birds of a feather & pigeonsong

.°☀ I'll believe it all

The young warrior sat down nearby watching them with rounded eyes in excitement. Pigeonsong actually let them pet him! Bananasplash kneaded at the ground excitedly and then gave a light laugh at the other stating that their paws feel weird, "They're furless, so it does feel kinda strange but you get use to it," She responded back with a wave of her tail. Then she bounded forward to join beside the sandy tabby tomcat, "Though its not so bad right? They're rather kind people,"

Though the twolegs seemed distracted by the sudden cry of a small kit, and the female twoleg got up to tend to the crying kit. The man also got up and reached into a cabinet for some sort of container and shook it slightly, it made a rattle noise and Bananasplash brightened slightly, "Treats! Do you want one? They're kinda good, I personally like the softer one," She mused to the tomcat and trotted up to the man. Brushing against his legs and looking up at him, but he offered the treats to Pigeonsong instead of Banansplash.

Green hues moved to the sandy tabby cat and gave a small smile, giving an encouraging nod for the other to go ahead and eat it. He might not like the dryness or crunchiness of the treat but it was fish flavored and fish was an aight thing. She though figured they should head out soon as too long here and they might scoop up Pigeonsong and take him away. That was her most intense fear in the moment; loosing Pigeonsong.

Bananasplashs' posture changed ever so slightly and looked at the other young warrior for a moment before shaking her head, "We should head back to camp, after treats of course," she suggested to the tomcat, her voice nervous.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
"They're really nice." He confirms, beaming, until the crying starts and he stiffens a bit. Feeling somewhat guilty, had he in some way been responsible for waking the twoleg kit? It's hard for him to tell, he supposed he'd been relatively quiet and it was quite possibly the twolegs themselves who had awoken it with their coos.
None the less, he's somewhat surprised when the twoleg brings out a small thing, it's loud but Bananasplash seems rather excited when it comes out and so his curiosity overpowers his anxieties again.

"Treats? Fish?" The tom would mew curiously, watching as she coils herself around him and he lowers himself, extending small brown odorous things towards himself and his friend.

He'd never had fish before but the smell makes his mouth water, not in the same way it does for prey but all of his senses say that whatever these are, they'll taste good. Her human lays a couple before him and he noses two of the three to her,
"here, I don't wanna hog them all." He'd purr good naturedly, before taking one into his maw.

The flavor is intense and although incomparable to what he's used to, he chews for a moment, allowing himself the time to process the things. Overwhelming is the flavor of something he's never tasted but he finds himself enjoying it. The sandy tom bites down into the pellet, and it breaks open.
"mhm, there's no way I'm the first warrior to have at least tried these, surely." It's good and he's a bit too embarrassed to admit that he almost enjoys it more than fresh prey, but without the juices and natural smells, it doesn't quite satisfy him.
Suddenly, she seems nervous and he cocks his head at her but doesn't question it.
"That was good, but it's getting late. It wouldn't hurt to head back." Pigeonsong swallows the treat, and looks over at her.

"I really appreciate you sharing food and kind company with me. Your twolegs are nice and I hope they let me visit again with you."

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Watching as he nosed two of the three over to her, she gave a soft look before taking one and biting into it. Happily purring at the yummy fish taste even if the treat was a little dry and couldn't compare to that of fresh kill. Still treat was a treat! Deep green eyes looked over to the young tomcat as he agreed that they should get going and she nodded in silent understanding. Camp would be important and it was getting late anyway- maybe tomorrow they could seek out the tree house or something. He'd like the tree house, it was such a cute little thing in the woods that seemed abandoned by the twolegs it once entertained.

Bananasplash finished up her treats and stretched leisurely before trotting towards the door, the male twoleg seemed to return back into the living room and left the cats alone. Though there was words exchanged with the two twolegs but what they where talking about was lost on the pale tabby cat. She nudged the sandy tabby cat that shared treats with her, "Come on, before Blazestar starts to question where his warriors went," She mused to him with a smirk.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 13 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
The treat was certainly different from anything he'd ever eaten before but he would willingly admit that it was pretty good. Not anywhere near freshkill good, but it had its own unique flavor to be appreciated in its own right. Lifting his head, he'd give her a nod. That was the last thing they needed Blazestar worrying about, especially now. With a long stretch, he'd stand to all four paws, taking in a deep breath and committing the scents to memory.

"Let's just hope that goofy dog isn't around when we leave. If we're unlucky it might even try and come up with a come-back for what you said."
He jokes, cringing inwardly a bit. It made sense when he'd thought of it but saying it aloud certainly sounded silly.