sensitive topics BODY & SOUL | WINDCLAN SECRET PLOT CHARACTER [closed]

Jun 7, 2022

This plot contains an event that includes violence and/or death and may be somewhat triggering to some users. Please do not apply if this is something you believe you will not be able to play out.

— This adoption is not FCFS but will not have a specific closing date. I will be looking through applications and putting significant consideration into choosing the person who plays this role, as its a major plot role. At absolute latest, this will close on December 1st.
— If applying, you must be committed to playing this character, at minimum, until February 14th 2025. This is a somewhat long-term plot.
— There is no posting quota for this character beyond maintaining (reasonable) activity. There will be multiple public and private threads made leading up to the event(s) of the plot, but otherwise the character can be as casual or active as you'd like.
— Character will be required to remain alive and residing in windclan for the duration of this plot - there are no exceptions, even for short-term plots.
OOCly it is required that you are willing to keep communication via DM's, to work on back-writing and planning of the plot and it's elements. There is a significant amount of flexibility outside of event dates and the final outcome with which to work with.

This slot is open to both new and pre-existing characters so long as they fit within all of the requirements listed blow. There is no preference for either or.
— must be AFAB
— cannot have a preexisting mate/kits (unless npc's) and must stay single (unless discussed) for the duration of the plot
— must be a warrior of windclan
— must be between 20-50 moons old
— must fit one of the genetics provided (chimeras are allowed as long as they breed one of the colors listed)
character will be blue, blue tabby, black, or black tabby with low white
— character can be longhaired or shorthaired
— character can be polydactyly or not
— character will carry either sepia or point
— tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute will carry dilute

— If, for any means, I am forced to rehome this slot, it will be solely the plotline that gets adopted out. (ie. you are welcome to keep your character they will simply not play a role)
— After the plot has concluded, you are welcome to do anything you'd like with this character, including killing them off or removing them from windclan.

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omg sign me up

- afab
- lh black w/low white
- polydactyl
- 26 moons
- personality tbd based on plot
- cricketchirp, crickethum, cricketcall, cricketsong, cricketnose, cricketwhisker, cricketcry, cricketback, cricketleg, cricketjaw, cricketspeck
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MUDCATCHER — named mud after the color of her fur and fluffy/scruffy pelt, while the suffix catcher was given for her hunting skills.

⤹ cis female( she/her )
— afab ⋆ mono ⋆ demisexual
⤹ from Windclan, tunneler
— former barn cat
⤹ 25 moons ⋆ ages every 5th ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by velou

APPEARANCEgreen eyed long haired black tabby with low white
⤹ carrying sepia, long hair, solid

putting this out here, but I have yet to get the okay on this design on whether or not the color scheme does indeed fit a black tabby. I haven't decided on the stripe pattern yet so I am open to suggestions in order to add to her current design mock up. I am leaning towards ticked tabby, but again not too sure. otherwise the general idea of how she would appear has been included.

MENTALITY — infp, ❝ the mediator❞ ⋆ melancholic ⋆ 6w5
— positive traits: kind, loyal, caring
— neutral traits: soft-spoken, reserved, cautious
— negative traits: passive, submissive, dilligent

Mudcatcher is a gloomy, passive, and soft-spoken molly who believes herself to be a coward. Mudcatcher speaks very little and it is not done out of malice. Her lack of words are an act of distancing herself from her emotions and an attempt to distance herself from others as well. This is due to her turmotulous past. Despite not being a very talkative sort, she tends to speak only when necessary. Puzzling perhaps to others as she has no qualms following her duties as a tunneler which is constant communication within pairs to ensure survival, one would think she was a friendly sort. A molly who would be fairly easy to become friends with, and yet she scarcely opens her heart to others. When the topic is anything non work related, it's as if she is a frightened bunny, seconds away from running.

Her thoughts are often a mystery to others as a result. Even simple things of such as what prey she enjoys to eat are unknown. It does not help that she tends to try and find a lonely corner when eating. It can be mistaken as

Despite her quiet demeanor, she is exceptionally loyal, caring, good natured, and kind. It is most difficult for moor runners to see, as she doesn't interact with them all to often. They can not see how, even though she fears becoming close to another, within the darkness she will never abandon her partner. She will try everything in her power to bring her partner back to camp, even if it means sustaining some injuries herself. At the moment her greatest terrors of becoming close to another vanish, her concern is solely of her partner. She has no qualms with comforting them and becoming a little open, however after the moment has passed she will carry on about life as if it hasn't happened. Unless... She is confronted about it.

Even if a cat she is paired with is a bit of a bully, she bears no ill will. It certainly effects her, as she puts on a more emotionally repressed and mature front in order to combat her fears. She refuses to stoop to the level of her tormentors, even if it means she will have to endure in silence. There is a reason why she does not speak for herself and that is because she is aware of her position as a former barn cat. It wasn't too long ago that she joined Windclan. She is still very much the "new molly" within the tunnelers and understands that she must be careful. She doesn't have the same standing as the others who were born within Windclan, or those who have been within the clans for many moons. It is best to not stand up for herself. She will not retaliate.

Those who watch with careful eyes will see that her character shines in subtleties. While she may not be the most talkative, she will bring those she cares for their favorite prey from the freshkill pile if available. She will also help with fixing nests with softer bedding if her friends and even those who don't like her have mentioned it. She will fulfill their orders and demands, however it may do her some good to reject them in order to care for herself every once and awhile.

⤹ littermate to none
— no other kin
⤹ friends with tbd
— admires tbd ⋆ likes tbd
⤹ enemies with tbd
— dislikes tbd ⋆ loathes tbd

⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 70% ]
— will not start fights | will flee | will show mercy
⤹ excels at hunting, stealth ⋆ poor at fighting, swimming
— sounds like who ⋆ smells like what
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