bottom of the well ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ hunting frog eggs

⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆  The first dawn comes after Chilledstar's announcement. The rising of the sun marks the time for the second patrol - yet there is no rush to its leaders' actions as she wakes to organize it. The midday sun has crept high before the small band of cats has headed out with Swansong at their head.

It still feels daunting, even with the whole day to prepare... Especially with the older and far more intimidating Maggotfur glaring daggers into their back. Why would Chilledstar pick me and not her? whines a small voice that sounds awfully similar to little Swankit, refusing to leave the nursery. She's done well in her moons to quell the hesitance that once drove her actions. She made it to becoming a warrior, was named for her tranquility, her peace - how strange to be overcome by nerves now, of all times.

She pushes it down. Chilledstar had chosen them. They are worthy, they must be. Nervousness pushes their voice further towards monotone as they speak. "I should hope you all know... um, what you are to do, but as a reminder -" She does not look back to her patrol members, but her voice is clear. "Cull the frogs, root out their source... Destroy as many eggs as you can find." She pauses for a moment. "I have seen them... Like speckled droplets upon the surface of the marshwater... That is what we look for," Swansong concludes. That... should be everything, she thinks. She moves slowly thrrough the marsh, eyes sweeping across the boggy stillwater.

And then, one final addition, belated: "Ah... and keep an eye out for predators too, of course..."

  • @Maggotfur. @Opossumpaw @Laurelpaw.
  • 81294824_mjXd5ejx6RrZPyn.png
  • SWANSONG ⋆⁺₊ ⁺₊⋆ she / they, warrior of shadowclan, thirteen moons.
    a pale, silky-furred cream tabby with tired blue eyes.
    dreamy and detached, known for her perpetual sleepiness.
    halfshade x smogmaw, littermate to applejaw, garlicheart, & ashenfall.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
maggotfur 18 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior
Frogspawn is certainly something maggotfur is familiar with - she'd eaten mouthfuls of tadpoles once, and frog eggs another time. Of course, that'd been before - back when she was still an apprentice. Back when she still had magpiepaw by her side. Head shakes in frustration at the thought - lately, her musing have turned more melancholy than ever, hurt and grief warping what would be otherwise humorous or monotone thoughts. Instead, she just nods at swansongs words - glad to take inn the conversation as a much needed distraction. Blue eyes begin their search, paws carrying silver-toned body forwards - at least, all things said and done, she'll get a nice snack out of todays activities if they're lucky enough to find their targets.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
A N D - I F - Y O U ' R E - B L I N D - T O - T H A T , I ' M - F I N E - W I T H - T H A T

Opossumpaw was assigned such a important sacred duty; the duty of squashing icky slimy frog eggs. Which was just swell and fine honestly it didn't take much effort and he had a buddy with him to flick the ick onto. He pads besides Laurelpaw, he drags his paw through the mud sluggishly as if he'd just been roused from his nest and was halfway between sleepy sleepy dreamland catching Z's and imaginary frogs. In reality he's just being dramatic, showing his distaste about the job ahead of them sure it'd be easy but not as easy as laying on his back enjoying the midday sun on his pelt. He gets why they're out here and that's why he doesn't mouth off and test his luck with Swansong and Maggotfur - who he was much more wary of then the former. His ears prick as he listens to Swansong but most of what she says goes in through one ear and out the other. He just blinks towards her impassively and nods his little head.

He knew what they looked like already thankfully, Salamandertail had pointed them out to him at the beginning of green-leaf imploring him to be careful in the shallows to not squish them as they'd grow into fat fat frogs that they now had a problem with. Hah their luck was now a burden, his belly may be full but more toothy bastard were coming for their frogs. Such a pain in his tail! "The preds will run away in fear when they see Laurelpaw's mug" he purrs towards Swansong jokingly, he attempts to playfully shove his shoulder lightly against the other toms.

As he gets back into his own 'lane' still smirking to himself his gaze wanders and in the dappled light of the pines he catches the ripple of water and the gleam of something peculiar in the muddy shallows on a well sized dip in the mud. His tail stands straight and he gestures with a paw "I think there's some over there.... So who wants to get to smooshin' and smashin' first?" someone else could do the "honors".

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