wc rebels BEFORE THE NIGHT IS OVER [šŸŒ™] Loyalist Attack

Claws dig into the wooden twoleg architecture that borders the horseplace. All around her WindClan warriors slip into place, their eyes glowing against the rapid falling snow. A hurriedly put together rebel patrol stands at the entrance of the barn, their fur electric with stripes running down their back. Among them she spots the bright colored pelt of Sunstride, a once trusted friend turned enemy. Out of all turn tails heā€™s made the biggest fuss yet. Tonight sheā€™d stain the snow crimson in his blood.

ā€Sunstride, enough is enough! It is time to put this feud to an end once and for all. You will either die at my paws or you and your pack of traitors will leave the forest.ā€ A final warning, the last chance to leave for all of them. ā€ā€¦Andā€¦ Moorblossom. Cottonfang.ā€ She searches for the pelts of her kin among the crowd, her lip curling, ā€I extend you a final invite back into your clan. Youth make mistakes sometimesā€¦ Iā€™ll forgive you for your stupidity if you come home to your mother now, or you can die with the rest.ā€

She watches the rebels carefully, should they strike they know they have her blessing to bring terror into the night.
  • REBELS; Please wait for @SUNSTRIDE , however any cats mentioned by name may post their reactions if theyā€™d wish. Further details for rebels and loyalists may be given on discord so ensure you check!

    Loyalists, feel free to post reactions but please restrain from having your characters attack yet

    This is NOT the final fight.

    Hps are assumed to be icly present but do not have to be (aside from Snakehiss). Itā€™s to be assumed some loyalists have stayed back to guard camp, but I wonā€™t be hand selecting characters to be present. Feel free to jump in.
  • Ā» Soot ā€¤ Sootstar
    Ā» WindClan Leader
    Ā» She/her ā€¤ Mate to Weaselclaw
    Ā» Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    Ā» "Speech" ā€¤ thoughts ā€¤ attack
  • Ā» A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    Ā» Excels in quick, short moves.
    Ā» Fights to kill and maim
    Ā» Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    Ā» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Wow
Reactions: Deidre
Gooseberry follows loyally behind Sootstar, eyes burning like the sun in the middle of Greenleaf. Itā€™s oppressive, and thatā€™s exactly what he hopes to express as he keeps his head low. Heā€™s just about as tired as his leader is about the betrayal of clanmates, but the promise of bloodshed keeps him on the trail, never straying.

The white tom stands in silence, glaring at the other side. A lot of things go through his head, especially about how disappointed he is with those who separated. Do they feel any regret with their actions? Well, heā€™s certain they will when they lose this fight. They might not have as much power as they used to, but it changes nothing.​

His heart was in his throat as he followed Sootstar's lead, but he didn't dare to break ranks. The tunneller could feel the heat of his clanmate's fury and bloodlust thick in the air around him, and he found it hard to not be affected. Cottonfang's desertion had hurt, so too did the loss of his siblings. Were they here at the barn? Shadowrunner feared the answer and he knew that his claws would likely be used against them that day. All he could hope to do was steel his nerves as he awaited the order to attack.

"If only they hadn't abandoned us... then this could have been avoided."

Cottonfang freezes when she hears her mother's voice. Eyes flick over to Wolfsong, eager for direction if any at all. Even in her impending adulthood (she's been struck several times of her birth, of how leafbare summoned her and her siblings and she's due to celebrate the beginning of her life eventually,) she looks to another for guidance and help. Sootstar calls her by name, however, and she swallows her fear to stand and stride outside.

Stupid, Sootstar calls her and Moorblossom. The she-cat widens her stance, firmly planting her paws in the snow. "I am doing just as I told you, Sootstar," she calls back, gritting her teeth, "I'm attending to my duty - WindClan, these cats, are my duty. Not your whims." She wants to apologize for abandoning them all so soon after being recognized, but at the same time she knows an apology is not befitting of the situation. If anything, she will appear as if she's submitting to her mother once again.

She remains silent thereafter, waiting for Sunstride's call to action.​

The grey and white shaggy tunneler took graceful steps after Sootstar, her own paws guiding her on her own path this time. She had decided to stay, to be loyal. She had followed the words of her parents, her loyalty staying with sootstar like she should be. they would be proud of her, she knew this well. and that's all she ever cared for. their bodies buried deep within the earth would crack smiles as she displayed countless times loyalty to her rightful leader. Sootstar had done everything for them.

even if shit didn't seem right, the supposed starclan had named her Sootstar; not Sunstride, not Badgermoon, not anyone else- they named her. so why was there need of bloodshed? not that she quite cared- she would deal with it and endure it like a good puppet.

unless cottonfang, weepingwillow could never see herself opposing her mother like this. maybe... death was an extreme- but, to each their own.

A dutiful deputy nothing more than a soldier and a mass of flesh to be sacrificed, Snakehiss takes his place at Sootstar's side. He stares down the rebels, familiar faces he has not seen for a moon or more. Tonight would be the last he ever sees of them, whether they fall to the claws of the loyalists or are chased out of the forest forever.

He narrows his eyes toward Sootstar's daughters as she addresses them, particularly Cottonfang. He certainly doesn't want her among their ranks again, even if they are living without a healer now. Snakehiss would prefer not to see her face ever again for what she did to him, and if that meant her getting run out or killed... then so be it.

Expectedly, Cottonfang speaks against Sootstar, having taken her place amongst Sunstride's rebels. Truthfully, Snakehiss cannot bring himself to fully blame her for wanting to wriggle out from the leader's suffocating iron rule, but this decision would surely bring about her demise. She and all of the other rebels.

She will rule the moors as long as she has the rest of her lives. She cannot lose, not unless Sunstride takes the last of them. Why don't they see that? How much longer will they fight? For the rebels to not have fled to safety by now was utter madness! They would die in a fight they could not win in the first place! Were they not afraid? Did they seriously think they would be able to somehow defeat Sootstar and her army? Harebrains. They should have just run like his father did.

Last edited:
They are haphazardly gathered. With the meager warning that they had gotten, Sunstride did what he could. Some were order back. The weaker, the vulnerable, each told to stand before those in worse shape than they were. What presents itself before Sootstar is not an organized group of warriors, but the first line of defense. That is all it seems they were able to do. WindClan's viper had kept them on their toes, fleeing from what damage she might cause. Even so far from her, it was her presence that guided them. Her face that urged them to fight or to cower. She had made WindClan, and she had made them. And now that they stand before her once more, he can feel the final tethers begin to snap.

"You think that you have a clan to welcome them back to?" The words are spat into the snow, and his tail lashes violently against the falling snow behind him. They have been out only briefly, yet already the flakes line his back and his ears. When he widens his stance, the dust shifts and falls. "You stand before us, a pitiful wraith of the founder of this clan, and beg your kits to return to you. You have lost them as you lost WindClan. As you will lose everything, for you command only cowards and apostates!" His voice has risen with each word until it is a bellow from his diaphragm, a yowl meant to carry across snow-buried mountains and cow the very seas into a receding tide.

He knows that he is no better than a slavering hound, eager to rend flesh from bone where he stands. In this moment, he does not wish to be anything else. "We will not leave. And if we are to die here, then I will know to take you with me. This clan will be reborn anew. You will not live to see it."

There is no elaborate war cry. No final words to rally those that remain at his side. Sunstride launches himself through the snow in powerful leaps, and straight for Sootstar's throat.

  • OOC. REBELS you guys are free to post now! if your cat is majorly injured, too young, or otherwise unable to fight, he instructed them to remain in the back of the barn, hidden as best they can. they don't have to listen to him, but please be aware of ic consequences! the loyalists are a formidable threat right now and he will not take unnecessary risks lightly :3c
  • 75520456_7ilCehUbViZ0qy8.png
    ā€”ā€”ā€“ HE ā€“ HIM ā€“ HIS ā•±ā•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.



Lumbering behind Sunstride stood the formidable size of Houndthistle, once the quiet, reserved attack dog that had fought beside Sootstar now stood across from her. His single eye was burning a hole into her face, the other merely looking through her, an ugly reminder to himself of why he had turned his back on a cat who had once preached being his savior and he had put undying trust into. His lips drew back, dagger-like canines bared as frosted air billowed like smoke from his opened mouth, the mane along his shoulders bristling to life as his large claws sunk into the ground. He listened to their words as they spoke, he stayed quiet as Sunstride bellowed, but the moment movement happened, Houndthistle was alive. Like a hell hound, he lunged from the barn, large size diving straight for the nearest loyalist, cats he once looked to as near family, with fangs bared in an attempt to close around any vulnerable spots he could reach, his claws aiming to score whatever the could catch. If he was successful, it would be devastating, his weight alone he knew would be alot for any cat who wasn't expecting him.


  • Currently Hound is not looking to show mercy! This means he will be going for kills and will only move away to protect others!
  • Physical Health
    ā¤· left eye is blinded
    Mental Health

  • Single | Bicurious | Not actively looking | Interested in Wolfsong, Scorchstreak, Sootspritespark

    Houndthistle is both an easy one to gain the trust of and impossible to gain the trust of. He'll rarely reveal personal information or be vulnerable-if he's even capable of such things-but he will show trust in his willingness to lay his life down. To gain it, he needs evidence that you're loyal and strong, same as him, otherwise he understands he may one day have to come head to head with you.

    ā€” will start fights / will not flee / may show mercy
    ā€” excels at Fighting, Tracking, Following Orders, Intimidation
    ā€” poor at climbing, swimming, stealth, talking, strategy, politics
    ā€” sounds like: deep, gravelled and thick with a sort of country accent / Arthur Morgan
    ā€” smells of iron, leather, and wood
    ā€” speech is #435E75

She has once thought dearly of Sootstar. She had once worshipped the dirt the leader walked upon, had all but considered the land blessed by her touch. She had once felled her own son, her flesh and blood, her Finnegan, for a leader who has cast her asideā€”cast all of them asideā€”in favor of her own madness. Her longstanding loyalty had meant nothing to the mad moorland queen, and now she has lost everything in siding with Sunstride. Her position, her clan, her very own kitā€¦ she can only hold close to herself the things that matter, now. Scorchpaw and Luckypaw, Rabbitclaw and Rattleheart, Bluepool and Pinkpawā€¦ she searches for each of them among the rebels, and can only hope that she doesnā€™t spot the familiar form of her apprentice. Pinkpaw survived the first battle, and then the small patrolā€™s attack, but even with Scorchstreakā€™s battle training, a battlefield is still no place for the apprentice. Her own kits have been apprenticed for months and are nearing the age of warriorhood; still, she seeks out the pair of calico coats.

Sunstride speaks against Sootstar, his voice a roar by the time heā€™s finished, and the tunneler sweeps up to stand near the tomā€™s side. Golden eyes narrow as she looks out across the enemies, hoping to spot Hollowcreek. The barely healed-over wounds across her shoulders twinge, and she bares her teeth at the cats who dare to intrude upon their safe space. Sunstride is right; they cannot, will not allow Sootstar to live, if they are all to die as she says. She awaits the order to attack, but the amber-striped tom does not give it. No, without another word he leaps at the smaller she-cat, and the scent of blood rises into the air.

Scorchstreak does not choose her target. She darts forth a heartbeat after the hulking tabby does, claws outstretched as she leaps for the nearest enemy. If her claws catch on flesh, she will dig in and slash down, dragging her paws in a pair of vicious lines down whatever she catches. Nearby she spots Houndthistle bearing down upon another of Sootstarā€™s loyalists, merciless, and she grits her teeth, focusing her full attention on her opponent.

// open to attacks, and any character can be the one sheā€™s attacking! her battle notes are here!

After spending several minutes helping to shepherd what injured that he could into the back of the barn, Rattleheart couldn't help but wince when they heard Sootstar's shrill, demanding cry echoing from outside. They had been expecting it, sure, but it still made the fur on the back of their neck stand up. They hastily ushered the last of the injured and young around them into place, voice gentle and as free of panic as they could make it. "Go, go. Just like Sunstride said." They could only offer one last smile before turning and darting off towards the commotion, slipping into the line of defense that Sunstride had set up to be first in line. They deliberately stayed near the back, blending into the crowd of bodies as they listened to what both Sootstar and their true leader had to say.

They couldn't help but sneer at the loyalists that were gathered around her, unable to even comprehend what they must have been thinking in following her. Couldn't they see just how bad the odds were for them? They had been living in frozen moors while those they had driven out had been blessed with surprisingly easy hunting within the walls of the barn. They'd lost a huge chunk of their fighting force a moon ago, not to mention the fact that they were now left without any healers to speak of following Cottonfang's departure. They were outmatched and throwing themselves on the pyre, so much so that the tunneler almost would've felt sorry for them if not for it being their own choice. As it was, they could instead only feel a begrudging disappointment.

Sunstride leapt for Sootstar's throat, and that was enough to push Rattleheart forward, using the shadows to try and dart out towards the nearest loyalist that they could reach. They would aim to sink their teeth into their enemy's back leg, trying to pull their head back and yank as much as they possibly could. Worst case scenario it would hopefully bring any loyalist down to the ground for further attacking, and best case scenario - for them at least, not for the loyalist - it would end up pulling the poor limb out enough to dislocate it.

// anyone can be the loyalist that they're attacking! they will be attempting to extensively maim any loyalist who isn't rumblerain or peonypaw in this fight, so please keep that in mind!

scruffy fur stood on end as he heard the cry for Sunstride, the venom laced words caterwauling madness through the previously silent air. he had looked up to the molly, had one day wanted to fight by her side- but that day was no more. that viel was ripped off after her lies had been revealed, and the once blind warrior had seen the truth.

yet- some chose to stay by her side, ready to meet their own demise as pawns under the wicked queen that chose her actions now stupidly, in his opinion. they may not have numbers, but they had strength that Sootstar nor her soldiers dare testify against. they had medicine, food, sturdy shelter- not even starclan looked upon Sootstar anymore.

blue optics trailed across the scene to see Snakehiss by the grey leaders side, his optics narrowing. yet another pawn, wasting his abilities for someone who could throw him away like she has done so many others. but something about the way Snakehiss stood out beside her- was he?

he didn't know, nor was he even certain he cared. and perhaps, as bodies started to crash together and the scent of blood filled the air, he had no other reason besides the idea of a final battle with his rival. a fair fight, to see who truly could win against the other.

the white bodied moor-runner would take the opportunity to press forward, moving out of the way of other skirmishing cats to hopefully stealth to the side of the ebony furred male. as the ground between them shortened, powerful hind legs would press against the ground as he leaped towards Snakehiss, broadened shoulders outstretching as claws unsheathed, aiming to bowl over the other and pin the deputy underneath the scruffy male.

//attacking @SNAKEHISS

When he hears Sootstar call out, anxiety and unease gnaw at him. How many cats did she have left? How strong were they? It's not like it matters much when you're small and as unskilled as Yewberry, but it was still good to know. He feels his heart pounding in his chest and he is frozen to his spot, for a time.

But he is not for long.

This is the molly who killed his daughter.

Anxiety and worry are snuffed out, drowned beneath hatred and rage as Yewberry leaves the barn in a hurry, hastily walking to join the others beside Sunstride. He bares his teeth at Sootstar.

"We'll never yield to you." He spits, tail lashing. "You killed my daughter. Now I'll tear apart all you hold dear. For everyone you've hurt, for everyone you continue to hurt with your vile claws and your brainless followers." He hisses. He may not get the killing blow on her, but wounds can be made in other ways. He looks upon the faces of his enemies and when Sunstride lunges for Sootstar, he springs forth into the fray.

He races for the first loyalist he sees, claws extended and and ready to rip into flesh. To whoever he meets, he spits his wrath. "NONE OF YOU WILL HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME!? I'LL SEE TO IT THAT EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU IS DEAD BENEATH THE GROUND."

((Anyone can be the loyalist he's attacking! He's aiming to do as much damage as possible but Yewberry isn't the strongest cat, especially compared to cats who train regularly. He got the spirit tho. ))

Sootstar had come. She had known this day was coming, the day when inevitably she would have to face her smoke-furred kin again and she had promised herself that she wouldn't care, that she would not allow her to hurt her. But there is a part of her, weak and small and still a kit, that wants to run to her, wants to beg her to please get a grip, to wake up from whatever stupor she had fallen into and just be her sister again. It hurts, to stand on the other side of the imaginary line and see her own flesh and blood standing opposite to her. She had never in all her wildest dreams imagined this.

When Sunstride speaks it is a low buzzing in her ear. A fight was coming, and mentally she is already in it. Her eyes are searching the battle-field, looking for one cat in particular. Hollowcreek. Was he here with her? If he was he would regret coming along, surely, because Bluepool would find him and she would make him pay for what he had done to Scorchstreak. If she could she would sink fangs into his throat, relish the taste of his blood as it trickled onto her tongue. She would put him down like a frightened rabbit. But first she had to find him.

Unlike some of her clanmates, she wastes no time on speeches or insults. In a fight, all she knows is violence, the heat of battle, the urge to end it as quickly as it had begun. Quick and efficient. Still, she would have to keep an eye out for Featherpaw while she fought. If her charge was in danger she would not hesitate to protect her. With this in mind, she launches herself into the throng of cats, teeth bared and claws outstretched.

When she finds her opponent, regardless of if it is Hollowcreek or not she would snarl viciously, stalking around them before jumping forwards, feigning a blow to their shoulder but then going for their chest instead. If she can, she'll dig claws in and rip. A warning blow more than anything else. Run while you still can she dares with her eyes and with the wicked smile that takes shape on her face, regardless of whether the blow lands or not.

// looking for @hollowcreek but free to assume sheā€™s attacking anyone

i'm no good man, you won't forgetā—Žā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”
Goldenstrike's tail thrashed side to side, fur bristling along his hackles. He didn't appear scared, his heart beat steady and his mind was clear. WindClan, the true WindClan, was to hold their ground, it was all they could do. He understood this, he knew he could do that. He had yet to wear notable scars and he planned to keep it that way. Deep breath in as Sunstride addressed the snake spitting venom at them, his voice eventually booming across the lonely sweeping snow. Goldenstrike's eyes glowed as they scanned the enemy line, waiting for the release, like a dog waiting for the whistle.

He was for once in his life laser-focused, that is until his eyes meet green. A black tom with a similar build to him, blinding green eyes glowing. Goldenstrike hadn't thought about him. He hadn't registered that Shadowrunner hadn't followed behind he and Sunflowermask. Now they stood opposed. The world folded for a second. Sunstride charged, so did the other rebels, all picking their targets and slashing. Now he stood there for a second too long, trying to bring himself to charge Shadowrunner, to attack- to kill.

///feel free to attack Golden, currently he is a deer in headlights but an attack will bring him back to reality

rude words i said, i'm still a messā—Žā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā—Žpenned by WriteAboutRadish
Though Mouseflight knew that this day would come eventually he had not expected it now in the middle of leafbare with so many struggling to eat and simply survive. He was glad however that Sootspot had ran ahead of the patrol of Sootstar and her loyalists to warn of her attack, and he considered those that were stuck in the barn lucky then, it seemed as though StarClan was on their side after all for a sneak attack was not going to happen today.

He found himself waiting by the door of the barn, peaking out into the frosty cold territory and ears pinning back as he watched Sootstar proudly march across the moor with her small band of cats behind her and ears would pin to his head as she spoke. You will either die at my paws or you and your pack of traitors will leave the forest. Face turned sour as the vile words spilled from maw and tail lashed behind him and before he knew it Sunstride was speaking and then the battle begun.

Mouseflight found himself flying from the door of the barn alongside his fellow WindClanners, his face drawn into a snarl as he run towards gray fur, ears pinned as the tunneler aimed for the former ShadowClanner's side to grab his attention, to focus the fight on him and no one else. He didn't know Granitepelt and didn't care to, Mouseflight simply knew that deep within his heart he hated the other, and so crouched down low to the ground he watched to see what Granitepelt would do next.
  • attacking @GRANITEPELT , currently not open for other attacks!
  • tikki_com.png
    ā‹† mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ā‹† ftm - he/him - 14 moons
    ā‹† bisexual - open to relationship
    ā‹† tunneler of windclan
    ā‹† attack - speech - thought
    ā‹† penned by tikki
With a sudden, gut-wrenching guilt, Sparkspirit's world is once more turned upon its head. He had been quiet since his arrival with Morningsong. Avoidant. It was easier to deal with all that happened when he did not see it at all. His mother? Pollenfur? The gathering of traitors that had made their home here? The ones he had never even known? In quiet moments of loneliness, he realizes that his life would have been so much simpler if he just stayed. It was what Weaselclaw had taught him, when the rest were gone. When nobody else was there, he had relied upon his mentor. In abandoning Sootstar, he had abandoned him. Snakehiss thought it was ridiculous. That they couldn't possibly survive her.

He hadn't followed them, and now he stood there instead. Next to her. Where Sparkspirit should be. Is he looking at him? For him? If their eyes meet, will Snakehiss see the fear there? Will he understand? It doesn't matter. Sunstride is a flurry of orange taking to battle, and Milkthorn quickly cuts off his line of sight to the black tom. He should follow, for the sake of the WindClan he has chosen, and yet all he can do is sit there, waiting for the bodies to begin their fall.

  • OOC. ā€”
    ā€”ā€” ā€„a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"

Shadowrunner found himself leaping to and fro in a desperate bid to evade the claws and teeth that hungered for his flesh. It was loud, oh so loud! And his eyes were frantically trying to take in all that was happening! It was becoming a blur and he was overwhelmed by the tidal wave of faces that were familiar to him. Faces that were now enemies to him. But one face beyond all others caught his attention most of all; Goldenstrike! Family... they were family, but they stood on opposite sides in the conflict and that fact burned viciously into the depths of his heart.

He stared in shock, then in pain, then a deep rage bubbled up within him and made his paws move. With a piercing shriek he launched himself at his sibling, and he attempted to slam into his brother with the goal of pinning the other down beneath him. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?! WHY DID YOU AND SUNFLOWERMASK ABANDON ME?!" Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he felt the weight of betrayal upon his shoulders. He wanted to rip his sibling apart, but yet... he couldn't. During the whole thing he had been unable to draw his claws at all due to a part of him holding back. He... he couldn't do it. He couldn't do it!

//going for @Goldenstrike , open to other attackers


It had only been a matter of time.
Echolight had known that since Sunstride had shown himself on the barns step, ragged and made a refugee.
It had only been a matter of time, before Sootstar followed in her disgraced deputyā€™s pawsteps.
On the heels of Yewberry, of Sunstride and Sparkspirit, Echolight is there. Her pupil slits as the smoked leader demands her childrenā€™s presence, and involuntarily her gaze would attempt to find them in the crowd before ultimately being pulled to Sunstride.
He leaps for her throat, and the chaos as erupted. Cats from both sides kick up snow in their wake, but Echolights gaze is focused on her sons, on the way Sparkspirit remains frozen in his stance. Echolight can see the hesitance in his posture, and her veins turn icy cold.
"If you cannot fight, that is okay." The calico pulls to his side, face armored with concern and urgency. "You cannot be a sitting duck, though. I wonā€™t be burying you, do you understand?"
With that, a feathered tail would brush over her kits flank for a moment, her words born from tough love.
She knew what her intentions would be today, in the name of her home and her lost daughter, she looks at Sparkspirit for only a moment longer before she is gone into the fray herself.
Weaving through the colliding Loyalists and Rebels, her single gaze locks onto one who is still standing empty-pawed.
Muzzle distorting into a snarl, Echolight launches forward, attempting to pounce onto @Gooseberry head on.

// interacting briefly w/ @sparkspirit , attacking Gooseberry
  • Like
Reactions: Gooseberry
Gooseberry continues to glare as allegiances are confirmed, thinking of Cygnetstare being on the other side. It was only a brief moment that he could absorb the fact that he would be a father soon, before she turned tail and ran off. Wasnā€™t his wants just as important? But it seems he couldnā€™t trust her, either.

Itā€™s not like he wanted kids in the first place, so bother her and their unborn kits could rot for all he cares. (Did his father feel the same way when he decided to pretend Gooseberry doesnā€™t exist?)

It doesnā€™t take too long for tensions to rise once more. The white tom rattles out a war cry, running towards the rebels. He sees the familiar form of Echolight aiming for him in particular, running straight towards him. Instead of trying to dodge, he allows her to get close before attempting to strike back, aiming to bite into her shoulder. If heā€™s successful, heā€™ll try to knock her over. If not, then he will try to pivot out of her way.​

It was one thing to hear the tales from the Rebels of what had occurred with the rupturing of WindClan, but it was quite another to see a clan go to war with itself. It... it was horrifying and he could feel his chest tighten as he watched former family and friends clash in bloody war! He didn't owe them the aid of his claws in truth, but any good cat would only feel like a coward through the action of doing nothing at all. Hiding in the barn wasn't an option, no, he would fight alongside the other Rebels and would give his all to drive Sootstar's minions back!

The ex-ThunderClanner stormed forth into the fray with a caterwaul of challenge, his leggy form somewhat towering over the smaller WindClanners around him. Intending to use his size and strength to his advantage, he aimed to slam himself into the nearest Loyalist to stun them before attempting to strike his claws down upon them in a brutal fashion. He wasn't sure he had it in him to kill, but he would certainly make sure they were sent packing!

//Feel free to be the Loyalist that he's attacking. He's open to multiple opponents!