camp BELLY TO BELLY } birthing

AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — Her time in the nursery thus far had been... boring, really. Rattleheart hadn't hated it - far from it, really, considering how often she had visited before her own pregnancy - but she couldn't deny the feeling of restlessness that had settled in her gut. Forming knots of discontent that certainly went along nicely with the occasional shifting of her growing kits. Her trio of them, if Cottonpaw's estimate was to be believed. Each passing day felt lole they were growing closer and closer to joining her in the nursery proper, a fact which exhilarated and terrified her in equal measure.

The tunneler had wanted this for so long, but could she ever truly feel prepared for it?

As it turned out, the answer was a resounding no. Though really, she had a feeling she never wpuld have felt fully prepared for the wave of pain that gripped her in the early hours of the morning. At first she had written it off as nothing to worry about, even as the sudden jolt had woken her up from her slumber. It wouldn't have been the first time the kits had gotten a bit rough in their shifting about, and she saw no reason to call Cottonpaw or Wolfsong. That is, until the pain didn't fade. It only became stronger, an overwhelming sting mixed with nausea that finally tore a cry from the back of her throat. If not for how intense the pain was, she likely would've felt guilt over waking any of the other queens in the nursery.

As it was, she managed to only shift slightly in her nest before her jaws cracked open once more, hoarse voice calling out to the rest of camp. "Wolfsong! Cottonpaw! I think they're coming! Can someone... someone please get Venomstrike?" There was a tinge of desperation to her words as she asked for her mate, sinking back down into the softness of her nest. Everything after that was a haze, the soft steps of either Cottonpaw or Wolfsong - or both, she wasn't quite sure - heralding their arrival. Along with soft voices that led her through what she was meant to do, fangs digging down into a poor splintering stick as each new kit was brought out into the world.

One, two, three... four, five.

Five kits, two more than Cottonpaw had even predicted. By the time each of them were tucked away against Rattleheart's side, she was exhausted. Drained entirely, to the point where she could only bury her face in the nearby fluff of Venomstrike. Yet she couldnt allow herself to sleep just yet, knowing that she now had five tiny living beings to name. Or at least part of that five, considering she intended on letting her mate have input as well. Her long tail curled loosely around all of her little ones, pale green gaze peering over them all until her attention landed on the firstborn. A young point with dark ears and a tufted tail, unruly spikes of fur crushing against the bodies of their siblings around them. "Thistlekit... for your fur." She already sounded so tired, the usual roughness of her voice only adding to the effect - though there was a bright smile on her face. Her mind drifted back to a similarly spiked pelt, the one that had belonged to another warrior of Windclan she hadn't seen in some time.

Rattleheart then looked towards the next squirming bundle, a petite kit with fur that was a mix of lighter and darker blues. Her legs were already lanky in spite of her tiny size an echo of the tunneler's own proportions. Rattleheart stared down at her for a moment, nuzzling between her ears before she could speak once more. "...Breezekit." Another face flashed in her mind, that of the apprentice that she had lost many moons ago now. A lump abruptly made itself known in her throat, ignored in favor of looking towards her next little one. Another point, this one with short fur tinged with lilac. They squirmed and climbed atop their siblings, prompting a snort from Rattleheart before she echoed one of Venomstrike's own name suggestions. "Splinterkit." She had thought it was a bit of an odd choice, but the way they shoved and jabbed at their littermates certainly reminded her of a splinter.

Only two more, as impossible as that felt to consider after Cottonpaw's guess. The second to last was another point, although she was tinged with blue instead of the darker colors that had come before. Rattleheart looked towards Venomstrike as he gently licked between her ears, her voice a warm purr. "Here... you choose hers." She was trusting her mate to pick a name all on his own, even if Splinterkit had been his suggestion initially. Once the moor runner had offered up his suggestion, Rattleheart turned her attention towards the last born of the litter - a frail and plain looking thing, her pelt a sea of black that matched with her mother's own. Save for the patches of white, of course. It only took her a moment to find the name on the tip of her tongue, though she wasn't sure why it called out to her. "Vinekit. Our little Vinekit." Rattleheart was quick to nudge Vinekit the last bit of the way against her stomach, just to make sure she wouldn't be shoved out of the way by her larger siblings.

With each of their names finally spoken out into the open air, Rattleheart was content in leaning back into Venomstrike's embrace. Already her eyes were drooping, eager to succumb to the tiredness that had been gripping her since her kitting had started. Yet she valiantly stayed awake for the moment, if only to see the reactions of her family to the newest little ones in their ranks.

  • // @VENOMSTRIKE @THISTLEKIT @breezekit @SPLINTERKIT. @crunchykit @Vinekit but no need to wait for any of them!
  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    52 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic

THE TENACITY I HOLD✧°.🍃 ——————————————————————————————————
Warmth is the first thing he's come to know. Thistlekit doesn't know that word, nor the name bestowed upon him for his unruly fur. He is pawing at Rattleheart's stomach for comfort, whining, loudly mewling at the feeling of being touched. A tongue rasping the top of his head as he continues to feed, only sometimes interrupted by being pushed aside by his littermates. His high-pitched mewls are in protest, annoyance of being shoved out of their mother's belly.

He was a new life on this world, a future warrior of WindClan. Thistlekit isn't aware of that, of course, he's not aware of who he is, who his littermates are, who is family. He would learn with time. Learn his place on the world, who to love and who to protect with his life.

[penned by nocthymia -
————————————————— 🍃.°✧ I HOPE IT'S HARD TO BREAK DOWN

  • "Speech" Thoughts
  • THISTLEKIT HE/HIM, kit of windclan, zero moons
    physical appearance. short history blurb, short opinion on clan/clan specific traits. 1-2 sentences bout personality stuff and any other important details.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by nocthymia@hypmic on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Love

The bustle around the den was difficult to miss- especially for an observation-obsessed tom like Featherspine. She hadn't much of an affinity for kits, she had to admit... but equally, it was beneficial to know the goings-on in the Clan. And Rattleheart had proven to be quite tolerable... thus, when he heard the soft mewling of newborn's, Featherspine was pulled to the nursery entrance. Sun-glare eyes peered through the dark, landing upon two parents, licked in embrace and gazing cloud-soft upon a brood of kits. Their names did not land upon Featherspine's ears- and she realised after a moment that she had been looking for quite a long time.

"C-Congratulations," Featherspine murmured, glancing between the two faces before heaving a distance between himself and the nursery. An odd feeling had stirred in her stomach at the sight of it. Rattleheart, a trusted warrior... a tolerable face. When had their life began? Had it been when they had become a warrior? How, then, had she known how she was supposed to act? How had he known what to do, how to best seize life, so that these kittens could have been born?

Another figure wandered close- hiding her subtle distress, Featherspine flicked his head over to the nursery. "More mouths to feed," she mumbled, sarcasm-soaked. Beneath the layers, though... there lay a hint of something affectionate, though it wore a thistled coat.
✦ penned by pin

Rattleheart's pregnancy was a known fact and had been for quite a bit already. The lead warrior's (now his fellow lead warrior, something Dimmingsun will have to get used to) general absence from usual duties made the council feel a little bit airy, like something is missing- and truly, Rattleheart has always played a huge part. Their move to the nursery leaves another to be desired between... well, with Scorchstreak's shift to deputyhood and Periwinklebreeze also busy with already-born kits, only Bluepool remains.

Despite the anticipatory nature of this new litter, Dimmingsun does not expect Rattleheart's cry. Anguished yowls usually knock him into a combat stance; hackles raised, claws unsheathed, ready to bolt into battle — but today, there is nothing to fight. He will have to hang back as to not interfere with the medicine cats' work.

His large frame sits idly by the entrance even after the new lives have been brought into the world. He does not let himself dwell on Wolfsong's point of view- of how painful it must be to help with kitting when his own rests beneath the earth. Both Venomstrike and Rattleheart deserve to have this moment without anything casting shadows upon such joys.

The kits are named — he leans in further to catch them — and WindClan grows.

"Congratulations!" comes the warm rumble of a purr, echoing Featherspine with much more gusto. "They'll be a pawful for sure." Already he imagines these kits a few moons into their lives: perfectly capable of kicking up a storm behind them as they play, growing and becoming more sure-footed so they do not stumble with each step taken. They have both of their loving parents and a protective Clan... what more could they possibly ask for?

Rattleheart does not know why he had bestowed the name Vinekit on the youngest of this litter but all in all it will prove to be a fitting name. Like her namesake, the small black kitten, will cling to her kin for growth and support.

When she is born, Vinekit does not move much at first, already jostled by littermates slightly bigger than herself she is pushed aside. Rattleheart's gentle kindness leads her forward and she finds her place nestled against Rattleheart's belly to get her fill. She is sightless and unable to hear the murmurs and coos of well-wishers in the nursery. She will not remember this moment in the moons to come but for now she is warm and content, soothed by the warmth and aroma of milk that clings to Rattleheart, as well as the writhing bodies of her littermates.
  • Love

Brokenkit did not like being in the nursery while Rattleheart went through the death throes of childbirth. The inkling tom did not care to sit idly while listening to wails or squeals of little newborns, and thus he had peeled away from Mintshade's nest to leave the nursery once the Clans healers had arrived. He didn't understand how the other kits and queens could stand by and not feel the need to flee with him.

It appeared many of his Clanmates could not resist the dramatical flair of Rattlehearts childbirth as he desperately tried to ignore it, shoving his paws over his ears as he hid within the brush of the elders den.


The noise had simmered into the hush of the breeze, and Brokenkit returned with a hesitant pace. It was over then, Rattleheart's battle was over and now she must war with the number of kittens kneading at their belly. The tom grimaced, imagining himself as small and worthless as these scraps. Was this the same moment in his life Mintshade decided his fate?


  • Brokenkit
    —⊰⋅ kit of windclan
    —⊰⋅ he/him
    —⊰⋅ mintshade x gracklestep
    —⊰⋅ sh solid black tom with yellow eyes


when this young and new to the world, nothing matters more than warmth and food. so forcefully pushed from the warmth and silence that he's known since before he has a conscious, the light colored worm moves to make an effort about finding it again. he wants warmth. he wants food. his paws don't move him nearly quick enough. he lets out quiet cries as he begins to get frustrated, pushing past his littermates into the middle of them. he feels the safest here. the warmest. somewhere in the deepest pits of his mind, a core memory is being made. to be surrounded by his littermates and parents makes him feel safe. there is no safer place. he finds milk faster than he did the warmth, and he is happy now. content. and loved.
The sleepiness of morning had yet to evade the warrior as Redheart returned to camp. A sorry little rabbit dangling from his jaw as he stepped into camp and heard the distressed cry from the nursery. Freezing in place, ears pricking forward to catch Rattleheart's voice calling out in desperation. His throat leapt with excitement and concern as the realization hit him—Rattleheart was going into labor.

He quickly dropped the prey by the fresh-kill pile, velvety paws moving swiftly as he made way toward the nursery. Their excitement was palpable, but Redheart kept his movements gentle, not wanting to cause more of a stir. As he reached the entrance, he saw Rattleheart, her face contorted with pain and effort, surrounded by Cottonpaw and Wolfsong who were doing their best to assist her.

"On it!" The tom loudly whispered, eyes wide with a mix of awe and anxiety. Without waiting for a response, he spun around and bolted out of the nursery. Redheart's paws pounded against the ground as he raced through camp, mind solely focused on finding his adoptive father. Spotting the moor runner near the warrior's den, his breathless shout rang out. "Venomstrike! It's time! Rattleheart needs you in the nursery, now!"

Assumedly, the grizzled tom was right at his heels, re-entering the scene felt exhilarating as the nursery buzzed to life. They weren't going to miss this for the world. Redheart positioned himself to the back, ready to assist with anything that was needed, but also giving Rattleheart the space she required. His eyes were fixed on the scene, ears straining to catch every sound. The passing time felt like eternity as he waited, pupils blowing wide with wonder.


Finally, the cries of the newborns reach his ears, and a broad smile spread across their pale maw. When the first tiny kit was placed against Rattleheart's side, Redheart let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. You're finally here!

He inched closer, seeing the exhausted but glowing face of Rattleheart as she named each kit. Thistlekit, Breezekit, Splinterkit... Redheart's heart swelled with pride and love for his new family members. When Venomstrike chose the name for the fourth kit, Redheart nodded approvingly, feeling the unity in their family bond.

Finally, as the lats kit is named, Redheart felt tears prick at his eyes. You'll never know a world without love and friends. I'll make sure of that. The sight of the tiny black and white kit, so small and fragile, nestled against Rattleheart was almost too much for him to bear. Sniffling softly he basked in the warm emotions with a full heart.

"Congratulations." He murmured, settling in near the nest and blinking down to the bi-colored Queen and Venomstrike. "I'm so happy they're here." His voice crackled with admiration and love. "Welcome to the world, little guys." They added, green gaze softening as he looked at each of his new siblings. Redheart stayed close, ready to fetch anything that might be needed, but mostly just basking in the joy and warmth of the moment, his heart full.

  • 9OYSQUJ.png
    redkit, redpaw, redheart
    maine coon/somali mix, lh red ticked tabby
    amab, cis male, he/him, 12 moons
    ex-kittypet, moor runner of windclan, mentor to TBD
    pansexual/romantic, single, crushing on rivewhisper
    G1, adopted by venomstrike + rattleheart
    "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    peaceful and healing powerplay accepted
    penned by tasmagoric, tags, heartchart, art
  • xq9zeQM.png






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──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── The birth went smoothly, which is a blessing, and one Wolfsong can be grateful for even as he must strangle the grief and bitterness with his teeth. Rattleheart has brought five new hearts into the world, and with luck, they will grow strong, nourished by Rattleheart and Venomstrike's love as all kits should be. With even more luck, they will not outlive their children as Wolfsong and Sunstar have, but he should not think of such things during these moments of fragile new life. Instead, he watches the kits at Rattleheart's belly, searching for any signs of distress or injury. They have all latched quite easily, he notices, and they do not appear anything but completely healthy.

"They are beautiful," he says simply, mustering a smile for Rattleheart. "You should be proud." He becomes aware of his daughter nearby, hovering as he offers congratulations, gruff alongside the warm tones of Dimmingsun and Redheart. Wolfsong steps closer to her, but he leaves the nursery behind. After a moment's debate, confident that Cottonpaw will manage alone, he follows, and hums at her prickly tenderness.

"The same as you were once." His smile does not ache quite the same. "Worth every bit of effort, though your father hunted more than I did."
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
༄༄ Scorchstreak is a mother two times over, and knows well the duties of parenthood. What she does not know, however, is the feeling of aunthood. Rarely before had she considered that any of her siblings might have kits; it has always seemed so far away, an event set in the future and not the now. But now seems to have come quicker than she realized, because she hears commotion and—oh. It’s time, isn’t it? Patiently, the calico makes her way to the nursery and hovers outside until she hears the final kit’s name spoken. Vinekit. Sweet and simple. Her steps into the den are unhurried, but anxiety gnaws at her chest. She cannot wait to see them—and when she does, a smile grows easily on her muzzle.

"Oh, Rattleheart… They are lovely," the calico says simply, turning softened golden eyes upon the bundles of fur squirming at her sibling’s belly. Five of them. She remembers chasing fruitlessly after only four tiny sets of paws, and a mirthful expression crosses her face. "You’ll both certainly have your paws full. If you ever need a break… I wouldn’t mind kitsitting on occasion." For any other WindClanner, she would never put forth such an offer. But Rattleheart is not just any clanmate, and these kits are not just another nameless, faceless set of hungry mouths for the clan to work their tails off to feed. These kits are kin, and they are no more a responsibility than a new part of her daily routine.

With that, the deputy has little more to say—she recalls how exhausted she had been after having her own kits. The black and white queen is likely just as tired, if not more. Clanmates duck in and out of the nursery to give their own congratulations. Her prolonged presence will not be appreciated here, and neither will it be missed. With a final dip of her head, Scorchstreak turns and strides out of the nursery. I am an aunt. Now, back to work.

  • ooc:
  • 77176203_fqHtotZWqpHc9RA.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to pinkpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore


ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ — He knew that the day that Rattleheart would bring their kittens to the world wasn't far especially considering that the bicolored queen appeared as if she would pop if she ran anything sharp, he finds himself near the warriors den holding his breath not wanting to wander off at the risk of missing the birth of their children. It isn't long until he semi-dozes off wirh his head bobbing but the sleep is interrupted when Redheart calls for him saying that it's time and he glances at his former apprentice with bewilderment before it soaks in. The kittens! The chimera stumbles to his paws soon pressing through the entrance of the nursery and aliding up beside Rattleheart so that she'd know that he's here and he wouldn't miss this moment for the world, its a special one and would forever be a core memory for the couple. "I'm here, dear." He mumbles quietly as he grooms between her ears in comfort making sure not to avoid her space too much and he worries for a heartbeat or more due to the blood but that's normal.

Much like Rattleheart, he expects only the three kittens that Cottonpaw had mentioned when having felt the abdomen of the lead warrior but Starclan blesses with first time parents with an entire litter of five much like Sunstar and Wolfsong... He thinks of his friend feeling a brief sadness in his heart as he looks at all the kittens noting how different they are from one another. Three pale kittens with small patches of white, a blue kitten, and lastly a raven pelted kitten without any white of which reminds him fondly of his mate. Rattleheart names them as they're nudged to her belly so they could latch on and he loves every single name, his expression growing brighter when a Splinterkit is uttered and nods his approval to all of the names. His buttercup kissed eyes staring at his family with adoration though his attention shifts when his mate gives him the responsibility of naming the fourth kitten.

Venomstrike's snout wrinkles as he falls deep into thought knowing that their name would need to be important as it was part of them and he tried going through some of the names that he liked. Perhaps, a strong name like Stonekit or maybe, an inquisitive Mosskit? Fuzzykit for her fuzzy kit coat would be perfect or even Cloudkit for how her ivory coat reminds him of the clouds that he oftentimes wishes to reach out with a paw to touch! Sneezekit, Bubblekit, and Snifflekit sounded like good names too as they reminded him of the time he had been ill with yellowcough alongside Rattleheart. Horsekit? No, no, no... It had to be truly special... What felt like a lifetime, the moor-runner parts his jaws to finally speak the name of his and Rattleheart's other daughter "Crunchykit." A solemn nod of his helm confirms that he's not joking. A lot of things crunched! Especially the moors as of late after the fire... Plus bones and leaves! Lizards most importantly though any he had come across recently had been extra crispy. He finds himself second guessing his naming choice but nuzzles Rattleheart with a loud purr.

This was their little family... He and Rattleheart plus Redheart along with the litter of five that had been brought into the world. He's the happiest cat on the planet as of right now.


    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • BNyjtwh.png
    ⁀➷ a shorthaired lilac/black tabby chimera with buttercup hued eyes
    ⁀➷ windclan moor runner, venomstrike usually comes off as timid or slow but he's quite friendly and more than happy to add onto a conversation. as of late, he's been rather tense and has very little tolerance, he may snap and apologize later.
    ⁀➷ 51 moons old; ages the 18th every month
    ⁀➷ homosexual homoromantic; mated to rattleheart
    ⁀➷ father to redheart, thistlekit, breezekit, splinterkit, vinekit, crunchykit
    ⁀➷ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⁀➷ peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Love
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. New to the world and already yelling the newly dubbed Crunchykit was nestled against her mother's side, ears seemingly glued flat to head as eyes were closed shut. The second she'd feeding all goes quiet and a soft purr erupts from her throat for the first time in her life, mimicking that of siblings and parents alike. There is peace despite the... odd name she's been given and any confusion on why her father had picked it goes unnoticed. All that mattered now was food and warmth, names could come later.
  • Love
*+:。.。 Frightkit was used to people coming and going into her life. She was, however, becoming more and more frustrated with the cats who left. But as it stood, today, was a day where new lives entered her world to, hopefully, stay.

Despite living in a clan where socializing was key and maintaining relationships essential, if not expected, Frightkit couldn't say she cared much for those around her. She liked her immediate family - Nightgalecry, Ebonylight, her siblings and Periwinklebreeze, and she was happy to tolerate her new cousins...after that, everyone else could go for all she cared. Well, save for her former denmates, but they HAD left despite her care so-

Rattleheart was one of few warriors who took the time to play with Fry when she was smaller. Although, since the fire, she'd never quite gotten the chance to play any games with the older tunneler, Fry did look back on the memories of Frightheart fondly. Enough so that she actually felt a burst of discomfort when she heard the black and white warrior screaming. She hung back in the nursery, pressed against the wall, as Rattleheart gave birth. It was a...messy sight, to say the least. Kinda mostly gross, actually. Frightkit found it impossible nonetheless to look away.

She watched how Rattleheart and Venomstrike intertwined themselves, cooing at the little wrinkles of sodden fluff at Rattleheart's belly. The air, despite reeking of blood and agony, somehow felt...lighter. Congradulations filled the air, little flashes of light - lightning in a rainless storm. Frightkit rested her head on her paws, simply watching the scene unfold with those intense moon-colored eyes of hers.

She didn't understand how so much pain could be followed by so It made her nose itch, her chest squeeze. It made her miss Spotpaw more, and want to ask her mamma all about her birth. It made her want to be an adult now, to have her chance to experience something indescribable. She wanted her taste of whatever this whole thing was - this den that burned hot with the breaths of too many bodies cramping such a small space yet...nothing could feel safer.

"Congradulations " she parroted, not quite understanding the word choice in this situation.
But turning her eyes on the little things nestled in the warmth of their parent's embrace, Frightkit felt something tug at her own chest.

"Congradulations " she repeated, softer, to the little lives entering this world swaddled by so much love and care. It made more sense to say it to the babies. Congradulations, you guys won the lottery

  • " Speech "
    DFAB— She/Her — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Windclan Kit
    Sister to Deathkit, Witherkit, Grasskit, Whitekit and Midnightkit

    Physically very easy | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #1b1e21
    injuries: None
Rattleheart was having babies. It wasn't hard to miss the bustle around the den. He was a kit before becoming an apprentice– but he feels so awkward now. Why? When he heard the soft mewling cries of newborns, he all but dragged himself from his spot nearby. Charcoal-dusted paws pulled him to the nursery entrance. Sky-blue eyes observed through the dark, landing upon the two parents in embrace around their brood of kits.

The kits are named — A large ear flicked, as he heard his clanmates say their chorus of congratulations. Sheeppaw leans his head in further to say his own congrats.

"Congrats!" He smiles at the black-and-white queen, before he leaves the nursery entrance to sit down on the side. Rocking in place in his excitement. He pauses his rocking in place, when he thought of the kits running around causing chaos. Oh, no.. The messy-furred tom sat there, near the nursery with the biggest thinking face he had settled on his face.

  • ooc.
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( HEY! WHATCHA GOT? ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ SHEEPPAW. ╱ windclan apprentice.
    amab ; HE / HIM ; 7 MOONS & AGES EVERY 29TH.
    undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a lanky, longhaired black smoke with high white and blue eyes
    thoughts ; "Speech, 8E7F7F" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like early morning dew & windblown heather
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

In the time she had grown close to Redheart, she knew that there was kits on the way from his... guardians? Parents? Rivewhisper didn't quite know the titles used, but she knew well enough he loved him like they were family, and that was all that mattered. She had greeted Redheart with a pair of twitched ears at his return to camp with a rabbit, but the shouting from the nursery caused her head to switch around.

A tiny grin settled on her mouth, and while she wanted to continue her duties, she found that she couldn't. The period of time it took for all five to be born did Rivewhisper weave her nest apart and together twice, found new feathers to stick into the pile, and entertained some of the kits that were outside of the nursery due to the events. Ears twitched when soft cries echoed from each of the kits, and the clan crowded in- around her ðir and his apprentice, around the new parents and their family.

Rivewhisper did lag outside for a bit- a tiny grin finding her face from Featherspine's dig and Wolfsong's response. It softened as she approached, taking the place of many that filtered out. She wouldn't linger.. she just wanted to see how Redheart's family had all but expanded. She stepped in, eyes catching the bigger tom first, then the queen and her mate, and the nest full of kits brand new to the world. A soft breath of excitement left her, stepping close to Redheart.

Their flanks would bump as Rivewhisper offered him a grin as well, vision shifting to the new parents. "They're beautiful, Rattleheart, Venomstrike." She meowed softly, her tone quiet. "Congratulations. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." She said, her head dipping.

She lingered a moment or two, sticking close to Redheart. A thought struck her and owl blue eyes blinked, turning to focus upon him. "And congrats on becoming a big brother. Gonna be a role model now, huh?" She was lightly teasing him, after all.
  • "speech"
  • RIVEWHISPER she/her, moor runner of windclan, eleven moons.
    LH broken braided chocolate tabby with high white and piercing blue eyes. scars stretch over her left eye and across her stomach. graceful, sleek, average height. built for running and stamina
    mentored by snakehiss / sunstar / / mentoring no one
    small romantic interest in redheart / / sibling to featherspine ; sunlitwing ; bearflight ; singedpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
