break for freedom | florabreeze

Howlfire. Florabreeze. My council will convene after this meeting. I ask you both join us, as lead warriors.

Howlfire still hadn't quite wrapped her head around it. She was a lead warrior now. Stars, her head spun with the notion, not sure whether to feel proud, shocked, upset, or all of the above at her new promotion. She had once told Figfeather she did not aspire for any great role in the clan. Howlfire wouldn't have turned her nose up at a sudden promotion in rank, but she was fairly content with her lot in life, with little aspirations to push herself further. Now, her mind was already beginning to wonder, to think of other possibilities that could stand before her if she pushed herself a little more.

After the meeting, the council had gathered in Orangestar's den to speak. Now the meeting was over, and as they all departed, Howlfire caught the attention of Florabreeze and gestured with a flick of the head to have a quick word. "I never got to say it before but congratulations on becoming a lead warrior, Florabreeze!" Howlfire beamed, giving her a grin that was almost as warm as her prior one. "I'm glad I could step up to the role with someone like you."

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Wow! Lead warrior, Florabreeze truthfully had never thought she would be considered for something like this. She was honored to be given such a promotion, despite the meeting and the council convening afterwards with herself and Howlfire included it still hadn't really sunk in. She wondered how Howlfire felt about this, if this was something that she also hadn't considered or if it was something that she had been secretly hoping for? She had to admit that the pair of them hadn't really spoken before this so she wasn't too sure where her fellow lead warriors ambitions lay. This really seemed like a better opportunity to get to know the she-cat better after all, so when she gestured for Florabreeze to approach she had a trot in her walk.

Her tail perked high with a curious sway as she beamed at her fellow lead warrior, that eagerness still there with her just as it was at the meeting. "Congratulations to you too Howlfire! How do you feel? It's pretty exciting huh?" Exciting was one way to put it, nerve-wracking maybe? She wasn't really trying to focus on the negative aspects of this at all, the anxiety that might creep in can wait another day. For right now she was in the mood to celebrate and maybe even find a new friend in the cat standing beside her.

With someone like me? She wasn't too sure what she meant by that but she assumed that it was something positive. "I'm so happy that you stepped up to this role with me too, you work so hard it's really admirable" anytime she's heard about Howlfire she's only heard positive things (granted she would ignore it if she ever heard anything negative).

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 36 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}