birds of a feather & pigeonsong

Jan 5, 2023

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Time seemed to have gotten away from them as they trotted back to camp with the sun nearly at sunhigh. Cloudberrythorn had left before they did and they had slept in too far to even be on time. What a way to start warriorhood! A huff came from a cat that was tawny with white patched acorss their body and in a white muzzle was two feathers. Greeneyes had handed out trinkets a few days back, before the warrior ceremony, and they had forgotten to bring them back to camp the last few days. Time was hard this week with everything that had gone down with warrior ceremonies, the gathering and new law, and the capture of Daisyflight, Butterflytuft and Snowpaw. The gifts where the last thing on the mind and it made guilt prickle at their chest, cold and heavy.

Still it was bettre late than never right? There was a hope at least for it and they pushed through the campe entrance with a shake of their tabby coat. Bananasplash looked around camp for a moment before setting the two brown feathers and put a paw ontop of them so they wouldn't blow away in the wind. Where was the sandy tabby cat? Had he already gone out on patrol? Bananasplash gave a small huff in annoyance at her own lateness and picked the feathers back up before heading for the warriors' den.

The tawny and white cat sat down outside of the den, intending on just waiting for a little bit with the feathers between their paws.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
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Reactions: flowercloud.
Having not seen hide or hair of her since the morning, the sight of Bananasplash caused a smile to grace his features. It wasn't an unusual look for him but it certainly seemed wider when they hung out together. She hadn't yet spotted him and he made way towards the fresh-kill pile, depositing a squirrel upon the top.
For a solo hunt, it'd proved less fruitful than he'd prefer but that seemed far away now.

"Hey Bananasplash." He'd mew, sure to enunciate her new name. His tail was held high behind him in greeting. His eyes looked around her briefly, wondering who she was waiting for. "Are you looking for someone?" The tom would ask, oblivious as usual. His eyes were curious but the smile never left his face, although he did tone it down a bit.

His gaze wondered to her forepaws, "whatcha got there?"

.°☀ I'll believe it all

The white patched cat pawed at the feathers' idly to make sure they looked neat and orderly as she waited. Then they looked up at the sound of a voice and she could feel her heart skip slightly, lodging itself in her throat. Swallowing thickly she grinned back at the friendly-faced tomcat and felt her ears go red at his enthused pronunciation of her new name! Ears flicked back shyly and she stood up from where she had settled with a soft purr, "Well hello to you, Pigeonsong," She couldn't help the nervous giggle that left her maw.

Then she perked up her ears and nodded quickly, "I was actually looking for you! I-uhm-," She started but her words faltered slightly in her rush to explain why, "Greeneyes, a few days ago, had been giving out little gifts for cats and I found these in his stash," She gestured to the feathers at her paws, they where brown and speckled with white on them. They weren't large in size but they were big enough to be woven into fur if so pleased, "They reminded me of you, and there was a matching one too! And yeah,"

Bananasplash then felt like it was a little bit silly and she started to ramble onwards nervously, "Of course, if you don't like them thats fine to- I just- thought matching accessories would be cute or something ya know? Friendship! Or-," She had to bite her tongue to keep the words from continuing to spill out of her lips. Green hues looked down at the feathers and hoped the ground would open up and suck her down into it.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
As much as he tries to resist the urge, seeing her all flustered makes him chuckle just a little bit before he stops himself.
He was honestly surprised that she'd be looking for him but after thinking it through he realized how stupid it was of him to be surprised. They were friends, of course she'd be looking for him and he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy her company. Honestly the sandy tom couldn't have been more proud of his friend for being made a warrior. StarClan knew she deserved it, especially after her mentor had gone and done what he did.

He listens intently, even as the words rapidly spill from her muzzle, not seeming annoyed or bothered in the slightest. When she points out the feathers, his gaze is practically beaming at her. "You picked these out for me?" The words are almost a whisper and he's grinning again.
Nobody had ever gifted him something before.

When she says that the feathers remind her of himself, he blushes a bit. That seemed to insinuate that she thought of him when he wasn't around and just the thought made him feel warm from his ears to his tailtip. "No, no, I love them!"
The tom would explain, feeling terrible that in a million years Bananasplash would think he'd refuse her gift. It wasn't a lie either, he loved the patterns in the feathers but the reasoning behind the gift was more important to him.

"I've never gotten a gift before, thank you 'Nana." He'd mew affectionately, leaning forward and slipping the shaft of the feather into the fur on his shoulder.

"Here here, let me get yours!" He'd mew, voice excited, grasping the other feather as effectively as he can and placing it into the fur on her left shoulder.
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.°☀ I'll believe it all

You picked these out for me?

The sentence echoed in her mind and she felt herself get even more flustered, if that was even possible, and she looked any where but at Pigeonsong. Was this silly? Was the gift really something to get so- embarrassed over? It was unknown but then green hues looked to the sandy tomcat for a moment when he spoke about loving the gift and how he never got a gift before. Never? Well she would just have to change that now won't she?

Though her nickname on his lips made her ears flatten slightly and she gave this sheepish grin; she liked hearing him call her Nana.

"Of course, Pige," She mused back to him with a grin, her tail waving behind her in her excitement. Then Pigeonsong offered to help her put the feather into her fur, and she gave a nod of agreement and looked down at her body. Where could it go? Maybe in her neck fur? Bananasplash wasn't sure but he seemed to have an idea of where to put it as it was slipped into her left shoulder fur. It covered the claws marks from her fight with that Windclanner many moons ago, during the blizzard, and she brightened, "Perfect placement! Now we can be twins!"


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
She was so animated with her movements that the sandy tom suddenly felt very self-conscious of his own movements. Was he too rigid? Was he emoting enough? Ugh, he flicked his ear, clearing his thoughts and watched as she grinned at him. In that moment he found himself again and realized how ridiculous these thoughts had been. Bananasplash wasn't his father, she wasn't going to judge every little movement he made.

"of course pige"

The first time she'd called him that, he hadn't known quite what to feel. Just as with gifts, he'd never been given a nickname before and he found it warming. Suddenly, feeling quite awkward, he'd look her over. The feather now covered where claws had once marred her fur and he beamed at her.

"We look fantastic!" He'd trill, butting his head against her other shoulder affectionately.

"This was a really thoughtful gift, I really appreciate it." The tom would mew softly, looking quite content in the moment.
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.°☀ I'll believe it all

This giddy smile traced her maw and she gave a little bounce on her toes, "We do look pretty awesome huh?" She mused to him then felt him head butt her shoulder. This made the cream tabby cat flush brightly that it could almost be seen through the whiteness on her face.

A purr broke out from the young warrior and she head butted him back in the chest with an airy giggle, like her breath had been taken away from her suddenly. Banansplash could feel her heart pound in her chest slightly at her bold action and she twitched her ears back slightly.

"Hey do you wanna like- take a walk or something? I could use something to drain my energy," Suddenly she felt the need to run, to bolt for it and hide amongst the trees for an indefinite amount of time. She didn't know why but it was just a sudden burst of energy, and this weird need to continue to hang out with the pale tabby cat. Maybe they could go exploring or she could show him the tree house her and Greeneyes found? She did't know really.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Bananasplash was purring and soon enough he joined her, it had been a long time since he'd felt this comfortable with someone. His lone hunts had been his sanctuary and she'd taken them away from them but he found himself enjoying everytime they'd hunt together, more than he ever could've alone.

And then again, she was bursting like a sunbeam, full of energy, drawing him out of himself like a flower reaching for the sun. "I've always kinda wondered what the twoleg place was like." He hoped that didn't sound condescending. He knew that she was a daylight warrior and while he'd never lived among the twolegs, he had no ill thoughts of them. They couild seem cruel, but he believed that they misunderstood the clans, or maybe they misunderstood each other more accurately.

"Can you show me what it's like there?" He'd ask, mew tentative and still husky with vibration. It'd been a long time since somebody had expected him to just be himself. It felt good and for now at least, he felt free.
  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

.°☀ I'll believe it all

The option of going for a walk or something was replaced with the suggestion of going to the twolegplace. Bananasplash blinked a bit in utter surprise- was he being serious? She couldn't really tell if he was or not and she furrowed her brow slightly at him suspiciously. No one ever asked her that. Not Quillstrike, not Chrysalispaw nor even Termitepaw. Her twoleg life was something she was open about though, something that was apart of her that she could never get rid of and she had always wanted to share it with someone. Show them the other side of things to being a warrior in Skyclan.

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out as she honestly didn't know what to say in that moment. A rarity for the overly talkative she-cat. Bananasplash though found herself nodding, "Yeah, we can go do that! I'd love to show you the treehouse or maybe even mine and Cloudberrys' home," She spoke softly, that excitement seeming to collect itself. Then she grinned with a paw over her maw to hide it slightly.

The tawny and white warrior then got up from where she sat to gesture for the other to follow her, "Well come on then! Before it gets dark," She bounced on her paws a little bit as that collected exctiement seemed to leak out slightly. Greeneyes had been the one she found the tree house with and it was a special spot for the young she-cat, a place to think and mull over things when camp was too much or the house was just not enough.

Bananasplash trotted for the tunnel entrance and paused for a moment to look back for Pigeonsong.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
He caught the suspicion in her gaze and suddenly for a moment he felt very foolish. He hadn't intended to but it seemed that if for a moment he'd struck a nerve, but then there she was again bouncing with contagious energy. With a small nervous look, he'd nod his head. "Tree-house?" The tom would query, eyes rounded in curiosity.
She lead the way towards the tunnel and he followed after her, eyes eager. He'd never actually been inside the twoleg place and his tail whipped with excitement.

Pigeonsong pushed through beside her, taking a look at the forest around them. How wildly different the place where daylight warriors lived must be. That was his assumption anyhow, as he followed her through the territory.

"I know this must be a bit unusual but I appreciate you trusting me enough to show me what your home is like."
She must think him to be the strangest cat she'd ever met to want to willingly venture into twolegplace.

.°☀ I'll believe it all

A bit unusual seemed like an understatement, but Bananasplash found herself smiling regardless. The forest was alive with the chirps of birds over head and the scent of fresh dew on the air, it made everything seem so peaceful. Though she knew once they got closer to the twolegplace things would be different. Her home wasn't safe like the forest was. There was no trees to climb, no prey to hunt, nothing but concrete and sorrow. Especially now with the missing cats and traps laid about every where it seemed.

"I've always wanted to show others' my home. Cause its not as bad as they think it is," She assured the other. Most think kittypet lives where soft and lazy, which was partly true, but she knew plenty of cats that could out-hunt a warrior. Being a daylight warrior was no different then being a normal warrior and she was determined to show that.

Bananasplash took the lead through the forest and it didn't take long before the trees started to thin out, the horizon became grey and darker almost and the scent of monsters and twolegs got stronger. With them coming and going, their scent was becoming stronger in the forest and it made her fur prickle. Being so close to the twolegplace, or being in it, would surely result in something not so good. She had to look at the positives though! Being so close to her home, they wouldn't get picked up in the cages they set out as why would a cat be close to the twolegplace?

As the pair moved towards the picket fence, things had to get off to a rocky start as always. There was loud barking from nearby as a pair of twolegs had been out on a walk with their pale-furred dog. Bananasplash bristled her fur as the dog was not leashed and was free roam and of course upon spotting the two cats- it lunged for them. Barking and snapping- she shoved Pigeonsong to the side, "Run!"


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
The smell of concrete and odors he had not previously known drenched his nostrils as the entered the twoleg place. Strange metallic trees above them, it reminded him of some kind of inverted forest. It all just felt backward somehow but he didn't feel frightened. Bananasplash knew the twolegplace and he trusted her. Sparrows lined a strange wooden pole and he gazed up at them, eyes growing wide until it seemed that they could get no bigger.
What a strange place. He thought to himself as he followed along beside her.

Pigeonsong had to admit, it was kind of loud and the smells weren't pleasant but none of them other than the monster stench were overly awful. That was until a barking started, deep and throaty and before he knew it Bananasplash had knocked him aside as jaws snapped beside his head. His fluffy pelt stood on end and he flicked her with his tail.

"Not without you!" He yowled. There was no way he was going to leave her to fight this large dog by herself and even if he could be that cowardly and callous, he'd get lost here without her. More than that, he cared for her, she was the closest friend he'd ever had and he felt protective of her.
His claws slipped from their sheathes and he made to run, but not without her. "Let's bolt around it, the weird short trees." The tom would hiss, standing his ground and facing the dog for just another moment.

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Ears flicked back against a pale tabby head as the thought of Pigeonsong being an idiot crossed her mind. Though there wasn't much time for arguement as the dog snapped its jowels at them and the sandy tabby cat stood on edge from the near-miss. Bananasplash quickly looked around for a moment before nodding in agreement to running around the 'strange white trees'- did he mean the fence?

Has he never been to the twolegplace that much? There wasn't time to think about it before she swiped at the dogs muzzle with a forepaw, "Come on then, over the fence!" She called out to Pigeonsong as the dog backed up from her surprise swipe. It seemed dazed and confused, like it had wanted to play but just- didn't know how to approach the cats.

The tawny and white warrior then bounded away with a paw at Pigeonsong for him to follow. She was quick to leap on top of the fence and balance on the edge of it, looking down for a moment before hopping into the garden on the other side. The garden was filled with plants like cat mint, roses, lavender, bluebells and so forth. Her humans liked to play with plants a lot, or at least thats what she observed really. It didn't make much sense.

Bananasplash gave a breath of relief once they were over the fence and she looked back at it to hear the dog bark and claw at the wood. Though then its humans called for it and it was sullenly taken away with a couple of whines in response. She stuck out her tongue playfully at the dog and smirked a bit, "Not smart enough, brute!" She teased the animal though it was long gone by then.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Pigeonsong hared after her, heart thrumming in his chest. That was the second time he'd been attacked by a dog and he was starting to think that they had a personal vendetta against him for some reason. Leaping onto the the fence, he'd wobble for a second before jumping down into the garden.
The scents here were much more pleasant than on the streets and he found himself momentarily just sniffing at the different flowers.

"What would they need these for?" He wondered out loud, casting a sidelong glance at her. "Don't they just go to their cutters?"
He'd never been this close to a twoleg den and now he was beginning to be very interested in how they lived.

"Sorry I didn't listen back there. I should've trusted you to know what to do. I just panicked." That hadn't happened last time when he was with Slate. When the dog had attacked them he hadn't hesitated to jump into the fight. The way he felt about Slate and Bananasplash were different. Slate seemed to hate his guts but Bananasplash was always kind to him.

"Do they live inside there?" He'd ask, changing the subject, indicating the strange looking den with his tail.

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Amusement sparkled in green hues as she watched him sniff at the different flowers in the garden- this had been her favorite place as a kitten. Hiding under the bushes, sneaking up on Cloudberry, chasing Alices' tail and being adorn by her humans. They always thought she was this cute little spunky thing, but they were unaware of her affairs outside of the picket fence. The training, the fighting, the hunting, all of it was under their nose and they where none the wiser.

Pigeonsong asked about the garden, referecing the cutter and she shivered slightly at the name, "I dunno, they seem to like the way it looks? They bring them inside too sometimes to dry or when it gets too cold," She gave a slight shrug. Humans were strange beings. They grew their own plants, but their food was never caught and they never used the plants for anything useful like curing wounds like Dawnglare did. It all made no sense, but it made them happy so she didn't try to question it too much.

Then he apologized for not listening to her, and she gave a furrowed look- hadn't it been his idea to go for the fence? Bananasplash opened her mouth to retort to the other but then he changed the subject so she let it drop for now. The sandy tabby gestured with a tail towards the den- it was a proud building. It was blue in color with a black roof and many windows for looking out of, and it was two stories tall as well.

With it being nicer out, the back door was cracked open which was how Bananasplash and Cloudberrythorn got home every night. "They do! I have two twolegs, ones a male twoleg and hes kinda mean sometimes- he doesn't like it when you get on the counter," She explained as she trotted up to the concrete staircase that lead up to the back door, "But the other one, shes a female, she loves us! She calls us her babies all the time and feeds us the most yummy twoleg food sometimes," There was a grin on her face as she informed him of her home life, one that she hadn't gotten to share much with anyone else.

It was strange- Pigeonsongs interest in her twoleg home. Quillstrike was hardly interested in her as a cat let alone her home outside of Skyclan and Chrysalispaw would rather be dead than ever step foot near here, so it was different. He was kinder, more genuinely interested in her and seemed rather excited about being here! Bananasplash was confident that her twolegs would love him! Who wouldn't?

Then she seemed to remember something and stood on the bottom step, "But you gotta be real quiet. They just had this own kit a few weeks ago, and it can be very fickle with crying," Bananasplash whispered to him with a flick of the tip of her tail. The kit was just a naked little thing, always babbling, poopin and crying. Cat kits weren't like that, they seemed relatively calm and only mewled instead of the Starclan awful crying.

Now that that was out of the way, Bananasplash lead the other out of the garden and up the stairs to the door. She stood by it and gestured for him to go first, "Bravest cat first," She mused teasingly, a little glimmer of laughter in her green gaze.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Reality hit him suddenly but he stayed determined, allowing his curiosity to drown out his fear. The twolegs were good to her and her sibling and he had no reason to suspect that they'd treat him differently if he even noticed that he'd entered the den. When she said that the twolegs had just had a kit of their own he was a bit surprised, surprised even more that she was able to differentiate them enough to discern gender. He'd only ever noticed a difference in scents between twolegs but he had no baseline odor to discern the two. Perhaps because he'd only ever seen them from afar.
She warned him to keep quiet and he nodded.
"Like a mouse." The tom would assure, moving with her up the stone steps.

Strange odors he'd never smelled before trailed through the doorway, and he took a moment to soak them all in. He could smell herb-y meat, a flowerly chemical smell, something else that tingled his nose but the air was cool and comfortable and nothing was setting off alarm bells.

Bravest cat first. She said and he suddenly felt the gravity of the situation. This was very strange but he sensed no danger, no blood scents or anything that rubbed him the wrong way.
"It doesn't look scary." The tom would mew quietly, taking one step and then two across the threshold.
Twolegs were really weird, ice seemed frozen in these squares, allowing sunshine in. They did not drip and he could see clearly through them as though nothing was there.
"Huh?" The tom breathed out, making his way into the room in front of him.

Lights seemed to come from strange places all around them and some moved. "What are all of these things?" The tom murmurs as quietly as he can, unable to bear not knowing what they were.
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.°☀ I'll believe it all

The anticipation was absolutely going to kill them as they allowed the sandy tabby in first with a giddy grin on their face. Bananasplash trotted along beside him as the tom looked in awe of the place from the microwave to the fridge and the lights above. No it wasn't that scary to anyone who had been inside before but she assumed that the other had never stepped paw inside a house before. The kitchen was a bright white and tan color with high cabinets, connecting to the right was a living room with a cat tree and the subtle sounds of twolegs talking.

The floor was white tile with a kitchen table off to the left of them with an array of bottles, papers and other things strewn about it. A couple of bowls sat beside the fridge that was off beside the kitchen table labeled with 'Banana' and 'Cloud' for each of the siblings. Pigeonsong then asked what all of it was and she gave a small shrug, "I am not entirely sure honestly. They need everything to live though, they don't hunt or have fur like we do so they need food stored and pelts for warmth," She explained as she trotted over to the kitchen table to swat at some blankets hanging off the back of the chair.

Bananasplash then re-joined the sandy tabby tomcat before she gave a rather serious look, "And you don't have to meet my twolegs if you don't wanna, of course, I wouldn't expect you to be comfortable with that," She assured him. Pigeonsong was a wild cat, born and raised in the forest, he probably has never even let a human touch him before. It was a huge step and she didn't know what they'd do if they saw him honestly.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
So many questions wrack his mind at her answer. "If they don't hunt, where do they get food?" He mrrows, keeping his voice as quiet as he can without hissing. This wasn't making a lot of sense to him but he was extremely curious. The pelts thing he could understand and now it was beginning to make more sense why all of the twolegs that he saw had been so different. He watched as she pawed at some soft looking thing and cocked his head to the side.
"Is the food they feed you good? Most of the warriors talk about it being bad but I don't see how they could possibly know." The tom would keep his voice low, stiffening slightly as the food store made a quiet noise.

"Meet your twolegs?" The statement takes him completely by surprise. "Like talk to them?" The tom would add, gaze still wide. If cats and twolegs could communicate then that would solve all of their problems.
How stupid the though was struck him immediately, if they could do that then SkyClan wouldn't be having the issues it is.
"What do you do with them?" He understood that the strange rectangle and the pelt was for warmth and now he wondered why they might invite two cats into their home.

"They're like your clanmmates, right? They protect you and love you?" He's not sure if he's correct but it's clear from how comfortable she feels here that they have no ill-will towards their species.

Maybe being a kittypet wasn't as horrible as the clans were always making it sound. He couldn't see himself joining her to live among the up-walkers but this didn't seem as wrong and as terrible as cats usually made it sound, it was actually pretty comfortable in here. Barring her people, he felt entirely safe.
"This is really amazing Bananasplash. I- just thank you for letting me see what it's like for you. It's really incredible." He draws a paw over his ear, looking kind of embarrassed for gushing.

"I'm really happy that you trust me." He purrs, accidentally bumping the table leg which luckily makes hardly a sound.

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Alright, she took each question in stride with a smile, "The dry food is gross, I refuse to eat it so they only ever give us wet food which is better but nothing beats a fresh mouse or squirrel," There was a happy with bounce as she turned to him and got in his space a little bit, "Were they go to get their own food I have no clue. They come back with like- a lot of plastic things with food in them and thats about it," There was a slight shrug of her shoulders as she looked up at him then gave a soft grin.

What do you do with them?

That was a question she wasn't entirely sure how to answer at first. How could she explain that they didn't really do- much? "Well we cuddle n stuff, they love to pet me on the head and face," Bananasplash started with her explination and tilted her head to the side curiously, "They also play with me and my toys. We use to go out on trips a lot but that stopped almost a year ago now," Ever since that the female twoleg gotten that swollen belly and seemed so tired all the time.

Then Pigesonsong said something she hadn't really thought about- but he was right. Her twolegs were exactly like that of a clan but smaller and with twolegs. Their twolegs did love them and care for them a lot, even when they got sick or needed comfort. "Yeah you could say that, they do tend to take care of us like a clan does," There was another smile that graced her lips but it was solemn and softer as she liked the sound of that. A clan - just different.

The sandy tabby tomcat then went on to speak about how amazing this was, that he was glad he got to see what it was like her for and she purred happily, "Of course, you share so much of your life with me in the forest that I can't help but return the favor," She waved her tail behind her before moving in to touch her nose to Pigeonsongs' cheek. Then she bounced away with her ears burning from the root to the tip.

"Come on then, lets meet the parents," She mused to him though it seemed she didn't have to go in there herself. There was shuffling from the living room and a tall man walked into the kitchen with a grumble noise. Then seemed to spot the two cream tabby cats and he blinked a few times. Then spoke towards the living room with a small gesture, and the woman came out with wide eyes. Seems they where surprised to see Pigeonsong there, while Bananasplash approached them with a purr.

The pair of two legs bent down and offered their hands out to the sandy tomcat, words gently and soft even if it was not understandable from the standpoint of a cat. Bananasplash then bounded over to Pigeonsong and brushed up against him in encourgaingly. They wouldn't bite!


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Her happiness seemed so intense that he wondered if she'd ever shared these things with another, besides Cloudberry of course. It must be really hard to hear all of these derogative statements being made about her daylight-warrior status, especially by those who were ignorant of what it actually meant to live among them. For a moment, he was sad for her but that quickly changed as he had a realization.

Her life was something that so many would never be able to truly comprehend and so they hid their fear with disdain but she knew that she was loved; both by her Clan and her twoleg family. Every day she experienced a world many would never know.
Suddenly, she pressed her face against his cheek and he stiffened, a purr beginning from deep in his throat. Suddenly all of his worries disappeared and he felt completely at ease.

"I'm glad to have you in my Clan. Your spirit, your kindness, I'm glad to see you on patrol, even when it's to ThunderClan." The sandy tom would joke, giving her a small smile.
She wasn't done surprising him though, as he spoke, the twolegs had risen from their fluffy... er things... and were approaching. He froze, his heart pounding. It was irrational, he knew, but it was all he'd ever known. If Bananasplash trusted them, so would he.

As they knelt before him, extending their furless paws and cooing, she brushed against him and he began to move forward. His tail crooked high, as though greeting any of his clanmates. There was a slight tremble in his steps but he moved forward, the purr in his throat not having disappeared.
Steeling himself, he took one final step and very gently, brushed the top of his head against the male's paw. He felt calm but he did not know what to expect.

Was it possible they'd scoop him into one of their silver prisons?
That was a stupid thought and he realized it for being just that.
Doing his best to not appear threatening, he'd move forward so that his back brushed the man's hand all the way to his flank before coming full circle and standing before the man and woman.

"Their paws feel weird." he'd chirp at her, but he was smiling widely, his purring continuing.
This was supposed to be scary, he knew instinctively that he should fear them but he couldn't bring himself to. They took care of his clanmates and they even had a kit. Even though he supposed that foxes too, had kits, this felt different somehow.
Their soft voices weren't anything like the yelling that other twolegs directed at dogs. It reminded him more of the soft trills of a mother to her kittens and he moved forward, butting his head into the air so that they might stroke his pelt again, if they chose.

What an absolutely bizzare and wonderful experience, he'd think to himself.
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