pafp BEAUTY SCHOOL VALEDICTORIAN ⊹₊° accessorizing

❀‿ "Remind me we have to thank the daylight warriors for this later," Lupinepaw murmured to her companion, sitting as close as always beside Cherrypaw as they laid out their myriad of pelt accessorizing supplies. Their part-time-kitty pet clanmates were willing to humor them enough to bring the girls some flowers from their twoleg nests, and because of them their collection was not the monotonous pile it would have been. As of present, the bright petals brought life to their small collection of feathers, pine needles, moth wings, and twigs.

The sweet aroma of the twoleg flowers wafted around them, and Lupinepaw rested her tail affectionately onto Cherrypaw's as she made her last adjustments, a fluffy intertwining of snow, shadows, and rose petals. She finished straightening the objects with a contented chirp, "Alright, I think we're ready."

She purred down at her little protégés, happy to be sharing with others something she had grown to hold so dear with a friend she held dearest.

"Okay, so, everyone please pick out something that you like..!"

  • OOC: please wait for @Cherrypaw !
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 8mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by antiigone, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy
Petals wilt in slow motion, shrinking backwards into themselves against the chilled air, but such boring deaths escape Cherrypaw's notice. Absentmindedly, she twists the end of her tail around Lupinepaw's. Heat glows between the tangled strands of smoke and flame. Sunlit eyes glint mirthfully towards what kittens (and apprentices) they'd managed to corral, because StarClan knows their dams (and mentors?) could use the break. And while Cherrypaw isn't the biggest fan of kittens with enough autonomy to get themselves dirty and loud, her best friend's presence puts some of the annoyance to rest.

"Maybe pick something that matches your eye color," she suggests. The apprentice isn't quite sure if these kittens are old enough to have their eyes shift out of their baby blues yet—it's hard to tell with how much they move around. Regardless, her own eyes drift towards the bundle of blue nearby. The flowers are laden with daylighter scent, but for a moment her mind lunges back into Greenleaf, to the same blue petals twirled in the pelt of a ghost. She watches a kitten pounce gleefully upon one of the stems (she watches a little calico bury her face in a pile of it).

Would one of Howlfire's, Roseblaze's, or even Butterflytuft's kittens take a shine to her, just as she had with Spiderpaw? Would she, too, die moons before hearing her warrior name? "Mmmm, no, that one wouldn't look good on you," she says bluntly to the paw reaching for the hyacinths. "How about this, ummmm, this one?" she meows again, plucking a nearby rose and dangling it tantalizingly before them.​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Careful to adjust to sit with their left side exposed to kitten antics, Edenpaw lingers aside Cherrypaw and Lupinepaw with uncharacteristically tired green eyes. They watch in unusual silence as kittens pick at the flowers, some of which they'd managed to steal from their Twoleg's garden when asked, some burying their faces in petals while others rip at the fragile stems. Normally they'd chirp up a soft reminder to be gentle, that these things are easily breakable, but...

Tails twine in an unspoken closeness and they say nothing.

Cherrypaw is a girl with few nets that keep her bluntness and impatience at bay... she is not nearly as fond of the tiny little scraps as Edenpaw is, which doesn't bother the pin-stripe cat much. It is an acquired taste... or maybe it's just that Cherrypaw didn't realize what she was taking for granted. Raised alone, isolated and unknowing of any living family, her den-mate didn't have that... and was sorely jealous of it at times.

Glancing towards Lupinepaw, the dark furred molly seems much more forgiving... and she'd been patient to play with them when they were smaller in ways that were generally 'grosser' and less in her lane. Catching a kitten sniff the honey-yellow center of a flower a little too closely, they reach a paw to delicately usher them back a little, "Not so close," the instruction is hardly more than a whisper, "You'll start sneezing."
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
The tiny movement doesn't escape Falconpaw, either. Ears twitch as he approached, staring at the collection of accessories the two mollies had collected. Vision lifted towards the two of them, a hesitated second left on their tails before up towards Lupinepaw's face. He offered smile in the way of greeting, coming to settle on the side of the pile closer to Lupinepaw. That much, he couldn't help- there was so much... stuff, he wasn't sure where to put his paws or body down, and he sure as stars wasn't going to get any closer to Cherrypaw then needed.

No offense.

"What are you two up to?" He questioned, vision briefly looking at Edenpaw before back towards the lot of accessories. Twigs, flowers... his eyes did get caught on the moth wings, but he continued to browse as he waited for an answer, briefly and softly chuckling at the kittens getting into the flowers.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS
"I want leaves!" Hawkkit cheers at full volume, pressing her muzzle close to a pile of olivine leaves and pale flowers curiously as soon as Lupinepaw sets them loose on the pile of assorted accessories. They'd been dragged over by @wolfkit , sibling just as eager as Hawkkit herself to partake in the activity. She squeaks indignantly as Edenpaw ever-so-gently presses a paw to her face but obeys the apprentice's instruction, settling herself a slightly more reasonable distance from the plants. It's just as well this mini-meeting has been called: Hawkkit's fur is suspiciously well groomed for the occasion and absent of the usual collection of twigs and burrs (Howlfire had gotten to her after their latest game of porcupine).

To Falconpaw, who has padded over curiously, she meows, "We're making ourselves pretty and acc... accessoris...!" She makes a small noise of annoyance, stamping one paw. "Pretty!"
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
He stared blankly, unimpressed at the vibrant display of accessories strewn out, cluttering the ground with things from the twolegs. He blinked, helm tilted with memories of his kittenhood, tumbling with his siblings as they swiped at plastic toys made of fake feathers and twine.

His attention shifted to Hawkkit. "Leaves?" He muttered in disbelief, thinking the other would have gone for something more exuberant like the bright-colored petals from gardens. "Why not the flowers?" He added, jerking his chin toward the rose dangling from Cherrypaw's maw with a crinkled expression.

He kept his harsh words to himself, wondering just what the big deal was or why decorate themselves when it was only going to get destroyed. A waste of flowers. He huffed quietly, keeping to himself, but close enough to observe the mess the other apprentices would be in by the end of this.
thought speech
So maybe Hawk-kit is cute. She's only made cuter by her startling cleanliness today, though such a feat couldn't possibly be attributed to the kit herself. Howlfire certainly had her paws full, but Cherrypaw would loathe to volunteer herself to groom a squirming, whining, burr-filled kitten. And it seems she's hell-bent on getting herself messy, if not dirty, once more. The apprentice sends an amused glance to her co-host, a silent giggle of, "What were we thinking?" Howlfire's brood probably wasn't getting anything out of this.

Edenpaw is here too, playing bouncer of all things, but she gives no outward indication of her appreciation for now. Falconpaw, too, for some reason, is here. She settles her gaze on him, judgment muted, because he's asking a perfectly normal question, and because she feels like Lupinepaw is becoming friends with him too. Of all cats, but she isn't judging one of them. "Accessories," she clarifies after Hawk-kit, giving the girl a smile for her efforts. "You could use some," she adds, scanning the minefield. Whether she's genuinely roping him into their antics or subtly telling him he's ugly is up to him; regardless, she can't just let another blank canvas go to waste. "How about...this?" she meows, pawing over a bundle of marigolds.

Littlepaw isn't someone she knows well, but he's here too and that's all that matters. "You should pick some flowers too," she meows, tilting her head. "Maybe you can cover up some of your scars." A solution volunteered in good faith, surprisingly, and from the background of being grateful hers were shrouded in fur most of the time.​
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingkit wasn't one for accessories considering his sisters were practically coated by them all the time but seeing them tumble away after Howlfire had groomed their coats clean of pine needles and debris from their earlier game, he follows along with both feathered ears pricked forward wondering what Cherrypaw and Lupinepaw had in their little pile of accessories. His eyes lock onto the moth wings wondering if Springkit would like them or if she'd start tearing up at the mere sight of them, he doesn't linger on the thought when Hawkkit squeaks that she wants leaves on her pelt and Littlepaw seems to question her in disbelief and Blazingkit decides to throw in his own input "Leaves are pretty. They come in lotsa colors," Or that's what his mama had told him anyways, he had only seen a few being an ashy brown from the cold likely taking the usual warmth of its color from it. Besides, he's certain that Hawkkit knew what was best in her pelt considering she took onto the whole accessory thing more than he did. Wolfkit and her both did.

Maybe he'd humor his sisters this once and perhaps would find his own accessory that he'd like even if he would probably be reluctant to admit in liking at first. "Uhm... Is there anything that would look nice in my fur?" The usually bold tomkit asks shyly with a shuffle of paws and looks expectantly at both Cherrypaw and Lupinepaw believing that they would surely be experts in knowing what looked best on russet tabby fur.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed