camp BETWEEN THE EYES ☀ public scolding

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
Roeflame’s ire had always been easier to earn than most, she had grown up always having something to say. What possessed the brassed queen now makes her usual bite seem nearly weak in comparison. The disrespect that had been circling around camp as of late was now pure vile, infecting their young. After Coltkit had been consoled to the best of her abilities, Roeflame’s next destination had been to Howlingstars den to tell her leader of what had happened. The leader was no stranger to the she-cats temper, Howlingstar had named her for it. With her superior aware of what was going on, the rosetted queen hopes it would be easier to earn her wiser leaders forgiveness later on.
While Roeflame likes to think she would feel the same on this matter no matter which den she slept in, the lead warrior knew that the ferocity that put an extra sharp pep in her step was driven by something only the nursery could have given her, the maternal drive to protect and the anger that borderlines rage that one of the kits she helped look after would be treated so disgustingly. When she finds Redflower settled somewhere in camp, it’s almost unsurprising that Ravenstrike is nearby. Blazing sage optics are beyond disappointed to see Wrathpaw nearby and mixed up in all of this.
“Stand up. Now. The order is barked, any defiance would be met with a promising snarl. When the two adults have complied, slivered pupils would sweep across each face, stopping on Ravenstrike. False warriors she had muttered. Roeflame’s chest burns. “You should pity yourselves. Are your heads so shoved in the dirt you don’t see how pathetic you have been behaving?” Her wrath is shot towards the two warriors, and Roeflame would aim to turn away from Ravenstrike and shove her muzzle little more than a whisker-length from Redflower. “Picking on kits. Should I ask Howlingstar to stick you back in the nursery? that’d be more respectable than claiming yourself a warrior.” Roeflame knows their type all too well, words alone would not be enough to teach them a true lesson, they’d simply bounce off hollowed brains. Taking a step back, her glower is unwavering. “Your clan-born’ blood means nothing when you cannot act the part. The only false warriors-” as she speaks, her tail lashes. The words are spat from her tongue white-hot as her attention is turned
towards Ravenstrike again, making it known that the irate warrior had heard each word the other had uttered, “-here are those who disrespect what it means to be one. Stay away from the nursery. If I catch either of you talking to any of the kits like that again, I’ll make sure you don’t get out of that conversation with the ability to ever speak again.” Her tone is cemented with promise. Finally, the warrior spares a glance in Wraithpaw’s direction. “Find better company, Wrathpaw.”

  • Interacting w/ — @REDFLOWER @Ravenstrike & @WRATHPAW but no need to wait ! feel free to get involved >:)

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Like
Reactions: BURNSTORM

-ˋˏ ೋ- Poppyfoot wasn’t far from those Roeflame descended on, snowy forepaw stiff before his nose as the lead warrior began to rave furiously. Behaving pathetically? Dark fur, freshly groomed, snagged messily along their spine. She must be going mad, because their sister sat amongst the trio and Redflower was the furthest thing from pathetic. The white-splashed warrior jolted up, scepticism ramming his ears low. The sight of Roeflame whisker to whisker with his sibling staggered his approach.

A scoff shot from them as more accusations and insults cut context from obscurity- a defence of kittypet kits. ‘Picking on’ kits was asking for trouble, especially from the more sensitive cats around camp, sure, but it sounded like they’d just been trying to teach them a lesson. Any kittypet needed to understand the slack they left the rest of the clan to pick up if they were to stay in the forest. Poppyfoot’s waxy eyes bounced between Ravenstrike and Wrathpaw before falling back onto Redflower. He was under no illusion of his sister's direct tone but it hardly warranted this violent a response. Roeflame firmly revealing herself complacent to the need for change was disappointing. The lead warrior’s time in the nursery must have softened her.

‘If I catch either of you talking to any of the kits like that again, I’ll make sure you don’t get out of that conversation with the ability to ever speak again.’

Genuine shock flattened their expression. "Don’t threaten my sister like that." Their words were slick with disbelief, making obvious just how unreasonable they thought the molly was being. Why was she taking this so seriously? He cast a look at those around them, hoping for a more measured authority.
-ˏ— ღೋˊˎ-

  • ooc -

  • poppykit / poppypaw; POPPYFOOT — he/they
    — thunderclan warrior
    — 14 moons / ages every 15th
    NPC x NPC - sibling to Redflower, Foxfang
    — nonchalant, self-satisfied, sociable, spiteful, cowardly, loyal to a select few
    ↳ penned by detectlife

    Poppyfoot is small but lanky, their pelt a dense mahogany. White scrawls up one of his front paws and chest, merging with the irregular markings on his face. Ash-green eyes peer at those who pass with scrutiny.
    ↳ chocolate tom with low white​

The scolding Roeflame delivers sears her pelt like fire. Redflower pushes herself to her paws as she goes nose-to-nose with the silver-dusted lead warrior. Amber eyes flash with malice, but her mouth remains screwed tight. Stupid, idiotic little Coltkit had cried like a baby and tattled on her, it seemed! Kittypets couldn't take the realities of the forest, and Roeflame is clearly too blinded by motherhood to see such a thing. The tortoiseshell's whiskers quiver with outrage as she struggles to contain her explosive anger. Talk to me like this again in public and I'll claw that self-righteous expression right off your face! She thinks sourly.

"Who says I've been picking on kits? I've been trying to make them tougher," she mews, swallowing back her rage. She gives her brother a grateful glance as he comes to her defense. She blinks warmly at him before directing her glare back to Roeflame. "But if you want me to ignore them and let their potential go to waste instead, then fine! I'll obey." Her mouth tightens. "But don't let any of those little rats come close to me, then!"

She brushes past Poppyfoot, their pelts mingling for just a heartbeat. "Let's go hunting instead of making a public spectacle of ourselves," she huffs, trying to ignore the shame coursing under her fur.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

"Have you lost your mind?" A furtive voice, stage-whispered and bladed, slices through the conversation. Poppyfoot had been reasonable in joining the conversation. But in the face of his littermate's apparent embarrassment and anger, reasonable is not a word that describes Foxfang well. He does not confront Roeflame directly. She has already proven herself not worthy of his attention, and far from redeemable. If her weakness were to taint the kittens of this clan. . . they would be no better than SkyClan, soon. With a withering gaze back towards the molly, he falls in step with Redflower. His whisper is more genuine this time, though no less enraged: "You can't let her nonsense get to you. Hare Whiskers would be rolling in his grave!" Foxfang scoffs harshly. "Picking on kits. Pathetic. You were doing no such thing."

Over her head, he seeks out Poppyfoot's assurance that they felt the same. "They're going to ruin this clan. All of them." Is it to spare Ravenstrike and Wrathpaw the lead warrior's rage? Or is it to show some last hint of defiance for what she had done? He calls out to the both of them: "Are you coming? We have better things to do than coddle kits."

  • OOC.
  • 𝐅𝐎𝐗𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐆. HE - HIM - HIS. YOUNG WARRIOR OF THUNDERCLAN. —————— the child of marsh colony cats, foxfang has grown into a fine young warrior. . . by some standards. he is bold and brave and very opposed to kittypets within the forest. both impressionable and easily impressed, he seeks closeness with those who seem important and is easily molded to their perspective.    PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a long-limbed black tabby and chocolate chimera with large swathes of white. his fur is overall short, aside from a thicker "mane" around his throat and an odd tuft on his nose. his eyes are an intense amber-orange.
. ° ✦ The conflicting side of his Clan are beginning to weave through the works of their number as of late. It felt so unexpected coming from those he shared camp and prey with, he never anticipated those around him could hold such disdain for their Clanmates like that. Even those he shared dens with now or formerly stirred the divide.

Bravepaw would have thought himself to be unable to ever choose between his Clan if such a thing occurred, however the topic of tension was one that had bared the hole in his heart. This talk of kittypetborn or kittypet kin against those who were not. A useless debate when Bravepaw knew not even his own parents were ThunderClan-born, but once rogues before all of it. ThunderClan hardly existed longer than so many of his own Clanmates, where had it all come from?

Of course tempers are arise again, with Roeflame scolding a group of littermates over their actions towards the youth. Bravepaw turned his head with a frown to see the siblings, bristling in defense of their actions. Cats he slept beside not too long ago.

"You didn't even know Hare Whiskers!" Bravepaw scoffed as he looked to the lead warrior, eyes wide in disbelief. What lengths were these to justify their actions? To undermine their lead warrior?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
If the circumstances had been anything other than what had been mentioned by Roeflame's fiery tongue, Adderpaw would be all for putting kits in their place. Scraps of bundled fur being able to roam around wherever they wanted in camp, poking their noses where they didn't belong. It was irritating, tiring. He only had so much patience, and none of it was set aside for the young. But he had heard through the vines that Redflower and Ravenstrike had a few . . . choice words for Coltkit, to put it lightly. What was the use in trying to put some sense into a kit? They barely understood their role in the clan, what would being harsh with them solve? And to put someone down just for their background . . . it made Adderpaw's heart sting. Though he was clanborn, he couldn't imagine someone hissing at him about his parents' distance, their ignorance of his existence even while in the same vicinity. Did a kittypet hurt their egos or something?

Casting a glance towards Wrathpaw, he wondered how the boy had gotten involved in all of this. What happened to the innocent, happy little scrap he had gotten to know a little about just a moon ago? Adderpaw wondered if he should speak up, defend a defenseless kit who had no one but himself. Was it worth it to put a larger target on his back? Leafhusk was his mentor, and though he cared little for her kittypet heritage some others may talk down to him because of it. Staying at his place in the shadows, the chestnut tabby watches on. If things get even more ugly, maybe he'd have something to say. For now, it seemed like there was some . . . therapy that needed to happen, and fast. Maybe Leafhusk could do one for the whole clan this time.

A D D E R P A W ( he/him )​

Wildheart approached the scene and he was shocked to see his apprentice caught up in a public scolding. The calico's eyes widened with a bubbling blaze of fury as he snapped his attention towards that of Wrathpaw. "What did you do?!" In what way had Wrathpaw been involved with the situation? Punishment ideas were already beginning to build in his mind, though he wanted to know the level of his apprentice's involvement first.
*+:。.。 There was no denying it - Wrathpaw felt special when he spent time with Skyclaw and his crew. Like Briarsong said, Wrathpaw knew the truth, and he was smart for it. It made the apprentice walk with purpose, head high, a true member of Thunderclan in a way the others never would be. He had his clan's best interests at heart, he always had, but sometimes - as Skyclaw and the rest would say - a little tough love was necessary.

It just wasn't so much fun when he was the one receiving it.

Wrathpaw jumped from where he'd been about to talk to Redflower when Roeflame appeared, a tiger prowling through the shadows. Wrathpaw shrinks in his seat, deep blue eyes wide with shock as, without any greeting or introduction, the lead warrior shoves herself right into Redflower's face. His eyes flick from cat to cat, Roeflame's snarls meeting a cold fire from Redflower. Although no blows are thrown, Wrathpaw feels his paws beginning to tremble with unease. Roeflame, a lead and respected warrior though she may be, could not be trusted to keep her paws to herself.

Wrathpaw was quickly beginning to doubt why the clan respected the cinnamon tabby so much. Loud, brash, and often cruel, she was far quicker to smack her own clanmates than to listen to them. Wrathpaw's mouth feels dry, struggling to find the words to get Roeflame to listen and back off, but he doubts it'll work. Roeflame has always treated them like their opinions don't matter. Like, just because they won't kiss the paws of every mouse heart that joins Thunderclan, that makes them bad people?

He does find himself flinching, though, when Roeflame brings up Redflower's treatment of Coltkit. Wrathpaw won't deny that - in fact, he'd been thinking about trying to talk to Redflower and Ravenstrike about it himself. But their hearts were in the right place! Why couldn't Roeflame see that? They're all clanmates here, "Roeflame, please" Wrathpaw begins with a trembling voice. Sure...what Redflower did to Coltkit was a little too far...but there were better, kinder ways to talk to her about it. Instead stares with wide eyes and bristling scruff as Roeflame escalates from threatening Redflower's rank to then threatening her physically. Suddenly, Wrathpaw's muscles stiffen as anger flushes his cheeks red, especially when the woman swings her cold eyes upon him.

Kitty-pet kisser Wrathpaw thinks. He waits, but no guilt follows the vicious contempt that digs claws into his chest.

Ever since Racconstripe's patrol, Wrathpaw hasn't been able to understand Howlingstar or her lead warriors. They're all so quick to defend kitty-pets, that they've forgotten all about the services their real clanmates provided - their sacrifices. Wrathpaw feels his head is about to explode, incredulity turning into white-hot frustration at the lack of compassion from his true clan-mates. Is he the only one who looks at Skyclaw like the hero he is? Why is everyone so blind!?

"If the alternative is cats like you, I don't see better company" Wrathpaw hisses, back arching with disgust. Redflower and Ravenstrike were rough around the edges, sure, but there was no denying they had Thunderclan's best interests at heart. Roeflame seemed to only want to coddle the kitty-pets, sweeping all her truly hard-working clanmates under the nest like they didn't exist. Well - Wrathpaw won't let her! He - he knew the truth! And he'd stand up for it! Poppyfoot and Foxfang come to their sister's aid, and Wrathpaw can't help but look at the family standing side-by-side with awed eyes. After so much's nice to see cats finally have each other's back.

Wrathpaw on the other hand...

He almost isn't surprised that his mentor doesn't defend him...almost. Pain still lances through his chest when Wildheart turns sharp eyes upon him, an expectation that Wrathpaw is some cruel beast because, like he feared, if you don't worship the ground those kitty-pets dance on, you're the scum of the earth, huh?
"I didn't do anything!" he exclaims, digging claws into the earth as he stands up to confront his mentor. "You should understand, you were on Raccoonstripe's patrol! You know what kitty-pets are like!" he turns hostile eyes on Roeflame, "not just them, their tail-chasers too" His stomach is rolling in knots, anger contorting his throat until his breaths escape only as gasps. Slowly but surely, his home is becoming corrupted, from Howlingstar, to her lead warriors, to Wrathpaw's own mentor. None of them know the truth!

But Wrathpaw does.
And he'll do what any good Thunderclan should and make sure Thunderclan is cleaned of it's poisons. One way or another, he'll find a way to bring peace back to his home. Glaring hatefully at Roeflame, he thinks and I'll do it with the right company before taking a step back and looking over towards Reflower and her siblings. "Can I come with you guys, please?" he asks with a plead, eager to escape a clan dominated by kitty-pets.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
A low growl came from Tybalt's throat as he listened to Roeflame's scolding, and his eyes narrowed, particularly at the warriors. Tybalt had his own thoughts on house cats, and while he had never been fond of SkyClan, or the fat, spoiled twolegplace cats past their borders, the ThunderClan cats with such origin all pulled their weight well, and he saw little reason to pick at their place of birth. Wrathpaw was young and impressionable, but the warriors should know better, especially about picking on kittens.

Tybalt's own youth had left little time for rest, and while he disagreed with waiting for their sixth moon to give them some proper training--disaster could strike at any moment, after all--they were still small. They still needed time to rest and grow, and play. Raising his chin, he glowered at Redflower. "Time to grow will toughen them up just fine," he rumbled. And then with a glance at Wrathpaw, he added, "SkyClan kittypets are one thing. The twolegplace-born cats in ThunderClan pull their weight just fine." He narrowed his amber eyes as he watched the small group padding off to hunt. N
ow go off and pull yours, instead of bullying kits.
While he had been on the receiving end of the paw more then once, Beetlekit was still a hint stunned to see it used on other people. Anger was flamed in Roeflame's words- not just deep irritation or frustration, but true fury over the way Coltkit had been treated. Slowly did the near-full grown cat grow closer, green eyes wide and ears perked forward in curiosity. He wasn't the only one, either- many clanmates were growing close, and he didn't see his siblings anywhere in the crowd.

He inhaled sharply at the way his mother was spoken back to. He would have had to been blind to realize that camp was devolving into some mass... back and forth between kittypet-born and those who thought they weren't pulling their weight. It felt suffocating, to say the least- and knowing where Beetlekit came from... would he have been next? Would the words that have targeted Coltkit be turned unto his own flank, despite the protection he knew he gained from having both Burnstorm and Roeflame as his parents?

A light tingling of fear crossed his emotions, but it was quickly squashed by a heavy paw. No. I deserve to be here. His tongue is sharp as he steps forward, ears flattening as he speaks to the retreating cats. "The only rats I see are ungrateful cats like you! You should be glad to still have a home here." He spat out. Whilst Beetlekit hadn't filled into his too-large paws yet, he was taller then he was a moon ago, his thick fur apparent. "Running like... like dogs with your tails tucked." His lips curled back.

He didn't look towards his mother for support- didn't even try to find one of his blood or adoptive siblings in the crowd. This was all him.

—————---***I DON'T START FIGHTS BUT***————---

  • LH black smoke with green eyes. scruffy looking with a very solid build.
    6 moons old; ages the 16th every month
    tba orient. ; currently not looking
    child of BURNSTORM and ROEFLAME
    thunderclan ; loyal to FAMILY
    medium to befriend ; trusts family mostly, trusts little otherwise
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
”Sincerely, we pull our weight around here. We're willing to do the things for Thunderclan where everyone keeps their tail between their legs.” Ravenstrike remarks with an uninterested flick of her tail at Roeflame, her gaze drifting as she loudly yawns over Roeflame's words. ”What'd you say? I couldn't hear you.” She questions before shrugging her shoulders and glancing at Redflower and her siblings. The obsidian warrior stretches and allows her curved claws to dig into the earth beneath them before standing straight up and barely covering her mouth as she fakes another yawn.

”None's picked on any kits. Do you have a beehive in your brain? We're too busy hunting for the hundreds of kits in the nursery that we keep picking up even though we already have enough to care for.” The warrior coldly remarks as her icy gaze narrows at the lead warrior. The rest had already left, and it left a whimpering Wrathpaw staring in the direction they left, begging to go with them- a fake smile smearing on her scarred features as she brushed her tail against him. ”Let's go, Wrathpaw. I'll tell you the stories about when we used to become apprentices when you turned four and what Thunderclan used to be like.”
The calico tom held his ground even when Wrathpaw dared to talk back to him, and it only stoked the blaze within him to new levels. But erupting here would be... unwise. Instead he squared his shoulders and he held his head even higher in a show of strength and command. "I joined that patrol in order to get food for the whole clan. It was never about kittypets or the like, it was about survival. Though it seems like you failed to grasp that." What poison had his clanmates filled his apprentice with? Sure, he wasn't a fan of kittypets, but he would never turn on his clanmates. Not like this.

"You shall not be going with them, you shall be staying in camp and working hard to clean out the nursery as punishment for your insolence. And if I catch you bullying a single kit or queen in there then you can forget about ever becoming a warrior." Wildheart moved with swift strides in order to block Wrathpaw's route towards Redflower and the others. A part of him longed for them to challenge him, at least then he could shred their ears and put them back in their place in a more justified manner.


The rising tensions in the clan would be difficult to ignore unless one was both blind and deaf. His mate had told him what had occurred between Colkit and what was meant to be a grown warrior. Prejudice, worse than any he had faced because at least his blood had been diluted by that of his mother's. (But still, he understands). It had troubled him, made him sneer with anger directed at those who would stoop so low as to be harsh to a kit of all things. Did they forget that it was past kittypets who fed them, who protected them, who fought alongside them, day in and day out? ThunderClan's kittypets had fully committed to their way of life, had become strong and fierce with the right paws to guide them. Unlike SkyClan's kittypets, who still insisted upon having a paw in both worlds. There is such a thing as tough love, Burnstorm has exerted it before, but it does not look the way Redflower claims.

He comes to stand next to Roeflame, silently lending his support and his strength. She could fight her own battles, he would never dare to insinuate otherwise. But they had always been better when they were together, when they were a team. If it had been Beetlekit or Littlekit or Dovekit Redflower had spoken to that way though, Burnstorm is uncertain whether or not he would be able to steady his temper or keep his claws sheathed. His eyes narrow to slits as Ravenstrike presses on "I must have missed the meeting where Howlingstar named you Wrathpaw's mentor" he says with a barely suppressed growl. Wildheart is on it though, delivering a punishment that is more than fair in Burnstorm's eyes. "Yes, good, you lot go hunting and don't come back till you have enough prey to feed every kit in the nursery or the sun has gone down. Whichever comes first."

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

-ˋˏ ༻ ☀ ༺ ˎˊ-
While Ravenstrike attempts to yawn over her words, Roeflame does not double back to the disorderly warrior until the younger of the duo’s siblings come to her defense, and it takes more than Roeflame would have liked to admit to not turn her fiery gaze to them next. She holds Redflowers for a moment, pupils rapidly flickering to and fro. I’ve been trying to make them tougher, she spits, and the brassed lead warrior bares her teeth. “That is not your place.” Roeflame counters with a lash of her tail, finally giving Ravenstrike her attention once more. The others dismissive demeanor sends hot prickles shooting down the tabby queens spine, her chin tilts upwards, keeping her composure from giving into her anger. “Smug words will only get you so far, Ravenstrike.” Her words are biting, pelt brushing against her mates as his silent support breaks in order to give the other a proper reprimand.
Wildheart confronts his apprentice, and Roeflame nearly feels bad for deeming the youth guilty by association, until he opens his mouth. Tail-chasers he spits, and Roeflame turns her gaze to Wildheart, glad at least someone seemed to have their head in straight. Bravepaw, Stagstrike, and her own kit’s voices are thrown into the mix, and Roeflame shoots Burnstorm a near uncertain glance. What would Flycatcher do?
“They need a damn reality check.” Roeflame hisses, muzzle leaning close to Burnstorm to keep her next words away from her sons ears. “If I hadn’t caught Coltkit, his blood could have been on their paws by now.” She does not care to filter her thoughts around her mate. To the remaining warriors, her steely order is given from the tongue of both a lead warrior and a queen.
“I want eyes kept on those two specifically, make sure they stay away from the nursery-” Roeflame pauses knowing the request is hardly a solution. “At least until I can speak to Howlingstar.” Which, if the stars were good, would be before the group would return.

  • ROEFLAME she/her, Lead Warrior of Thunderclan, twenty-two moons.
    petite cinnamon silver ticked tabby with murky green eyes & a small scar over her left eye.
    mate to Burnstorm ☀ mentor to Foxpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ☀ underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


-ˋˏ ೋ- Their sister confirmed their assumptions- she hadn’t been cruel to them, she’d only been pushing them to meet the standard of their proud clan. If kittypet habits weren’t scrubbed from those kits they’d spread elsewhere, and then they’d have forestborn cats failing to do the bare minimum too. Foxfang rallied beside them, and the anger already set in Poppyfoot’s gaze was magnified when his brother met his eye. Relief too, filled their chest, in having more support. There was value in knowing who had common sense, though he’d never doubted family. It was obvious from even this ‘reprimanding’ that harmful sentiments were being allowed to propagate.

A hissed scoff flared at Bravepaw’s interjection. “It’s knowing his legacy that matters! It’s clear some cats in this clan have forgotten what that means.” Poppyfoot’s attention swept those gathered, derisive. Their wet-clay tail shuddered like a rattlesnakes as more voices bled into the discussion, speaking out of turn and ignorance. When Wrathpaw turned on Roeflame, the warrior let out a sharp laugh. Tailchasers- good one.

Before Stagchaser’s words could irritate him further, or Roeflame and Burnstorm began their discussion, he turned in mirror of Redflower. She was right, there was no hope in trying to get through to them. Laughable. Hunting would be productive, at least. A slim shadow, Poppyfoot stalked out of camp.
-ˏ— ღೋˊˎ-

  • ooc - he's out! sorry for the late-ish reply

  • poppykit / poppypaw; POPPYFOOT — he/they
    — thunderclan warrior
    — 14 moons / ages every 15th
    NPC x NPC - sibling to Redflower, Foxfang
    — nonchalant, self-satisfied, sociable, spiteful, cowardly, loyal to a select few
    ↳ penned by detectlife

    Poppyfoot is small but lanky, their pelt a dense mahogany. White scrawls up one of his front paws and chest, merging with the irregular markings on his face. Ash-green eyes peer at those who pass with scrutiny.
    ↳ chocolate tom with low white​