Jun 6, 2022

HEY! So Nico has had a pretty busy schedule lately and has given me permission to put up a new thread for this, just a clean slate if you will.

There are 3 slots open in Pitch’s litter, Briarstar’s oldest. These kits were born in the marsh colony to Briar and Amber while Hare Whiskers was still around.

The second litter currently has 2 slot/ available. They are currently 8 moons and Starlingheart’s littermates. If you’re interested in reading their history all of the important family threads can be found in Starling’s tags here. You can also find the original adoption thread with more info here.

— This adoption is NOT first come first serve.
— Applications will close on February 12th. This may be subject to change and I will put out an announcement here if so!
— While it’s not completely necessary, it is highly recommended a name be chosen from Briar’s naming list below! Briarstar loved her children and wouldn’t have given them any names that can be seen as pointed or cruel
— Please follow the genetics that are provided!
— Activity is a must for these adopts. I’m looking to add some active members to Starling’s family as they are related to four different HPs / former hps. Pitchstar, Starlingheart, Briarstar and Boneripple so while I don’t have a set number requirements of posts per month I would still like these characters to be decently around. I understand, however, that life happens and just ask if you think you’ll be inactive at any point to please just let me know!
— Upon being picked for this litter I will be adding the new members to a family group chat
— I’m looking forward to seeing Starlings new siblings!!! Have fun with your applications!

— siblings to Pitchstar, Starlingheart, Lilacpaw, Twilightpaw, Ravenpaw and Marrowpaw
— niece / nephews to Boneripple
— cousins to Skunkkit, Sablekit and Silentkit

Sire: LH cinnamon marbled tabby w/ low white (masking 1 spotted allele; carrying solid and dilute).
Dam: SH black (masking broken braided; carrying longhair, dilute and chocolate)

Kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby.
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired.
- kits can have no white or low white.
- tabby kits will display either marbled, braided, broken braided, or rosette markings
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color.

NOTE: While not listed in the genetics, Briar and her sister Bone have spiky fur that could be inherited by the kits!

Amber - To honor her fallen mate. I would absolutely LOVE for one of the kits to take this name.
Twilight (or anything similar) - for her mother's name.
Marrow, Dust (or anything similar) - to relate to her sister's name.
Thorn, Bracken, Nettle, etc. - To go along with the names Briar & Thistle, would likely give these names to kits with spiky fur.
Raven, Crow - Birds are her favorite prey animal, and these types of birds are seen the most around their territory. Other bird names (Robin, Cardinal, etc. would be acceptable too).
Marsh, Swamp, Mud, Lagoon, Lichen, Moss/y, etc. - Any type of name that fits with the swamps, for her home!
Frog, Toad, Snake, Adder, Lizard, etc. - Any type of name that fits the prey animals most commonly eaten. Again, to honor her home!
Shade, Black, Dark, Night, etc. - Any dark-sounding names to fit the shadowy swamps!
Lavender, Lilac, Violet, etc. - Any purple names for her favorite color!

Name list credit to Regina!



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nettle - amber - ambercry
↳ initially named nettle for their spiky fur.
↳ took on the name amber after their father's death due to their closeness. cry denotes a warrior with a strong voice.

agender, they/them pronouns.
↳ considered under xx / dam in a genetic pairing.

sh chocolate rosetted tabby (c. lh, cinnamon, solid, dilute)
↳ thinking of a spiky chocolate tabby with amber eyes. scruffy looking. resting >:( face

↳ misc / to be sorted: big daddy's girl, loved both parents but he was their main validation yk how some kids are. could cause a small plot rift if one of the starling littermates are named after him because "they knew him enough to choose to take his name and the kid is named for a memory"

briarstar x amber, gen 2
↳ littermate to pitchstar, sba ; older sibling to starlingheart, lilacpaw, twilightpaw, ravenpaw, marrowpaw​
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What do you want to be when you grow up?
Spider . Silksong

↳ named after spider silk; suffix given for her diplomatic abilities and silvered tongue
— Warrior of Shadowclan; previously part of Marsh Group; Wary of other clans
— Trans Femme, She/Her dislikes any other pronouns; Lesbian
Briarstar x Amber littermate to Pitchstar, older sister to lilacpaw, marrowpaw, ravenpaw, starlingheart, teaselpaw, and twilightpaw

Lanky black tabby she-cat with reddish eyes A tall and graceful looking cat, Silksong stands over average clan cats with long legs and a lanky figure. With a shadowy pelt with faint rosette patterns, it hugs her frame, proving a challenge during hunts, and in colder months, when the prey runs its shortest, many could believe she may wither away. Upon her back and neck sits a fluffy mane-like tufts of fur, spiky and wild similar to a wolf spider's pelt. [Ref | Art by B1OHAZARD]
↳ sh black rosette tabby with low white / carrying cinnamon, longhair, solid, dilute


(+) Compassionate, Loyal, Adaptable, Empathetic (/) Stubborn, Youthful, Skeptical, Maternal (-) Argumentative, Childish, Deceitful, Impulsive Silksong is a cat with a heart of gold, giving her support where she can and providing a well-meaning shoulder for any cat to lean on and offer comfort to. She holds the entirety of life above any loyalties and would likely give her pelt off her back to someone if needed, known to bypass meals and do anything to ensure the safety of those around her. This bleeding heart doesn't come without its thorns, though, as she has seen firsthand what some cats will do with unbound kindness and she is skeptical of strangers and cats outside her clan, less likely to offer prey or herbs unless its absolutely dire for them. Every clan is important but Shadowclan, her home, comes first, and, despite what many would wish to believe, Silksong would never do anything to put her clan in harm's way.

Her entire purpose to life seems to be based around taking care of others. In times of need, Silkong is usually seen flitting amongst her clanmates, ensuring they are all taken care of and would run herself to the bone to ensure they can live, and she doesn't care what anyone says to her about it. She desperately yearns to, one day, have a family of her own and to watch her own kits grow and thrive in this world and to become wonderful cats with their own purposes, but she rarely takes the time to be close to others. For now, she sees most of the clan similar to her family and tends to take it very deeply when anyone leaves them, whether willingly or not.
mannerisms: scthuff
— (will not) start fights | (will) end fights | (will not) flee | (will) show mercy
excels at Diplomatic endeavors, hunting
poor at skill climbing, swimming, and strength
sounds like blah blah / Tempest Shadow
smells like fresh rain and moss
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
— speech is bolded


— Starts a bit of a fight with Pitchstar in order to protect the sacredness of all five clans
— Has arguments with other clans for her clan
— Maybe eventually dies saving someone

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lichen after their home in the marsh; tail for her stealth and grace
— warrior of shadowclan; previous soldier in the marsh group
— afab, she/her, ambivalent; bisexual
briarstar x amber littermate to Pitchstar | older sister to Starlingheart, Lilacpaw, Ravenpaw, Marrowpaw, Twilightpaw

longhaired black she-cat with swampwater eyes Lichentail has an average build, though she tends toward the lean side due to her environment. She has long, thick black fur with slight rusting visible only when she stands in direct sunlight. Lichentail has no white on her, and in the darkness, she blends very easily into the shadows. Her eyes are pale yellow-green, barely sustaining any color at all, and they sit high and narrow above her cheekbones.
↳ gen. 2 / carrying cinnamon, dilute


( + ) protective; family-oriented; loyal ( / ) sensitive; easily upset; passionate ( - ) narrow-minded; follower; easily manipulated; easily hurt Lichentail, like her name implies, clings to the few relationships she has with fervor. She is deeply committed to her family and will not tolerate public or outward ridicule of either Pitchstar or Starlingheart. Lichentail believes her kin are the blood and bone of ShadowClan, and without her mother, there would not be Clans at all. She is judgmental to a fault, and it sometimes gets the better of her perceptive abilities. Lichentail presents herself as a cold, unfeeling she-cat who exists only to work. This is purposeful; she builds walls to avoid getting hurt. Lichentail was in a relationship with a cat she loved very much once, before the Clans existed, and this cat broke her heart. Lichentail avoids friendships and close relationships to avoid this becoming a pattern -- and unfortunately, it very easily could be, because once she loves, she loves fiercely. Like the lichen in the marsh, she clings to lovers and friends and is hard to shake, sometimes even becoming suffocating. This makes her very easy to manipulate; once she belives she has the affection and devotion of another, she'll believe almost anything they tell her. Lichentail secretly wants to become a mother and a mate to someone someday, but she tries not to let herself think this is a real possibility. Lichentail is not afraid of violence and will attack a loner or outside Clan cat on ShadowClan land. She is a staunch believer in ShadowClan's reclusive, secretive nature and will not be overly friendly with anyone who associates with an outside entity.
mannerisms: presents herself as cold; easily offended, so sometimes banter does not sit right with her; advocate for closed borders, treats anyone she perceives as an outsider poorly; duty-oriented, workaholic tendencies
— will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at stealth; night hunting; ambushing


— possible string of heartbreaks?
— would be fun if she fell for someone outside of the Clan for a good old moral conflicting but I don't know if I want to do another cross-Clan thing lol
— possible tension with family members depending on dynamics
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finished!! keeping it under a cut because it's very long ^^;



Cis Female, She/her, Bisexual
adder for the marsh snakes of her home
(a marker of ferocity, a name given when she was young and yet a portent of things to come, a fitting name for a cat with a tongue as sharp as her teeth)
jaw for her strong bite and love of bones
(and, admittedly, because she thought it sounded cool. she picked it out herself)

Large LH chocolate rosette tabby, yellow-green eyes

➳ Adderjaw is built like the big cats her spots resemble, harkening back to her leopard cat ancestors. She is a large cat, all muscle and bone, ShadowClan's scarcity of food doing little to dimish her imposing figure. Her thick fur tapers into spiky wisps as it lies across her figure, obscuring most of what lies below, yet only serving to make her seem larger and fiercer. It's softer than it looks.

➳ Adderjaw's pelt is colored a dusty brown, so dark it appears black at night. In day, the rossettes which dapple it become visible, a scattering of round, darker markings dotting across her back and legs. A touch of lighter brown adorns her muzzle, forms a mane on her chest, and creeps down her belly, tail, and the backs of her legs. Adderjaw's eyes are bright and watchful, slit-pupiled yellow-green narrowed with a cynic's scrutiny.

COLORS #ad6f5f #cdaf84 #483233

AESTHETIC elegant gothic; abandoned castles, bones, graveyards, candles, corvids, roses​

INTJ, True Neutral
( + ) resilient, driven, resourceful, independent
( / ) cautious, practical, analytical, lonesome
( - ) gloomy, stubborn, standoffish, resentful

➳ Adderjaw is not an easy cat to love. There is a bitter pessimism to her, a hurt like a wounded animal, festering with each moon that passes. There's plenty of culprits, all strewn behind her like abandoned prey: her parents' deaths, ShadowClan's lack of food, her brother's descent into paranoia, her jealously over him and her younger sister's prestigious roles. She is jaded and cruel, words callous at best and deliberately spiteful at worst. She can make small talk, collecting plenty of vague acquaintances, yet she is devoid of any true companionship. Every cat who tries to connect with her, she keeps at arms length, pushing them away once they get too close.

➳ Adderjaw holds a deep desire for something more than what she has, yet she cannot put a name to what. However, she fears change, fears the unknown, fears the outsiders and the stars she has never felt love for. So she remains, treading the same paths, hunting and making stilted conversation. Her only solace is in battle; Adderjaw loves the thrill of adrenaline, loves the challenge of watching an opponent's every move and responding in kind. It is the place she most excels, the thing she prides herself on, and the only time she feels truly alive.

➳ Adderjaw is well-suited to ShadowClan. In many manners, she is a prototypical member of the Clan; a bitter survivor with a hatred of outsiders. It lets her fall into the background. She is a dogmatic loyalist, holding pride in having seen the founding of the Clan, and feels a superiority over those too young for it.

➳ Little time for dreams, she is ruthlessly practical. She is a meticulous planner, not one to leave things up to chance.

➳ Her one touch of fancifulness is in her morbidity. She often keeps prey bones by her nest, and has a fascination with death and decay. One time when she was a kit, she sat and watched a frog being eaten by bugs for nearly a whole day, until she finally had to be dragged away to eat. Thinking back, she mostly just regrets that she wasn't able to keep its skull.

➳ In all manners except actual age, she is a grumpy old woman.

MANNERISMS bares her teeth when annoyed. scratches at the ground when bored. prone to heavy sighs. tends to nap often and alone, dislikes bring woken.​

➳ Briarstar x Amber, Gen 2
➳ Littermate to Pitchstar, older sister to Lilacpaw, Marrowpaw, Ravenpaw, Starlingheart, Teaselpaw, and Twilightpaw

➳ Adderjaw is not fond of her family. She was, once; she was very close with her parents, and with her mother especially, trailing after her like a lost kit long after she grew too big for such actions. After her father's death, she grew even closer to her mother, wanting to be by her side whenever she could. She has always been a jealous cat, vying for her parents' attention over her siblings. She resents Pitchstar now, for taking Briarstar's place, acting as though he has a right to stand where she did. She resents Starlingheart too, for her connection to StarClan. Adderjaw has never seen StarClan herself; the dead are merely gone to her, and the idea that Starlingheart, a cat so young, should be the one to get to see them again fills her with a cold rage. Beneath the rage, though, is a fear and a guilt: is she unworthy? What did her siblings do to earn such respect when she herself cannot?​

STRENGTHS physical strength, strategy, stealth, night hunting
WEAKNESSES diplomacy, swimming, stamina

➳ will start fights || will end fights || will not run away || will not show mercy

➳ Adderjaw is a vicious fighter with a love for battle. She is, despite her size, a very stealthy cat; she is an ambush predator, a fierce panther-like hunter. She loves strategizing, loves trying to outsmart her opponent rather than relying on brute force. Battle is like a game to her, a predator toying with its prey. While her raw strength could end fights quickly, she is more inclined to draw them out, often to her own detriment.

VOICE raspy, quiet, pitch lilts up when happy/amused, voice claim

➳ She will not stay a miserable jerk forever! The core plot I want to follow will be Adderjaw finding a bit of happiness and chasing it like her life depends on it, no matter the cost. This can happen many different ways though, and things might get rockier before she gets there.

➳ She will not have a complete 180; I plan for her to eventually become more of a good-natured asshole, sarcastic yet kind, and eager to regale younger cats with tales of her battle prowess. Weird aunt vibes

➳ I'd love for her to start collecting battle scars. I'm up for some severe permanent injuries, like losing an eye

➳ She definitely has some half-hearted flings with other ShadowClanners. Fun for some short-lived romance plots & could result in kits at some point

➳ Would love to do a villain arc (jokerfication), with her resentment crystallizing into something more sinister. Maybe lashing out at Pitchstar or Starlingheart in particular

➳ And then she can have a redemption arc <3

➳ Reconnecting with her family :pleading:

➳ Cross-clan friendship or romance could be very fun, changing her view on outsiders

➳ Right now, ShadowClan is a place of comfortable stagnation for her. There's two ways that could change: either she finds a home in ShadowClan (:pleading: again) or she leaves (if that's alright, of course!)

➳ Should she leave, she will either defect to another Clan (possibly for the aforementioned friendship/romance), defect to become a rogue (possibly for villain arc), or get exiled (for villain arc OR cross-clan romance)

SONG Autoclave - The Mountain Goats

➳ A subaccount already exists for this character, as I had been planning to play her as gen 1. No IC posts exist on it yet, however, as I had wanted to rework her some beforehand (and this provided a lovely opportunity!)

➳ Applying for the older litter. It's in relations, but with as long as this is, it can't hurt to reiterate where it's easier to see ^^;
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holly; the spiky plant, frost; their dappled pelt and cool demeanor
— warrior of shadowclan; previously marsh group member
— amab, he/they; bisexual
briarstar x amber littermate to pitchstar, older sibling to lilacpaw, marrowpaw, ravenpaw, starlingheart, teaselpaw, twilightpaw

heavyset feline with long black fur, faint marbled tabby markings, white toes, and amber eyes. less lanky than the majority of his siblings, this feline resembles the low and stocky form of one built to survive. broad shoulders host a deep midnight pelt, spiked and rough like their mother's. faint marbled markings swirl within the dark coat, only visible in direct light, a homage to his father. the only hint of light on him are his paws, where two toes on his front right paw stand out starkly, snow white against the pitch of the rest of his fur. hollyfrost sports dark amber eyes, glimmering like two lit embers amongst coal.
↳ lh black with low white


(+) kindhearted, curious, loyal, empathetic (/) protective, stubborn, defensive (-) distrusting, snappish, cold, impatient there is a darkness to the soul of briarstar and amber's children. pain having surrounded them from day one, there is no doubt why they shelter themselves off. hollyfrost is no different than the rest of their siblings. a generally well mannered cat, he nonetheless holds his walls close around him. named for the poisonous low growing plant, he exemplifies his name in many qualities. his mood is generally snappish, a chill permeating his vocals at most times, even if he tries to hide it. not unkind, he tries to be as empathetic as he can, but his voice is monotone and raspy, making him sound less kind than he is.

fiercely protective, hollyfrost has devoted moons of loyalty to their clan and will not stand for any insult when it comes to their family. while not quite exclusive, he is well aware that it is due to his own mother that the clans exist, and he will not hesitate to remind an outsider of their place. pride for his brother and younger sister shine in everything he does, and he would do anything to show his support to his family and, most importantly, his clan. though he may be brisk and gruff, he is, at heart, a teddy-bear of a man.
mannerisms: several noticeable tics include tail twitching, thumping their paw, jerking their head to the right
— (will not) start fights | (will) end fights | (will not) flee | (will) show mercy
excels at diplomacy, mentorship, stalking/fighting
poor at skill swimming, climbing,
sounds like tbd
smells like tbd
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed
— speech is "#7c3129"


— tbd
over the garden wall

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Thank you to everyone who’s applied so far I’m having a really good time reading everyone’s applications!

Due to a higher interest than I previously expected I will be closing applications and choosing for the oldest litter on Sunday but will still be taking applications for the youngest until the previously specified date. Thank you guys again this will definitely be a difficult choice!

Edited to add: anyone not chosen for the older litter will be free to still try out for the younger!
Good morning everyone! The oldest litter is now closed!

Please welcome

@Marquette with Lichentail
@SATURNID with Adderjaw and
@lavs with Hollyfrost

To the Briar Amber family! We look forward to rping with all your characters in shadow and you guys can go ahead and start posting whenever!

If you weren’t chosen for the older litter please feel free to apply for the younger one if you’d like! Thank you guys for making this such a difficult choice!
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↳ name given due to spiky pelt similar to mother.
— apprentice of Shadowclan; frustrated with clan
— Transmasc he/him, doesn't mind other pronouns ; unknown
BRIARSTAR x AMBER, sibling to ???

Small spiky-haired, chocolate-tabby-and-black chimera with low-white and stark green eyes Similar to their mother in stature and size, Nettlepaw's pelt seems to be an exact blend of both parents with the majority being chocolate marbling splotched unevenly with black like tar across their pelt, crisscrossing across the stripes before blending into larger patches. The fur on the back of his neck down his spine stand up stubbornly, as though constantly bristling in a strange mohawk essentially before ending in a spiky, unruly black and marbled tail that he has given up on attempting to tame. His front left paw is tipped in white at the very edges of his toes whereas his front right paw is freckled in more black up the midway of his forearm before the stripes run horizontally up his shoulder. His back paws are both framed in white on the backs very thinly, with the right one having more black that seems to leak from his haunch down his hock. His face, though, is what perhaps can seem the most interesting. With black casting a shadow from the inside of his left ear to his jaw on the right side, it freckles out along his face, with a white blaze trying desperately to interrupt the two colors on him that runs down his muzzle to the bottom of his neck where it meets his chest. In that face sits two olive-toned eyes, blazing usually with frustration and annoyance.
↳ Genetically a chocolate short-hair marbled tabby with low-white and green eyes, carrying chocolate and dilute


( + ) clever, adventurous, independent ( / ) impassive, outspoken, stubborn ( - ) abrasive, argumentative, childish The death of Briarstar hit Nettlepaw like a brick to the skull. What was once a very outgoing and friendly kit became a very angry, withdrawn youth, never fully recovering from the sight of his mother's body on the thunderpath and he tends to avoid being in Shadowclan camp as much as he possibly can, though you'd never catch him near the Thunderpath ever again. He has horrible issues with authority and typically only ever listens if he has no other choice, though he will complain the entire time and will try to sneak off the moment he's not being watched anymore or picking a fight with whoever tries to tell him what to do. Perhaps there is more to his withdrawn, angry shell then he puts out?
mannerisms: Face is usually in a scowl, has a bad habit of rolling his eyes, slouches
— will start fights | may end fights | may flee | may show mercy
— will excel at fighting,


— Nettlepaw has a horrible time with authority, especially since that authority is both a littermate and an older sibling. This can either grow into a bigger wedge put between him and those figures(Starlingheart and Pitchstar) or, perhaps, they will finally see what is really under Nettlepaw's bristly, angry exterior.
— Nettlepaw is never really in camp. Perhaps he befriends a thunderclan apprentice that he catches on their side of the territory and, with their help, slowly gets over his fear of the thunderpath.
— With how argumentative and abrasive he is, I definitely see him getting in a ton of fights with not only his family but other apprentices, resulting in his pelt becoming littered in scars. At first he keeps getting his ass kicked, but eventually he gets better and excels at fighting, though it eventually becomes his coping mechanism for his grief, seeking fights out where he can.
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dust for her muted fur color, flower for her caring disposition
— apprentice of shadowclan
— cis female, she/her pronouns, undecided sexuality
briarstar x amber, sister to pitchstar, lichentail, adderjaw, hollyfrost, starlingheart, lilacpaw, twilightpaw, ravenpaw, marrowpaw

long-haired, lilac rosetted tabby with pale green eyes dustpaw has a soft look to her, with feathery fur rounding her edges and a lithe frame beneath it — although she's more scraggly at the moment due to severe under-eating, her cheeks sunken and her pale, mossy green eyes hollow. her coat is particularly pale for a shadowclanner: a lilac hue that lightens on her muzzle and underside, dappled with thick rosettes that are distinct but don't contrast too much with the base shade. her grooming is often haphazard at best, so her fur tends to look fairly ruffled; between that and her jutting bones, she's certainly not at her most presentable these days. in fact, she appears to be a bit of a mess.
though she smiles frequently while talking, she tends to have a resting sad face.


( + ) affectionate, optimistic, genial, supportive ( / ) hedonistic, self-sacrificing, anxious ( - ) impulsive, clingy, avoidant for all she's suffered, dustpaw refuses to let herself grow embittered; she's an optimist to an almost stubborn degree, desperately looking for any silver lining or some guiding light lest she spiral and sink into despair. rarely is she found inactive, quiet, or alone in an effort to stave off this unfavorable end, always preferring to chase away her anxieties and stressful memories with any distraction she can manage — so long as it's entertaining, preferably. she's something of a hedonist at heart, often torn between shirking her duties in favor of more pleasurable activities as a means of self-care and guiltily wanting to work hard for the sake of her struggling clan — especially pitchstar and starlingheart, who she feels deeply sorry for on account of their demanding positions. though (and because) she doesn't envy them, she often winds up comparing herself to them and berating herself for her self-indulgent impulses; how dare she even think about cutting corners and dishonoring the burden her siblings carry, disrespecting the clan they (and her mother) put so much effort into fostering? how dare she regard her own struggles with any weight when her siblings bear so many more? she's always been naturally affectionate, but this guilt combined with lingering grief over her mother's passing and shadowclan's current, desolate state has morphed affection into borderline clinginess; she loves her family deeply and never shies away from making it known, frequently shadowing them and checking in to make sure they're doing alright and feeling absolutely terrible when they aren't. it's become her mission of sorts to keep them all happy, and she bends over backwards in her efforts to do so, eagerly stretching herself thin for the sake of their well-being and ignoring her own all the while. this emotional devotion freely extends to shadowclan as a whole, albeit to a lesser degree; dustpaw's happy to take on the task of lightening everyone's moods as best as she can, always doing her best to avoid tension and ensure that everyone's having at least a decent time, both for the sake of her own ease as well as everyone's happiness. she has a lot of love to give to everyone around her if they're willing to receive it (or not, if they're her family; she'll aggressively give regardless), and can only hope that the more she does for them, the closer she'll come to deserving some herself.
mannerisms: often fidgeting, poor volume control (speaks too loud)
— will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will show mercy
strengths: tracking, diplomacy, emotional support


— will probably burn herself out eventually from overextending herself emotionally
— could easily become overbearing and strain her relationships with more reserved siblings by accident
— might eventually look elsewhere (beyond shadowclan's borders) for friendship and even romance after becoming burned out or overwhelmed by shadowclan's struggles, and feel incredibly guilty about it. or maybe she just falls head over heels for someone from another clan before burning out and just has to grapple with the guilt, and she finds herself leaning more and more into her relationship with them the more shadowclan suffers; hates herself for seeking comfort in them when she should be dealing with her problems head on, especially since she comes from a lineage of leaders and founders.
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name meaning?
Named for his black patches, dark like the night sky.
previous names?

position in clan?


relationship status?

Census desc
A scruffy black and lilac tabby with amber eyes.
long desc
Spiky lilac and black fur sits on a lean body that slips through the shadows with ease, white dipped paws soundlessly stepping through the marsh. A long tail waves high behind him, and amber eyes are lit with mischief and pride.
anything else you can think of

Chaos is Nightpaws middle name, and he makes it known with his mischief, smart mouth and witty comments. He is confident, prideful, and full of terrible ideas. Nightpaw is protective of his siblings and clan and will make sure you pay for slighting them. This could mean violence or mud to the face, who knows which one he'll choose.

He is loud and obnoxious, and often has to be told to shut up. Though, whether he listens is dependent on who's telling him to shut up. His sharp tongue holds back for no one.

He often occupies himself by bothering someone else or doing something stupid.

Nightpaw also has a short temper, and holds grudges for a very long time. Wrong him and he will remember it. You will live in his head rent free.

Chaotic good
any mental illnesses etc

easy / hard to form platonic relationships
easy / hard to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on?
parent to?
child of?
Briarstar and Amber
sibling to?
Pitchstar, Starlingheart, TBD

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Reposting for the Notif!! Bio is done~


❍ Amberpaw, named after their late father
❍ Cisgender Male, He/Him
❍ 8 Moons, ages 1 Moon every 8th
❍ Apprentice of Shadowclan

❍ Currently Unavailable for Relationships
❍ N/A for Offspring (Apprentice)
❍ Unsure Sexuality / Some Flavor of Gay
BRIARSTAR x AMBER, Littermate to Starlingheart, Lilacpaw, Twilightpaw, Ravenpaw, Marrowpaw, Younger Sibling to Pitchstar, Lichentail, Adderjaw, and Hollyfrost
❍ Cautious about friends
❍ Dislikes any who insult their family

❍ Sporting a pure coat much like half of his family, the thing that separates Amberpaw's dark shade from the group of ink blotches is in the ruddiness of his color. Instead of a pitch black that blended with the shadows of their clans namesake, his long swaths of fur seem to blend into the very earth itself. The perfect shade between his mother's dark form and his father's lighter striped pelt and although Amberpaw may have lacked the marbled rivulets of his predecessor, he still held similarities that was to much for his mother to ignore. Breaking up his earthen shade are portions of white nearly identical in placement to his father. Most prominently is the stroke of white cascading along his underside, starting from his nose and muzzle before it flowed along his belly and ended with a cone of white wrapped around his tail tip. The whiteness also wraps around to the nape of his neck, where his fur becomes unruly and unkempt, spiking upward to defy gravity. Paws end in the same purity, although they are usually sullied from the marshgrounds he lives in. The last straw that locked him into his name is his eyes. They are near identical in shade to Amber's, that same ocean teal that his mother had looked into time and time again.
❍ Underneath Amberpaw's two-toned coat is the shape of a typical Shadowclanner. Not overtly large nor terribly small, he stands relatively average among his clanmates and family. Although his coat makes him look bigger then he actually is, his legs are the things that hold him an ear length above the average cat. Slightly to long for his body, they help keep his stomach out of the muck when traversing through the swamp. At first glance, he may seem a bit spindly, chocolate hues cascading downward around his thin form. However, lean muscles are hidden by his fur, making him quick on his paws and ready to spring into action at a moments notice.

❍ Personality may be subject to fluctuate or may develop slightly different depending on IC circumstances!
❍ If there was a word that could describe Amberpaw in the most simple of terms, it would be family-oriented. He takes great pride in being directly related to Shadowclan's founding leader and will defend his blood with ferocity, even against a cat who may be his clanmate. Even with how things have been going since his brother was forced into the position, Amberpaw tries his best to support both him and Starlingheart in the clan's time of need. He can usually be spotted checking in on his family; bringing strange plants to Starlingheart, or carrying a piece of prey towards Pitchstar's den. The rest of his siblings are no exception either; he finds himself siding with them during arguments or prioritizing his family over other clanmates when injured.
❍ With everything that had happened in their first few moons of life, Amberpaw's emotions can run high, causing him to lash out if provoked. Stemming from the anxiety of losing more of his family members, he can be hard to befriend outside of his bloodline. The chocolate bicolor simply doesn't want to feel more grief; with the death of his mother, the abandonment from his aunt, and the already strenuous tension among the family he does still have, he simply believes letting others in will just cause him more pain in the future.
❍ Despite all the negativity surrounding his bloodline, Amberpaw tries his best to keep whoever is left together and happy. His more mellow, trueself comes out around them. He hates to see them argue with each other and will usually step in to try and calm them down and to take a step back. With the anxiety of them being in danger pushed aside in those moments, the chocolate bicolor can be quite logical and strategic. He tries to think of a solution that'll keep all of them healthy, although some that he thinks of may put the family's needs above the clan as a whole...
❍ Likes cat-watching

❍ Will start fights. Will end fights. Will not run. May show mercy.
❍ Healing and Peaceful Powerplay Allowed
❍ ❝ speech ❞ ✧ penned by Taru

Possible Plots:
--> Would love for someone in Shadowclan to get him to open up since he's so attached to his family at the moment!! Get him to see that opening himself up doesn't always leave to hurt and it's okay to care about others outside your immediate kin. After all, a clan is one giant family!! Or is supposed to be!
--> Cross Clan romance? Cross clan romance >=3 I actually don't have one myself and I think it would be interesting to see how he takes falling for someone out of his clan. May feel guilty about it because his family founded hadowclan so he may feel like he's a traitor
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