basketcase ― tricky's character hub [wip]

Nov 5, 2022
brookpaw of shadowclan (primary) ― x
ii. nettlepaw of windclan (primary) ― x
iii. leechpaw of riverclan (primary) ― x
iv. speckleclaw of windclan (secondary) ― x
v. shellpaw of riverclan (secondary)― x
vi. rowanbelly of thunderclan (casual) ― x
vi. snowspark of windclan (secondary) ― x

― myrtlewisp
― luckystrike
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poltergeists for sidekicks

  • unknown.png

    Brook- : a narrow stream. bubbly and small, yet still as unreliable as any other river. named for his fur resembling the muddy shores.
    -Paw : to signify his apprentice-hood.
    ↳ Brook, Brooky
    — Cis Male ()
    ↳ He, him
    ↳ Unknown preferences
    Apprentice in Shadowclan
    ↳ Neutral towards other clans for the time being, curious about outsiders
    09 Months
    ↳ Created 11.07.2022 at 7 months / Ages every 1st for the month
    Penned by tricky
  • unknown.png

    A chocolate ticked tabby tom with amber eyes. His dappled brown fur resembles the shade of a muddy riverbank, carrying a faint auburn tint in the sunlight. His fur has a coarse texture, wildly spiked up randomly along his coat. Darker freckles dust across his cheeks, nose bridge, shoulders, hips, and tail base. His ears are also darker, typically pricked in curiosity. Two spots mimicking eyebrows give him the expression of constant scowling until his lips peel back to reveal a sharp, almost too-wide grin. A narrow wavering stripe of darker brown additionally runs down his spine, while his fur lightens around his chest, tail, and paws. He has glazed amber eyes, with a dark mischievous glint to them, and can occasionally be seen as honey-brown in varied lighting. Dark circles border his lower eyelids.

    He is significantly smaller than other cats his age, his growth stunted from a bout of sickness as a kitten. His ribs poke out from beneath his wiry flanks, despite his gluttonous diet. He has a terrible slouch at the best of times, though can easily skulk around with a silent step.

    — His left brow was split during an accident as a kitten, in which he slipped while playing outside and bashed against a rock.
    For the future... More than ⅔ of his tail has been viciously torn off, with only a stub remaining. Notched left ear. Crooked nose bridge from a break.
    — No current injuries.
    — Slightly near-sighted, leading to him frequently squinting and clumsy hunting.
  • unknown.png






    (+) clever, light-hearted, energetic (/) emotional, perfectionist, attention-seeking (-) lazy, gluttonous, manipulative.
    It would be easy to look at Brookpaw from afar and deem him as nothing more than another immature trickster, always scheming in one form or another. Indeed, there is a mischievous glint in his eyes, though a hidden depth can be glimpsed behind the gleam, one that can be easily underestimated. Brookpaw is cunning, relying more on wit over anything else due to his scrawny stature. Some may call it street smarts, others might label him as an outside-the-box thinker. As a scavenger by nature, he can be crafty and practical if the situation calls for it; he could be compared to a swiss-army knife in this regard, true to the resourceful values of Shadowclan. He's additionally opportunistic, always scouting for the best chance. He is just as eccentric as anyone else that exists outside of the box, often purposely trying to unnerve his company through shock humor, leading to some jokes made in poor taste. He has a sort of charm about him, brought about by his tendencies to feign innocence and naivety. With this, he can become concerningly manipulative, capable of persuading people with a few white lies, flattering words, and sometimes crocodile tears. However, he rarely uses this for anything more than short-term gain without sinister intent, like being allowed to skip chores or having someone else’s meal. Despite how easy he finds it to wrap people around his paws, he is equally susceptible to his own tactics turned against him. He’s a pushover at his core, even if he’ll whine about it the entire time. He’s an enduring fighter, able to push himself off the ground after being repeatedly kicked down; once cornered, he’s as vicious as a trapped animal, though vastly prefers retreating to lick his wounds over fighting when he knows he’ll lose. He can be terribly lazy unless dragged out of whatever comfy spot he’s turned into a nest.

    Despite his antics, he is deeply insecure and anxious, often inwardly fretting over inconsequential things as a perfectionist. Some find him annoyingly clingy, as though he's desperate to keep any friends he has. While loyal to a fault, he can just as easily misunderstand intentions and flip his attitude toward someone on a whim. He has little impulse control, which majorly takes the form of compulsive theft; he has gathered a considerable hoard of stolen belongings over the years, though many items hold no value and are barely missed. He can be overly emotional, often resulting in the insult of "crybaby" being thrown around. Brookpaw holds grudges for a long time and can be quite vengeful if he's in a particularly nasty mood. He's frequently bored, occupying his mind with mindless entertainment when he loses interest in something, though he finds little fulfillment. While his usual self relies on humor, he does have the capacity to be serious, though these jarring moments are fleeting. He's largely food-motivated, being somewhat of a glutton. Since he finds solace in the great outdoors, he's frequently grimy or disheveled, often tracking mud wherever he goes. He's considerably athletic despite his lack of muscle, due to high levels of activity, and finds it easy to scrabble up to high places. He can also be fairly stealthy, sneaking around with little noise and sticking to the shadows - this behavior remains even when he isn’t intentionally lurking. When he begins to mature, he will start to leave his childish ways behind, instead becoming surprisingly empathetic. While he never lets any vulnerable information about himself slip, he has an affinity towards gossip and rumors, though mostly to satiate his own curiosity rather than to spread it with others. All in all, Brookpaw is an unpredictable force, who prefers to keep his enemies close.

    Yet with all the expectations for him to be smart and competent, he sure can be a real dumbass.

    Mannerisms: Casual to most, except those with authority. Fidgety, often playing with whatever random scrap on the ground.
    Interests: Rumors and stories, especially those of the scary kind. Pranks, though rarely harmful. Collecting anything that others would call trash, including twoleg litter.
    Fears: Rejection and loneliness.
  • unknown.png

    Copper xx Dawn Light
    ↳ Sibling to none
    Apprentice to Betonyfrost; mentor to none
    Mate to none; Parent to none
    Close friends with TBD
    Friends with TBD
    Likes TBD
    Dislikes TBD
    Loathes TBD
  • unknown.png









    Relationship Status? Not open / / Interested in no one
    Distrustful at first, can easily form friendships over shared experiences or interests. Wary of strangers, clingy to everyone else.
    — Physical Health: [ 100% ] / Mental Health: [ 100% ]
    — will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy
    Excels at stealth, climbing, stalking
    Poor hunting, swimming, running
    Sounds like... shrill and raspy, but relatively quiet. punctuated with giggling at his own jokes.
    Smells of... pine needles and mud.
    — Speech is BOLDED
    — Attack in UNDERLINE
    — Passive powerplay is allowed, asking first is preferred!
  • unknown.png

    i. — Born to Dawn Light in the marsh group without any siblings.
    ii. — His father, Copper, was killed in the Great Battle when he was two months old.
    iii. — Both he and his mother contracted a severe respiratory illness, and while he survived, he was left an orphan at three months.
    iv. — Received the split scar on his brow while playing in the camp after falling onto a rock.
    v. — Apprenticed to Weaselfern at the age of four months.
    vi. — Said mentor vanished without a trace not even two weeks into his training.
  • unknown.png

    [11.10.2022] xintroduction / sitting alone in the cold and sulking, how angsty. meets starlingpaw, siltpaw, fogpaw, and granitepaw.
    [11.15.2022] xfirst gathering / taken by a npc warrior to the november gathering, ends up backing up granitepaw in an insult-spitting match against lightpaw, roepaw, and wildpaw.
    [11.17.2022] xnew mentor / apprenticed to betonyfrost as a replacement.
    [11.20.2022] xfirst training session / discovers betony isn't as great of a mentor he hoped she would be.
    [12.13.2022] xborder meeting / meets lightpaw one-on-one at the thunderpath.
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you pour your life down the rifle's spiral

  • unknown.png

    Nettle- : a plant with jagged, stinging leaves and small white flowers. used to describe a solitary cat, often prickly at the thought of any interaction. named for his long fur spiking up since he was a kitten.
    -Paw : to signify his apprentice-hood.
    ↳ Nettle
    — Cis Male ()
    ↳ He, him
    ↳ Unknown preferences
    Apprentice in Windclan
    ↳ Wary of outside clans for the time being, though not hostile.
    09 Months
    ↳ Created 11.12.2022 at 7 months / Ages every 1st for the month
    Penned by tricky
  • unknown.png

    A lilac tom with high white and grey-blue eyes. He has mousy grey fur, broken up by large patches of white most prominently on his underside, legs, and face. The white markings create a split of color on his face, leaving one-quarter of his face still colored, as well as his ears and the top of his head. As for his legs, only his back left paw remains untouched by the white patches. His tousled fur, while downy in texture when felt against the grain, often appears windswept and pointed along his extremities, earning him his name. His ear tips and tail tip are slightly darker than the rest of his grey fur, as well as his nose bridge. His features are rounded with youth, though his muzzle is beginning to narrow like that of a full-grown cat. A shy smile rarely appears on his face, more often than not replaced with a morose, thoughtful expression. His eyes are a dull blue, faded in color yet with a hidden intelligence behind them.

    Standard of other cats in his clan, he has a lithe build, yet remains on the short side. He is skinny for his age, with his ribs concerningly jutting out from beneath his longer pelt, though he will frequently assure others not to worry about that. His fur, though not as feathery as other longhairs, grows a winter coat every leaf-bare, at which point he becomes almost entirely engulfed by his own fluff.

    — Several long scratches cross his face, mostly along his cheeks and muzzle, and reach down to his throat. Missing right eye, leaving an empty socket and scarring around it. Claw marks across his chest, left shoulder, and lower back. Broken right ear cartilage, causing it to flop over and have deafness on that side. Missing top right canine tooth.
    For the future... no planned scars.
    — No current injuries.
  • unknown.png






    (+) patient, enduring, understanding (/) independent, solemn, overthinking (-) anxious, stubborn, gloomy.
    The first impression of Nettlepaw leaves much to be desired, to say the least. He appears as a scraggly youth, too weak to accomplish much on his own for the moment. A cloud of gloom follows him around, earning him the status of a severe pessimist ― though he prefers the label of a realist. Initially a push-over for the sake of avoiding conflict, he often lets others walk all over him. He has about as much confidence as a wilted stalk of grass, easily trampled by those bolder than him, and equally easy to forget about. Yet behind his sullen surface, a quiet intelligence lies, constantly analyzing and contemplating. He rarely would use this intellect against others, instead favoring the philosophical side of thought. Critically analyzing his surroundings, he takes the time to think before acting, though this frequently leads to indecision. He tries to always remain considerate of others in his decision-making, with himself as a low priority. He can be a strategic thinker as needed, as well as able to memorize a variety of things with ease. This can lead to him speaking in a mature manner, often with a vocabulary comparable to excessive poetry. He greatly prefers to just do as he's told and rarely voices any opinion, yet those who grow close to him can discover he has more than a few snarky or sarcastic retorts to share. Fiercely protective of those that do manage to bypass his walls, there is little he wouldn't do to ensure their safety. In addition, he has a knack for reading others' true intentions, though he rarely recognizes this as more than a gut feeling. He is a hard worker at heart, willing to wear himself down to the bone if it means that someone will be proud of him. Because of this, he can be surprisingly determined, and even stubborn, when it comes down to it.

    Insecurities eat away at him like termites to wood, leaving him with little self-esteem regarding almost anything about himself. He could nitpick every aspect of himself for hours, ranging from his appearance to his talents and back again. His paranoia about how he is viewed often distorts his reality, with him constantly making mountains out of molehills in any potentially disastrous situation. He avoids any type of confrontation like the plague, even if it means suffering on his behalf. However, he is prone to questioning any authority and its motivations, even that of a higher power, though he keeps his doubts to himself. He can find himself in the role of contrarian all too often, opposing popular opinion and outcasting himself. It's easy to startle him, often spurring several moments of panic before he settles down. He takes everything too seriously, worrying over minor details and fretting himself into an early grave. Occasionally, he might smirk at a joke or two, but most humor is lost on him. This can lead to him being intimidating to befriend, if at all; currently, his social circle only includes a few other cats. He is quick to forgive in most cases but rarely forgets a slight against him or an owed favor. While not the greatest at conversation, he is more than willing to listen to friends, and even offer advice from time to time.

    Mannerisms: Pauses to think between sentences, hides his paws with his tail
    Interests: Lone walks through the moorland, sometimes at night. Story-telling or creating descriptive rhymes, mumbled to himself when he's alone.
    Fears: Failure and public embarrassment.
  • unknown.png

    Boris xx Willowfur
    ↳ Sibling to Sedgepaw, Lilypaw
    Apprentice to none; mentor to none
    Mate to none; Parent to none
    Close friends with TBD
    Friends with TBD
    Likes TBD
    Dislikes TBD
    Loathes TBD
  • unknown.png









    Relationship Status? Not open / / Interested in no one
    Distrustful of most everyone, difficult to fully befriend.
    — Physical Health: [ 100% ] / Mental Health: [ 100% ]
    — will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy
    Excels at hunting, tracking, running
    Poor swimming, climbing, fighting
    Sounds like... quiet and a little flat, just barely starting to deepen. always worried to some degree.
    Smells of... fresh-cut wood and sage
    — Speech is BOLDED
    — Attack in UNDERLINE
    — Passive powerplay is allowed, asking first is preferred!
  • unknown.png

    i. — Born to Willowfur, then simply named Grace, in the marsh group with his two siblings, Sedge and Lily.
    ii. — His father, Boris, was killed in the Great Battle when he was two months old.
    iii. — His mother took him and his sister to Windclan to follow Sootstar, assuming it was their best chance of survival.
    iv. — His mother was killed by a fox while out hunting, leaving him and his sisters orphaned for the remainder of their kithood.
    v. — Apprenticed to NPC at three months old, yet remained largely neglected.
    vi.Sedgepaw died of an unknown illness, while barely a week later, Lilypaw died of an infected wound from training, both at three months.
    vii. — Nettlepaw remains as the sole survivor of his family.
  • unknown.png

    [11.14.2022] xintroduction / repairs the gorse barrier around camp with the help of coalfoot, along with hyacinthbreath and dandelionwish.
    [11.14.2022] xtraining session / oliveshade takes him out to combat train after months of neglecting to do so, though the session is interrupted by weaselclaw to scold her for battering him.
    [11.15.2022] xfirst gathering / bumped into figpaw and darkpaw, a skyclanner and riverclanner respectively, at the november gathering.
    [11.21.2022] xsparring session / brightshine and oliveshade arrange a sparring match between him and dustpaw.
    [12.02.2022] xattacked / during a hysteric attempt to run away, he is ambushed and attacked by kuiper, resulting in grievous face injury.
    [12.02.2022] xrescued / found by spiritpaw and galeforce, he is taken back to camp to be treated by dandelionwish. though he survives, he loses an eye and part of his hearing along with his face being scarred.
    [12.09.2022] xapology / overhears oliveshade's apology to him in the medicine den while she assumes he's asleep.
    [12.09.2022] xwitness statement / approached by sootstar herself for him to recount the events of his attack in order to hunt down kuiper.
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all my friends are skeletons

  • unknown.png

    Leech- : an aquatic bloodsucking parasite, dwelling in the murk of rivers and lakes. fitting for a cat that survives off the life of others, regardless of the harm it brings. named for his sleek black fur, according to him.
    -Paw : to signify his apprentice-hood.
    ↳ Leech
    — Cis Male ()
    ↳ He, him
    ↳ Unknown preferences
    Apprentice in Riverclan
    ↳ Indifferent to other clans, and adopts the same opinion as those he interacts with.
    11 Months
    ↳ Created 11.14.2022 at 8 months / Ages every 1st for the month
    Penned by tricky
  • unknown.png

    A black tom with low white and light blue eyes. His fur is entirely raven black, save for his white front paws, which extend up to mid-arm. His fur lightens during the transition to his front sock markings. His fur could be sleek and long, with an oily sheen like any Riverclanner, if not for its matting that causes it to appear curled and disheveled. His ears are taller than normal, often garnering teasing nicknames, while his tail drags along the ground, only rarely emoting. His face, while still growing, is narrow and angular with a long snout, though this is partially hidden by his fur. While expressionless with a neutral frown, for the most part, he can shift between a variety of faces for respective emotions, even if each one is forced. His eyes are a piercing light blue, like chips of pale ice compared to the rest of his dark body.

    He is much taller than other cats in his clan, with his lanky legs allowing him to tower over other apprentices his age. Concerningly thin, he resembles a walking skeletal shadow more than anything else. While he can swim, he is not built for much of anything else, lacking the skill required to hunt and fight with ease like other cats. He can also be sickly at times, though nothing more serious than the common cold.

    — A long curving slash across his face, from his right eyelid, over his nose bridge, and down his left cheek.
    No planned scars.
    — No current injuries.
  • unknown.png






    (+) intelligent, levelheaded, logical (/) quiet, skeptical, deadpan (-) irritable, morbid, unempathetic.
    Many tend to avoid Leechpaw and for good reason. His demeanor can be described in the simplest terms as outright unnerving. He is a particularly quiet young cat, rarely speaking if not addressed first, and staring blankly at all who are near. He can be irritable, with hackles bristling in annoyance at the slightest offense. Otherwise, he remains almost entirely stoic, keeping any emotions reserved internally on the rare occasion he isn't numb. What he lacks in physical skill, he compensates with a high intellect and an endless aptitude for knowledge. While he doesn't necessarily flaunt his wit, he does hold a sense of pride regarding it. His ego is prone to inflating with the slightest bit of validation, giving him a narcissistic edge at times. It often seems as though he only considers himself, which may very well be true. On top of his dangerous pride, his empathy levels are far below normal standards, leading to him finding it difficult to relate to others. When paired with his morbid curiosity for dissecting the unknown world around him, the only factor keeping him from quite literally poking at corpses are basic social constructs and repulsed onlookers. He will prove to be extremely manipulative as he matures, currently learning how to warp himself to gain the favor of others for his goals. Beyond his facades, his few consistent traits are his cynicism, bitterness, and a penchant for dry sarcasm. Most of his interactions with others vary from cat to cat, due to him mimicking whoever he speaks with in an attempt to blend in as much as possible. His outward opinions can be wildly different depending on his company, shifting between sides while he himself is largely indifferent. He is pointedly blunt with his words, preferring to cut to the chase no matter how delicate the subject is. In his private time, he often practices facial expressions in water reflections, in order to don the perfect ones for every possible situation. Regardless of his oddities, he remains a steadfast worker, though can easily be lost in his work and his thoughts in the process. While efficient, he refuses to be anything less than organized. At the end of the day, there is little that can stop him from chasing his goals, regardless of the impact on others.

    He is aware that he cannot connect with others on an emotional level, and follows moral codes simply to stay out of trouble. This causes an acute sense of hollow loneliness, despite his independence and discomfort around others. He remains fascinated by how the world functions, feeling a need to apply logic to everything in order to understand it. He heavily doubts any higher power because of this, struggling to find rational explanations for any of Starclan's miracles, and at the very least, questioning most of their messages. Levelheaded and collected under pressure, his calculating nature stays intact even in a blind panic. He is difficult to scare or intimidate, with the most reaction being indifference towards what might unnerve everyone else. If he sets out to do anything, he will strive for perfection no matter the task. He has no malicious intent beneath his otherwise concerning lack of empathy, though some might incorrectly label him as villainous or cruel. In reality, this deficit is a double-edged blade, allowing him to act without bias or irrationale. He can be a good option to vent to simply because he never tries to pry or judge others, as well as being a skilled observer. As he ages, he will become gradually more confident and patient, speaking with others more and more. While his entire outward persona is fake, he still makes an effort to be a good person and helpful towards his clan.

    Mannerisms: Never smiles with his eyes creasing, rubs the top of his paw with the other when nervous.
    Interests: Studying plants and their uses, including poisons. Observing the internal anatomy of prey, though most might call this playing with his food.
    Fears: Fire and his father.
  • unknown.png

    Severino xx Lucrezia
    ↳ Sibling to none
    Apprentice to Cicadastar; mentor to none
    Mate to none; Parent to none
    Close friends with TBD
    Friends with TBD
    Likes TBD
    Dislikes TBD
    Loathes TBD
  • unknown.png









    Relationship Status? Not open / / Interested in no one
    Indifferent to most, difficult to befriend.
    — Physical Health: [ 100% ] / Mental Health: [ 100% ]
    — will not start fights / will flee / will not show mercy
    Excels at ...nothing, really.
    Poor hunting, climbing, fighting
    Sounds like... rasping and quiet, extremely monotone. still higher-pitched due to his age.
    Smells of... dried herbs and river water
    — Speech is BOLDED
    — Attack in UNDERLINE
    — Passive powerplay is allowed, asking first is preferred!
  • unknown.png

    i. — Born to Lucrezia, a runaway kittypet, who died in the process.
    ii. — His father, Severino, was left to begrudgingly raise him with the occasional help of other loners.
    iii. — His face was scarred by his father at three months old.
    iv. — Abandoned on the Riverclan border shortly after.
    v. — Apprenticed to ???.
  • unknown.png

    [11.16.2022] xintroduction / bitter lurking interrupted by an itch to lay in the sun. meets minnowpaw
    [11.17.2022] xnovember meeting / apprenticed to cicadastar after the death of his elderly mentor.
    [11.19.2022] xchores / shoves his nest-weaving duties onto ashpaw by faking an injury, but is pressured by iciclepaw into helping.
    [12.07.2022] xborder skirmish / participates in a skirmish at the windclan border over a rabbit, jumping on goatfoot to help finchpaw after following cicadastar there.
    [12.11.2022] xmorbid discovery / discovered the body of a windclanner npc while on a hunting patrol and pulled it from the river.

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i know there's no easy roads

  • unknown.png

    ↳ Sam
    — Cis Male ()
    ↳ He, him
    ↳ Bisexual, no preference
    Warrior (Moor-runner) in Windclan
    ↳ Previously a rogue in Gin's group
    ↳ Neutral towards clans, not sure what to think about them.
    31 Months
    ↳ Created 11.20.2022 at 29 months / Ages every 6th for the month
    Penned by tricky
  • unknown.png

    A red ticked tabby with high white and mismatched eyes. His fur is an almost obnoxious shade of orange-red, commonly earning him the nickname of 'ginger' and the like. Darker stripes close to the color of drying blood extend from one running down his back, though soon break up into dappled markings that only reconnect as bands around his legs. His fur lightens like any other tabby around his underside and legs. His red patterned fur is harshly broken up by a large splash of white across his right face, overtaking most of his muzzle yet not reaching his right ear. This white extends down to his chest, as well as unevenly dipping his paws. His fur is short, yet unruly in some places, even if he tries to slick it back. His eyes are perhaps the most jarring feature about him: his right is a pale faded blue, while his left is a warm chestnut brown. Both are typically squinted in suspicion or half-lidded in disinterest.

    He is considerably scrawny, only barely reaching average cat height, and is quite lithe. While his nose is sharply pointed, his cheeks and face still remain rounded from his youth. Beneath his fur, a wiry layer of muscle lies, providing him the strength to endure many battles. He sometimes forgets to take care of himself, though never longer than a day or two. He rarely straightens up from a slouch, as though he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.

    — Deep gash across the left side of his chest, over his heart. Miscellaneous clawmarks on his left shoulder, right forearm, and left front paw. Two notches missing from his right outer ear.
    No planned scars.
    — No current injuries.
    — Afflicted with undiagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • unknown.png






    (+) sympathetic, reliable, enduring (/) skittish, distracted, indecisive (-) simpleminded, cynical, distrustful.
    From first glance, Sam is nothing more than a bad-tempered and headstrong loner, rarely anything but secluded and silent. With how skittish he is, many question how he even exists within a group; he seems to be paranoid of everything becoming a potential threat, leading to his hesitance when encountering the unfamiliar. This cautious nature isn’t only a detriment to his social life, however, since his vigilance and wariness has saved his, and others’, skins more than once. Sam is quick to react, either as the result of startling or tensed reflexes, yet he’s equally quick to assume conclusions. His mistrust of other people runs deep, to the point of him preferring to work alone most often. When he is forced to interact, he can seem painfully awkward, never making eye contact and fidgeting. He’s cynical and bitter, voicing his disdain for many topics ranging from the lack of convenience to his disbelief in Starclan.

    Yet when he’s around those who have befriended him despite his barriers, his nervousness fades into a relaxed demeanor, even participating in lighthearted banter or teasing. He most often delves into inappropriate jokes, taking on a crude sense of humor. Additionally a complete flirt, he is promiscuous and unafraid to admit to it, though this is only a result of his upbringing and the company he once shared. He isn’t one to lie to a friend, either, and will bluntly call people out point-blank. With these friends, a previously-concealed empathy resurfaces, showing itself in his immediate concern when anyone is upset or hurt. He can be surprisingly caring when he believes someone needs his help, and will go out of his way to soothe them - if that includes beating up the offender, then so be it. There is little he wouldn’t do for the sake of those he trusts and loves, and this self-sacrificial nature borders on reckless at times. When he isn’t acting on impulse, however, he tends to be terribly indecisive. He relies on outside opinion for a majority of his beliefs, acting like a sponge in that regard. He’s easily convinced with the right words, making him a prime target for potential manipulation. He also can be persuaded by materials; growing up starved has made him concerningly frugal, and he hoards any possible supplies for the dreaded future. While he has since learned control over his emotions, there are times when his frustrations get out of hand. His anger, when it boils over, is most often taken out on the nearest object, resulting in bloodied paws at the very best, though this is a rare relapse to his youth. He can be embarrassed over the slightest of personal flaws, becoming defensive as soon as he senses mockery. Most of the time, he can be relatively mellowed out, preferring to be a wallflower over anything else.

    His smarts have historically always been below average, leading to the correct assumption that he isn’t the sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer. While he learns new information slower than the average cat and procrastinates most of the time, he is still comparatively streetwise, as well as keen on passively perceiving his surroundings. He had to mature early due to his turbulent familylife and at times can seem far too harrowed for his age. He struggles with traumatizing memories and guilt of the past, frequently having night terrors or even flashbacks. He’s quietly afraid of any potential commitment to any person, though inwardly desperate for any affection he can get.

    Mannerisms: Smiles when he's nervous, bites the inside of his mouth.
    Interests: Dumpster diving, routine and repetition, comfortable silence with friends, playing in the snow (he would never admit it.)
    Fears: Loud noises, excessive blood, and screaming.
  • unknown.png

    Boston xx Kathleen
    ↳ Sibling to Logan, Noah, Olivia
    Apprentice to none; mentor to none
    Mate to none; Parent to none
    Close friends with TBD
    Friends with TBD
    Likes TBD
    Dislikes TBD
    Loathes TBD
  • unknown.png










    Relationship Status? Open for flings / / Interested in no one
    Difficult to befriend, but loyal to a fault once a bond is made.
    — Physical Health: [ 100% ] / Mental Health: [ 100% ]
    — will not start fights / will flee / will not show mercy
    Excels at fighting, hunting, endurance.
    Poor stealth, grace, climbing.
    Sounds like... surprisingly quiet, barely above a mumble at times, fairly deep. raspy at normal volume, worsens into a breathless scratchiness when raised.
    Smells of... coffee grounds and petroleum.
    — Speech is BOLDED
    — Attack in UNDERLINE
    — Passive powerplay is allowed, asking first is preferred!
  • unknown.png

    i. — Born to Kathleen, an abandoned kittypet, and Thomas, who was absent since the start, in an affair. Raised instead by Kathleen's true mate, Boston
    ii.Abused and neglected by both his parents for a majority of his childhood,, he soon stepped into the role of parent for his younger half-sister, Olivia.
    iii. — At the age of 11 months, his father killed both his mother, brothers, and his sister in a fit of rage. While Sam was heavily injured, he fought back enough to ultimately kill his father too.
    iv. — Began living on his own afterward, becoming an alleycat and learning how to survive on the streets.
    v. — Had several prior relationships, one ending in a messy break-up, and two ending in tragedy.
    vi. — Ventured far enough beyond the twolegplace to coincidentally join with Gin's group in order to avoid coyotes.
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like a pet store parrot

  • unknown.png

    Shell- : the discarded remains of a mollusk found near water, yet still admired for beauty. named for his stripes resembling the striated pattern on shells.
    -Paw : to signify his apprentice-hood
    ↳ Doesn't mind still being called Simon or Si, Shell also works
    — Cis Male ()
    ↳ He, him
    ↳ Discovering
    Apprentice in Riverclan
    ↳ Friendly towards other clans, almost too friendly. Likely to hesitate in battle.
    11 Months
    ↳ Created 11.24.2022 at 09 months / Ages every 1st for the month
    Penned by tricky
  • unknown.png

    A longhair black tabby tom with light green eyes. His glossy fur is primarily a warm charcoal black, fading into a dusty grey along his underside. Wavering tabby stripes decorate his flanks and legs in thick patterns, most prominently a spiral on both sides. His fur is long, wavy texture, though much shaggier in appearance than his brother, with a feathery plume of a tail. A smudge of reddish-brown is present on the top of his nose bridge. He has light yellow-green eyes, comparable to the skin of a pear in their color. His expression is often imbued with either concern or naivety, though he seems to manage a smile at even the worst of times. His whiskers are longer than average, twitching this way and that with alertness.

    He has taken on a lanky and lithe frame, with oriental cat features resulting in abnormally large ears and a sloping snout. While he still has softer features, he has grown into an athletic build practically designed for swimming. Still in the late stages of his youth, however, he is awkwardly gangly with broad paws and willowy limbs. As expected of a Riverclanner, he will be relatively attractive in cat terms when full-grown.

    — No current scars.
    No planned scars.
    — No current injuries.
    — Born with undiagnosed epilepsy.
  • unknown.png






    (+) empathetic, sensitive, optimistic (/) patient, soft-spoken, easygoing (-) lazy, air-headed, weak-willed.
    Shellpaw, like anyone else his age who has yet to experience betrayal, is as naively trusting of anyone he interacts with.

    While his personality will develop as he does, his traits remain largely simple for the moment. He is as innocent as any other kit, with wide eyes curious about the nature around him. Although polite to others, he doesn't care much about socializing. Instead, he prefers to be alone, often wandering away for silence, no matter how brief it may be. He rarely speaks up for himself, and if he attempts, his thoughts are voiced in a mumble at most. He allows himself to be easily pushed around, fearing confrontation. If he has a breaking point, it would not be reached for a long time. He is shockingly empathetic, able to sense emotional tension with ease, oftentimes trying to assuage it too. Albeit not the best at comforting now for his age, he will grow into a reliable shoulder to cry on, a familiar face to laugh with, and a listening ear to speak with. He tries to see the silver lining in every bad situation, becoming an idealistic dreamer. He can be described as inattentive, often lost in his thoughts and letting his imagination run wild. This leads to the assumption of his overall laziness, though he does try to be helpful when it comes down to it. He is extremely loyal to his family, especially his parents, both of which he is practically attached at the ankles to. In any case of dissension among others, he is the first to act as a peacekeeper, as well as the one to push aside his own feelings in favor of comforting others.

    - initial appearance: naive, happy go lucky, optimistic all the time even if it hurts, empathetic to the point its a detriment to him, very emotionally sensitive/intuitive, it can be creepy how well he can actually read people like a book, fond of admiring nature
    - beneath the surface: prefers to be alone with his thoughts in peace, often wandering off, allows himself to be a pushover to avoid conflict, a daydreamer who blurs reality with the ideal, inattentive at best, lazy at worst
    - how he interacts with others: will still join small social circles, enjoys making people smile, will gladly comfort anyone at all, takes away their emotional weights or shares the burden, just an easily approachable guy, laughs off any insults, first to act as a peacekeeper
    - work ethic: practically no work ethic, would rather ignore it than shove chores onto someone else, inner depression = no motivation, anything he does is minimal effort when hes in the worst of a funk

    - even deeper: holds a large amount of guilt for his mothers death, still grieving his father who he was very attached to, clings to ravenpaw because hes all he has left, his patience can wear thin when pushed too far
    - positives or negatives if not mentioned: actually smart like his brother he just doesn't want to admit it. way too softspoken to be heard, but can see through hysteria to find out the truth
    - other: mleh

    Mannerisms: Tilts his head when he smiles, often found napping somewhere.
    Interests: Bird-watching or any type of nature-watching, swimming, basking in the sun.
    Fears: None yet.
  • unknown.png

    Dmitri xx Hannah
    ↳ Sibling to Ravenpaw
    Apprentice to ???; mentor to none
    Mate to none; Parent to none
    Close friends with TBD
    Friends with Finchpaw
    Likes TBD
    Dislikes TBD
    Loathes TBD
  • unknown.png










    Relationship Status? Not open / / Interested in no one
    Quick to befriend, willing to trust anyone.
    — Physical Health: [ 100% ] / Mental Health: [ 85% ]
    — will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy
    Excels at fishing, hunting, swimming.
    Poor strength, climbing, combat.
    Sounds like... cheery with a clear voice, starting to deepen with age.
    Smells of... river water and lilies.
    — Speech is BOLDED
    — Attack in UNDERLINE
    — Passive powerplay is allowed, asking first is preferred!
  • unknown.png

    i. — Born to Hannah, a pampered and purebred kittypet, and Dmitri, another kittypet who managed to win her heart between fences. Hannah died in birth from blood loss.
    ii. — Raised by Dmitri alone with two-legs, though soon taken to live in the woods with the pine group at 3 months.
    iii. — Dmitri was killed in the Great Battle when he and his brother were both 5 months, leaving them to join the new Riverclan.
    iv. — Name changed from Simon to Shellpaw afterward.
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is it cold outside?

  • unknown.png

    Snow- : fallen ice crystals blanketing the earth in frozen layers in the colder seasons. named for the stark white fur on most of his body.
    -Spark : a small fiery glint bouncing from a larger fire or the light produced when striking two rocks together. named for his snappish personality and faded cream markings.
    ↳ Not a fan of nicknames.
    — Cis Male ()
    ↳ He, him
    ↳ Bisexual, no known preference
    Warrior (Moor-runner) in Windclan
    ↳ Uninterested in social interactions, hostile towards other clans
    16 Months
    ↳ Created 11.24.2022 at 15 months / Ages every 13th for the month
    Penned by tricky
  • unknown.png

    A cream point tom with mostly-white fur and light blue eyes. He is covered in velvety but short white fur that can never lay flat despite attempts to tame it, though it darkens into a faded cream color around his extremities, ears, back, and muzzle. Three thin stripes appear on the very tip of his tail, though difficult to discern without direct light. His fur, despite his name, has a difficult time retaining heat, which while beneficial in the hotter months, results in him shivering almost constantly during cold seasons. His eyes are a soft shade of blue, though any softness is overwhelmed by his constant scowl. One upper canine occasionally overhangs his lip, often when he frowns.

    Tall for a cat, especially a Windclanner, he balances on gangly thin legs more comparable to a set of stilts than anything else. He is lean and fit from the running required to hunt, with hardened paw pads and dulled claws. While mostly full grown, there is the potential for him to grow even taller, as well as widen out to match, though he will always retain a slim build.

    — No current scars.
    No planned scars.
    — No current injuries.
  • unknown.png






    (+) analytical, sensible, questioning (/) untrusting, stubborn, hesitant (-) temperamental, easily frustrated, isolated.
    personality wip

    Mannerisms: Frequently lashes his tail. Prone to shivering in the cold.
    Interests: Hunting.
    Fears: None yet.
  • unknown.png

    Thresher xx Flurry
    ↳ Sibling to Oliveshade
    Apprentice to none; mentor to none
    Mate to none; Parent to none
    Close friends with TBD
    Friends with Finchpaw
    Likes TBD
    Dislikes TBD
    Loathes TBD
  • unknown.png










    Relationship Status? Selectively open / / Interested in no one
    Difficult to befriend, more likely to reject people.
    — Physical Health: [ 100% ] / Mental Health: [ 75% ]
    — will not start fights / will start arguments / will flee / will show mercy
    Excels at speed, hunting, endurance.
    Poor night vision, climbing, socializing.
    Sounds like... nasally but not shrill, monotonous and generally uninterested.
    Smells of... heather and grass.
    — Speech is BOLDED
    — Attack in UNDERLINE
    — Passive powerplay is allowed, asking first is preferred!
  • unknown.png

    i. — Born to Flurry and Thresher, who already had an older daughter from a prior mate, though now absent.
    ii. — Raised strictly by both parents, only hearing rumors of his half-sister in the moors.
    iii. — Ran away at the age of 6 months, hoping to meet his half-sister only for it to be a less-than-happy reunion.
    iv. — Stayed on the moorlands anyway, joining Windclan at the age of 8 months.
  • unknown.png

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