camp BLACK HOLE SUN, WON'T YOU COME? ✧ total eclipse


Eveningkit hears Iciclefang's panicked cry first and foremost, too preoccupied by the game she shares between Twinklekit and Snowkit to notice the world darkening. She thinks it's a nice way to set the mood for the three of them, and she bites — nips, lightly — her sister's leg before the camp erupts into chaos around them. Snowkit is already bounding away; Eveningkit remains on the ground, one leg frozen in the air as she tries to decipher what's happening. Finally, she looks to the skies, and her normally wide eyes narrow, squint, shielding themselves from the sun.

Her sister calls for mama. Eveningkit gathers all her limbs and follows Twinklekit, but it's slow and clumsy due to her need to keep watching her Clanmates. They're all calling out for each other and it's forcing her own heart to quicken. Is the camp under attack? Will the sun fall from its place and set even the rivers ablaze?

"Mama," she says uselessly when she reaches Twinklekit and Hazecloud. Lichentail is not with them. Her heart sinks as she watches, deputy conversing with leader and medicine cat, so far away when there's danger afoot. She sees Shellkit, but not Riverpaw or Pebblepaw.

Claythorn manages to sound calm despite everything, and she paws at the mossball in mute gratitude, unable to decide what she should do or how she should feel.


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    ────── SHE/HER ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The sudden darkness is alarming and its enough to make her hold her breath, the bicolored molly standing her ground as Claythorn helped distract the kits and she hears Salmonshade mention getting Moonpaw. She notices the form of her only surviving parent approaching the den where her friend now rests alone and a small frown is present on her maw, bat-like ears laying flat on her skull as she tries to interpret what this means but she's no medicine cat. Perhaps Moonpaw would tell her if she asks but for now, her pupils narrow in defiance to the eclipsed sun and a low growl emits from her throat. Was Starclan warning them about something or rather... Someone?

  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Another typical day to succeed the last. The warm sun has become a consistent welcome, overtaking the chilly winds of winter and now gracing them the peace of newleaf. The fish have begun to return, she can tell, with fat trout and perch filling up the prey-pile and apprentices returned to boasting about their best catches.

The world around them began to turn to shadow, yet no clouds dotted the sky. An expanse of endless blue is all she could see. Soft green sights turn to face Iciclefang with a question on her tongue, though it would go unsaid as they both turn to stare at something neither could comprehend. A hole shot through the sun itself- a power only StarClan must contain, surely.

"This can't be..." Hazecloud is speechless. While Iciclefang called for the kittens to join her at the nursery she remained to herd any stragglers. Twinklekit and Eveningkit reached them first, and promptly kept themselves close to the queen. Hazecloud leaned down to rasp her tongue between both kittens ears, trying to maintain her own composure for their sake.

"We don't know, sapling. Just stay close." She heard the same questions echoed by the other queens brood and her ears flatten. How could they comfort them when even those meant to keep them safe were unsure?

Hazecloud turned as Lichentail passed, but she did not pause for them. Her gaze is set on the medicine den where she met her peers, and little Shellkit, inside. It's hard to swallow the bitterness of being disposed of in such an event.

"Look, Claythorn brought a nice snack for everyone. Stay here while I find Horizonkit, okay?" The only of her own not accounted for. She assumed he had been in he nursery before all of it even began, but she couldn't risk being wrong.
come along with me

Peace is the only thing Turtlepaw has known. Her camp has always been a safe space where nothing could penetrate its reed walls. The scary stuff was out there in the world. In camp, kits play freely and naps are taken in peace. When she leaves camp, she always takes note of Snakeblink's demeanor is his constant scan for trouble. They hadn't found any yet, but he seemed to always think they would.

In her camp, kits played and warriors chattered softly in the mid day warmth. Turtlepaw occupied herself with an old fish skull, gnawing on the bones to give her mouth something to do while she waited for Snakeblink's return and more training for the day. She couldn't imagine fear and panic here. Until it happened.

Night took over camp suddenly, the sun swallowed whole in the sky as if a carp had swam by with a hunger for its warmth. She raised her head in confusion and listened to their mad dash to make sense of what had happened. Fright was not an emotion she felt often, instead a cool rush of excitement made her pelt prickle. How weird!

A sudden cold gust had blustered into camp and she shivered from nose to tail tip at the sensation. It was as if she had plunged into an icy stream on a hot day. Birds had stopped calling and crickets chorused along the river bank as if it really was night. Snakeblink had told her once that in greenleaf the days were long and hot, but it doesn't seem to be the case in newleaf. Night came early and fast!


The apprentice whipped her head to Snakeblink's call. Her eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark yet, so she pushed her way blindly through cats until her nose brushed into her mentor's woodsy-scented pelt. "I'm here! I'm here!" To comfort his panicked cry, she rubbed her cheek on his shoulder and snaked her way to his side. "What's going on?" No fear was in her voice, only sheer wonder and curiosity.

  • speech color
  • TURTLEPAW she/her/hers, apprentice of riverclan, 5 moons (ages every 1st)
    stocky silver charcoal tabby. tail is a stub. energetic, naive, dim
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / roughhousing and wrestling encouraged / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by muddly@/muddly on discord, feel free to dm for plots.