There is a faint limp to his steps, he had not realized how badly his leg had been hurt in the scuffle until the adrenaline finally faded but the pain was both sharp and intoxicating. It reminded him he was alive. Every stabbing, painful step forced him to focus on nothing else than just moving forward until they finally reached their camp. He expects to feel something upon seeing it but the ground is still kicked up and stained red in places and he can not help but note its emptiness. There are several spaces that will not be filled any longer, nests in the warriors' den that will need to be thrown out, one in the apprentice den and…his lone orange eye hones in on the willow tree, bent and swaying limbs in the light breeze. It looks like a ribcage, a skeletal and dead thing and a hole where the heart was scraped clean. Smokethroat jolts briefly from his thoughts when he feels another cat at his side and he turns with a tired smile before raising his head.
Grief would need to continue waiting, there were things to be done.
"Petalnose, a quick patrol to check the area just to make sure…" To make sure those wretched rogues were all gone, "Snakeblink, Lichentail, get everyone comfortable and let's work on cleaning up what we can. Any cat who isn't injured, let's get the camp back in order. Sick and wounded to Ravensong's den, kits and queens to the nursery. We're going to need a lot of moss."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

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Oh, to curl up in his nest and sleep for a thousand nights… But Snakeblink is not free to rest just yet: not until all his clanmates are in their own nests, their sick safe and sound, their camp clean of rogues and bodies. Thank the stars most of them, dead or alive, have already been carried downriver: that will save them some time.

Inclining his head at Smokethroat, he turns to Lichentail and gestures at the procession of cats at their back. ”Will you help everyone to their dens? I don’t think @CARPPAW can take being on her paws for much longer. Hopefully the medicine den hasn’t been thrown into too much disarray…” The (in his opinion) lighter task thus offered, he raises his voice to address the other warriors still standing more-or-less strong. ”Apprentices, with me. We will go gather that moss. Priority goes to the nursery and the medicine den; sleeping in plush nests can wait for tomorrow for the rest of us…”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

If it wasn't a consistent truth throughout each and every body here, the blue point might've suggested that her body was hollow.... an empty shell that had served its purpose again with what little energy remained in it. Walking around here, where she felt so comfortable and at home (this was her home... it still was her home, she told herself, trying to erase the images that poisoned its memory), it almost seemed like permission to rest and be done. Maybe... they would forgive her for a moment of selfishness, to lay down on the muddy shores of the river and just sleep for awhile- hunger had become such a familiar friend that the ache hardly registered anymore and amongst the scratches and torn fur that proved she'd kept good on her promise-- she'd said she'd fight for every clan... even if they hadn't deserved her kindness-- it became invisible. Maybe for just a moment-

"Snakeblink, Lichentail," her eyes snap to attention, sliding to look at Smokethroat as the deputy-- well... he wasn't really anymore...-- tasked his lead warriors with projects, instructing them where to begin and what to prioritize. He had always been so good at organizing things, even in the post-war haze that exhausted them all, it was a relief, to be directed and let her mind sit back.

The cowardly tabby turns to her with for once... the words he speaks do not trouble her any. His concern, his softness... it is necessary here, amongst their young, amongst the injured. She wishes she had some compassion left to share, wished her emotions did not feel like dead brethren to be buried alongside Cicadastar... with Steepsnout... Stalkingpaw... Riverwhisker. Each of them taking a piece with their departure. Nodding solemnly, they turn with an ingenuine smile to the bedraggled forms of her den-mates, her friends, the closest thing she had to family.

"Any warriors still able to work, I'll need your help..." Snakeblink is eager to get to work-- maybe to escape the way this place feels empty-- so she turns to him as he prepares to depart, "And be careful... don't let anyone split off before Petalnose has cleared the area." Would they ever feel safe enough to navigate their own territory again...? Apprentices had already been barred from private escapades from camp, would they need to do the same for their warriors too? Looking towards her own apprentices in the crowd, Dipperpaw's dour face serves as a reminder not to coddle them- the apprentices would be fine under her co-workers care (they'd survived this far after all...).

"I want every queen and kit accounted for before you move onto other tasks," she meows, looking towards those that would not be joining the party of apprentices. "Once that's done I want the injured redirected towards the medicine cat's den but don't cluster them inside yet- we can't risk anyone getting yellow cough especially when they're already weakened." Did Ravensong have any idea what to do... how was he meant to treat anyone in his current state? It wasn't like the other medicine cats had the foresight to help in that regard... Would it be worth asking for help- no... they all had their own injured and sick to care for. The unity of the battle was all but spent and they know had to survive on their own again.​
The sooner we get this done the faster we get to rest. She had no qualms about the lack of rest after their victory. Her only issue was where to apply herself. She was fit enough to clean up dens or whatever else they had in mind. She could help Petalnose out if they allowed her, but she figured if she was given permission to she would have been asked to already. Typical of her to get right into the swing of things. Even in the Ripple Colony she always did her tasks, despite complaining. She was dutiful and would ensure the safety of her colonymates. This would be no different.

Snakeblink's orders are simple. Well, his words are acknowledged. It is difficult to tell if he's addressing warriors or not. he does make it clear that the nursery and medicine cat den hold priority. Lichentail's orders are concise compared to Snakeblinks. Gather all the kits and queens got it. Make sure we aren't missing anyone. After that help anyone whose hurt to the medicine cat den, but don't make 'em go in. Got it! With that in mind she begins to look for the kits and queens assuming that they are relatively close to one another. She finds @apricotflower, one of their queens. "Hey Apricot, who do ya have? And is Willow around here? Figure the two of you are already lookin' for the kits and gathering 'em. But! If not why not you stay here and we gather 'em up here then move to the nursery?"
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Quietly, Bumblekit was guided by the queens through the camp entrance. She had traversed quite a distance and her little legs felt like they had carried the weight of the world. Despite her fatigue and the lingering memories of a traumatic event she had witnessed, the anticipation of returning home was overwhelmingly joyful. She was about to see her parents again, and she knew her siblings were safe. It was the only thing the tiny kit wished for.

When her soft, velvety paws finally touched the familiar sand of their camp, her heart soared. The little kit's energy ignited like a spark, and she eagerly darted forward, rushing ahead a few paw steps. "Mama! Mom! We're home! Can I go in yet, please?" Her high-pitched voice rang out, filled with joy and excitement. She paid no mind to the hustle and bustle of the older cats tending to various tasks. Her eager gaze was fixed on her family, ready to run laps around camp despite everyone's exhaustion from the journey. Home had never felt so comforting.

// bouncing around the queens and calling out to @willowroot and @POPPYSPLASH.

at last they were home, the familiar scents and sounds of the river lands washing over her in waves. her tail waved excitedly, feeding off of bumblekit's energy about it all. they were home, and they were safe. carawaykit was ecstatic.

bumping up against her inky littermate, black paws dancing across the soft surface. bumblekit seemed intent on waiting for permission, carawaykit just couldn't be here for a moment longer, gazing upon camp. "you wanna race to the nursery? bet i'll win!" she goaded the other kitten, soft smirk on her silver maw. without as much as a warning, carawaykit was off, eager to get back to her nest, back to normal

  • interacting with @Bumblepaw

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


They were home. Blood had covered their lands but it was a beauty to behold. Justice was served and comfort was their winning prize. She may have been tired.. her paws ached. Her body beheld minor marks from her scuffles against Riverclan ground. Although, it seemed energy lightened with a swift raise of her head. Their lands were claimed again, rightfully so. However, she couldn't help but wonder how long it would last this time. Riverclan had so much taken away from them. They lost battles which resulted in lost land, beavers took their water, they lost their camp twice and they were ransacked by Windclan. Not to mention the loss of their leader, and the losses from yellow cough. The temporary energy was swiped with a blink of her eyes in thought. Her clan didn't deserve this. It didn't deserve this grief.

Her attention quickly flashed to Smokethroat at a call of her name and a job that fell among it. A curt nod was issued, "Warriors who are healthy enough- follow me! Stars know we don't need a second wave falling upon us." she instructed with a strong raise of her voice, tail lifting to flag to her members. Petalnose would still slice her claws again with as much energy as she had during the raid. Her swift and stealthy kill had proven forth even if it had seemed to go unnoticed among the countless scuffles. She'd watch them drown again... Gladly she would with little remorse. She would make them regret ever stepping forth and taking everything from them. A determined furrow of her brows through a glint of pain in her eyes fell in the direction she planned to break off. It seemed as if she were battle-ready once more.

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET Beepaw wishes she could simply go to the willow den and sleep for several moons or pretend that she was little once more, innocent, and untainted by war... But she knew better than to cling onto hoping for such things that were unattainable and her tired gaze shifts over to Snakeblink thankful that they would only be gathering moss for everyone else, a part of her inwardly grimaces that sleep would have to wait and she watches as Carawaykit and Bumblekit race to the nursery. They'd likely pass out the moment they stepped within and she turns her gaze away in brief amusement.

She glances around briefly for Ratpaw, Starlightpaw, and Cicadapaw knowing that they would all head out soon to get moss for the queens, kittens, and sickly soon. Beepaw wonders if they're just as tired as she is and a soft sigh slips from her maw ready for further direction from the lead warrior.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed