot like the trees and time to be reborn just the same.

twinklekit, horizonkit and eveningkit are all done up when she'd woken, shoved awake by a beaming pebblepaw who's chimed that today was the day, today was the day.. and for a moment, blearily - conscioused horror takes hold of her. today.. it couldn't be today, could it? had it already been a moon? six, even? they'd been so young, so tiny, so pitch - voiced and bright eyed.. was it really time for them to be released into the world, relinquished into the paws of a mentor who could watch them, could not? could look away and let them drown during a swimming lesson, could not? could let twolegs pluck them from their riverborn homes and vanish into the storming mist, never to be seen again.. or they could not.

it startles her awake enough to drag her here, to wait and stare as horizonkit bears his favorite snail. twinklekit, while reeking to high tides of freshkill, wears sheening scales in ripple wave fur, and eveningkit is given her favorite shell. hazecloud pulls back finally, just a little and shellpaw takes it as the only oppurtunity she will get before they were apprenticed -- before they were thrusted into the blinding light of warrior training, before they experience the difficulties waiting beyond camp walls. she thinks of oxbowpaw, and magpiepaw and frecklepaw and the rogues, the dog that had taken lichenstar's life and winds them now in tatters of cobweb, bits of wispy alabaster catching the hot greenleaf breeze and flitting at her extremities, haunting.

dovey paws bring her aside her mother as iciclefang does, stormwater features tear - streaked and smiling and shellpaw finds it in herself to mirror it ; peels lips back to reveal small rows of too - sharp teeth beneath soft, heavy eyes. when she speaks, it is softer even than usual, sad in a way she can't explain yet.. and certainly not to them, ” youre all gonna do so, soo great up there. “ and they would, she just knows it. the sun is brimming with life when lichenstar exits their den, heads turning and ears pricking to a crest atop her skull with a sudden uptick of rabbitquick heart. as soon as it had come, the off - eyed expression she'd mustered falls into one of characteristic steel, straight - lipped.

it was time.

she shudders a nervous breath, wearily drifting sweet amber luminaries towards her siblings. taking a step, shellpaw aims to give eveningkit a gentle bump of encouragement to the flank, looking over her head at horizonkit and twinklekit with a purr before they head off and suddenly, the cool spot at her side seems too cool. lichenstar begins to speak, a slow, scratching rasp over craning ears. when the time comes, she is howling as best she can along with the crowd -- a crackling shriek of a thing, more birdwhistle than cat when she chants, ” horizonpaw! twinklepaw! eveningpaw! “ again and again and again, and then, ” bumblenose! carawaypaw! minnowtail! “ because willowroot and poppysplash's kits were old and grown. one day, the babies would be, too.

they wouldnt be babies anymore, weren't even now. apprenticed, two to trou -- gladefrost, and one to salmonshade. the thought makes her brain spin but she cannot voice it, not now, when her lungs heave from overexertion and her voice is lost beneath a call for something else. one more thing, they say, lifting a bent tail to hush the cheering crowd. shellpaw squints, panting beneath her breath and praying it was quiet. what else?

  • i.

  • 84241097_QQbCg8eRrSlAAa4.png

    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.

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✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • It had been a whispering in her ear that had grown far louder with time... sometimes it bit and hissed and pulled at the sensitive fur, other times it was only a gentle breeze of suggestion. The crowd cheers for their growth, for the continual good fortune of their clan, and she can share in that joy, even if her muscles ache to stand atop this damnable perch like a peacock displaying its feathers for attention.

    It would be a preening she'd get used to with time... and with fewer weights to burden the climb as her council learned to shuffle below her, took to melding into their respective spots, serving their unique purposes. If... they could be trusted not to snap at her paws whenever they so pleased... like kittens up past their nap time, furious with everything and nothing at the same time.

    The silence that meets her is exactly as she requested... and daunting in equal measure. Owl-round eyes stare at her from the crowd and though she can see excitement and hope, there are flickers of wariness and uncertainty there too. They could not be ignored... though there was nothing to be done about their lack of trust yet either. Perhaps... the shifting of the tide might encourage them to wade into calmer waters... Would not make them feel as if they are being led astray by a single, raspy-song'd siren.

    "It has been... over two moons... since we've lost... Smokestar," she starts, already lost within herself for what words she wanted and how to weave them together to form a deeper connection and meaning to those that grieved him too. "And I... have been unwilling... to part with... what pieces of him... are left." The state of the willow den said as much, left in disarray and dew-damp, stale scent for far longer than it should've. Cicadaflight's stoic misery to have seen it washed anew clings to the back of her throat, threatening to strangle it with regret that had not yet been laid to rest. Still.... still.... there was always a blame to be carried.

    "I was uncertain... what sort of leader... he wanted me to be," it is an intentional exposure of the cracks, the fissures left in a bleeding heart that makes her itch with discomfort. To be laid bare before her clan so they might understand or forgive or... something. The purpose of her own tirade eludes her as warbling voice carries on, "I'm still... not sure." A tight-lipped frown tugs at gaunt, tired features, "So... I cannot pretend... I have the answers.... not alone."

    Stubbornness withholds the whole truth, the one that Hazecloud had dug her teeth into and ripped out of her split-open ribcage. The truth that she would do anything to trade places with him. That her death had been so unsatisfying... because it had changed nothing. Saved no one. She was still trapped here, wearing a crown that felt far too heavy for anyone to adorn.... And it seemed far easier to give that burden back... than to struggle to learn to endure it.

    "I say these words... before StarClan... in hopes that... my ancestors... may hear me... and approve my choice," she remembers the fluttering of wing-beats in her chest, as a single, warm ember had burned the edges of ruffled fur with his stare... When he'd made the same proclamation without remorse, without doubt. "Do you still trust me?"

    "The deputy of RiverClan... will be Hazecloud."

    Pale eyes seek out summer-tides with a sharp understanding... A spiteful burn along the grooves of a spine stood on end but a few nights prior. "Go back to sleep," she'd said, with a barbed tongue barely returned to its sheathe... and she had, but not without consideration of her words. If Hazecloud would lecture her for not sharing this burden, then she would bear it too... she'd be made to understand that her choice to suffer in solitude had been selfless... and not a spiraling act of self-destruction. If she would travel across expanses far beyond the known territories, take to calling herself a leader of her youngers, then the blue lynx point would like to witness it with her own eyes... and with admiration, learn a side of her mate she had not been granted a chance to know. It is a choice equal parts vindictive and selfish...

    She could not trust anyone else to argue with her as a voice of reason and not push too far.

    And if fate was a repeating cycle of pain... she'd suffer to die in no one else's arms.. by no one else's paws... under the watch of no one else's eyes.
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦ big congratulations to @hazecloud !!!! she's been... such a consistent part of riverclan for so long, going farther back than even the journey in her catty, gossip girl ways... this promotion is long overdue... another journey cat added at long last.
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  

Citrine eyes glow soft, curious even, from the entrance of the medicine den. Settled nearby Cicadaflight - aiming to brush her tail gently against his side as Lichenstar begins this moon’s meeting - Robinheart cannot deny the intrigue filtering through her mind. Lichenstar and Hazecloud’s children are of age now. They’ll be named apprentices before the clan and before their starry ancestors.

Would one of them had been assigned to you, my love?

She imagines little Eveningkit touching noses with stoic blue warrior, grassy green eyes glittering with duty (and maybe a hint of annoyance) towards Lichenstar. She imagines little Horizonkit padding after his mother’s former apprentice, ready to learn all she has to teach. She imagines little Twinklekit filling curled ears with excited chatter and surmounting questions. She imagines so many different futures that’ll never come to pass.

You would have made a fine mentor, Brookstorm.

The blue lynx point begins not with apprentice ceremonies but with a naming ceremony. Shock briefly fills sun bright eyes as Troutsnout is called forward. Robinheart feels her chest tighten with uncertainty at the motives behind her best friend shedding her name - one of the few gifts left behind by the brown speckled molly’s parents - but she pushes such feelings away for now. Troutsnout seems pleased with this; eager even. Lichenstar bequeaths a new name to her and in the chorus of cheers Robinheart’s own voice rings out: “Gladefrost!”

Next come the trio of newly graduated kits. Yearning fills Robinheart for the day she can preen and dote on her own children the way Hazecloud does now. They look so grown up, the tortoiseshell thinks to herself as Lichenstar calls upon her brood. In a ceremony filled with excitement they are named and assigned mentors - two very fine RiverClanners to teach them the ways of the world. “Eveningpaw! Horizonpaw! Twinklepaw!”

Hazecloud and Lichenstar are not the only proud parents present. Willowroot, Robinheart’s rock through and through, and Poppysplash await their second litter’s graduation from apprentices to warriors. Time feels unreal in the moments the tortoiseshell realizes these soon to be warriors were just kits when she was an apprentice. How she helped Willowroot in the nursery in the days before the smoke molly could take her on as an apprentice. And now they were grown. Each pledging themselves to RiverClan and earning their rightful names. “Bumblenose! Minnowtail! Carawaysong!”

In what should have been a dismissal lies a request for further attention. One more announcement. The queen’s ears angle forward, her gaze fixated on Lichenstar as she awaits the following words. RiverClan was finally ready to welcome a deputy. One to come alongside Lichenstar, just as they had come alongside Smokestar. Robinheart’s mind skims over the many choices but not the one chosen.


The queen who had helped her through the newborn phase and beyond. A wonderful friend. Lichenstar’s mate. Trusted RiverClanner who went on the great journey.

The choice may not have been obvious at first but Robinheart finds that Hazecloud is a fitting choice in her eyes. “Hazecloud!” She cheers for the new deputy, bonded to the smoke molly in motherhood and a lovingly forged friendship.
[ penned by kerms ]
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Yet again, Hazecloud hadn't needed to rouse Eveningkit from her sleep — and perhaps that will be a sore spot eventually, considering neither of them will have another chance at waking up side by side. Lichenstar had been more separated than Hazecloud ever was, but now that the trio is about to move their cozy nests into another den... things will be different. Eveningkit does not yet feel the melancholy that will surely grip her one of these days. She's been waiting for this very day since her very birth- or so she says, even when everyone around her tries to convince her that a newborn only has milk on its mind.

It's been odd to see mama cry so much. For what it's worth, Hazecloud has been trying to keep it in check and sometimes turned her head away while she sniffed, no doubt getting rid of evidence; Eveningkit has given her the privacy to do so... partially in an attempt to offer some dignity, but mainly because she doesn't want to mess her cheek fur up with tears. Thank StarClan she's been diligent when it comes to cleaning herself, or this morning would have been insufferable.

Eveningkit is a barely-contained bundle of excitement between her littermates. "Bet I'll grow taller than you," she whispers even though it's meant for all of them to hear. To Hazecloud, she adds, "Ready as I'll ever be! Come on."

What else is there to say? If she acknowledges the praise from both Twinklekit and Horizonkit — one more reserved than the other but full of emotion all the same —, the waterworks will begin. Like a dam breaking apart and loosening its grip on incoming flood. Lichenstar surely wouldn't want to see her cry. She imagines they'd rather gaze upon Eveningkit with pride, not something akin to pity.

She manages to keep her limbs steady enough as she parts through the crowd to reach its front; the shell between her ears is like a crown, one she does not intend on losing. It's so tiny that she almost doesn't feel its presence, and she wishes she could bring it with her wherever she goes, but it will act better as decoration. Weaved into her new nest, it will make the apprentices' den familiar enough that maybe she won't accidentally stumble into the nursery out of habit.

The soft mrrep leaves her before she even thinks of it, Shellpaw's little gesture warming Eveningkit's heart. She tries not to think of Riverpaw — he should be here, and he's not, and she does not want to feel sad today. There's only Pebblepaw and Shellpaw... and the support of older siblings is enough.

Eveningkit holds her breath- but Lichenstar addresses Troutsnout first.

Her ears twitch as her head swivels, finding the chocolate molly amongst the familiar pelts. Did Troutsnout do something wrong? Eveningkit vaguely knows of the rogue attack that had forced the ever-dutiful warrior into the medicine den... did something else happen? When she looks at Lichenstar, she does not see contempt there.

No, this is not punishment. Lichenstar strips Troutsnout of her name and gives her a new one; wraps it up with a neat little bow and bestows this gift upon her. Gladefrost takes it well- and that is an odd sight, considering Eveningkit still remembers how Horizonkit had cried when his was changed. She cried with him, demanded his previous name back... but now, she's gotten too used to the new one. Perhaps Tro- Gladefrost is already at that later stage.

"Gladefrost!" Eveningkit calls her name out of politeness. Now it's our turn!

Finally, finally, Lichenstar addresses the three of them. Eveningkit looks at Twinklekit and Horizonkit — this is the last moment she'd regard them as kittens. They're about to cross the finish line, something they would never be able to come back to, and they're doing it together.

Eveningpaw. Twinklepaw. Horizonpaw.

She's certain she's purring up a storm, but it's hard to tell anything past the blood roaring in her ears. The joy is strong enough that it doesn't even allow surprise to seep in when Lichenstar appoints Gladefrost to mentor not one but two of them. It's impossible to indulge in too much things when the entire Clan is watching, but she allows herself to mirror Twinklepaw's grin. Would Gladefrost be up for the challenge? Eveningpaw meets the blue of her eyes head-on when they touch noses as per tradition; they'd all have to just wait and see.

The air settles then. Eveningpaw still feels adrenaline hot on her heels, but she can now sit idle while Lichenstar proceeds with the rest of the meeting. "Bumblenose, Minnowtail, Caraway- Carawaysong!" Even when her voice breaks on the last name, the feeling of floating on a cloud keeps any possibility of embarrassment far away from her.

There is one more thing, Lichenstar says and wraps invisible rope around all their necks in the very same breath. Iciclefang seems to think it's negative, but Eveningpaw doesn't see her mother's eyebrows furrow with stress.

This is something else.

At the very least, Lichenstar spares her and doesn't give enough time for Eveningpaw's mind to run free with ideas. She speaks of Smokestar- and it's so open, so raw, that Eveningpaw almost wants to look away. They hadn't spoken of him much... her recent move into the leader's den, only because of some resilience on the family's part, is proof enough that he still haunts her. He is in the shadows on the willow's walls, in every word Lichenstar speaks as a star-blessed leader.

It's only now that Eveningpaw understands time has, in one way or another, stopped for Lichenstar. What Eveningpaw had deemed positive — climbing the ladder of ranks and receiving nine lives — had only held them back. Now, they're letting themself break free. RiverClan will have a deputy once again- big, big shoes to fill, if anyone wants to rival Lichentail in that spot.

Eveningpaw's maw hangs open in a silent gasp. Lichenstar picks Hazecloud, and now that the decision has been made and cemented, she wonders how she hadn't seen that one coming. It makes perfect sense... and her chest feels warmth with pride, now directed at both her parents instead of herself and her littermates.

"Hazecloud, Hazecloud!"
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The words that part Lichenstar's toothed jaws again might come as worrisome to some, but to Nettlepaw, all he can really do is breathe a sigh of relief. Cicadastar and Smokestar had been all he had ever known before Lichenstar had taken her spot upon the throne. It made sense. Mates ruled together and as such, Hazecloud was the natural choice. The only real question was why it had taken so long. They had nearly lost their leader, and what would have happened then? RiverClan needed a deputy. At least this was decision that Nettlepaw could approve of.

He chants Hazecloud's name among the crowd.
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They begin with a twinge to their voice. The gutted loss of RiverClan's faithful spill from her maw like an open wound and Hazecloud slowly leaned closer to Iciclefang, who had murmured in exasperation just before. Had it only been two moons, truly? It still felt all too new, and so far away.

His scent had long since faded from the willow tree but the momentos he kept had made it feel lived in still, as though she would turn around and that glowing ember eye glower at her before demanding she leave. But such had never arrived while she and Salmonshade swept up the remnants.

Hazecloud could feel her heart ache as Lichenstar broke a piece of themselves before the Clan. A vulnerability she did not expect to be displayed outside of their quiet moments together, but she is sure her Clanmates may appreciate to see. That they are not built of stone and thorned ivy, but inspirational in the way they were still discovering what StarClans plans were. For Lichenstar, for this Clan, for each warrior's destiny, weren't they all still seeking something sensible from it all?

Lichenstar continued on and Hazecloud held her breath as she saw where this speech was headed to end. In the pause between the mollys words Hazecloud would search the crowd to ponder the who had been her choice. Would it be Ferngill, who's youth and kindness may offer her a different perspective? Or would Willowroot possibly make a return to the council she once held place in?

Her maw opened, ready to cheer the name of whichever warrior was given the grace to sit below her mate, her breath held behind her teeth in anticipation.


Teeth clacked in how quickly she snapped her jaws shut, her eyes steady as they trained on dull, tired blues. Something churned in her belly- nausea?- it felt as though all the emotions within her had stuck themselves into the pit of her gut, angrily clawing at one another for the top while she felt each one in waves.

Angry, she wanted to scream but she had no words to spit with vitriol.

Anxious, she had never led anything before that was more than a simple patrol, and she would hardly call corralling the nursery a qualification.

Betrayed, was that right? Strange, it was, and she couldn't discern why. Because the molly hadn't thought to even speak to her beforehand? Because this felt like some sort of trick?

Her friends, her Clan, cheer her name and it felt hollow as her ears thrummed with each call. Tears bubble at the corner of her eyes- she's been crying so much this day, they can believe they're tears of joy.

"I will proudly serve RiverClan."

Again, and again, and again she would.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

Hawkcloud could feel her heart leap in her chest at the sound of her own name falling from Lichenstar's mouth, among all the others. It felt as though bird's wings had suddenly grown from the wildly beating thing and burst forward in flight, fluttering uselessly where it hit the barrier of the walls of her chest. Was it nervousness? The young warrior wasn't sure, it wasn't all that often that she took the time to sit with the emotion in the first place — even when the situation called for it. She doesn't enjoy the feeling, it leaves her paws restless. But it isn't all nervousness today, it's a bit of pride, too. Excitement. The she-cat wonders for a moment if she might be dreaming.

But Hawkcloud is sure she isn't, the realization hitting her with cold clarity as she approaches with her head and bite-cropped tail held high and meets the eyes of her new apprentice, her own wide and shining. But Magpiepaw hasn't moved, hasn't even acknowledged her — instead they're glaring at Lichenstar with a fury that halts Hawkcloud immediately in her tracks. Did something happen? Had something gone wrong? The she-cat glances about while the mentors touch noses with their newly-named apprentices, the cheers of their Clanmates filling their ears while Hawkcloud stands, blinking in confusion. Perhaps Magpiepaw is nervous, the warrior reasons with a forceful swallow. They don't know Hawkcloud all that well, and... Well, that has to be it. It couldn't be that Magpiepaw hates her or something, right?

So Hawkcloud puts on her brightest smile despite the anxiety coursing through her own veins, chilling like river water. And she pads forward until she's face to face with her new apprentice, leaning in and touching her nose to the feline's before they can move to run away or claw her throat out, like it appears they want to. Hawkcloud wants to say something to Magpiepaw, some friendly greeting or words of reassurance, perhaps — but the sight of the blood-curdling anger on the young cat's face makes her throat tighten strangely. Her heart is still beating wildly within her chest, but now it's as though the wings long desperately to escape. It's all Hawkcloud can do to stand beside her new apprentice and cheer for the others, the new warriors, and for Hazecloud. She feels uncertain.​

———————————riverclan | apprentice | she/her——————————
Turtlepaw loved meetings! They were a time her whole clan got together to listen to their leader and everyone was on the same page. It also was usually a time when kits became apprentices and apprentices became warriors, a positive change in the clan. She cheered the names of the graduating kits and new warriors with glee and gusto. At Gladefrost's name change, she gives a softer, more understanding call. Changing yourself was a big deal and Turtlepaw respected Gladefrost's wish to grow and change, even as - in her eyes - a grown cat.

Turtlepaw's eyes drifted to Magpiepaw in the crowd. She watched as her friend's(?) face contorted in anger at the announcement of its new mentor. She frowned and made a mental note to chat with them later about it. Same thing had happened to her, after all.

She doesn't know how to feel. To go from the elation of new denmates and graduating denmates, to the immediate crash of doubt of her leader made her pelt shake in rage. Where did that feeling come from? She had never felt something so profound and so suddenly except for fear.

Turtlepaw looks at her clanmates to reassure her feelings. Surely, they felt the same. No. No one seemed to be as displeased and shocked as she was. Was she going mad? She had never questioned her leader before. She followed Smokestar blindly and intended to follow Lichenstar with the same loyalty as well. Now, her loyalty shook in fear.

Hazecloud was a kind cat. She was warm and friendly, and always greeted Turtlepaw when she walked by. She never spoke an ill word about anyone to her directly and her kits were so pleasantly behaved. She could not believe, though, that Hazecloud could lead this clan as it should be. RiverClan was not a litter of kits needing a mother's warm comfort. They could not be coddled into submission or loyalty. At least, Turtlepaw couldn't.

Her face contorted into a grimace as she watched the pretty she-cat move to sit under Lichenstar's perch. How could she sit there? Turtlepaw's gaze fixed onto her paws to hide her blatant emotions. She half-heartedly cheered the new deputy's name at the dry dirt under her paws. Turtlepaw was supposed to love meetings.

[penned by muddly].
frecklepaw & 10 moons & trans. fem & she/they/it & riverclan apprentice
Frecklepaw has never cared for change - something this meeting has far to much of. It starts out with a familiar name, the shy molly snapping her gaze to her sister as Troutsnout is called forwards. She thinks she's getting an apprentice - or maybe a promotion - but either idea doesn't sit well with her. Guilt stills her paws, the reminder that she'd been hurt because of her, because of them keeping her anger at bay as regret crashes over her like a tide. She wants her sisters attention, true, but at what cost?

She can't lose her too.

But instead of giving Troutsnout some task that will take all her time away from Frecklepaw, she is instead given a new name - and Frecklepaw is left reeling once more. Should she be happy, that her sister has been granted this second chance? Should she be upset that her world has yet again be turned on it's head? Troutsnout is Troutsnout, not- not Gladefrost. But then... then her big sister smiles, and her mind goes blank. Gladefrost thanks Lichenstar for her new name, and Frecklepaw only stares.

The call of her littermates name is jolting - their mentor retiring, and her sibling given to another. eyes widen as she stares at them, nudging them with her tail anxiously - not forwards, but in understanding. They don't want this, do they? Frecklepaw doesn't either. Magpiepaw makes no move to greet Hawkcloud, and so she only stares until her own name is called. She can't help but jolt, reoiling away from the words and the eyes upon her pelt. Part of her had understood her mentor was injured - she herself had been too, not long ago. All three of their little family had. But she hadn't - she hadn't thought it was that bad. Did they not want her anymore? Or did moonbeam think they were gonna die?

Mind races, blue furred figure trembling as mismatched gaze seeks out Driftwoods figure in the crowd - paws steadfastly rooted in place. Magpiepaw doesn't greet their mentor, and so she too won't either. She doesn't want this - any of this. She wants things to go back to the way they were - to before. Eyes dart away, staring at the ground shamefully until the meeting is over. She wants to be somewhere (anywhere) else in that moment - wants the ground to swallow her up whole so that she might disappear.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I L O S E M Y C O O L , W H E N I G E T E M O T I O N A L
// ic opinions <3