† eat the rich
Oct 8, 2023
Clearly, three territories hadn't been enough for them. Without giving any cat much time to lick their wounds, they return with eyes a little greedier than before, claws a little sharper with pride. They had tasted victory more than once against the clan cats and their hunger has only grown. Like a dark river, they maneuver through the forest like shadows, silent and grinning. It is their haunting laughter that will alert the cats to their presence, and both ThunderClanners in camp and WindClanners in the Sandy Hollow will awaken to shrieks and yowls of attackers.

They poor into the ravine and the sandy clearing at once, with snarls and cackles echoing in the night. Claws slash through nests, teeth tear away at den walls. And they keep coming, like an army of ants emerging from their hill. "Go on and run, little kitties!" They taunt and jeer, not an ounce of fear reflecting in their eyes. They intend on taking the bountiful oak forest...the final territory on their wish-list. But it's easy for any warrior to be left to wonder: will they truly be satisfied? Or will they keep taking, and taking, until there is no land left for a clan warrior to go.

The rogues have descended upon ThunderClan territory! With so many sick, hungry, and injured, there is no way ThunderClan and WindClan can win against the ruthless invaders. Feel free to powerplay rogues but keep in mind rules about killing! ​
Sunfreckle's eyes snap open from his slumber moments before an unfamiliar head breaks through the side of the nursery and sharp teeth snap at the air as the rest of the cat claws to get the rest of the way through, without thinking and on impulse he rises up and swings down a heavy paw upon the intruder, claws ripping down an ear and across an already grizzled muzzle and their attacker withdraws with a yowl. It takes the red tabby a moment longer to realize what is happening, stunned from his impulsive reaction, slowly putting together the source of the screeching outside as his tired mind struggles to catch up.
They were under attack. "Oh stars....the rogues..."
He backs away from the opening, turning and begins to nudge aggressively at the other sleeping queens - rousing kittens with a stern but careful hiss to get up onto their paws before he heads to the mouth of the den with an urgency he has never felt before in his life.
The camp is in chaos, cats rolling across the ground entangled in one another, he sees several of his clanmates fighting for all their worth before being driven back and he turns with a jolt to the nursery occupants. They had to go.
"Leopardtongue, Tansyshine, come on... get the kits, I'll get us an opening out..." Sunshinekit and Pigeonkit are scruffed and yanked up to their sleepy paws and he guides them with a careful brush of his tail to the other queens before shoving himself into the mouth of the nursery once more and sizing up the situation. Quickest way out for them would be to the side, move behind the dens to the territory away from where the flood of vicious cats came yowling inward toward them. The three-legged tom steps out of the den, partially blocking it from the side and jerks his head in an indication for the occupants to get going. His formidable size would ward off any smaller, daring cats attempting to investigate but he could tear up the bolder ones if it came down to it.

  • Interacting with @leopardtongue & @tansyshine
    Kit Tag - @Pigeonkit & @sunshinekit .

  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai


ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Despite her recent grief laden daze, the arrival of Windclan had snapped her back, though instead of mourning and frustration, worry now clouded behind serene optics. The cinnamon tabby had witnessed first hand the brutality of these rogues, Roeflame could still envision her mother’s spilt crimson staining her paws, and now to have the forests most ruthless clan sniffling at their border, the bold warrior was reluctant to admit her fearfulness.
It all comes to a vein-freezing halt when she is awoken in the night by a taunting melody.
Go on and run, little kitties!
She is on her paws, urgently shaking Burnstorm from where he slept nearby if he wasn’t awake.
"Rogues in the camp!" Is the only thing she’d snap to the once sleeping warriors before she is running out of the den entrance and practically skidding into the apprentices den, wide eyes searching frantically for Toadpaw and Mothpaw in particular, "Lets go! Now." Her words are loud enough to shake awake any sleeping apprentices, a command that called for no hesitation as she’d gather her apprentice and brother if they were still in there, herding apprentices out into the clearing.
Once outside, she’d scan the camp quickly for a safe route to get the adolescent’s away, but with the rogues beginning to rake through the camp like the pests they were, the tabby couldn’t suppress the hitch in her heartbeat. "Only stay if you can defend yourself, otherwise take the back paths out of camp, the dirt place if you have to. Find your mentors if you can- don’t be hero’s!" She orders to any of the youth that would listen, before turning to Toadpaw and Mothpaw specifically, "You two, go lead the way." She’d urge with a nod of her head, pausing for a moment to ensure the apprentice’s safety before she’d finally break away to find any of her clans council, particularly the sight of a sturdy ebony form.

// attempting to empty the apprentices den with @Mothpaw! & @TOADPAW in particular and directing them to exit from behind the dens / outskirts of camp & Running off to look for @BURNSTORM !
make peace with your broken pieces .
The first strum of thunder broke him from his haze, helm snapping at the unfamiliar call, muscles rippling as they tensed beneath a white coat. He snapped to his paws. He ushered sleepy warriors awake if they hadn't already heard the threatening call, ears flat against his helm while urging himself forward, slipping out and into the night to reach the medicine den. Whitelion shouldered through the entrance, resting a golden hue on his mate and children, body language tense, but giving nothing away. "Little ones." He rumbled, nudging Vixenkit and Softkit until they woke.

His heart bled at the sight because this wasn't how he wanted them to see the world, cruel and unforgiving, but still blossoming with light. His gaze lingered on the sick before glancing down at the rumpled sight of his mate, pinkish hues staring dazedly up at Whitelion. "My love." He whispered, pressing his nose against Spiderlily's cheek, breathing in his scent to turn to his children. "It is not safe. They … They are here." His voice hardened, expression darkening with protectiveness for his kin, but those too weak to stand on their paws. "Softkit. Vixenkit." He rumbled, staring at his children, wishing he could shield them from reality. He was only one cat, but Whitelion was a ThunderClan warrior. He will do his duty to protect.

"You must listen to me. It is dangerous outside. Do not leave my sight, do you understand? A warrior will take you somewhere safe. I will be right behind you with Spiderlily." He rumbled, tone soothing, but affirmative. "Do not stray away, do you understand? Keep your eyes forward, do not look around." He wanted to spare them the bloodshed that rained outside, heart tightening within his chest. "I love you. Do not forget that, my kits."

He turned to those approaching the medicine cat den, gaze narrowing. "I will create an opening, but we must hurry to get the sick out. Protect my children or you will face my wraith." His gaze darkened, ending it with a sharp hiss.

/ powerplaying @SPIDERLILY , talking to @Vixenkit. and @Softkit while talking to any warriors that are heading to the medicine cat den !
thought speech
It was happening again and, this time, Webpaw had no warriors to protect him. He'd stalked off into the unfamiliar territory after arguing with his sister, a very unintelligent decision. He'd thought his nose was good enough to lead him back eventually but, faced with two rogues, he knew he messed up. He hadn't remained vigilant, his anxiety overtaken by irritation. He'd messed up so badly.

The pale apprentice couldn't tell if these rogues were the same ones as before but it didn't really matter, did it? Whoever they were, their intentions were splashed plain across their faces. He wasn't trapped like before, there were gaps in the nearby thicket that he could dart into, but, as the cries from ravine and hollow began to ring out, he was less sure of that. His paws moved before he willed them to, stumbling away from sharp claws and throwing himself headfirst into a dense, thorny bush of some sort. It was a tight fit, even for someone hardly larger than a kit, and he was scraped from all directions but maybe he'd get a few more minutes to find his escape. The rogues had to have something better to do than get scratched up trying to get him. Maybe they would join the others in attacking one of the camps. They could do anything but surround the bush, laughing at his stupidity.

He wanted his mentor. She would have helped him out again. She'd have appeared right now and fought off their enemies, fleeing alongside him after. She wasn't going to appear though, he knew that, and he'd backed himself into a place of no retreat. Webpaw felt so young and so, so weak. He wasn't anything more than a scrap of bones and messed up fur. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't get away. He was going to die here. He was never going to see his family again. He was going to die.
[ you are the light ]
Sparkwing wakes to the sounds of yowling and hissing. Normally sluggish to wake, his eyes snap open and he is alert in seconds. He rushes from the warriors den to a sight he never thought he would see, a camp overrun with invaders. Rogues swarming into the camp like ants from a disturbed anthill. He looks around frantically for the others, spotting his father at the nursery. His fur bristles, glaring at the rogues. His siblings are in there... He won't let these mongrels hurt them.

He was just as big as Sunfreckle, and with fur on end he must look even bigger. He stalked towards the rogues with teeth bared.

"I'll help you." He says to Sunfreckle.

His sights never leave the rogues. He sees the lack of fear in their eyes and he finds it infuriating. If he could make at least one regret their choices tonight, he'd be happy. And as if on command, a contender meets him! She's lankier than him, not as strong. Does she expect this to be easy? Instead of rushing her, he lets her collide with him so he can grapple. He feels claws digging into him and teeth biting into his shoulder, but it doesnt take much strength to overpower her and throw her down, pinning her beneath him. Another rogue approaches and rams him to free his comrade, but Sparkwing barely budges. The rogue beneath him does wiggle free, however, and he is locked in a flurry of swipes with two cats that he's confident he can take, but he knows the rest of them will come at him....

He knows they have to run.

With one powerful swipe, he nails one of his adversaries in the head and leaves them dazed. Before he could even finish them though, he feels claws rip down the side of his neck and he yowls in anger. So he bounces away from them, and then charges, colliding with the rogue and SQUISHING HIM.



The molly comes to her senses and tries to ram him, but she just doesn't have the weight to budge him. Pushing a paw onto his current victims throat, he swings his other paw back to backhand the molly. This unfortunately leaves him open to a third attacker, who rushes in and bowls him over headfirst, pinning him and leaving him at an enemy's mercy. He glares up at them defiantly, beating the rogues belly with his hind legs. This causes them to falter and Sparkwing takes advantage of it to shove him off and get back to his feet. He faces his adversaries with an angry hiss.​
  • Haha
Reactions: Noor ♡

Shinepaw is awoken from sickness-induced slumber by shouts of panic. So much had happened that the boy hadn’t been able to help with. Would be be useful now? Could he defend his home like he wanted to? As yet another cough racked the apprentice’s frame, the feline had to accept the painful truth that he would be of no help in this fight.

As much as sun-drenched apprentice wanted to rush forward and save those he looked up to so much, Shinepaw heard the chastising voices of his loved ones ring within an ever-anxious head. If the impulsive boy were to rush into battle, Flycatcher would kill him (assuming the rouges didn’t). Still, he would do what he could.

Stumbling to sun-drenched paws, Shinepaw would place himself at the entrance to the medicine den, a living shield that hoped to protect the others inside as well as a pitiful pile of herbs. His frame was small, but the boy’s fluffy coat gave him the illusion of being bigger, at least at a glance.

Anxious blue eyes met with the unfamiliar gaze of a rogue, and soon the two were at odds. The undertrained apprentice swiped at the other, only to be met with empty air and vicious mockery. Cheeks burned with shame as the rouge began a counterattack, and all the undertrained apprentice could do was wail “Help!”. Shinepaw shouts, looking around in a panic for any kind of aid.

//Guarding the medicine den and being attacked by a rogue, calling for @WHITELION and any warriors heading towards the medicine den!​
  • Like
Reactions: WHITELION
don't try to rush your enemies .
Oakfang had taken to watching the camp at night when he heard them, barely catching sight of Whitelion’s hulking build slip into the medicine cat den when he was overpowered, slammed into the ground with a choked snarl, teeth bared at the rogue pressing him into the dirt, claws digging into his scapula and flank, rancid breath cutting off the fresh scent of oak.

He bared his teeth, trashing within his hold, careful of claws digging deeper to lunge forward, teeth latching onto the rogue’s neck, unable to puncture, but it caused the black-furred rogue to pull away. He grinned, amber optics flashing with a crinkled snowflake muzzle. “It seems even rogues are terrified of what awaits them.” He didn’t waste time, zipping forward to share blows with the larger, cackling as he spun around, dodging and receiving shallow wounds.

He wasn’t at his strongest, weakened, but he wasn’t ignorant enough. He supposed he should thank Whitelion for the relentless teachings, but he wouldn’t downplay his own accomplishments for the sake of a friend, maybe more like a brother than he’d dare to admit. The brown smokey warrior sneered, amber optics peeled for his apprentice amongst the battling cats.

/ feel free to tag-team with oakfang ! looking for marigoldpaw, but otherwise is holding his own for now
thought speech

Apparently three territories was not enough for these rogues and they had finally turned their ire onto ThunderClan. With how bold they had been getting as of late it didn't really surprise Flycatcher that they had taken the next step.

When he hears the angry hissing and yelling, Flycatcher is quick to emerge, fury flooding his veins as he sees the scene unfold in front of him. "ROGUES! ROGUES IN THE CAMP!" He yowls, doing his best to alert the camp. If none of his clanmates weren't aware of their presence then they would be now. The deputy looks around, spotting the faces of his clanmates running around, valiantly trying to defend their home, whilst the rogues continued to swarm. Flycatcher looked around for his son, half expecting to see Falconpaw among the fighting, but luckily he couldn't see him just yet. Still, he couldn't hide the panic as he looked around for him.

His thoughts were interrupted by the shrill call of help from Shinepaw spotting him attempting to defend the medicine den as a rogue approached them. "Shinepaw!" Flycatcher yelled, running towards the medicine den. He would attempt to grab the rogue by the scruff, dragging it back from his apprentice and the sick and injured inside.

/ helping @Shinebug looking for @FALCONPAW.

Sootstar can hardly believe her ears when the sound of yowls pierce her ears. She lurches from her nest to find rogues, grinning and chuckling spilling into the Sandy Hollow. She recognizes a healthy chunk of them from the raid on WindClan’s camp, but a frightening amount were fresh and bore no wounds.

This was not WindClan’s territory. This was not their home. While Sootstar would fight to the end for WindClan land she would not for this training hollow turned temporary camp. ”Grab Mintshade and Moorpaw!” Sootstar yowls, the ill held up in a nearby cluster of roots. ”This is not our territory to fight for, we need to go!” Sootstar thinks of the kits and Brightshine who are holed up in the ThunderClan camp, for all she can assume they’re safe for now. There is nothing WindClan can do for them, not now.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

He wakes with a start. A paw prodding into his side, an urgent voice that begs him to get up. Immediately after waking he is scrambling to his feet. Rogues in camp Roeflame says before she darts off. He wants to call to her, to tell her to stay close to him but before the words can leave his parted jaws she is already gone, off to rush into danger head first like she so often did. He wants to curse out loud but he holds his tongue and instead he dives into the gray after her, jaw set and golden eyes glinting with hatred. These rogues were nothing more than a bunch of over-confident pieces of crow-food. He wants nothing more than to destroy each and every one of them, but he knows that the fight would mean getting over powered. There were too many of them, their numbers too great their force too strong. He was a skilled fighter, but even he could not take so many opponents at once. Right now they needed to focus on getting everyone out safely.

His first thought is of the medicine cats den, his little brother who lays in a sickness induced sleep next to his leader and grandmother and that is where his paws instinctually take him. When he arrives, he sees his mentor battling with a rogue, Shinepaw standing nearby. Immediately, he flings himself into the fight, latching on to a leg and biting down with as much force as he can muster. The rogue howls and turns away from Flycatcher, writing in the gray toms grip. Burnstorm lets put a furious hiss and swipes, aiming for anything he can get his claws onto. Or at least he tries to. Another rogue, no doubt summoned by its companions furious yowl, is rushing towards him. The cat lands squarely on his back and digs claws into thick fur and skin. He feels pinpricks of sharp pain but for now, he ignores the sensation. Instead he tears up on his hind legs and slams himself onto the ground, the rogue jumps off of him, managing to skitter away just in time but Burnstorm knows that is not the end of it. He whirls around just in time, claws barely miss their mark, and he comes face to face with his opponent, snarls worn on both of their faces. His tail twitches irritably, there is nothing more that he wants to do then fight for his clan but his brother.. his brother and his grandmother is what is most important to him right now.

He spots Roeflame in the crowd, pushing through a throng of cats and headed his way and he feels a sick sense of relief and dread at the same time. She is a formidable warrior but he could not bear it if she was hurt, he does not think. He wants her to run, to escape the camp with the others but he knows better than to ask such a thing. All he can hope for now is that she will fight with him, help him drive this rogue away from them so that they can get to the medicine cats den and help this uncle and the sick who lay inside.

  • ooc : — interacting briefly with @Flycatcher and mentions @Roeflame . and @Shinebug

  • he / him
    thunderclan lead warrior
    single ; crushing on roeflame

    - - Burnstorm is a hot headed tom who, above all, loves his clan and his family. He cares deeply and passionately for those closest to him and is one of the most loyal friends a cat could have. Because of his half-kitttypet heritage, Burnstorm is always hard at work, believing that he has to put in twice the amount of effort a normal cat does in order to prove himself as a worthy clan member
    ISTJ-T 'the logistican'

    - - a large, black furred tom with golden eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    skilled fighter and decent hunter
    LITTLE WOLF X BLAZESTAR ; sibling to Fireflypaw, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Duskpaw and Skypaw

The apprentice is jolted awake by shouting and yowling—still half asleep he stumbles his way to the entrance of the den, only to duck back in as he spots the chaos all around him. At first he thinks that it’s the WindClanners, attacking their camp at last. The sandy hollow wasn’t enough for them, so they’ve decided to take ThunderClan’s camp as well. But none of the invaders are familiar, and the scent that greets him is devoid of any moorland touch. It doesn’t take him long to draw a conclusion.


He blinks the sleep from his eyes quickly, shaking his head to orient himself. He can see his father fighting, as well as Roeflame and Burnstorm, but Falconpaw hesitates for a moment. It’s long enough to draw attention, it seems; one of the rogues lunges at him, and he hardly had time to move. He feels the swift touch of claws at his ear, and the boy scrambles back a step toward the den with a sharp inhale. The rogue matches him step for step, surely as large as Burnstorm and far more intimidating. This isn’t a fight that he can win. "Wait!" He has to shout over the din around himself and the unfamiliar cat, and even then he isn’t sure the rogue cares about what he has to say. They want him either fleeing or dead.

Their paw swings at him again, and he isn’t able to stumble out of the way of a sharp blow to the head. "We don’t have to fight! Just… just let me go," he says, hoping to appeal to some sort of honor code, or even garner a sense of pity. He doesn’t about pride, or fighting for the clan’s territory, not when faced with a clearly unbeatable enemy. And so when the rogue takes a hissing step backward, the cream tabby darts around the side of the den and takes off through the undergrowth.

Hiding. Hiding will ensure his safety. That’s what any apprentice should do in his situation, right?
[ find me way out there ]
  • Angry
Reactions: BURNSTORM

sleekpaw & 09 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

The sudden invasion catches sleekpaw by surprise - like many of his fellow thunderclan apprentices, he'd been sleeping off the ache left from a hard days work when it had happened. The sound of grating voices and panicked shouts send her lurching onto pale paws, baby blue eyes rolling wildly as she tries to understand what is happening. Are they being attacked?

He follows out of the den a step behind falconpaw - watches him get snatched up by another, but his concern only lasts a heartbeat before he's running off. "Fox-dung," she murmurs - something she's never said aloud before, but really - how else can one describe the situation at paw? They hardly have time to muse further however - the feel of laws meeting flesh is as sudden as the rogues arrival, and they're thrown sideways with a yelp - bottlebrush tail and hackles raised as they spin about to face their attacker. The rogue is hardly much bigger than them, and yet - fear churns in his chest. This is much different from a spar with her clanmates, a well intentioned thing where nobody would get hurt in the end. No - this was a matter of life and death.

Gaze hardens as they dart forwards, slamming into the rogue shoulder first, until they go tumbling together in a flurry of claws and teeth. His find purchase in the felines tender shoulder, claws raking blindly across eyes and ears, but he feels his own pelt torn just as easily - claws sinking past thick fur to snag against his flanks and chest. In the end, it's over just as quickly as it starts - with the one rogue fleeing as Sleekpaw pants, only to be replaced with more. Blue eyes widen in terror, and at last she sees what the others have already realized. There is no hope of fighting back, not now. They are outnumbered.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: currently cornered by multiple rogues in camp, anyone is welcome to intervene
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

If not for being scruffed by his father, Sunshinekit would've slept through the attack. They let out a sleepy whine, stumbling to their paws as the white noise of battle slowly become clearer. They're nudged along before they can properly gauge the gravity of the situation, however they eventually do and cry out, "What about Rainbowpaw? 'nd - Emberpaw? Where are they?" Clearly Sunfreckle wants them to escape with their lives, however the mottled child fears for their littermates. Their elder siblings, too - though Sparkwing proves that the older litter can hold their own relatively well.

[ escaping with @Sunfreckle / queens & kits, looking for @RAINBOWPAW and @EMBERPAW! ]​

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The heartbeat Burnstorm is in her sights, she becomes a needle weaving through thread, slipping past warriors and rogues alike as the two forms of forest cats collide.
In a blink, a rogue lands on top of Burnstorm, and all grace is gone in Roeflames gait as she propels herself towards the duo. When the warrior reaches them, she is coming up from behind her friends opponent, the rogue oblivious to her impending arrival.
Without hesitation, Roeflame pounces, landing on bony shoulder blades with claws sinking into thin flesh.
The rogue crumbles under her, attempting to strike back with tactless flails but the fierce mollys grasp is tight, angry.
The thrashing is too much to contain, and Roeflame finally springs away before she can be wrangled to the ground, landing in front of Burnstorm with a deadly snarl peeling at her lips, fur puffed out and bristling.
The sight is almost comical, Burnstorm towering from behind her, but she plants herself between him and the rogue.
"Scram or I’ll gut you." She growls, and whether or not the rogue would listen to her she would remain unflinching, eyes steady on their opponent. Roeflame wouldn’t look to Burnstorm until the rogue would be gone, and only then would she let him tell her where to go.

// interacting w/ @BURNSTORM !
Being stuck in the camp - specifically in the nursery - meant there was a lot of time to sleep and talk with others... and that was about it. Leopardtongue was finding it boring and couldn't help but envy those that were able to go outside the camp, even if there were chances of coming across rogues and less chance of finding food now. At least then she would feel useful.

When Sunfreckle spoke to her and Tansyshine, Leopardtongue had been waking up from one of her many naps she had been taking as of late, the sound of a scuffle and the sudden loud noises causing her to startle awake. They were under attack, just as the WindClan cats had been only a few sunrises ago, and it caused Leopard's ears to pin to her head. They had already taken the moors, did they need to take the forest as well? As quickly as the queen could go she stood and nod her head to Sunfreckle. He'd give them a way out, and as much as Leopardtongue wanted to stay behind and fight she knew that the kits took priority and she would stay by their side as she helped usher them out of the nursery and hopefully into the territory with no issue. "The others will catch up, don't worry." Were the only words she could muster, hoping they were true.

  • helping to gather kits and leave with them and the other queens ~
  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - Queen of ThunderClan
    heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    penned by tikki
Tybalt dove into the fight, his claws out before his clanmates had even fully announced the presence of the rogues. Springing forward on nimble feet, his claws found and sank into the flesh of one of their assailants. The rogue twisted beneath him, and Tybalt managed to duck his head as his opponent's unsheathed claws swiped toward his face. Hissing, Tybalt sank his teeth into the other tom's foreleg before quickly yanking it backwards. They wanted to fight dirty? That was no problem for him. He felt the bone snap in his teeth, and the rogue howled in pain, squirming wildly to escape his grip and limp-run off in the opposite direction.

Tybalt turned his head and caught sight of Sleekpaw, pelt puffed up and eyes massive as they stood surrounded by several rogues. Tybalt barreled over to the apprentice, managing to duck between the legs of the largest of Sleekpaw's captors before whirling around and slamming the full force of his weight into the larger cat to knock him away from the smaller ThunderClanner.

// helping @Sleekpaw.
Softkit was awake before either Spiderlily or Vixenkit, alerted by the unfamiliar growls and a sinking feeling that had shouldered her awake, just as Whitelion was doing now to wake his family. Her father seemed unnerved, but was doing a rather good job of hiding it, and Softkit wasn't sure whether she should feel scared or try to match Whitelion's stoicism. With the growing raucous outside the medicine cat's den, Softkit was leaning ever closer to being more frightened than brave. Not knowing what was happening, that was perhaps the biggest fear that Softkit could stand to think of - but surely, she, Vixenkit, Whitelion, and Spiderlily would all muddle through.
Excitement seemingly crackled in the air as rogues descended upon them once again, disrupting Harbingermoon from his nap. His expression shifted from grogginess to one of anticipation as he scanned the chaos for the little rogue friend he'd had the pleasure of injuring earlier. Unfortunately, amidst the tumult, he couldn't spot the brown rat himself.

A deep snarl emanated from his chest as his luminous gaze fell upon two scraggly rogues cornering Webpaw, taunting the young cat as they forced him to cower within a thorn bush. It was infuriating to witness the mere kit tremble before them while everyone else was caught up in the battle or fleeing. He knew it would look bad leaving an apprentice to die but it miffed him to stick out his neck for such cowardice. Ah, screw it.

Taking a moment to rein in his fury, the older warrior pushed forward, getting a head start and slamming his body into one of the rogues. It was like two branches meeting in a strong wind as they tumbled together, and Harbingermoon managed to claw into the rogue's back and latch onto the scruff of their neck. The other rogue retaliated, clamping gnarled fangs onto Harbingermoon's paw, causing searing pain to shoot up his nerves and forcing him to release the scruff with a yowl.

"LET GO, SLUG FACE!" He screeched, claws tightening their grip as the rogue below bucked violently, nearly tossing him into the thorn bush alongside Webpaw.

With a quick decision, Harbingermoon loosened the grip of his other back leg, bunched up on the first rogue's back, and kicked out. He raked extended paws across the second rogue's face, sending fur and blood into the air as he was promptly rolled and pinned beneath the other loner.

Fangs bared and ears flattened, he braced for a counterattack but was surprised by the lack of movement. Glancing from his view on the ground, he watched as Sootstar called for a retreat. Seizing the moment, he slipped free from the rogue's grasp and snarled out. "Webpaw! Move, now!" His goal was to clear a path through the thicket, even though the thorns dug into his already sore pads, causing the rounded tunneler to wince in pain.

Still he moved an exit way aside and ushered the youth out. He wasn't sure how much longer the two stinkpelts behind them would hold the peace.

☾ ooc ☽
// trying to help @WEBPAW and escape​

XXXXXHe’d feared this moment had been coming since the Gathering. RiverClan and WindClan had been chased from their homes—and rogues had no sense of propriety, no sense of fulfillment. These greedy creatures would always hunger for more, for what they couldn’t have. The tabby meets them with his pelt fluffed out, his tail swishing behind him, but there’s no way to fight them. Even if he cut a line through their center, he’d be driven down, pinned, and he has no time for foolishness. There are injured cats, sick cats, and he sees Burnstorm and Flycatcher rushing to Berryheart’s den.

XXXXXHowlingstar,” he murmurs, clenching his teeth. He turns to see which Clanmates were fleeing. Leopardtongue was collecting kits with Spiderlily, Stagstrike defending Sleekpaw, Flycatcher rushing to Shinepaw’s aid, Roeflame and Sparkwing meeting rogues with claws unsheathed. He spots Sunfreckle’s bright ginger pelt, and little freckled Sunshinekit—where is his apprentice?

XXXXXIf spotted, Raccoonstripe will order, “Flee the camp. Don’t try to fight. Help your denmates make it out.” He does not have to fear his apprentice’s foolishness too much—whereas Wildheart or Moonwhisper might have disobeyed him, Rainbowpaw has no bloodlust in their body.

XXXXXThe tabby streaks toward Berryheart’s den. He’s alone in here now, alone in here with patients, with the sick. His brother is capable of moving on his own, however—it’s Howlingstar who wheezes in her nest. “Mother. The rogues have come for our camp.” He presses his flank against hers, knowing it will be a struggle to heave her upright. She’s just short of delirium in her advanced stages of yellowcough. He sees Burnstorm’s dark pelt, moving toward Duskpaw. They’d need all the paws they could get.
