The evening has come, a time for the better hunting. There is more life out in the marsh during the night hours and it is better for them. Better for her family and those she is related too. They can actually get the sustenance that they need before things start to warm up and the light of dawn strikes. Taking in a deep breath she furrows her brow as many collective scents hit her. But one stands out particularly well. That of a hare. A rare occurrence here but it happens and she turns her head towards her nephew, tail twitching just slightly. "Pitch, there is a rabbit nearby, we should try to catch it. The other part of the patrol can handle themselves." She has frontlined this expedition so she doubted that they will be upset over a small split in the group. Motioning with her tail the woman of shade and light slips her way through the murky undergrowth. Her paws easily adapting to the environment and not stepping on loose and muddy soil.
This time she is able to spend with her nephew is precious. The woman hasn't been the most talkative with her family, always silently there in the background and watching their progress. Watching them grow and become marshers. This is no different and they can not miss such a catch. This hare will feed many of them and she will do what she needs to to catch the darn thing. Smelling the scent is stronger and she huffs softly before pushing though some fronds and weeds. There it sat nibbling and chewing on some watergrass. Easily a target they can sneak around and ambush.
-- pls wait for pitch to respond
This time she is able to spend with her nephew is precious. The woman hasn't been the most talkative with her family, always silently there in the background and watching their progress. Watching them grow and become marshers. This is no different and they can not miss such a catch. This hare will feed many of them and she will do what she needs to to catch the darn thing. Smelling the scent is stronger and she huffs softly before pushing though some fronds and weeds. There it sat nibbling and chewing on some watergrass. Easily a target they can sneak around and ambush.
-- pls wait for pitch to respond