Dark descended around them as sudden as winter nightfall. Thundergleam's eyes shot wide, suddenly skittering away from squinting. The moonlight was more gentle, but this was not moonlight dark- she followed the gazes of her new clanmates. The sun gleamed like an eye, a horrified pupil looking down upon them. Clamour began to rise like smoke. Her throat felt sickened, thickened- it was an incredible thing, horrifying, the true power of the Stars.

The Truth bore down upon them, and as everyone ran to cover, Thundergleam was transfixed by the sight of it. Even before the word StarClan began to flit from the mouths of ThunderClan, Thundergleam had already ascribed their name to this phenomenon. "StarClan, speak to me," she whispered, sensitive eyes fluttering shut. She could see those spirit streaks, faceless and glimmering, encircling her. Watching her. What was the meaning of this? If there was anyone who shoudl be able to tell, it was her- Gentlestorm, Howlingstar.

But no solution was yelled to the clearing. No answer was given, nor did one spark within herself. Fear gripped Thundergleam, then. Is this sign meant for me? Is this my prophecy? Doubt, doubt; she'd never seen signs in person, only in dreams. Father had told her it could be physical... The sun is an iris... the sun is watching me. StarClan is watching... closer than ever.

This surely was not simply about her mission. StarClan was watching, but watching who, watching what? Was this a benevolent eye, to protect them from harm?
penned by pin ☾
She is first alerted by the caterwauls that begin to rise all around camp. Panic and fear strike through the air like lightning bolts, causing her fur to stand on end. She begins to push herself to her paws, stumbling as her shoulders ache and scabs pull. She blinks up to see Softpaw's frightened form in the entrance to her den, bathed in shadows that should not be there. Stars, it's all dark behind the apprentice! The sun's gone, She tells her, and Howlingstar feels her heart race with apprehension.

She skitters as quickly as she can from her den, poultice-soaked cobwebs clinging loosely to her spine. She slips out and whirls around amidst the chaos as cats run for their dens or stare transfixed up at the sky. The tabby's chin tilts up, and her jaws part in awe and horror as she takes in the sight. Her pupils grow wide, a shiver runs down her spine. Calls rise up around her camp, that StarClan has done this, and her heart suddenly feels as if it's fallen to her paws. What does this mean? StarClan, tell me!

For once, she has no orders to give, no comfort to share. She has never seen anything like this in her 90 moons of life. Legs wobbly, she finds Gentlestorm in the crowd and tries to make eye contact with him, her expression beckoning. Does he know?
Dovekit had been playing outside, a moss ball flying back and forth as they chased after it, trying their best to make sure that they could reach the pale green thing before it stopped rolling away when the world around them went dark. It felt like all at once the world that surround the kitten both paused and descend into chaos and fear, the fur along Dovekit's spine rising as breath hitched in fear and eyes widened as they looked around. "M-mommy?" A quiet whimper, a plea for their mother as cats yelled about the sun being gone, about how this could be a sign from StarClan, an omen.

Tears threatened to fall from blue eyes before the call from Flamewhisker is heard and quickly Dovekit makes their way back to the nursery, out of the stupor they'd found themself in only moments prior before searching for Roeflame so that they could bury their face into pale fur.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
The concept of StarClan didn't make sense in Adderpaw's mind, often too many times becoming difficult to process with his literal thought process. Who truly thought that there were a group of dead cats living together in the stars, watching over their ancestors to give them foreboding signs, or even sending their own luck? Sure, the same could be said about the clan cats living in the forest amongst the surrounding Twolegs, but Adderpaw just couldn't wrap his head around the idea of having wide eyes piercing over his shoulders at every given moment. It nauseated him to the core, making the world around him swim and swirl to an uncomfortable degree.

And yet, the guttural yowls that echoed across camp and dragged him out of his light slumber from deep inside the apprentice den with groans of protest as he slowly became aware of the high-pitched sound hitting his ears. Dread turned his blood ice cold as now tense muscles struggled to quickly move to get to his paws, scampering out of the den with a gasp as the world around him slowly turned to night, and then just pure darkness. It had been bright when he had been running towards the entrance, why was it so dark out? Usually the stars speckled the night sky, yet not a twinkle could be seen to his yellow eyes as horror etched itself onto his face. Where was the sun? Where had the sun gone? Why did the fucking sun just disappear from the sky?

Roots felt as though they had grown into the soil below him, twisting and tangling their sharp ends like thorns embedding themselves into exposed skin. He couldn't move, eyes fixated on the halo above them while he could stare. Finally collapsing with buckled knees, the apprentice stared at the ground with defeat as he slowly accepted his fate. They were going to die, weren't they? StarClan had been punishing them this whole time, and now their final consequence against the land cats was taking away their precious sunlight. Trembling from his place on the floor, Adderpaw began to take deep breaths in through his nose and out through the maw, rubbing at his chest in order to let his lungs open up for more air. What were they to do now?​