Through most of it, Clay stands still as a stone, unable to focus directly on any one shouting cat. Clanmates, enemies, allies, all the voices flow together until it's all muffled chatter in his ears. Despite it all, he thinks he's doing well, putting on a brave face for the rest of the gathered cats—missing his usual smile, but then again, what is there to smile about? His mate is gone. Nothing can bring him back. No vengeance, no screaming match between leaders and warriors and anyone else who cares to join in. It's all worthless now, in the after.

He tunes back into the conversation (if it can even be called such a thing) at the mention of his love's name, fallen from the mouth of one of his dearest friends. Willowroot… he should talk to her sometime, see how she's dealing with their loss. But their words aren't received well, only seem to spur on their antagonistic audience. And then Cicadastar's voice booms above the others, the tortoiseshell tom looking furious as he turns on Sootstar and then Howlingstar, and then the entire gathering, in turn. And then the scornful WindClanner speaks his love's name, and Clayfur feels it like a strike to the chest.

His stomach drops to his paws. The world pitches below him, and he stumbles trying to maintain his footing. They're all using Clearsight as a pawn, some piece in their blame game, their clashing of egos. He doesn't blame Cicada, not really—Clearsight was his friend as well. His loyal warrior, a member of the clan that he's meant to protect. And surely his ranting and raving is of good intention—but hearing his name flung around like that, like nothing but ammunition… It's too soon.

He's grateful when the leader dismisses them, calling the clan to leave. Numbly, robotically, he nods, looking to Antlerpaw as he turns to trudge off with the rest of his clan.

Mayhem. That's what this is. Total, chaotic mayhem, diametrically opposed to the intended diplomacy of this stupid gathering. Even during past assemblies here at Fourtrees, Smogmaw noticed how political dialogue had been forsaken for emotionally-driven drivel. But this, a Great Battle's worth of weightless accusations and insults, just goes to illustrate how right the stars were in their act of warning. Funny how their little lightning strike is a meagre footnote now.

Whatever conflict occured between WindClan and RiverClan is sullied by their leaders' quarrelling. Sootstar bellows into the night sky, demanding justice in the wake of her own offensive endeavours, blind to the irony which bled from her words. In turn, Cicadastar would project allegations of trespass onto the moor cats, all while disregarding his clan's history of taking them in. Both of them hypocrites. Hypocrites with blood smeared all over their warmongering paws.

Most notable about the gathering thus far is how little the river king allowed his equals to speak. The monologues of Cicadastar, flung forth from the throne of pomposity he sat upon, go undefeated in the face of the uproar from the crowds below. They are long-drawn and fraught with insincerity, and he deflects blame at every possible interval. Crowning it all, however, is the resolution that comes at the heels of his final diatribe; he beats a hasty retreat, before Chilledstar or Blazestar can insert a single syllabel into this night of anarchy.

What a complete fucking waste of time and breath. Power's ability to corrupt minds is put on full display, as it is made clear that two of the five leaders are so irrational to neglect their own foreign affairs.

"Give an idiot nine lives, sure. They'll only be nine times as stupid," he rumbles sourly.

The river cats begin to abandon the clearing. They're far more important than the matters of ShadowClan and SkyClan, it would seem. If this precedent is one to be followed, they shouldn't come to the next gathering at all. It'd spare the rest of them from Cicadastar's self-importance.

Muddy eyes flick between faces in the crowd, the scowl on his mug worsening with every opinion thrown into the mix. A huff of approval is alloted to Granitepaw's demands, but beyond that, he cannot care less about their squabbling. However, when met with the briefest of pauses amidst the disorder, Smogmaw clears his throat and strings together his own proclamation for the masses.

"Keep on squawking like crows!" shouts the deputy. "Rhetoric's not gonna bring Clearsight or the other one back! Your friends 'n family are dying for pride, stupid pride—and for what? Some warriors you all are!" His own moment of glory, the announcement of his promotion, snuffed from him because of their bantering. His words simmer with ire as a result.

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Blazestar can hardly follow the argument that sparks between Sootstar and Cicadastar. He had seen the tattered state of both Clans upon entrance, but he'd been too distracted by the crack of lightning, the scorched spot Sootstar still stands upon, darkening her paws. He watches silently, wide blue eyes flicking from the tiny moorland leader to the spindly river king as they spout profanities and coat the other in hissing spittle.

He's never seen Cicadastar this worked up. A warrior had died, he yowls. Clearsight. Blazestar tries to conjure the departed feline in his head, wonders if he'd been there to help defend SkyClan from WindClan during their raid on his camp. He does not doubt his ally's claims, but the frenzied pacing, the rasp in his throat as he howls his fury -- it's like seeing the lightning send from StarClan all over again.

Blazestar is deeply unsettled. The cats below shriek for their respective Clan leaders' honor. He is relieved when Howlingstar attempts to intervene, but only for a moment. He listens to her news, his heartbeat still quick from the frenzy, hoping the calamity has passed. But she speaks of Little Wolf's kits, and his expression changes. "Dusk-kit and Skykit." Two she-kits. His daughters.

"Skykit." The Ragdoll flinches as though Howlingstar had struck him. She had refused to let it all be forgotten. A ThunderClan kit growing up named after her father's Clan, though, never knowing...

He turns his face away, eyes sealed shut. A headache begins to form behind his flame-kissed face. He wants the Gathering to end quickly, and is hoping Cicadastar will at least attempt to share his news -- but he's reignited, enflamed by Howlingstar's attempt to restore normalcy. Blazestar remembers when Haze had died at Sootstar's claws, the fury of his Clan. Had he been this angry? He cannot remember. Everything seems so far away from him now, the only thing at the forefront of his mind his tiny children who will grow up never knowing how he aches for them.

RiverClan leaves bombastically, and Blazestar has not had a chance to speak at all. His tongue feels frozen to the roof of his mouth. He watches SkyClan's allies leave, pelts spiked and ears flattened, and shakes his head slowly. There's still an ache behind his eyes.

"I don't doubt WindClan has crossed RiverClan's borders to start trouble. It wouldn't be the first time," he says, though there's little anger in his voice. He can't manage to conjure it. "SkyClan stands with RiverClan. Remember that."

It's not as convicted as he would have liked it to be, but his mood has been dampened to wet ash. Blazestar flicks his tail, hoping to silence again the unruly crowd of cats below them. "SkyClan thrives. Newleaf has brought prey back to the pine forest. We welcome four new warriors in Quillstrike, Twitchbolt, Butterflytuft, and Basilpatch. They trained hard to earn their place as SkyClan warriors, and their Clan honors their strength and loyalty." He's speaking on familiar territory now, but his voice is still hollow. "We have a new apprentice as well -- Applepaw, training under Cardinalshine."

He lifts his chin, finding the thick silvery pelt of his newest lead warrior. "SkyClan also honors the newest member of my council, Silversmoke. He's a fierce and dedicated cat, and I know he'll make an excellent lead warrior alongside Thistleback, Daisyflight, and Sheepcurl." He scrapes his claws along the surface of the Great Rock. "We had trouble with a fox last moon, but Sheepcurl led a patrol to chase it out. She, Thistleback, Ashenclaw, Slate, Sharpeye, Greenpaw, Quillstrike, and Bananapaw managed to keep our Clan safe." He manages a small, tired smile.

Blazestar thinks briefly of the prophecy StarClan had given his son, but he does not say anything about it here. It is for SkyClan alone. Still, he can't help but look at the conflicts between the other Clans warily, wondering if any of them will pay a part in the breaking of the pine boughs.

Blazestar exhales and steps back. "That is all from SkyClan." He looks at Chilledgaze curiously. This isn't the first time the ShadowClan deputy has had to stand in Pitchstar's place. Perhaps the rosette tabby is ill; he waits for them to claim their spot at the edge of the rock, hoping the worst of the conflict is over.

His head is still pounding.


Sootstar can hardly open her maw to get a word in, the monochrome leader strains on and on and runs her through the muck. Unless she were to break the truce with her claws, she has no choice but to stare back silently with a snarl, her fangs glinting in the moonlight. He mocks the strength of her now dead warrior, mocks the tragedy, it causes her stomach to knot in fury. The tom claimed her practices foul, claimed that her methods and strategies were weak, cowardly, cruel, but all she heard were the complaints of a tom who was just beaten by her clan. They were wild cats, if you kill a cat from another clan unjust you should be expecting to be struck back thrice as hard! If you refuse them herbs, leave them to wither and die you should expect them to do something about it, even if it means hitting back!

StarClan may have called for peace under the full moon, but they did not ban defending yourself, they did not ban attacking, they did not ban raids. She would not be told by these cats that the only choice she had was to sit back and let her cats die with no retaliation! It was the name of the game, the game of survival, and if RiverClan wishes to strike them back so be it! Sootstar would be anticipating it, especially now after tonight. He claims she cannot control her warriors, though after all the arguing with his own that she had to do during this gathering, she argues he cannot either. She's more than happy her warriors were howling out, and they only had begun after RiverClan's own broke the discussion amongst leaders.

And then he yowls at Howlingstar, and though it tumbles back into dragging her name she keeps quiet. What is there to say that she hasn't said at this gathering, or the last? What could she say to defend Juniperfrost's honor and her clan's meaning behind their actions that wouldn't get them villainized anyways? WindClan will always have SkyClan and RiverClan at their throats, no matter what they did or how they responded. Cicadastar leaves, Sootstar inwardly labels it moreso as fleeing. The blue molly cannot bother to reply to the departing tom, if he was looking for her to respond he would've kept his rear planted on the stone. She wasn't going to continue to bicker with a tom nearly half-way through the shrubs, it'd only amplify the other leaders opinions of her being a whimpering pup. Smogmaw's words are earned a hard glare, was he not supposed to be an ally?! Besides, she's already sat down and closed her trap for the other clans, even before Howlingstar had scolded her. Still besides the glare, she does or says nothing but pretend to listen to Howlingstar and Blazestar speak. It's hard to comprehend a single word they say with the roar of thunder still in her ears, her heart pounded against her chest and fury remained welled up inside of her.

What a mess she was in yet again.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )



· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her

╰ ‣ 39 moons . pisces. ages on the first

╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan

╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group


· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%

╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes


· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil

╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish

╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with

╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia

╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc


· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose

╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw

╰ ‣ mother to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Harrierkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit

╰ ‣ mentor to N/A

╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .

╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .

╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

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Reactions: willie and foxlore

"oh, for fucks sake."

the swear easily slides off their tongue as they roll their eyes. it seemed to be all they were doing these days. so much bickering from everyone and it makes them snort. a clusterfuck. this was a fucking mess. they stretched their body as they watched the scene unfold. cicadastar spits and hisses before beckoning his river dwellers to follow. he says he refuses to sit here and bare a grin upon his twisted face. he doesn't wish to gossip with the very leader who stripped a warrior from their ranks. it was reasonable. they'd be a lot less nice about it. at least cicadastar, in the midst of his mental spiral, was nice enough to not rip a life from sootstar, as he so easily could have.

their ears perked up curiously at their deputy speaks up, chomping out his own opinion on the matter and chilledstar had to agree. this was a lot of yelling over something that could not be changed, but was their anger misplaced? only the stars knew. it wasn't chilledstar's job to know. in fact, they didn't actually care. this didn't benefit shadowclan in any way. so, they watch and listen to the rest of the leaders before it's their turn. their tail lashes once more before they finally speak up.

"childish. that's what this was. that is what this is. i honestly don't give a rat's tail about what kind of squabbles you have. you can't grin and bare it for one fucking night under the stars? if starclan has shown us anything tonight, it is that they are not happy. you simply could have said your piece and left but here you are bickering like kits who want a specific stick for their nest."

they only growled before just rolling their eyes. this was so fucking stupid.

"i am not about to waste any time. pitchstar is dead. he was murdered. and maybe if you held your tongue for half a moment you'd have gotten more information. i am not telling you this because i care about what happens to any of you. if you all don't care enough to listen, then i don't give enough of a fuck to sit here, and give you details that may or may not benefit you. shadowclan, let's go. clearly they've no interest in what we have to say, and i'm not wasting another breath."
( ) what happens next is all a blur as voices ring out from all corners of the star strewn clearing. willowroot only half listens, gaze flicking wildly around as if trying to keep up while she sinks slowly deeper and deeper into the haze of her own mind. her eyes only clear when tigerfrost shouts out his thoughts. run away riverclan! he laughs, and willowroot is trembling with rage now, jaw clenched with the effort not to spring from where she stands and claw the smirk off of the patched tabby's maw. none of this had to happen. clearsight never would have been killed if hyacinthbreath hadn't butchered juniperfrost. cicadastar's final words ring into empty ears- the lead warrior's verdant gaze is locked on the flame filled eyes of the enemy. "keep his name out of your maggot ridden fucking mouth," she growls, muscles taut, tail lashing behind her as she stalks towards him. her head is full of fog, red heat thundering through her veins, claws curling through the earth. she approaches him with frightening speed, light on her paws even as she lowers her frame, fur bristling on her neck. "you speak as if you have any right. you are a filthy rat masquerading as a warrior, hiding in your tunnels and stalking at night. you deserve nothing but the lowest, darkest pits of whatever fucking shit-ridden afterlife you believe in."

a low growl shakes her body, the film of crimson over her gaze deepening as she shoves her face towards him, nose almost brushing his own. she tilts her head, eyes wide and ears flat, sizing him up, running her tongue over her teeth as if preparing to bite. her body longs for it- the release of muscles heavily wired, claws plunging into flesh well deserved. in the rest of the scene, cicadastar leaps from his place atop the rock and bounds towards the exit, the rest of his clan following, but willowroot is not aware. she flicks her tail up tall over her back, trembling.

her chest feels tight, breath barely able to escape through flared nostrils as she sizes the man up. this pathetic, mange ridden wind warrior, with his vile tongue, dares speak the name of a river god, dares pass syllables over his forked tongue with a smile flashing on his maw. he is a foul, loathsome beast, this wicked creature who sits with a grin on his face as death is spoken of. willowroot aches to pounce, to have the satisfaction of ending this warrior as his clanmate had ended her friend. the memory of clearsight's body drags up the darkest part of her, the part of her who has never seen the sunlight, never felt the gentle touch of friendship. this part hungers to rip, tear, flay alive any cruel soul who dares enter her domain. tigerfrost is just such a soul, and he tempts her with every huff of laughter exiting his chest.

she is as close to bowling him over as the lightning is to hitting his star scorned leader when her gaze meets the tired eyes of clayfur. he moves robotically, tabby fur ruffled and body stiff, and suddenly the fire of rage that simmers below willowroot's skin begins to burn low. her friend's mate turns from the scene with tired limbs, numb and quiet as he follows his clan home. shame washes like water to douse the anger in the lead warrior's chest. she feels bile in the back of her throat, acid eating away at her tongue as she lets the reality of the situation bring her back to life. her friend is dead, his body freshly buried in a beautifully morbid ceremony. her clan is grieving and slowly putting their lives back together. the full moon shines overhead, cloud cover barely visible, starclan's only sign given much earlier in the night. breaking the truce will mean certain punishment, and the embarrassment that comes with it. she will not, can not waste herself on this rat eaten excuse for a cat.

curling her lip, willowroot pulls her face away from tigerfrost's. "keep one eye open, scum," she will growl. "next time we battle, i will find you, and you will know more pain than you have ever known. that is a threat, and a promise." with this, she turns on her heel, stalking away from him and after her retreating clan. as she does so, she flicks out her tail and brushes his snout with it, just enough to whisk it over his eyes. with this, she vanishes from the clearing, a mess of emotion still unshed.

Tags and Information

ShadowClan does not support their allies, it seems. No, they've decided that they're above WindClan. At least he can respect Blazestar's willingness to defend his alliance with RiverClan, despite Cicadastar's maddened outburst. But clearly, ShadowClan lacked the willpower of their kittypet neighbors. Despicable, really. But Tigerfrost can't really say he's ever had a high opinion of what ShadowClan has become. They were hardly strong enough to survive the last leaf-bare on their own. Now they're leaving, just like RiverClan, and it's embarrassing. Were they really going to let the kittypet king out-show them? Pitchstar had been murdered. That was the news that had been so briefly shared.

So that's it then, Tigerfrost thinks bitterly. ShadowClan's nerve died with Pitchstar.

Ah, but then there's a crackle in the air, a tension that burns like fire. Hellish eyes jolt toward Willowroot as her venomous words spew past her jaws. She's stalking towards him, and the chimera doesn't move, simply lifts his chin and sneers at the RiverClan cat. She was beneath him, mewling over Clearsight when it was her own clan-mate's fault for getting him killed in the first place. She certainly looked worked up, didn't she? So close, her breath against his nose, foul. Muscles taut like a drawn bow-string.

He can't help but wonder if Willowroot will actually attack him. There's resolve in her eyes, but not even Tigerfrost would dare to disrespect the starry ancestors in such a blatant way. If she laid a claw upon him, then so be it. StarClan could tan her hide themselves. Tigerfrost wasn't going to break the truce just because some RiverClan rat couldn't see the truth of her own situation. But she doesn't attack. No, she pulls back, spits more bile into the cool night's air. Oh, this was satisfying, wasn't it? A threat. His snide expression does not waver as she turns on her heel to stalk away, tail lashing briefly against his snout. Another whiff of her foul scent in his nose. Pah.

"My, words really do hurt RiverClan." A cruel observation. He can be petty, though. WindClan had done what was right, and Willowroot helped harbor a murderer. She was nothing but a worm beneath his paws. She deserved what she got. All of RiverClan did. And that deep seeded guilt beneath his skin? It was paper-thin. Prone to tearing. After RiverClan's display at this gathering, how could Tigerfrost justify feeling an ounce of sympathy for them? No, they had done this to themselves. They suffered because of their own actions. Their own dishonorable tactics. Their own blood-stained paws.

He was better than them. WindClan was better than them. Juniperfrost was better than them. Perhaps it was jealousy on their part. Or perhaps RiverClan were nothing more than a group of cutthroat rogues. Well... WindClan had been victorious on the battlefield. Now, it seemed, they were victorious again. The enemy was running away from the problem they were too afraid of confronting. A problem within their own ranks. And he could savor that, could find satisfaction in it. Actions had consequences, after all. RiverClan had to eat theirs, now.

Tigerfrost lifts his paw, gives it an up and down wave of goodbye as he sneers, "Ta-ta now. See you the next time we have to kick your ass." His voice is so dry, so bland and cold like ice, but the satisfaction is unmistakable. Her threat toward him meant nothing. Not when he had all of WindClan at his back. And Tigerfrost had never lost a fight. He didn't intend to lose to her. Good always triumphed over evil, didn't it? RiverClan had a choice to make. Face the butcher hiding in their own ranks, or become butchers themselves. Tigerfrost already knows the choice their so called leader will make. He betrayed StarClan, the tabby thinks with hate-filled eyes.

Next time we battle, she had said.

There would be a next time. The resolve in Willowroot's eyes, the maddened rage of Cicadastar going rabid on that great rock... oh, indeed, this would not be the last time RiverClan and WindClan bared fangs against one another. They had already vowed it, hadn't they? If RiverClan had any opportunity to murder a WindClanner again, they would take it, and WindClan would not roll over without a fight. They would not be victims of Cicadastar and his rogues. And yet...


Tigerfrost's eyes shift toward the star speckled sky. Was this their purpose, then? To rip each other apart? To be a Warrior was to be willing to fight, to lay down your life for your clan. How much blood was too much? How much blood was enough? The chimera realizes, perhaps bitterly, that this feud between WindClan and RiverClan would cost more lives than just the two already lost. Either Cicadastar had to die, or Sootstar did. And even then, Tigerfrost isn't certain that it will be enough. Both sides were at each other's throat, after all. Both sides wanted the other destroyed.

Perhaps he had been a fool to think that the debt might have been settled, that Clearsight's death, while not Hyacinthbreath, might have been enough to offer some form of justice to Juniperfrost. His expression darkens at the thought. Was it right? Were any of them right? And if the answer to those questions was no, then what was right supposed to be?

Tigerfrost isn't sure. But... he supposed it didn't matter. StarClan gave Sootstar nine lives. Sootstar led WindClan. Tigerfrost was a warrior of WindClan. It was simple, wasn't it? He was loyal. Juniperfrost hadn't deserved to die. RiverClan harbored a murderer. The blood that had been spilled was on Hyacinthbreath's paws, not his. Not WindClan's. That was enough for for now. It had to be.

Tigerfrost hardens his vision, lowers it back down to where Sootstar remains upon the rock. He trusted her. She was chosen to lead WindClan. If this feud meant that more lives were to be lost, then so be it. He'd tear through every last RiverClanner who threatened his home, and his clan. If this war would not truely end until either Sootstar or Cicadastar laid dead in the ground, then the answer was simple, wasn't it? Tigerfrost narrows his eyes into blazing shards of determination.

Cicadastar had to die.
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Chilledstar allows their ire to be known and states their refusal to share. It was clear they were very unuse to this, sitting up here on the Great Rock and presenting leader for ShadowClan. It makes sense, but the idea the feline thought this night would be any different from the ones they attended as deputy was naive. Chilledstar aside, Sootstar had heard from her deputy that even the gathering he stood for was filled with bickering and hissing leaders. Why was it they all thought they could scold her while turning around and committing the same crimes themselves? The hypocrisy among the leaders was abundant tonight, but Sootstar was blind to any of her own.

She watches the night-furred feline descend from the rock, pack his clan up, and leave. She scoffs, what a waste of time. Every gathering since the dawn of the clans has gone like this, every moon they gather to bicker and tiptoe around their promise of a truce. Even for a she-cat who, typically, seemed to relish in chaos, her motivation to keep attending under the full moon was dwindling.

All of the leaders have shared their news, or at least all who had bothered. Sootstar rises to her paws, "The gathering is adjourned!" she yowls into the clearing, raising her tail in her typical authorities way. She fails to give any parting words to the King of Kittypet's and Howlingstar before leaping down from the Great Rock. She can be heard rounding up her clan and it isn't long before they depart on their journey home.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 39 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Harrierkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ mentor to N/A
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Antlerpaw did not, as their mentor suggested they may do, mingle. Instead, they followed their second instruction strongly, and stood beside him for the entire explosion that was this gathering. Their first gathering was one they were entirely excited for. It seemed it should be a momentous occasion in their growing up. They were going to actually see other clan cats! They would no longer be just a figment of the young ones imagination! And then it turned out like this. Yelling, arguing, emotions bubbling over, and the mentor they had quickly grown to trust dearly looking ever so tense. And tired. Antlerpaw wished they could tell everyone to shut up, if only to create a quieter space that Clayfur might appreciate.

It wasn't just their worry for their mentor, however. They felt their own stress rising, an anxiety rising so quick it threatened to break them. Their parent was contributing, and though familial love ran so deep that they would stand firmly beside Willowroot no matter the context, seeing her clearly stressed did not help out their own. Willow was shouting and angry and sad, Clay was tense and tired and seemed ready to faint, and Antler could not do a single thing to stop it. How they wished they could.

When it was called that Riverclan should leave, the apprentice silently walked beside @CLAYFUR, slightly closer than they had been before as if to signal some level of support. Whatever level they could muster.
penned by tuna
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