camp barrel into a tidal wave ࿐࿔ july '24 meeting

He imagined Hazecloud was quite a bit relieved to finally be out of the nursery... that was one reason he wasn't in any rush to have kits, he hadn't a desire to keep Sablemist cooped up for as long as she had been. Even though, well, it was an inevitable thing- something that came hand in hand with kits, he saw it in Iciclefang- he would be sure to have a long conversation with Sablemist about the topic whenever it came up.

Surprise lit in his eye at Troutsnout- no, Gladefrost's presumed choice to ask after a changed name. For everything he'd been through, every step in his life, Ferngill would never think to change his name- it meant too much, and was too welded with his being. All the same, he'd always thought Troutsnout's name had suited her well- it must mean something great to overwrite something like that, though. He'd do his best, then, to make the adjustment. Gladefrost suited her just as nicely.

Eveningkit, Horizonkit and Twinklekit waltzed into apprenticeship beneath their parent's eyes, glimmering with love- Ferngill blinked, long and thoughtful and fond, as he looked at them. Many a time he'd been put on babysitting duties, helped the queens, checked in on Hazecloud and the writhing little clouds at her belly- his heart swelled to see them now, all grown up- with mentors! If they were anything like their parents, which was probably likely... they were going to be absolutely fine.

Warriors, too, new to jon their ranks- Ferngill beamed with a verdant glimmer in his eye as he looked at them, another brood he'd known since kithood. "Bumblenose! Minnowtail! Carawaysong!" His voice joined the chorus- strong paws would stride along the rest of RiverClan, and the Clan he had loved since kithood would prosper forever. Bumblenose, Minnowtail and Carawaysong were living proof of it, and he would be beaming if they looked his way.

Then, though- the matter of deputy came creaking out of Lichenstar's injured throat, her words slowly rasping, raking. Ferngill watched attentively, still- yeah, it had been a long time since they'd had a deputy. He'd sort of forgotten you even needed one... when Snowy, uh, Splashpaw had ended up in their paws, the council had been who Lichenstar sought.

That Hazecloud was not on the council had always surprised him- she was a loving, good cat, brave and true, he knew it. he had a lot of respect for her, and had found comfort in her presence during and ever since the journey. For her to be announced as deputy, then, sparked a smile on Ferngill's face- a smile that faltered a little when he saw the look on their new deputy's face. Her eyes glimmered a little in the light- he hoped they were tears of pride, of happiness, but she wasn't laughing or anything. Still, he let his voice join the chorus; "Hazecloud! Hazecloud!"

All he hoped was that Lichenstar knew what they were doing. He loved Sablemist so much, but if he was ever leader he didn't think he could ever choose her as his deputy... and if she was leader, he would not want to be hers. Something about watching your mate's nine lives slip away whilst being expected to success them sat very wrongly within him, and for all his good memories of life beneath Cicadastar, he saw the toll that relationship had put on Smokestar.
penned by pin
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Reactions: hazecloud
Today must be an exciting day for both Lichenstar and Hazecloud, as the young lead warrior glances over at their three youngest kits. Time goes by so fast, doesn't it? It goes by in a blink of an eye; he remembers hearing murmurs of Lichentail and Hazecloud's new kits— born during a harsh Leafbare, and during a tense time. There was no way they could've predicted Hazecloud would have to spend an extra three moons in the nursery.... as the kits were born before the gathering that introduced the six moon apprentice code. But she got to spend more time with her kits this way, and she can send them off to the apprentice's den without worry.... those kits are nearly as big as him!

But his thoughts are pulled away from their kits, as Lichenstar mews Troutsnout's name; and his ears prick up in curiosity. He looks over as the scarred young warrior pads forward, briefly looking back at his leader. ....Is she in some sort of trouble? Or maybe she is getting recognized for her dedication in RiverClan? To say the least, Foxtail blinks in surprise as Lichenstar continues; his friend didn't think her name suited her? Foxtail had thought the name suited her well; she was, is a hard-worker.... she is deeply loyal to her family and clanmates, and will put their safety above hers. "Gladefrost!" He cheers out his friend's new name, she knows herself the best out of anyone here. It might take him sometime to get used to the new name, but he lightly smiles over at her. Trout-Gladefrost seems quite proud of her new name.

His attention shifts back onto the three kits, and their paws must be shaking with anticipation, as Lichenstar addresses her children. She gives them their new names— Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw, and Twinklepaw! Salmonshade is entrusted to mentor Horizonpaw, and the young lead warrior watches as she touches noses with her new apprentice. Poor Salmonshade has had.... bad luck with apprentices, and his heart aches for her. Moonbeam had initially been her apprentice, and later Riverpaw. Both instances of her losing her apprentice had been out of her control, and he can only hope this time around she will see her apprentice earn their warrior name. And to his surprise, Gladefrost is given not one, but two apprentices! He couldn't imagine having two apprentices, especially as a cat with no mentoring experience. Foxtail knows he wouldn't been able to do it six moons ago with Eelpaw.... He had failed her back then. I hope she does a better job than I did with my first apprentice, I can't imagine having two as my first time. He thinks quietly, wrapping his tail around his paws. Gladefrost is quite the determined warrior.... she should be able to handle it. It also helps that her two apprentices already know each other, being littermates and all. "Eveningpaw! Horizonpaw! Twinklepaw!"

His olive green eyes move onto Hawkcloud, his eyes shining with pride as Lichenstar reassigns Magpiepaw to her. Foxtail had been longing for the day that his last littermate was given an apprentice— she was the only one left without one after Tigersplash was assigned to Ospreypaw last moon! Hawkcloud has such a good heart; she knows how to make her clanmates smile and laugh. But she also knows how to be a role model for younger cats, and she is a perfect candidate for Magpiepaw. He purrs lightly and aims to brush his fur against hers as she pads past him to touch noses with Magpiepaw. I'm so proud of you!

He pulls his gaze away from the new apprentices & mentors, as Lichenstar acknowledges three cats in the crowd— three cats that are ready to become warriors. These cats have been training far longer than his own apprentice has, as they were apprenticed before the code Blazestar implemented. So, they must be quite excited for today; they've been training for this since they were three moons! "Bumblenose! Minnowtail! Carawaysong!" He cheers the names of the new warriors, but Lichenstar seems to have another thought on her mind. His voice goes quiet as Lichenstar calls the attention of the clan again..... Has she finally decided on a deputy? .

...They haven't had a deputy since Smokestar's disappearance. He can understand why; the clan lost their leader quite suddenly.... and unexpectedly. Lichenstar hadn't been prepared, hadn't seen leadership so close in her future. ....But after the scare with the dog, Foxtail couldn't help but worry. What if the unthinkable happens to Lichenstar, like it had to Smokestar? He had numerous lives, gifted by StarClan, but he still lost them all one by one. His stomach turns at the thought, but it can happen to Lichenstar too. "The new deputy of RiverClan will be Hazecloud."

His olive green eyes widen as the coarse words leave Lichenstar's mouth, and his head quickly whips in the direction of the former queen. His gaze falls on her, and he watches as tears roll down her cheeks. He doesn't realize they are tears of anger; that the newfound deputy is.... stunned at Lichenstar's choice. To the young tom, Hazecloud is an excellent choice to serve RiverClan as deputy. He has seen how much she cares for her clan; even when confined to the walls of the nursery. He... He couldn't be more proud for his friend then he is right now. "Hazecloud! Hazecloud!" Foxtail loudly cheers with a big smile on his face, his voice standing out with pride. She's going to do a great job as deputy, Foxtail thinks as he pulls his gaze away from their new deputy, I know she will. She will make us proud.

  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to trops for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

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Reactions: hazecloud
Lichenstar's rugged, droning voice alerts the Clan to their final bit of news. A deputy. Iciclefang's heartbeat quickens, and she sits up straighter, her muzzle creasing with worry. She glances about her Clanmates, blue eyes flicking from one shining pelt to the next. Who would I trust of you to lead me and my children in the days to come? Their easy acceptance of Lichenstar's lie of omission regarding Splashpaw and Pikesplash had soured her view of many of them. They'd follow her like lemmings off a cliff, it seemed, and that's why she's unsurprised when Lichenstar lifts Hazecloud's name to the skies.

Iciclefang's face snaps toward her friend, just resuming warrior duties, now expected to take on the mantle of deputyship. Hazecloud seems anything but pleased, but the gray molly accepts her new position. Lichenstar would pick her mate. She cannot stand for anyone to disagree with her. Iciclefang's ear flicks with frustration, but despite it all... this is one decision she will not fault her leader for. Hazecloud had proved to be courageous on the great journey, and the she-cat had reared her kits with tenderness and pride. The tortoiseshell queen waits several heartbeats before dipping her head in respect and adding her voice to the chorus that rings around them: "Hazecloud! Hazecloud!"

Please don't show your belly to her, she thinks as she cheers. Stand up for RiverClan... that's all I ask.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

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Reactions: hazecloud

”Nuh-uh.” Twinklekit protests against Horizonkit’s playful remark that the snail could be a better apprentice than her. The blue striped she-kit was uncertain of what type of prowess she’d develop, but she knew for certain her brother’s slow moving companion wouldn’t come close to besting her.

Shellpaw and Pebblepaw see the younger trio off with supportive words and a smile, Twinklekit grins back at them before bounding off.

After the ceremony ends, Twinklepaw is seated again. Her heart pounds against her chest in disbelief, this was it, she really was an apprentice now! Both excitement and anxiety flutters at her chest, so much was about to change again- and it turns out Twinklepaw didn’t even know half of it. Lichenstar chooses Hazecloud as RiverClan’s new deputy.

Shock ripples down her spine, blue eyes grow wide in both awe and disbelief. That could happen-? Both her parents could be leader and deputy? It was a concept that only transpired in dreams, but now it was the newly named apprentice’s reality. She looks back and forth between all of her siblings, what were they thinking? Were they just as astonished as she was?

”Hazecloud! Hazecloud!” The apprentice cheers her mother’s name, hoping that with all of her new and upcoming responsibilities she’d not forget about Twinklepaw.
  • » Twinklepaw
    » RiverClan Apprentice
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A new apprentice, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing