shop beat's comms get em while they're hot (open)

type of comm: chibi
reference(s): ill dm you :]
expression/pose/vibes/etc: relaxed, stoic, overall tired vibe but doing his best or something related to his role (mc)
background and/or outline?: #65a193 for outline
other: >:] this is for gentlestorm
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Reactions: beatles
type of comm: chibi
reference(s): ill dm you :]
expression/pose/vibes/etc: relaxed, stoic, overall tired vibe but doing his best or something related to his role (mc)
background and/or outline?: #65a193 for outline
other: >:] this is for gentlestorm

gentle!!! i would love to draw him <3 feel free to dm me with references and anything else you may want to add!
preferred contact method: av.a (discord)
type of comm: fullbody (shaded)
reference(s): link
expression/pose/vibes/etc: serious and dutiful (i prefer standing poses over sitting or laying, aside from that up to you!)
background and/or outline?: transparent and no outline!
other: ty, been wanting to see her in ur style for sometime :)
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Reactions: beatles