Jul 5, 2024
Tigerkit didn't think about her apprenticeship very much, but she she did, she had kinda always imagined ( hoped? ) that Raccoonstripe would be her mentor. Maybe it would get a bit annoying, how similar they look... but he could teach her to be the best she can be. He knows how to work with a face like hers. And he's a great warrior, maybe the best, even. And he likes her, and he lets her have the first bite... Yeah, that all made a lot of sense. And if she was his mentor, it'd mean for sure that she was his favorite. Or... or if she wasn't, she'd definitely become his favorite, right?

So, it's kind of a bummer... It's really really lame actually, that Raccoonstripe can't have another apprentice now... And it's cause of Scarletpaw. They're kin, she thinks. Tigerkit doesn't really care. She cares that it's Raccoonstripe, not that its Scarletpaw. She was gonna ask her like she'd ask any other apprentice... Tigerkit approaches her, tail set in a dejected drag. Her tail that looked like Raccoonstripe's. Couldn't that get her something good for once?

" Hi Scarletpaw, " she greets, her heart not really in it... " Do you think, um, think Flamestar made Raccoonstripe your mentor on purpose? " She doesn't really know what an "accidental" assignment would entail, but it was possible, probably. Or could Leaders never make mistakes...? She's not really sure. But... but Howlingstar wouldn't have done that, she bets. Howlingstar would've known how important it is... " Um... why? Do you know why? "


Scarletpaw stiffens when she sees Tigerkit approaching, her younger kin's dejected posture immediately catching her attention. She doesn't interact much with the kits, but she knows enough about her mentor’s daughter to recognize that something's bothering her. She tries to relax her shoulders to make herself seem more approachable.

When she finally speaks, her question takes the apprentice by surprise. She hadn't thought much about why Flamestar made Raccoonstripe her mentor - she was too busy trying to survive training under him. Her mind flashes to the intense sessions, the way Raccoonstripe pushes her harder than anyone else had before. Was it on purpose?

"Hi, Tigerkit," Scarletpaw greets her, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "I…would assume Flamestar did it on purpose.” Her whiskers twitch, dumbfounded - how in StarClan would it not be on purpose? Ugh, she doesn’t know how to talk to kits. “Maybe...maybe she thought Raccoonstripe was the best warrior to train me." She tries to keep her voice steady, but there's an undercurrent of doubt that she won’t name. She probably knows there’s no one to push the disloyalty out of her like a stern warrior. She shifts her paws awkwardly, glancing at Tigerkit's drooping tail. "Raccoonstripe's really strong, you know? Maybe...Flamestar thought he could teach me to be like him." Scarletpaw isn't sure if she believes that, but it feels like the right thing to say. More like he’ll teach me to be loyal like him…and less like Skyclaw.

A small part of her wonders if Tigerkit resents her for taking the chance to train under Raccoonstripe. Scarletpaw certainly hadn't asked for it, and she knows how difficult he can be. But looking at the she-kit’s face, so full of disappointment, she feels a pang of guilt. She clearly looks up to her father in a way Scarletpaw doesn't. She isn't sure what to say to make it better.

"Maybe, uh, you'll get to train with him one day," She offers quietly, her voice softening. "He's your father, after all. I'm sure he'll always make time for you."
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Really? She had sort of really been hoping it hadn't been on purpose... Tigerkit slumps. " Aw... " There's a chance that she's wrong... Something about Scarletpaw's voice is um... funny. Like she's unsure. And now she's saying a bunch of obvious stuff... " Raccoonstripe's the best warrior to train everybody, " she tells her as if she should know this already, and she should. Of course, Tigerkit isn't sure why she'd thought she'd win a competition against, like, the entire clan. She's not even close to first place either, she bets... " Why you? " she specifically asks. Whatever it was, Tigerkit needed to do more of it.

Her gaze becomes very scrutinous, suddenly, flicking over the dark stripes of her cousin's coat. They didn't look that different... is it cause Tigerkit's not red like her? Is it cause Scarletpaw had prettier eyes than her? A prettier coat? Her frown stretches further as she notes these things. Maybe he could have more than one apprentice, she almost considers... But Tigerkit wouldn't wanna be one of Raccoonstripe's apprentices. She wants to be Raccoonstripe's apprentice.

At her words, Tigerkit sadly shakes her head. Scarletpaw didn't even know no cat has ever been so wrong about anything ever. " Nuh-uh, " she says. And she's a little mad. A little mad at how wrong Scarletpaw is. It's annoying. Raccoonstripe's apprentice should be smarter. " I jus' saw... jus' saw him yesterday. For the first time in... in... " Tigerkit stutters on her own words. Suddenly, she felt like crying. Her speech is interrupted by a hiccup. " -In a moon. Two moons. " Maybe even, like, four... " -Forever! Nd' when he came, he paid attention tuh every kit but me. " She sniffles, holding back the snot in her nostrils for another second or two.